Caffeine and sleep reddit When I was hooked on sodas I will get caffeine headaches at night. (2019). I can’t feel caffeine whenever I take benzos. I found an old study that assessed the discernible dosage of caffeine. Sunday is my off day from the gym so I don’t get up early. As a result much of the feeling of hangover is the effects of exhaustion from unrestful sleep. American Academy of Sleep Medicine. No, I was not a severe insomniac, but yes it did affect my life negatively when I couldn’t sleep well or consistently. However after that first day I've noticed that I have a long lasting energy throughout the whole day, which is great but the only problem is that now I am having issues falling and staying asleep. There are two main categories of people: fast and slow metabolisers of Caffeine. It’s anxiety from quitting caffeine cold turkey after 30 + years of use. I fall asleep easily again after a few minutes, but it's still a major problem. If you're looking for buying advice or tips on how to improve your coffee, check out our wiki for guides and links to other helpful resources. I have experienced similar insomnia symptoms where i likewise would wake up in middle of the night and not be able to fall asleep again. 5 months going to dr appointments everything was / is fine. Boo!!!! Basically, I can't have coffee after 10am without it affecting my sleep. Definitely sleep better, I just fall asleep it seems and the nights feel longer and wake up rested. I remember waking up and being awake with zero need for any caffeine. Caffeine will "replace" Adenosine, which makes you want to sleep. So I decided to try decaffeinated coffee; made a world difference to my sleep, focus and stress levels. cant have any stimulants being adhd and sadly adhd means you want them. Realistically, the exact time of caffeine abstention needed prior to bedtime probably depends on the dose of caffeine, your habitual caffeine intake, how rapidly you metabolize caffeine, and how sensitive you are to the stimulatory effects of caffeine. Chronic caffeine is a net positive, just not in the way you think. Less sleep is not worse sleep, Before quitting caffeine I could often get 2h REM and 2h deep sleep even when sleeping only 7. When I was really good on my sleep schedule and tracking sleep with two devices (general fitness watch, and sleep tracking ring) and no caffeine after 12, my sleep quality was doing pretty well and improving with consistency. That is what made me gain weight. Everything did come together, but even though I could tell the presentation was going well I still felt awful. Strength training is part of my life, but not the most important one. Caffeine was weird as in a certain extent it would keep you awake, then I’d hit a wall where it didn’t do anything then I’d just get tired. My poor self control due to ADHD causes me to stay up much later than I should, or my brain just keeps racing and won't shut off, so I struggle to actually fall asleep. In regards to sleep, many people will respond: "Caffeine doesn't affect me much, I can still fall asleep easily" What they fail to realize is that Caffeine may not inhibit falling asleep, but it severely affects the quality of the sleep. Overuse of caffeine-->Adrenal issues-->Insomnia or bad sleep quality is a well known formula. Without caffeine your body is more tired which leads to a deeper sleep causing more apnea episodes. You likely have always had sleep apnea but may have not been getting deep enough sleep for it to In brief, they found lower total sleep time, as well as changes in spectral EEG content of sleep, indicating lower sleep quality, in individuals who had caffeine in the morning compared to placebo. Caffeine: A Review of the Literature. Would their panic attack return? Caffeine directly impacts receptors that are involved in sleep and the brain over time. Very small sample size but “three subjects discriminated 56 mg, three discriminated 18 mg and one discriminated 10 mg. Again everyone knows how important sleep is just telling people they should get more sleep ain’t something new man that’s all I’m saying. Headaches, poor sleep, fatigue. Replacing with tea or other caffeine doesn't go so well. Sporadic use of caffeine preserves its stimulant effects. "Pure" caffeine from black coffee or a diet soda helps me stay awake and focused. That is what affected my sleep negatively. On a positive note; Falling asleep has gotten much easier and don't take as long, whereas when i was on caffeine this could Caffeine doesn't make you not need sleep, it just makes you feel like you don't need sleep. Nicotine I never found sleep disruptive. All this to say, if you cut back on caffeine, make sure you do it responsibly. 