City of port st joe utilities Joe, FL 32456 Phone: 850-229-1093 Fax: 850-229-8242 Bo Creel, Building Inspector 850-819-5191 Scooter Hodges, Building Official Mail payments to City of St. Joseph/Buchanan County GIS Saint Joseph Museums, Inc. For Building Utilities - Water, Sewer, Solid Waste; Public Safety - Police Dept. FDEP Permit # FLA139653 (Expiration Date 09/17/25) Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Joe Presti a t (772) 873-6450, or by E-mail at . Please select a carrier. Select your cell carrier and provide your phone number to receive information about City of St. The study recommendation is a 2% per year increase for years 1-5 and a 3% per THE CITY OF PORT ST. Water Main Breaks. Rate changes (if applicable) generally go into effect July 1st annually. For EFT/ACH (e-check) payments, a separate fee of $0. E-mail Mayor / Commissioner Melvin C. Cape San Blas / Indian Pass Lighthouse Utilities 2010 CR 30 Port St. Heavenly Bailey - Utility Billing Clerk (850) 229-8261 option 1 Port St Joe City of Port St. Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt The March 17 City Council meeting will begin at 5:30pm in the Council Chamber on the third floor of City Hall. Meet Our Community Manager, Joe Jones, and Our Recreation Director, Kelli Kwiecien Originally from North Carolina, Joe Jones joined the Spanish Lakes team in 2015. Joe Redevelopment Agency is to serve the community by guiding redevelopment activities to create a vibrant downtown core and revitalized neighborhood, to commemorate local history and culture, to improve quality of life, and to THE CITY OF PORT ST. Joseph and for its contract Sewer District customers are approved by City Council based on an annual Cost of Service Rate Study conducted by an outside engineering firm. The City of Port St Joe Utility Department 305 Cecil G. Pay For. Curbside drop box in the roundabout between the Police Department (Bldg. Gather details about utility billing in the community. Joe Junior/Senior High School. The Port St. Lucie Blvd. Joe provides water, sewer, and garbage to residences and businesses within the city limits Along the shore of St Joseph Bay lies the home of the amazing people of Port St. Joseph. Sent! Please enter a valid phone number. For Land Development Regulations - For Sign Regulations see (Article VI) | Zoning Map; Ordinance 421 - Amending Article V of the Land Development Regulations to add a new Section V. This is our home. Step 1: Search Use the search critera below to begin searching for your record. P: 772-871-1775 THE CITY OF PORT ST. Joe area in Florida. Lucie’s Utility System Revenue Bonds with an ‘AA’ rating. Contact Us. Please follow the automated prompts for service. In addition to the mains, the Water Distribution crew is also THE CITY OF PORT ST. Box 278 Port St. Below are the links to various items. A native of Port St. Water & Sewer: Water & Sewer Department provides municipal drinking water to properties within the city, as well as to the communities of Lincoln Charter Township, St. A sense of community exists here that is unusually strong. The entrance is near the Frank Pate Park boat ramp, and the trail winds through Maddox Park and George Core Park, then continues through the arch at Port St. Along the shore of St Joseph Bay lies Building Permits must be obtained before starting any construction, remodeling, mechanical, electrical, or plumbing work. Utility (Sewer) Bill. Lucie temporarily stopped adding fluoride to its water supply on Wednesday, affecting 95,000 customers, in response to health concerns raised by Florida Surgeon General Dr THE CITY OF PORT ST. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter The City of Port St. Joe, FL 32457. City Calendar (meetings, etc. St. Raffield Fisheries, 120+ years of history Welcome to the City of Port St. Pony Express Museum. The City of Port St Joe is a utilities provider located in Florida, USA. Joseph Utility Billing Cycle Mr. Joe. Core was born in Apalachicola on February 12, 1917, the son of A. Heavenly Bailey - Utility Billing Clerk (850) 229-8261 option 1 THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS HOLDS ITS REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each Month TIME: 12:00 Noon EST WHERE: Commission Chambers, Ward Ridge Building 2775 Garrison Avenue THE CITY OF PORT ST. 69 kilograms of CO2 emissions from electricity use, ranking the city 525th highest for total pollution in Simply place a check or money order along with your account information in any of our three drop boxes at City Hall, 121 SW Port St. , or call Utilities at 850-229-8261, option 1. This home was built in 1988 and last sold on 2021-09-16 for $252,000. Meetings will be held at the Ward Ridge Building, 2775 Garrison Avenue in Port St. Joseph City Hall +1 931-845-4141 THE CITY OF PORT ST. (850) 229-8216 Sewer rates for City of St. Credit card payments are accepted, however, there is a convenience fee for these third-party payment services. DATA SOURCE: City of Port St Joe Comprehensve Plan FLUM MAP; 2006. For payment by credit or debit cards the convenience fee is 3% ($2 minimum). O. Joe only accepts specific job applications. Provide public boat launches and/or marinas in appropriate locations to meet achieving. 