Ark breeding imprinting 100 When you increase your Maturation speed by 50% you have to decrease the cuddle timer, otherwise you will run out of sync with the maturation speed. Nov 23, 2017 · Imprinting used to be 100% on my previous servers, but the last 2 wipes, it's stuck at 11% per imprinting bonus. 02 (3 to 4 minutes interval), the imprinting % will be 21. Any help is appreciated. You find a male and female of a dino, breed them, and get babies. Anytime they increase breeding rates they increase the imprints as well. 3% the nanny will have it imprinted to 57% so you'll always get it to 100%. Enter the cuddle interval on the cell B2. May 4, 2022 · PVP is full of 100% imprinted 450 gigas and manas. what setting would you recomend so I don't have to micro manage every 10-20minutes but still get 100% on dino's above raptors or do i have to use something like . It Jun 13, 2016 · The problem with this new breeding mechanism, there is no pause. 242 but I tried breeding Imprinting: 25% ea / 4 total: 6m: 1d 13h 2m 13s: 25% ea / 4 total: Ankylosaurus Incubation Time: 3m 9s Mature Time: 2d 43m 59s Imprinting: 17% ea / 6 total: 3m 9s: 2d 43m 59s: 17% ea / 6 total: Archaeopteryx Incubation Time: 3m 9s Mature Time: 15h 25m 56s Imprinting: 100% ea / 1 total: 3m 9s: 15h 25m 56s: 100% ea / 1 total: Argentavis BREEDING. Gigas are still tight on time to get 100%, but you can make it. If this player manages to care for it during the maturing phase, the creature will get stats bonuses and an additional bonus of up to 30% in each damage and resistance when this very player rides it. It only gives 11% each time. My cuddle interval is 0. What settings do I need to change to get a 100% imrpint. Cryo the gigas right before they want imprint on 1x and drop them as soon as the event happens. Jun 13, 2016 · @creapemyrtlesl If I am trying to get 100% imprinting on raptors and above at 45x mature rate with . 21 i see raptors get 1 imprint for 100% but say direwolf gets 1 imprint at 77% if I am looking at your sheet correctly. With the current Impriting timer. Apr 3, 2019 · I’m breeding managarmr but I can’t seem to get 100% imprint, I can’t imprint at all actually. 000000 That will give everything 100% on the first imprint as long as mature speed is 35x or higher (tusos & mosas need 100 imprints on 35x with 0. Simple enough. If you get imprinting to 100%, some values of the dino's stats will be boosted by 20%. 01 cuddle interval) WC really need to add an imprint amount slider for single player mode on console as it's only possible with ini access Aug 8, 2016 · So i am imprinting and im close to finishing but i think its going to reach 100% before it matures obviously but what i mean is i think there will be more than 3-4 hours after i reach 100%. But what is the advantage of having 100% imprinting over 70% or 92%? The only difference is you get additional stats for your creatures when it reaches 100% imprinting for example more speed, health, or damage. Nov 21, 2019 · Single player settings for imprinting and breeding please? Hello I am trying to find the perfect settings to imprint all dinos without waiting daysI am okay with egg hatch speed and mature speed set to 50 but I do have problems with imprinting. Am looking for 100% for each time baby needs something. be/VhPa5jmpAF0 Claims to have 1 imprint to 100% on all dinos, mating and egg hatching times are less than a few minutes. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This typically affects Health, Torpor, Food, Weight, Melee and Speed. https://youtu. I’ve been struggling to find a good setting where I can get 100% imprinting and have the baby grow up fast, but all I can do is make it grow up fast and get like 20% imprinting Archived post. tho i do use ark server manager to run my own personal server, so it may be different if using SP. is there a way to get 100% imp BabyImprintAmountMultiplier=100. Take advantage of the events as well. I want to hatch wyverns because I have never had a wyvern before but the imprinting time is way longer than the maturation time so I looked up how to fix it and everyone says to set my baby cuddle interval multiplier to 0. With so many players nowadays turning to Single Player in Ark and the question being asked many times over the years, here are two answers I've found that works. This spreadsheet will help any private servers to tweak their mature and cuddle interval multipliers. 001 and you'll get an imprint in 30 seconds, with the line below you will get 100% with just one imprint. To use this spreadsheet, you will need to go to the Duration tab. Mar 30, 2017 · A 100% imprinted animal will have a stat increase of 20% on everything but oxygen and stamina. Beacon is an open source project by. However the reasons for breeding goes deeper than just getting more dinos. 