5-3. Additional Resources. Your body seems to metabolize off the alcohol, first, and then go about actual restful sleep. In that case you are looking at 20 mg of caffeine, or less than a quarter cup of coffee. I'm pretty sensitive to caffeine to begin with and birth control slows down the metabolism of caffeine significantly. I would think it would help with sleep to but not too sure because when I do have caffeine I have green tea and I have it early the morning. I found for quitting cigarettes it helped to focus on what improvements I'd make over time, following the timeline like I linked below. But less REM/deep is an indicator of worse sleep. I've found that I'm much more responsive to it now, although sometimes I can go to sleep right after drinking I have been abusing caffeine (700-1000mg daily) for many years. Apr 17, 2009 · While caffeine is a common tool to promote wakefulness in the morning and to ward off sleepiness during the day, it comes with potential side effects, including jitteriness, headaches, and nervousness. It can take up to 3 times as long. nlm. I've used caffeine pills, soda, tea, etc for staying awake loads of times being on 24 hours shifts or working nights. Might seem a bit odd but it’s not unheard of in UK to drink an oxo or bovril drink, found I just missed a tasty hot drink rather than the caffeine. So I would get out of bed pound of soda and then go immediately back to sleep. I used to think I could "handle" my 1 cup in the morning but then I realized I was also getting a lot in soda. And some people are just more sensitive to caffeine and/or more sensitive to sleep disturbances. 16 hours. It's not cheap. Caffeine affects the brain and body nerves, heart, lungs, digestion and blood sugar, blood vessels, muscles, and much more. As you go through the day, your brain builds more and more adenosine which signals your body to feel fatigued. Sure, I've had enough caffeine to make me jittery, I probably wouldn't be able to sleep then. I end up drinking coffee when I've had consistent low sleep during a stressful period because I need to keep on working regardless and it makes it easier in that case. As such, anyone with sleep issues should consider whether or not their caffeine intake habits 1000%. It's a deep bias that fuels positive perspectives on the drug, but it is at least well understood that it can cause anxiety and poor sleep in many people. Improved sleep, higher energy levels overall, clearer head, less anxiety, greater overall productivity. Caffeine with sugar, a regular soda or a carb-heavy breakfast with coffee, barely affects me at all. 200-400mg caffeine on a typical day, typically no later than noon, always no later than 2pm. at least 2 months after using caffeine for a little while. Just as the title says, I've been running on sleep deprivation and caffeine for 20+ years. Avoiding its daily use Caffeine Blues has a "women section" that explains how it can interact with birthcontrol and hormone supplements. L-Thenine does counter act the jittery, nervous feeling I can get if I have too much caffeine. Someone told me that there aren't many sleep researchers who drink caffeine. Laid down and passed out fast. That's the way I understand it. Second OP's recommendation. which is biphasic. The first month or two after quitting, my sleep was all over the place. The normal withdrawal has been brutal to say the least but, the most bizarre thing I’ve experienced is an almost nightly barrage of super vivid, weird dreams. It may be because my body is adjusting to Adderall, but I suspect it's primarily caffeine withdrawal. Assuming caffeine follows an exponential decay model, amount in body = (initial amount ) * e ^ (-ln(2)/5) * time. It doesn't sound like you have that problem, so if you can actually have caffeine before bed, sleep through the night, and wake up feeling refreshed, that's not a huge issue. but I've been off caffeine for about a month and a half now and my sleep is definitely a ton better. It also depends on the amount of caffeine in your coffee. the only time i stop waking up at the 5 hour mark is if i drink caffeine and just 1 shot of espresso in the morning does the trick. nih. And then woke up with sleep paralysis. If caffeine is the only thing you'll consider taking, perhaps take it earlier in the day. Avoid drinking caffeine(tea, coffee etc. For example, I can't sleep at night if I have any caffeine or chocolate in the afternoon or later. Caffeine acts as a stimulant and doesn't just inhibit your sensitivity to feelings of being tired, it also increases your heart rate and makes your body work harder, just as OP experienced. This means that if I drink two cups of coffee at 12pm, then 10 hours later when I go to sleep, I should still have a quarter of that caffeine in my system, about half a cup's worth. Perhaps I could get my roommates to check my eyes during which point in my sleep I should be engaging in REM sleep to see how much it affects the quality of my sleep. When you sleep, your body cleans up all that adenosine, so that in the morning you aren't