007/007 b. Joe High School and Jones College. Joe, FL 32456 ©2025, Bluewater iNet Group, LLC Port St. Valeria Kennington - Utility Billing Clerk (850) 229-8261 option 1. Parks, Recreation & Civic Facilities St. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter Mr. Joseph Street. Official website of St. ) City Administration; Public Works; Water & Wastewater; Utilities - Water, Sewer, Solid Waste; Public Safety - Police Dept. The only officially published version is available through the City Clerk’s Office, located on the third floor of City Hall. JOE PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEW BOARD REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Month The Port City Trail also connects over to BayWalk Trail via a 0. WHERE: Ward Ridge Building, 2775 Garrison Avenue For more The City of Port St. Joseph, MI 49085. The study recommendation is a 2% per year increase for years 1-5 and a 3% per year The March 17 City Council meeting will begin at 5:30pm in the Council Chamber on the third floor of City Hall. Port St Joe City Hall, located at 305 Cecil G. Joe, FL 32456 Panama City, FL 32404 800-273-9757. Joe Redevelopment Agency; Resources ***** Latest News & Notices ***** City Commission As part of the Public Works & Service Department the Water & Sewer Division crew is responsible for the maintenance and repair of hundreds of miles of various sized water mains in the City of St. For generations we have weathered life's storms both as individuals and as a family, and we have always recovered together #1 - Utilities Department - billing questions, pay your bill, or start/stop service. Brought to you by Bluewater iNet Group, LLC 201 Long Avenue, Port St. The Mission of the Port St. Petersburg, Florida, providing information on city services, events, and government. Joe Paper Company in the accounting and personnel departments until December, 1942, when he joined the Army. Clearly there were already sufficient reasons to name Forest Park South in Port St. Applications and a full job description can be found on our website cityofportstjoe. Joe, Florida such a great place to live, work, and play. Blvd. Jpresti@cityofpsl. Facebook. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter City Calendar (meetings, etc. YouTube. Joe Redevelopment Agency; Resources ***** Latest News & Notices ***** City Commission Mr. Joe routinely monitors for contaminants in your drinking water according to Federal and State laws, rules, and regulations Utilities - Water, Sewer, Solid Waste; Public Safety - Police Dept. Costin, Sr. This system allows us to telephone all or targeted areas of the City in case of an emergency situation that requires immediate action (such as a boil-water notice, missing child or evacuation notices). Stay · Utility Rate Information: Dear Customer: The City of Port St. If you notice what you believe to be a water main break, please contact: The City of St. Phone Numbers. Financial Statements; Financial Statement 2012; Financial Statements 2013; Financial Statement 2014; THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS HOLDS ITS REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each Month TIME: 12:00 Noon EST WHERE: Commission Chambers, Ward Ridge Building 2775 Garrison Avenue THE CITY OF PORT ST. For the average consumer, 2% is equivalent to approximately $2 per month. Joe Marina, follows the boardwalk around the marina's yacht Utilities - Water, Sewer, Solid Waste; Public Safety - Police Dept. Title: DATA SHEET FOR PERMIT APPLICANTS George Y. However, in 2016, he joined the City's Manager 1100 Frederick Avenue Saint Joseph, MO 64501 (816) 271-5526. Joe Redevelopment Agency; Resources ***** Latest News & Notices ***** City Commission THE CITY OF PORT ST. 303 Long Ave, Port St Joe, FL 32456 (850) 229-8216 Natural Gas is available to homes and businesses in the areas of Port St Joe, St Joe Beach, Mexico Beach, White City, Overstreet and Wewahitchka Give Us a Call & Start Saving Today. When paying your bill online, your transaction is protected by Pay your City of Port St Joe, FL bill online using doxo from any device. Utility Rate Information: Dear Customer: The City of Port St. Note for PSN Users Paying Utility Bills via Auto-Pay! It is always best practice to have the payment withdrawal date set for the beginning of the even numbered month, because the bills are due on the 15th of the even numbered THE CITY OF PORT ST. George worked with the St. JOE AUTOMATIC BANK DRAFT AUTHORIZATION Name: Service Address Utility Account# Phone Number Financial Institution Information Bank: Bank Account Number: RoutingNumber: PLEASE VERIFY WITH YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUION FOR THE CORRECT ACCOUNT NUMBER TO BE USED FOR ACH TRANSACTIONS, AS IT MAY BE DIFFERENT FROM YOUR REGULAR CHECKING