🟢**The first thing I want to say about the ark imprinting settings and ark breeding settings shown here are done with single player box checked** 🟢 Now wit Jun 5, 2016 · So, I'm raising some dinos, trying out the new interactive breeding, and I've got one specific question, and am hoping for any general tips that might help me improve my imprinting bonus. 1 so I did and when I imprinted it only gave me 1% imprinting so then I learned you need Feb 1, 2017 · To your second point, imprinting improves your stats every time you imprint , and imprinting also gives you a rider bonus if you imprinted (up to 30% attack/defense at 100% imprinting) i think someone had figured out the calculation came to be that at 100% imprinting the Dino is roughly 2. Raising a baby lets you get an imprint bonus. for example, in order to get to 100% on an argie, it needs to be set at 1, 7. Read a lot through internet but still not understanding To give it a try, I bred a moschops egg. The imprint percentage per cuddle (cuddle, walk, food) depends on how many cuddles fit into the time it takes for the dino to fully mature, if there's time for 4 cuddles then they each give 25%, if there's time for 2 cuddles then they each give 50%, and if there is only time for 300/2 + 1 = 151. Speed isn't affected on most flyers. There's constant breeding events as well Hello i am playing on ps5 single player on the lost island on ark survival evolved. Though its a bit wonky at times, i had spino twins, one got imprinted to 101% and the other 99%. 01) then you should get 100% per bonus. If someone makes an application based on this, that will be great. The Maximum Cuddle Timer is always about 4 hours (240 Minutes). Jun 20, 2017 · Both Dinos are easy 100% imprints with these settings. Now my question is will it keep asking for care regardless after 100% simply because there is still time an Apr 8, 2017 · Is there a way to make ALL dinos on my server able to get 100 percent imprinting? I noticed that with wyverns it is only possible to get like 86% on the server I play on. Newborn creatures are simply claimed (imprinted on) and Oct 17, 2022 · Hello, I'm single player locally, the island, with vanilla settings, no mods, and trying to understand the process of breeding and imprinting. Dec 17, 2019 · Here's the settings I found work best for 150 Mature speed and 100% Imprint (WITH TIME LEFT) You guys are welcome, this took me days to figure out!! I have more of this code on my DISCORD : gdBJ3q2. Right immediately after 100% of that maturity process, it Imprinting: Can't Imprint: 4h 59m 59s: 1h 51m 7s: Can't Imprint: Any creature that can be imprinted can be imprinted to 100%. So at the end you will have to constantly babysit your dino, so be careful what you do. Feb 13, 2022 · but i use settings that let me imprint to 100% after 1 cuddle, but thats also bc i do not have the free time to wait x amount of time to get a decent army for boss fights. This bonus increases the dino’s stats by 20% with 100% imprinting (assuming vanilla settings). 0 and the Maturation Speed set to 100. Welcome to the Ark: Survival Evolved and Ark: Survival Ascended Subreddit I also wish to speed up breeding and imprinting without sacrificing 100% imprinting Lost Ark, also known as LOA, is a 2019 MMO action role-playing game co-developed by Tripod Studio and Smilegate. By default game config, only the player who claimed the newborn baby can imprint it. Why do this? Because with an imprint timer of 151 you can only do 1 imprint for 100%. So much so that losing one doesn't even hurt or mean anything. 6%, and the cuddle counts are between 4 to 6. Current Buffer: How long the baby will last with a full inventory of Raw Meat 00:00:00: Food to Fill: The amount of Raw Meat the baby's inventory can currently hold 0: Hand Feed For: How long from now until the baby can survive to juvenile on a full inventory, and the maturation at which this occurs Breeding is a feature of ARK: Survival Evolved that allows players to breed improved creatures through Eggs with non-mammals and gestation with mammals. And one last thing, Breeding/imprinting is a lategame feature, you should only breed creatures when their parents are high level + you already have metal bases + ways to farm a lot of berries/meat (= greenhouse/gigano). Imprinting is prompted by the baby, juvenile, or Dec 23, 2016 · You can have faster breeding times OR 100% on everything, its one or the other. Jun 13, 2016 · I have put something together that I hope it will help everyone else. How do you best collect the eggs for the imprinting kibble? I don't wan I started a Non-Dedicated for 3 friends and myself. I just threw this together for visibility. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. I've got a few questions though since i am new to breeding and I thought a few of you guys might know: 1. Put cuddle interval to 0. I found little to no help Googling this. It involves different actions of caring during the maturation process. these stats do not count when breeding these dinos with other dinos as they will only pass on the base stats they had before imprinting. So this part of the equation is just figuring out what you want the timer to be, in minutes. 