fatigued. I haven't included total sleep duration here because this has remained a constant 8-9h more or less always. After the caffeine drops in level, this receptor creates a sleepness effect. When I was drinking coffee all the time, I would need a whole lot of sleep to be able to function, like close to 10 hours. I had a cup of coffee and I was instantly fine. I'm actually almost a disgusting morning person now Caffeine doesn't keep me from sleeping at all, though I don't know that it helps me sleep particularly either. Now I can get 8 easily and usually sleep for 9 on Saturday night. even though I only consume Many of us — myself included — consume caffeine to get through the day. It can also interfere with sleep, especially if consumed too late in the day. Did a bit of reading on it afterwards and realised that I probably process caffeine on average or slower than the 5 hours half life. There's a reason it's the most widely used psychoactive substance in the world. However, if I have coffee in the early morning (say, before 9) and sip coffee throughout the day I can sleep just fine at night. Caffeine at noon seems to have no impact on my sleep habits. If they work, they only work for a certain period of time before I become "immune"/build up my Welcome to r/espresso, the place to discuss all things espresso-related. Plenty of people stressed out that can’t just will themselves to sleep. It gives you stress. The other possibility (which I’m convinced is true in my case) is that the heavy caffeine use was masking a pre-existing sleep disorder. It doesn't give you energy. If you also consume cannabis regularly, it's important to know how weed and caffeine interact. Just be careful not to overbrew your green tea. Definitely a turning point in how I used caffeine, but it took until the pandemic to actually kick the habit. But if I drink strong enough coffee it definitely has a noticeable “pick me up” effect. Go to bed when spouse does, wake up not feeling like the day is wasted in the weekends, gain the intangible ‘bright eyed and early’ halo at work, etc. Going 10 months caffeine free and my sleep appears to have shifted to biphasic. i couldn't find motivation to do anything and just laid in bed and noticed myself crying but didnt 10 votes, 13 comments. I take coffee to survive my shift but… The question suggests caffeine "only" affects sleep sensation, why would it have other effects. The more caffeine/ more miscarriage statistic doesn't hold up when you consider other sources of caffeine such as cola. I’d legit have to take caffeine pills cause I’ll drink the biggest cold brew coffee they have at Dunkin (like 32oz probably?) and not even notice it. The half-life of caffeine is about 5 hours. I'm averaging 63-65 sleep score using my fitness tracker( while on caffeine, and recently started seeing some improvements and I hope it'll continue getting better so I can at least get in the 90's). Study: Caffeine may improve the ability to stay awake and attend to a task, but it doesn’t do much to prevent the sort of procedural errors that can cause things like medical mistakes and car accidents. Im considering twice a week (MF) but want to do three times a week (MWF) because of how massively helpful it is with anxiety and lack of motivation. But falling asleep in the first place is unaffected. No caffeine after noon (assuming a "normal 9-5'er" type schedule) is one of the best and most underrated pieces of advice. The majority drink caffeine in some form and love it, including those in the media and medicine fields. In the study, participants took 200mg at 7h00 AM and went to bed 16 hours later at 23h00 PM and still had 15-20% of the caffeine left in their system when going to sleep and this amount of caffeine decreased sleep propensity, REM sleep time, and total sleep time compared to placebo. Now it's day 3 and I have woken up with a headache. People who don't regularly drink caffeine tend to be more sensitive to its effects. There can be about a 10% improvement in quality when off caffeine, usually increasing my time in deep sleep. And when I eventually do, I have a turbulent sleep and wake up multiple times throughout the night. Then you need more coffee for the same effect which hinders your sleep in the I find that if I drink a lot of caffeine around 3pm, then I’ll wake up around 3-4am unable to fall back asleep. So far my sleep has improved, but it's still shitty. It all happened when I quit caffeine, like many. Or in the morning. Even if I get +8 hrs of sleep while on caffeine, it'll be more light sleep than deep sleep, leaving me feeling sick when I wake up sometimes. This approach could be gentler on your mental health as you heal from sleep apnea. I have drastically reduced my caffeine over the last few weeks and I have to say my sleep has improved. Like I can’t imagine how much caffeine I’d have to take to feel it when I’m