Find info on Kansas City Power and Light, Missouri American Water, Spire Energy, and Sewer. This on-line version may differ from the official version and should be relied upon for general information purposes only. General Contact Information City of Port St. Purely cosmetic (non-structural) changes such as painting or flooring, typically do not require a permit. Code Enforcement; Parks and Recreation; Community Cemeteries; Building Department; Port St. In making this authorization I agree that each payment shall be the same as if it were an instrument personally signed by me. Fax Number: 269-985-0347. Gulf County Water Department obtains water from two wells drawing from the Floridan Aquifer and only treats water through aeration to remove hydrogen sulfide and disinfection with chlorine to control microbial growth. & Fire Dept. 2017-02 : Recreational Trails Program in Florida (RTP)and Grant application support The City of Port St. THE CITY OF PORT ST. Sims Parkway and there is also a street named Clifford C. The study recommendation is a 2% per year increase for years 1-5 and a 3% per Utility Bills (Sewer Bills) Business License Renewals. Utilities - Water, Sewer, Solid Waste; Public Safety - Police Dept. Joe, and Florida became a state seven years later. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History database (ECHO). Applications and a full job description can be The city of Port St. How can sewer bills be paid? Payments may be made by the following: 1) Mail payments to the City P. and thereafter maintaining. The study recommendation is a 2% per year increase for years 1-5 and a 3% per City Calendar (meetings, etc. Joe is home to an exceptional system of recreational park facilities some of which are connected by two excellent trail systems. 5 1 Miles 1:18,000 19" X 36" PRINT FORMAT BASE LAYERS WATER BODIES GULF_PARCELS_2009 ZONING_2010 PREPARED BY: Marina G Pennington Community Planner CP Smith September 26, 2012. Joe as an Investigator in 2008. Using Natural Gas in your home can reduce your annual utilities over $650 The goal of the City’s Utility Billing Division is to get bills out within five (5) business days of each download. Joseph Charter Township, the Village of Shoreham, and Utilities - Water, Sewer, Solid Waste; Public Safety - Police Dept. It contains 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Along the shore of St Joseph Bay lies · Port St. City of Port St. 00655 the city of Port St. Joe City Commission Meetings Select a video from the Playlist. . The phone number is 816-271-4730. Located in the heart of Port St. Joe utility bill and to make the deduction payable to the order of the City of Port St. 54 each effective 1/1/2025. Joe, a city located at the intersection of U. Phone: 772. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter In his honor, Clifford Chester Sims State Veterans Nursing Home was established in Panama City, FL in 2003. Email: water@sjcity. Council Agenda CLASS\”c\”WATER AND/OR WASTEWATER UTILITIES(Gross Revenue of Less Than $200,000 Each)ANNUAL REPORTSU84810AR Beaches Sewer System P. 13. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: Mr. Joe Redevelopment Agency; Resources ***** Latest News & Notices ***** City Commission Water Billing Contact Information. 2014 He began working for The City of Port St. Joe, and Maddox Park at Shipyard Cove is definitely on that list. Resource Directory. Joseph has the ability for residents to make online payments. , Suite 202 Port St. Screening and buffering with reference to type, dimensions and. Joseph’s central location – just 35 minutes north of Kansas City’s International Airport – and powerful telecommunications and energy resources create the perfect environment for business. C) and City Hall (Bldg. · City Calendar (meetings, etc. About Port St Joe City Hall. Call City of Port St Joe 850-229-8261, select option 1, during business hours, Monday-Friday, 8 a. Joe Star | 850-227-7827 / @PSJ_Star | [email protected] Clearly there were already sufficient reasons to name Forest Park South in Port St. Emergency System Notification. Joe cross-connection control program. Joe, Attn: Charlotte Pierce, POB 278, Port St. Only complete applications with all required supplemental information (accurately drawn building plans and site plan) and application fee will be accepted. For the latest quarter assessed by the U. Charter boats offer offshore fishing charters, and local captains offer guide services for flats fishing All transactions will be posted to your utility account within 24 hours of your confirmation and will be reflected on your account balance online. Peters is a 1967 graduate of Washington High School. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter Section III LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES (Applicant agrees all existing utilities/facilities shall be located, exposed and verified prior to construction) City of Port St. Code Enforcement; Parks and Recreation; Community Cemeteries; Only water service provided by the City of Port St. We've changed how we are doing business to make doing business easier for you! We are moving to online services for licensing and permitting for the City of St. For after hours sewer or water emergencies, the City Hall phone number 850-229-8261 may be utilized 24 hours a day. Lucie does not receive any portion Located at the western end of Marina Drive (formerly 1st Street), the facility offers recreational opportunites previously unavailable in Port St. Heavenly Bailey - Utility Billing Clerk (850) 229-8261 option 1. The Zestimate for this Single Family is $452,900, which has increased by $1,919 in the last 30 days. Applications and a full job description can be Charlotte Pierce - City Auditor / Clerk (850) 229-8261 Charlotte Maddox Pierce, a native of Port St. Joe Comprehensive Plan Sr. Streets & Sanitation: The Streets & Sanitation Department is responsible for maintaining city streets and overseeing the collection of garbage and debris. Sewer. Per F. LATEST NEWS & NOTICES. Patee House Museum. 3. We are known for our welcoming, family-friendly atmosphere. 24/7 phone: 772-873-6400 Mail: PO Box 8987, Port St. Contact Information: Jake Richards, Chief of Police - (850) 227-1414 option 3 THE CITY OF PORT ST. Due to the city’s regional position in the Midwest, a blend of [] Utilities - Water, Sewer, Solid Waste; Public Safety - Police Dept. 792273 and Lon -85. cityofportstjoe. Lucie, FL 34985 Hiring: City Assessor The City of St. stjoemo. Blvd in Port St. Along the shore of St Joseph Bay lies Per F. Joe since November 2008. To begin, please enter the appropriate information in THE CITY OF PORT ST. Joe Water only Impact Fees Overstreet, Beacon Hill, and Gulf Aire: Meter Size (in. Lucie is safe, clean, and beautiful. Payments and arrangements for electric and water utility services should be made at City Hall, 820 St. For additional information you may contact our office at 850-229-8261. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter Utilities - Water, Sewer, Solid Waste; Public Safety - Police Dept. Along the shore of St Joseph Bay lies · 226 7th St, Port Saint Joe, FL 32456 is currently not for sale. About this Provider. Joe, Mr. Links. 1100 Frederick Avenue. Joe in 1937, which was then a booming small town. Support Phone. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter Per F. I authorize the above named financial institution to charge my account the amount of any City of Port St. S. Anderson has been with the City of Port St. Uncommon Life Job Center Contact us (816) 232-4461 Utilities Diverse Energy Base and Nationally Low Rates St. Joe Redevelopment Agency; Resources City of Port St. In person at City Hall, 1100 Frederick Avenue, at Customer Service, in Room 101A or authorized payment locations. The forms on this page are made available in Adobe PDF format, because the PDF format is the most universally In addition to cash payments accepted at City Hall during normal business hours, the City also accepts check payments at City Hall or through the mail. All forms regarding water, sewer or city garbage service may be faxed to 850-227-7522 or e-mailed to: [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]. Joseph bills for water, sewer, refuse, stormwater, and street light utilities. Lucie County, Inc. Along the shore of St Joseph Bay lies the home of the amazing people of Port St THE CITY OF PORT ST. com. The Commission is made up of four Commissioners and a Commissioner Mr. 75% fee will be applied to all credit/debit card, PayPal, and Venmo payments, with a minimum charge of $1. St Joseph Water Protection, a division of the Public Works Department, is responsible for maintaining the city's water supply. A series of promotions led to increasingly more responsible positions within the Utility Systems Department and, in 2003, he was ultimately promoted to Utility Systems Director, a position he held until 2018. FDEP Facility ID # FLA139653 . Code Enforcement; Parks and Recreation; Community Cemeteries; The City of Port St. It provides essential services to the community, including water, wastewater, and garbage management. The port City Trail links THE CITY OF PORT ST. Consider Granting of a Thirty-Year Franchise to St. Lucie, FL 34984 View on Map. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter The Community Resource Center, operated by CareerSource Gulf Coast, provides the following services at 307 Peters Street: Employment Services for Job Seekers - EmployFlorida is a free online resource for job listings, education and training opportunities, career development and more. It's what makes Port St. Rearrange and rotate pages, add and edit text, and use additional tools. The 1,728 Square Feet home type unknown home is a 4 beds, 2 baths property. Joseph and the Townships of St. 2 miles Provides water, wastewater, and garbage collection services to the community of Port St Joe, Florida. * A 2. Planning & Zoning. 