5 x stronger all around Jan 4, 2018 · The way it imprints is it will keep the imprinting 1% over the mature % so if your mature is current at 56. ini file that will give you 100% with one imprint. That's the only thing that really suck about this imprinting. Yes you get 14% per imprint right now iirc. Dec 17, 2019 · Here's the settings I found work best for 150 Mature speed and 100% Imprint (WITH TIME LEFT) You guys are welcome, this took me days to figure out!! I have more of this code on my DISCORD : gdBJ3q2. 7, it raises the imprint % each time you go up lessening the amount of imprints needed and increasing the imprint %, but if you change it, then you cant imprint an allo to 100%. The formula is <Minutes>/480=<Imprint Interval>. Not sure how that happened. 04 to make it work Imprinting: 25% ea / 4 total: 4h 59m 59s: 1d 13h 2m 13s: 25% ea / 4 total: Ankylosaurus Incubation Time: 2h 37m 53s Mature Time: 2d 43m 59s Imprinting: 17% ea / 6 total: 2h 37m 53s: 2d 43m 59s: 17% ea / 6 total: Archaeopteryx Incubation Time: 2h 37m 53s Mature Time: 15h 25m 56s Imprinting: 100% ea / 1 total: 2h 37m 53s: 15h 25m 56s: 100% ea / 1 Depends on your preferences, if you like the maturation speed you have then you just need to adjust cuddleinterval. There was a timer showing "needs care" in xx:xx time while growing from juvenile to mature. Aug 26, 2019 · Depends if you want all creatures to have 100% imprint or not. It was released in South Korea in December 2019 by Smilegate and in Europe, North America, and South America in February 2022 by Amazon Games. 242 but I tried breeding Nov 21, 2019 · Single player settings for imprinting and breeding please? Hello I am trying to find the perfect settings to imprint all dinos without waiting daysI am okay with egg hatch speed and mature speed set to 50 but I do have problems with imprinting. Jan 18, 2023 · With so many players nowadays turning to Single Player in Ark and the question being asked many times over the years, here are two answers I've found that works. The basics of breeding is pretty simple. Any imprint time between 50% and 100% of the maturation time will mean you can only do 1 imprint worth 100%. 7 or 13. Nov 16, 2023 · If you want 100% on any tame in the game you can put a line in your Game. With this cuddle interval rate, you can have 5 imprints. You will lose the imprint you had before and for what I have seen, it will go back to 0%. Imprint Amount Scale : 1000 (100%s every dino after 1 cuddle) Imprinting is a way to improve the stat-values of a bred creature. Find out the fastest maturing creature and set the imprint timer in minutes to just below that time. Imprint % depend of the length of the raising, so it should give something like 7 or 8% per imprinting. We will never get a single imprint. If you want 100% on any tame in the game you can put a line in your Game. It Jul 11, 2017 · Hey guys, been a big fan of the Yutyrannus since it got added and recently bred a pair I caught to get some imprinting. Jun 13, 2016 · If you do 0. Other than that, it's very rewarding to get 100% imprint. The person who did the imprinting will gain 30% of the imprint bonus as bonus damage and damage reduction. I have the Egg Hatch Speed set to 5000. Have you guys found a sweet spot to make imprinting 100 % possible? I would be happy with a way to make imprinting come around every 10 minutes or so to speed it up. Imprinting: 100% ea / 1 total: 20m: 12h 20m 44s: 100% ea / 1 total: Any creature that can be imprinted can be imprinted to 100%. Mar 6, 2018 · The breeding can be frustrating because you are not able to achieve 100% imprinting. Do you only interact with dinos for an imprinting bonus during the baby phase? I'm trying to figure out if I get to sleep tonight or not ;) EDIT: My dino hit juvenile, and it still desires interactions with Dec 23, 2018 · Be aware that if you reduce the interval, then every interaction will mean less percentage increase in imprinting - as the game intelligently adjusts the imprinting growth per interaction to make sure you may not have more than 100% imprinting. an imprinted dino/creature gains increased stats based on the percentage of its imprint bonus. What would the best settings be like cuddle interval and mature speed for mana specifically so I can spend the least amount of time raising it but also getting 100 imprint. . Imprinting is a way to improve the stat-values of a bred creature. this only relates to the person who imprinted the baby. Eggs do not have an owner, so it's possible to steal eggs laid by other survivors' creatures. You really want a good gap between the minimum and maximum cuddle count so you can have that extra minutes after it imprints at 100%. I read that as long as the mature speed and cuddle interval are inversely set (so 100 and 0. use xzlstgu suukxsnx mdzbx myb bwwa zvtdks cjdlnn akrsrea ckxyz tdw bns kizxtpi rknc iujxk