in benzos. I wake up several times throughout the night. Caffeine and Health. i got like 5 hours of sleep, and ive had the shittiest day - yes im tired but i was extremely sad. Mayo Clinic. So drinking caffeine will, at least to some extent, be akin to moving around a lot in your sleep. Generally, I don’t feel any different taking caffeine, until I’ve taken quite a bit and makes me jittery. Caffeine intake (200 mg) in the morning affects human sleep and EEG power spectra at night https://pubmed. In 2019 researchers from Florida Atlantic University and Harvard Medical School conducted one ‘of the largest longitudinal examinations of the associations of evening use of … caffeine with objectively measured sleep outcomes. Don't drink caffeine for 3 month, then have a cup, you will be buzzing like crazy. Also, caffeine was causing me PMS (hormone issues) for years, and so the adrenals take time to heal. If you are having issues with sleep drink green tea there is black tea too if you need more caffeine. Its just that women with succesful pregnancies are generally disgusted by the smell of coffee and therefore dont drink it as much, so your aversion is a good sign! In brief, they found lower total sleep time, as well as changes in spectral EEG content of sleep, indicating lower sleep quality, in individuals who had caffeine in the morning compared to placebo. I don’t set an alarm and when I wake up it’s usually around the 9 hour mark. Deep Sleep 20% , over 60% light sleep and 15-20% Rem sleep. It was two weeks of being miserable. For tolerance to be 'reset', withdrawal must pass. Coffee definitely fucks with my sleep. The findings underscore the importance of prioritizing sleep. BTW, green tea has a decent amount of theanine which has a relaxing/focusing effect and counteracts (for lack of a more involved descriptor) the caffeine. I work 12mn-9am shifts usually waking up around 10-11pm and sleeping at around 2-3pm. How you react to caffeine may be determined in part by how much caffeine you're used to drinking. Can’t drink caffeine after 10:30am, earlier if it’s something more than tea. Therefore, caffeine tolerance is reversed in as little as 2 days of abstinence from 100mg/day and as much as 9 days at higher doses (400mg+/day). it appears that many (if not all) people who quit caffeine have sleep issues. I did some googling and read that caffeine has an anti-anxiety effect and anxiety also happens to be a side effect of caffeine withdrawal. Does that mean caffeine is a pseudo/soft antidote to benzos? If Someone takes a benzo for a panic attack, and after onset (say 20-60 minutes for examplr) gets a relief, but then drinkd a good strong cuo of joe or an energy drink. Getting out of bed was a real struggle, I'd easily just fall asleep again. . I haven't been able to do it takes me months to sleep good again after quitting i am adhd and not like everyone else…sadly. Keep in mind that the caffeine content of a cup of coffee or tea can vary. i tried. 2. As far as coffee goes, cold brew is easier on the stomach, nerves and focus is better, but it is tough to quit altogether. I’d get 5 hours a night on average. I've found that it's not just the caffeine but also what other ingredients are included in the drink. As far as melatonin goes, over the counter supplements like this in the US are not regulated (so this advice is only for the US) which means that the amount lf melatonin a supplement claims to contain and the amount it actually contains may or may not be the same thing. I started feeling plagued by exhaustion and bad sleep, so I decided to cut it out. I'm actually almost a disgusting morning person now No caffeine after noon (assuming a "normal 9-5'er" type schedule) is one of the best and most underrated pieces of advice. When you sleep late in the evening and go to sleep, you do not hit the REM or deep phases of sleep for about four hours after drinking. So you might be getting more than you think. Caffeine never affected my sleep for years, and actually makes me more “focused” to go to sleep because of my own adhd. However this issue seems to have passed although i am still not able to sleep for more than 6-7 hours even if i wanted on days off. I still find caffeine that way. For reference, a typical Starbucks coffee (tall size) is ~200mg. This means even a reasonable dose of caffeine like a couple cups of coffee or 200-400 mg of caffeine in the morning will still leave a significant amount in you at bedtime? Sleep for 8 hour consume caffeine at wake up. It looks like after quitting caffeine it can take a month for your sleep to be improved (see second link). Caffeine reduces the "depth" of sleep, called NREM3 or Slow Wave Sleep. i really did…. The most effective way is to drink a coffee, take a 20 minute nap and when you wake up, the caffeine arrives. ” Depending on how sensitive to caffeine you are I wouldn’t Caffeine doesn't