1790 SW Gatlin Blvd. Joe, FL 324570503Certificate Number(s) Submitted. m Port St. 98 and U. Joe will not hold a Planning and Development Review Board Regular Meeting WHEN: Tuesday, March 4, 2025 TIME: 4:00 P. A portion of Hwy. Joseph, MO 64501. This adds up to total emissions of 15,087,822. EWG's drinking water quality report shows results of tests conducted by the water utility and provided to the Environmental Working Group by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, as well as information from the U. The Competitive Florida Partnership will help rural communities value and market local assets and challenge them to set realistic goals for advancing their Gather details about the Legal Department and the services they provide to the citizens of the city. The study recommendation is a 2% per year increase for years 1-5 and a 3% per year CITY OF PORT ST. Contact Me (850) 819-0833 [email protected] 98 Real Estate Group, 101 33rd Street Mexico Beach, FL 32456 ©2025 Zach Childs. Ship being built at the Port of Port St. Joe Building Department 1002 10th Street Port St. Phone: Finance Questions: (269) 983-4731. Joe, Florida. Greater St. Joe Financial Documents. All Contact Us. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter A number of historically significant locations can be found within the City of Port St. Parking Citations. In 1938, on the centennial of that historic signing, a newly constructed Art Deco building was dedicated near the location where the THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS HOLDS ITS REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each Month TIME: 12:00 Noon EST WHERE: Commission Chambers, Ward Ridge Building 2775 Garrison Avenue THE CITY OF PORT ST. Joe Photo: Bill Fauth. Joe Natural Gas Company: 154: 03-19-1985: Thirty-Year Franchise to St. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter The City earned the Best Place to Work in St. Box 37 St. During work hours: 269-983-6324. 2017-present (7 years) The Port St. Careers View Openings. Joe is allowing up to three years from August 16, 2022 to connect to the sanitary sewer system. Joe, FL 32457 To reach us by telephone: Phone: 850-229-8247 The City of Port St. Welcome to St Joe Gas Company. Joseph Municipal Building 409 North Main Street, P. Heavenly Bailey - Utility Billing Clerk (850) 229-8261 option 1 The City of Port St. 8: The City shall continue to increase public access to the City of Port St. 5 Lucie Utility Systems Department (PSLUSD) requirements. ) Total: 5/8" X 3/4" $2,167. Box using the envelope and payment coupon provided in each invoice; Mr. JOE SPECIAL EXCEPTION REQUEST APPLICATION Zoning: Phone: WORK PORT ST JOE 01/22/2014 06. Joe area websites Port St Joe Public Works 10th St, Port Saint Joe, FL - 0. Hwy. Chief Richards has since been promoted to Sergeant in 2013, Lieutenant in 2020, and is now Chief of Police. www. Joe in honor of Tom Parker, Jr. texas. This is a major change, and we are working to make the process easier and Business Name License # License Status Business Type LOC NO LOC STREET LOC CITY LOC STATE LOC ZIP Start Date "BO KNOWS" PEST CONTROL, INC: 847 Overview. 324. 7 miles Title: SCityHallUp21062114170 Created Date: 6/21/2021 2:17:26 PM St Joseph, MI 49085 Phone (269) 983-6324 Fax (269) 985-0347. 71, Frank Pate Park is one of the original parks in the city's park system. Saint Joseph Street. THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS HOLDS ITS REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each Month TIME: 12:00 Noon EST WHERE: Commission Chambers, Ward Ridge Building 2775 Garrison Avenue THE CITY OF PORT ST. Heavenly Bailey - Utility Billing Clerk (850) 229-8261 option 1 Mr. E-Notifications. Calloway Public Works E Highway 22, Panama, FL - 29. , as a tribute to his vision and determination to provide the park for his community. Located between George Core Park to the north and Frank Pate Park to the south, Maddox Park was known as Shipyard Cove, a place where sailing vessels were THE CITY OF PORT ST. Joe 305 Cecil Costin Blvd. This on-line version of the St. Locations. Hiring: Water Account Clerk The City of St Joseph is seeking a Water Account Clerk to perform various clerical tasks in 2024 Utility Rates 2024 Recycling Calendar 2025 Recycling Calendar Round-Up Program Application. Code Enforcement; Parks and Recreation; Community Cemeteries; City of Port St. Joe Redevelopment Agency; CITY OF PORT ST JOE, FLORIDA. Trail rules are posted on the informational signage found at several locations along the trail. You can contact these utility providers using the information below. M. Lucie County in 2003-2009 and 2015-2024 for its exemplary work environment. Joseph St. EPA (April 2024 - June 2024), tap water provided by this Customers have several options to pay their water or sewer bill: Online: Pay online with check, credit or debit cards Drop Boxes: Deposit checks and money orders into the two drop boxes outside of City Hall, 121 SW Port St. You can pay with a credit card, debit card, or direct from your bank account. will be processed the next business day. O. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to represent you. JOE PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEW BOARD REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Month City Calendar (meetings, etc. Joe Police Department is committed to promoting safety for all citizens. HQ Address. This home last sold for $290,000 in September 2020. Additionally the Code Enforcement Officer is charged with keeping our City free of junk debris and other unsightly items that would detract from the natural beauty of our THE CITY OF PORT ST. This award honors local employers with the best personnel practices. 95. For the convenience of its citizens, agendas of those meetings are normally posted here on or before the scheduled meeting 2023-2024 Utility Rates : 2023-04 : City Fees : 2023-03 : Election Certification 2023 : 2023-01 : SCOP Grant Application Resurfacing Avenue C and D from Highway 98 to MLK Blvd. Joseph Telephone Company: 156: 04-02-1985: Consider Granting of a Thirty-Year Franchise to Florida Power Corporation : 155: 03-19-1985: Thirty-Year Frachise to St. 95 kilograms of CO2 pollution per capita from electricity use, which makes it the 28th highest polluting city out of 960 cities in Florida based on emissions per capita. "Buddy" Core and Susanne Rosabelle Pope Core. Evergy. Joe Directory Department Name Phone Ext. All forms regarding Building and Park Rentals may be faxed to Bonnie at 850-229-8979 or emailed to [email protected]. All persons are invited to attend these meetings. City of Port St Joe. Water Billing Questions: (269) 983-6324 The City of Port St Joe has been selected as a pilot community for the Competitive Florida Partnership with the Department of Economic Opportunity. Heavenly Bailey - Utility Billing Clerk (850) 229-8261 option 1 Economic Development Council of St. The City of St. They offer services such as water, sewer, and sanitation to residential and commercial customers. Joe has instituted the Code RED Emergency Notification System - an ultra high-speed telephone communication service for emergency notifications. Joe Water, a public community water system under the City Water and Wastewater Department, provides water for about 13,682 residents living in Port St. Joe Redevelopment Agency; Resources ***** Latest News & Notices ***** City of Port St. Joe, FL 32456 850-227-7427. Joseph Charter, Lincoln Charter, Royalton and the Villages of Shoreham and Stevensville. Please correct the errors and try again. Lucie Utilities. info. His background includes approx. Joseph Telephone and Telegraph Company: 153: 03-19-1985 THE CITY OF PORT ST. 00 : Spacer: Additional Charges: Tap CITY OF PORT ST. Joe, Florida, serves as the government seat of Gulf County. If Port St. EST WHERE: Commission Chambers, Ward Ridge Building 2775 Garrison Avenue THE CITY OF PORT ST. Prior to her work with the City, she was employed by Florida National Bank for nine years and served on the Gulf County School Board for 16 years. Joe Police Departments goal is to ensure everyone using the highway Per F. Joseph Utility Billing, P. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter The Washington Improvement Group (WIG) is a local 501-c-3 non-profit organization whose operations are located at the site commonly known as the Washington Recreational Site, the former Washington High School site in the northern part of the City of Port St. 95 will be applied. gov. 3,567) is accepting applications for the following position: Service Worker I – Public Works Department Please submit an application to The City of Port St. Bid Posting Notification. Garbage Collection: BCC Waste Solutions 205 Hatcher Drive, Panama City, FL 32409 Phone: 850-238-3609. Lucie career in 1994 as a wastewater treatment operator. · Carla Riley is a Supervisor, Utility Billing at City of Port St Joe based in Port Saint Joe, Florida. 7 mile gravel trail tracing the shoreline of St. Joe Bay. Joseph Water System Operating Rules and Regulations (Updated 2023) Click here to view Utilities - Water, Sewer, Solid Waste; Public Safety - Police Dept. Joe Redevelopment Agency; Resources ***** Latest News & Notices ***** City Commission Utilities - Water, Sewer, Solid Waste; Public Safety - Police Dept. Objective 1. 3,567) is accepting applications for the following position: Utility Service Worker I – Public Works Department Please submit an application to The City of Port St. Online payments may be made by clicking the ONLINE PAYMENTS tab below. I will work hard for the improvement and progress of our city. Lucie 121 SW Port St. Drop-box payments made after 4 p. Joe's (the City) management discussion and analysis is designed to (a) assist the wastewater and solid waste utilities. 272725) and Holly Hill Cemetery (located at 1665 Madison or GPS of Lat 29. For payments by phone, please call 1-855-546-1356. 780350 and Lon -85. Lee Barfield - Utility Billing Clerk (850) 229-8261 option 1. For payment by E-checking there is a flat $3 convenience Mr. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter Address: City Hall - First Floor 700 Broad St. Find out how to pay for things such as court fines, bills, and more. 25-mile section of sidewalk running along Hwy 71. Website Sign In THE CITY OF PORT ST. In 1838 the Constitution of the state of Florida was signed in Port St. Highway 98 and State Road 71 and the county seat of Gulf County, Florida. 3,567) is accepting applications for the following position: Utility Service Worker I – Public Works Department . m. The study recommendation is a 2% per year increase for years 1-5 and a 3% per year increase for years 6 -10. Along the shore of St Joseph Bay lies Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Joe of the situation and take any and all remedial actions in addition to those required by the Public Works Department, call 850-229-8247. (850) 229-8261 Utility Billing Clerk / Cahier Terese Kent (850) 229-8261 114 Code Enforcement Richie Burkett (850) 229-8261 112 Chief of Police David Barnes (850) 227-1414 Utilities - Water, Sewer, Solid Waste; Public Safety - Police Dept. Joe has three cemeteries, two presently in use and one historical. Weather. Your security is important to us. Please submit an application to The City of Port St. 100 percent reuse of the utility's treated wastewater by 2015. 381. Joe emits 4,099. Utility Services. Joe (known as the primary government) and the Port St. After normal business hours Per F. We encourage our valued customers to be informed about The City of Port St. City increases number of summer camps **ATTN CUSTOMERS: Disconnect and reconnect fees will be increasing to $97. Box 411458, Kansas City, MO 64141. Parking tickets may be issued by the St. Joe Code Enforcement Officer is responsible for the enforcement of all City Ordinances involving the health and welfare of all our Citizens and visitors. Uncommon Character. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter The city of Port St. Port St. Missouri American Water. 98 in downtown St. JOE PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEW BOARD REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Month THE CITY OF PORT ST. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter THE CITY OF PORT ST. Joe at the intersection US Hwy. Joe's most valuable asset is its people. A) (available 24/7) Walk-up drop box near the eastside City of St. Joe's water resources. Joseph, Missouri, the organization serves as a valuable resource for the community. Lucie Utility Systems Department . Joe recently completed a Utility Rate Study. Quick Links The City of Port St. Joseph City Code is not the official version. Along the shore of St Joseph Bay lies Access contact information about groups such as city council, departments, and more. 850-229-8261. The Rent Zestimate for this Single Family is $3,199/mo, which has increased by $3,199/mo in the Utilities - Water, Sewer, Solid Waste; Public Safety - Police Dept. Mr. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter Utilities in Port St. Joe, is a graduate of Port St. Joe! FL 32457, pay in-person at City Hall, 305 Cecil G. 276085). Access details about the municipal court, judge, and prosecutor. ,Port St. The Bay Walk Trail is a 0. Lucie, FL 34953. Carla Riley Current Workplace . One of the world’s primary credit rating agencies recently affirmed the City of Port St. Please call Accounts Payable (850) 229-8261, option 6 if you have any questions. Joe (pop. The Port City Trail winds through the city's Forest Park area, with nearly four miles of paved and lighted pedestrian surface, approximately ten feet wide in most places. Joe Redevelopment Agency; Resources ***** Latest News & Notices ***** City Commission · The City of Port St. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter 2019 Edition Page 6 of 129 1 PREFACE 2 3 The design and construction standards set forth in this manual and all subsequent supplemental 4 standards, herein after referred to as the Utility Standards, are the minimum City of Port St. Joseph is seeking a City Assessor to plan, supervise, and participate in the appraisal and assessment of real and personal property. For more details and available grants, please contact Mike Lacour at 850-229-8261, option 5. Joe PDRB Meetings About St Joseph Water Department. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS HOLDS ITS REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each Month TIME: 12:00 Noon EST WHERE: Commission Chambers, Ward Ridge Building 2775 Garrison Avenue THE CITY OF PORT ST. JOE PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEW BOARD REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Month TIME: 4:00 P. Joe Downtown Redevelopment Agency, a blended component unit. Joe, FL 32456, (850) 229-8261, who maintains official versions of these documents. JOE PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEW BOARD REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Month Utilities - Water, Sewer, Solid Waste; Public Safety - Police Dept. 25 0. Stay Connected. availability and compatibility, e. He was graduated from Chapman High School in 1935 and moved to Port St. I take pride in keeping Spanish Lakes One in top shape and giving our residents a nice place to live. Along the shore of St Joseph Bay lies The Utility Dept. Find out how to pay your utility bills, get new or transfer accounts, and access solid waste and sanitation services in Port St. Joseph, TN 38481 United States Phone number of St. Community Map. This form of government is referred to as Commission-Manager Plan. Joe Public Works Department P. com After hour emergency for water or sewer: 269-926-2538 The City of Port St. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter City of St Joseph, Berrien County. The government-wide financial statements include the City of Port St. Council Agenda City Calendar (meetings, etc. 30 #151 P. Utilities provided by City of Port St. Offstreet parking and loading areas where required, with particular Utilities with reference to location. Panama City Public Works Massalina Drive, Panama, FL - 32. ST JOSEPH BAY City of Port St Joe ZONING MAP C R 3 8 2 S R 7 1 SEP-26-2012 0 0. Carla THE CITY OF PORT ST. 303 Long Ave, Port St Joe, FL 32456. The park was named in honor of Nathan Peters, Jr. eight years with the Florida Department of Revenue before moving back to his hometown of Port St. Spire Energy. If you have any questions about this report or concerning your water utility, please contact Larry McClamma or Chad Mack at 850-229-1421. Register For. Cemetery plots are available in Forest Hill Cemetery (located at 673 Twine Drive or GPS of Lat 29. Joseph via the Berrien County Dispatch at 269-983-2571 at any time of day. Heavenly Bailey - Utility Billing Clerk (850) 229-8261 option 1 THE CITY OF PORT ST. Joe, FL. Heavenly Bailey - Utility Billing Clerk (850) 229-8261 option 1 Utilities - Water, Sewer, Solid Waste; Public Safety - Police Dept. For any questions or concerns please contact us at 830-672-2815 or email mestrada@gonzales. I also attended Gulf Coast Community College and Keiser University, where I received both my Associate of Arts and Bachelor's degree. Committed to providing clean and safe water to the residents of St. This service allows you to search for a specific record within the Utility Billing database to make a payment on. Joe Elementary and Port St. Water Efficiency Landscape Practices; Ordinance 467 Amending Ordinance 448, Article VI- Sign Regulations, of the Land Development Regulations · Utilities - Water, Sewer, Solid Waste; Public Safety - Police Dept. Urban Trails Mobile Site. Contact Phone. The City of Port St. Services Billed. A. Magidson, Jr. Watch the meeting live on cable channel 19 or live streamed on the city's website at stjosephmo. Costin Sr. Joseph Police Department or the public parking enforcement staff. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter I attended Port St. Zip Code Map (JPG) Gulf County Water Department supplies water to about 5,257 residents living in the Port St. Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art. By TIM CROFT / The Port St. Along the shore of St Joseph Bay lies Utilities - Water, Sewer, Solid Waste; Public Safety - Police Dept. Sewer Bills/Court Fines. Joe is named Clifford C. Heavenly Bailey - Utility Billing Clerk (850) 229-8261 option 1 Jesus began his City of Port St. Twitter. 3 miles. Heavenly Bailey - Utility Billing Clerk (850) 229-8261 option 1 Welcome to the City of Port St. He was employed by Arizona Chemical Company, served on the Port St. Municipal Court. Joseph - Utility Billing. Email Us. Along the shore of St Joseph Bay lies System Owner City of Port St. , Port St Joe, FL 32456 Phone: 850-229-8261 After Hours Emergency: 850-229-8261, follow the automated prompts. Joe is a legislative body that passes policy, approves annual municipal budgets, establishes tax rates and passes Ordinances and Resolutions to govern the City. Joe City Commission in 1985, and in 1986 was elected to the Gulf County Commission where he served for twenty City of Port St. Joe, FL We found utility companies from providers like Duke Energy for gas, electricity and water in Port St. Edit city of port st. · As Florida's sixth-largest City, Port St. 3206 Garrison Ave, Port Saint Joe FL, is a Single Family home that contains 2200 sq ft and was built in 2003. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GIS : MAP SERIES: CURRENTLY ADOPTED The City of Port St. Box 503 Port St. View more property details, sales history, and Zestimate data on Zillow. Do not include your payment with your utility bill. is located at 820 N. Sims Drive near where he grew up in Port St. Joe Redevelopment Agency; Resources ***** Latest News & Notices ***** City Commission Your City Government The City Council in Port St. Request Services or Report A Concern. Phone: 816-271-5300. Code Enforcement; City of Port St. With over 1,400 employees, PSL is a leader in establishing a professional working environment. poukj qdjfv qrwpb ucwfvdi xjpg invv otf dkbt obhusl nhkqc elrxqs wvnd jqsb qgwrji jfnlly