keep me from sleeping at all, though I don't know that it helps me sleep particularly either. I usually keep it to 1 minute. Eventually I was reacting badly to a second cup and I started considering giving up coffee completely. Like whoa. So, say you consume 100 milligrams of caffeine, at 5 hours later you have 50 milligrams and 10 hours later you have 25 milligrams in your body. But I've also had a late night espresso or Turkish coffee with cake and then passed out in the warm car on the way home. Was drinking 2-4 coffees a day and the occasional caffeine tab at work or pre gym. They told me to lay down, so i did. Caffeine isn't free lunch, but it lets you choose when lunchtime is. My main problem is bad quality sleep. Caffeine and sleep Normally, I find it extremely difficult to get to sleep. i cannot go any longer with this bs problem bros. I ended up going to the campus library and fell asleep at a desk for like 2 hours. Thanks for the informative responses! I've completely eliminated all caffeine. National Institute of Health. I am very sensitive to caffeine and other xanthines. The reason a morning coffee can impact sleep that night is due to: Caffeine half-life in non-smokers is 5-6 hours. It's actually common that you experience that feeling of refreshing wake-up. Feb 6, 2025 · Caffeine is in milligrams (mg). ncbi. 3 days ago · Caffeine and Sleep. Nowadays I drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning and that's it (sometimes I'll have another one in the afternoon if I didn't sleep well or I need to stay up late). Quitting was hard. Yeah, caffeine free is better for me. Feb 21, 2025 · If you're susceptible to the effects of caffeine, even small amounts may prompt unwanted effects, such as restlessness and sleep problems. i sleep 5 hours and wake up naturally but i need 7. The bottom line One study shows that taking 200mg in the morning disrupts sleep at night. Several studies show that caffeine consumed 6 hours before before bedtime can have disruptive effects on sleep. I don't think folks that drink coffee everyday, like I did, realize how strong of a drug caffeine can be. I'm on the same boat. Here's an overview: When I first quit my sleep was absolutely screwed up for the next month or so. ) until about two hours after waking in the morning. There are plenty of people out there working 2-3 jobs with kids that just don’t have the time for sleep. It’s the same reason why adhd meds help those with adhd slow down and focus, but can be abused by the ‘regular’ population as stimulants. This is what Most benzo patitent pamphlets advise to avid caffeine while on the drug. For me L-Theanine (200mg) only works when I take it with Magnesium Glycinate (400mg), for sleep. Psychology I tend to sleep easier and harder while exhausted from withdrawing from caffeine during the first week of abstinence, but then sleep issues return to baseline once withdrawals subside. I wonder if now that I don't have any stimulants, my body is sleeping in a more "natural way" . On day 2, I decided to not drink coffee to see if that was what caused me to not be able to sleep, and I think it was because I was able to sleep pretty normally again. 5h but same time every day. im 53 quit weed for 6 months now and caffeine for only 2 weeks but im hoping one day no stimulants forever Caffeine, as well as other stimulants, can help reduce daytime sleepiness making you less tired throughout the day. Keep in mind the general litterature is likely schewed by studies sponsored by the caffeine industry (Caffeine Blues goes into detail with how many "health" organizations are owned by caffeine companies). gov/19241060/ Caffeine withdrawal, acute effects, tolerance, and absence of net beneficial effects of chronic administration: cerebral blood flow velocity, quantitative EEG, and subjective effects Why YSK: Caffeine is a drug. I like it and have some for yoga and meditation day. It depends on how much caffeine you ingest and how accustomed to caffeine your body is. And I don’t drink coffee everyday or anything. That is what made me anxious and nervous. But yeah, while it definitely isn't the same for every adhd person, you would not be alone in it affecting you like that. The original question is flawed, it doesn't "only" affect feeling sleepy. (2020). I track my sleep every night via my Garmin smartwatch and my Eightpod mattress cover. Oh, I went on one. Taken alone it gives me weird dreams, disrupted sleep and fuzziness after waking. The day I decided to cut out caffeine completely – which was about a year after I graduated from law school – fundamentally changed my life. Caffeine and Sleep. Anecdotally, I dropped my caffeine intake to two cups of coffee before 9am and my entire life is better for it. For me and many others, I had to be honest that caffeine was hurting the quality and consistency of my sleep. Anyone else? I'm 30 years old and been battling insomnia since 1997. After a certain point, caffeine just didn't have an effect on me anymore. 10 or so minutes goes by, i ask for them to check my heart rate(it felt higher) so then they gave me some saltines and water. Otherwise "just" 8 hours of sleep for a couple of days and I'd be a mess. The only time I've successfully been completely caffeine free was during pregnancy. They found caffeine does not affect the quality of sleep. Pregnant women should limit their daily intake to 200 mg or less. gov/7796154/ This study states that if you take 200 mg of caffeine at 7:00 AM there is still 30 mg active at 11:00 PM. They can probably disrupt sleep. Caffeine: What You Need to Know. Factors such as how the product is grown and brewing time affect the caffeine level. Once in my teens took a caffeine pill and accidentally napped very shortly after. ive been caffeine free for 2 years at this point and my sleep never went back to normal. Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors from acting that is responsible for the sleepiness factor. An article regarding a norwegian ski athlete last year showed a continuous reading of biometrics, sleep and other readings, where they found that nicotine, alcohol and caffeine, even minor amounts, disrupt sleep. Felt dizzy, entire body started to feel sweaty, went to the nurses office in school, my heart started to race. Please make sure to read the rules before posting. Basically similar to caffeine but with a rapid decline about 1-2hrs after the effects start. I regularly only get 5-6 hours of sleep at night (and am one of the unlucky souls that struggles to function with less than 8-9, barring caffeine). But if the Adenosine is "already there", it can only be removed by sleeping. It takes time for the brain to “rewire” itself and for sleep to be re-regulated. I check all boxes for good sleep hygiene. I don’t use nicotine anymore. It was really hard but I cut caffeine and couldn't recommend it enough. All this stress gets built up in the body, with nowhere to go (shoutout: The Body Keeps the Score). To be honest, I used to drink a fair bit of caffeine before. Have any of you done this? I can have a pit of coffee at midnight and go right to sleep. But in all honestly, the electronic article states that most of the information comes from studies conducted 30 years ago when I am pretty sure they hooked animals up to gas masks Caffeine is a stimulant. I used to drink tons of coffee and smoke when I was in college. but for me, i just had something with a bit of caffeine in it (like just around a cup of coffee's worth) at like 2pm and i couldn't sleep until 4am. There are studies that show sleep is affected up to at least 9 hours after consumption (that was the longest duration tested). I've tried most, if not all OTC and prescription sleep medications with little effect. It’s chemical, not mental. Source: https://pubmed. 0 half lifes Given that you are still in the stage of recovery, coming off caffeine entirely right now may be too big an adjustment all at once. Also, caffeine is in many products and foods you might not expect, such as medicines and processed foods. The best is to minimize the withdrawal effects by allowing your body to adapt to less caffeine dosage over time. ” Depending on how sensitive to caffeine you are I wouldn’t Most benzo patitent pamphlets advise to avid caffeine while on the drug. Caffeine Pills to fight CFS? I just got a new job working at a hospital and the 8 hours shifts are wrecking my energy, I’m only getting about 7 hours of sleep and my cfs is flailing. Sleep is extremely important and i wouldn't risk getting quality sleep over having caffeine The first day I didn't really feel the caffeine hit, and honestly felt tired most of the day and slept well that night. I spent 4. Except even if the halflife is in fact definitely 6hours, halflife is halflife, so (in addition to every person having a different sensitivity to caffeine) it still absolutely matters how much caffeine you consumed in the morning, and you won't just "be fine" necessarily after 6hours, because the caffeine has only reduced by half, and will take another 6 hours to reduce to 25% of the original I had recently cut out caffeine entirely and that was the only significant change. I just took a 2 week break from caffeine and now want to use it regularly while avoiding the negative effects, mainly sleep disruption but I also want to avoid tolerance and dependence. You can see where this is going: Months and years of abusing caffeine have led to a nervous system that's completely out of wack. That is what made me isolate myself socially. All that to say, caffeine does impact your mental state. Jun 3, 2020 · A caffeine intake of 200 mg per dose, and up to 400 mg per day, is generally considered safe. ofkzkzo sdidd agifyex tqgr qarn nlukzkl asqrf zwjf dzhoikp krptp zvn fpnbo dgbcs kxw dfkghp