Etcd auto defrag. This flag specifies the retention duration for automatic .

Etcd auto defrag service: root@foo-bar-etcd:/# journalctl -f -u etcd-defrag. 快照备份. 13 as cluster used by a large K8s Cluster, which db size over 4GB. API 文档获取 etcd 服务的版本信息key 的增删改查TTL监听变化自动创建有序的 keys设置目录的 TTL比较更新的原子操作比较删除的原子操作操作目录隐藏的节点查看集群数据信息成员管理5. ETCD 具有快照备份功能,建议生产环境中开启 ETCD 自动备份功能。通过 rancher 创建的集群中,默认开启自动备份功能。 To defragment an etcd member, use the etcdctl defrag command: $ etcdctl defrag Finished defragmenting etcd member [ 127 . You have read the etcd bug reporting guidelines. Mar 3, 2025 · 记一次故障处理:业务侧反馈数据库无法访问,发现 tidb 宕机 尝试重启失败并报错: error=“[PD:etcd:ErrEtcdGrantLease]etcdserver: mvcc: database space exceeded” 发现 etcd 的 db 达到最大限制(8G) ,该 db 位置在 {pd. By defragmenting the database, the etcd member releases this free space back to the file system. Louis City Chapel – 314-772-3000; Affton Chapel – 314-842-4458; South County Chapel – 314-894-4500 Dec 13, 2021 · 磁盘 IO 除了网络延迟,磁盘 IO 也严重影响 etcd 的稳定性, etcd需要持久化数据,对磁盘速度很敏感,强烈建议对 ETCD 的数据挂 SSD。 另外,要确认机器上没有其他高 IO 操作,否则会影响 etcd 的 fsync,导致 etcd 丢失心跳,leader更换等。一般磁盘有问题时, Jun 18, 2021 · To defragment an etcd member, use the etcdctl defrag command: $ etcdctl defrag; Finished defragmenting etcd member [127. Does it compact old key revisions then release DEFRAG defragments the backend database file for a set of given endpoints while etcd is running. What did you expect to happen? $ etcdctl check perf --help NAME: check perf - Check the performance of the etcd cluster USAGE: etcdctl check perf [options] [flags] OPTIONS: --auto-compact[=false] Compact storage with last revision after test is finished. 0 means disable auto Compaction. --wal-dir '' Path to the dedicated wal directory. This condition can be checked with talosctl etcd alarm list command: Mar 5, 2025 · auto-compact -- if true, compact storage with last revision after test is finished. Apr 23, 2020 · For periodic compactions, pass — auto-compaction-retention to the Etcd process while starting, eg: sample etcd-defrag. Exec into the etcd pod: kubectl exec -i -t -n kube-system etcd-cp1 -c etcd -- sh -c "sh" Run the defrag command: 通过auto-compaction-retention对历史数据压缩后,后端数据库可能会出现内部碎片。内部碎片是指空闲状态的,能被后端使用但是仍然消耗存储空间,碎片整理过程将此存储空间释放回文件系统。 要对etcd进行碎片整理,需手动在etcd容器中执行以下命令: etcdctl defrag Jan 4, 2023 · etcdctl defrag [flags] can be used for defragmentation, but tools such as etcd-defrag can provide enhanced functionality and ease of use and should be considered to use. Defragmentation operation removes the free space holes from the storage. 4 on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), but a similar setup should work for other Kubernetes clusters as well. 0. etcd 的数据存储的方式,是直接通过 mmap 一个文件到内存中,然后构建 B+树 的方式。如果有数据删除,相关使用的存储空间也不会释放,可能会在其中留下很多空洞。 Jun 26, 2020 · Логи сервиса etcd-defrag. ETCD_AUTO_COMPACTION_RETENTION Jan 24, 2025 · 这里采用docker compose来部署 部署三个节点组一个集群 etcd集群节点数量的相关说明 etcd 是基于 raft算法的分布式键值数据库,生来就为集群化而设计的,由于Raft算法在做决策时需要超半数节点的投票,所以etcd集群一般推荐奇数节点,如3、5或者7个节点构成一个集群。 Aug 30, 2022 · 文章浏览阅读3. We will be installing Etcd v3. May 31, 2019 · we set --auto-compaction-mode revision --auto-compaction-retention 25000 but usually getting mvcc: database space exceeded When the amount of data reaches the quota and cannot be written, the capacity can be reduced by manual compaction (etcdctl compact) and defragmentation (etcdctl defrag). 安装单点安装集群安装3. By default, this is the revision from an hour in the past. Prints the result of performance check on different criteria like throughput. Dec 5, 2024 · Without periodically compacting this history (e. /etcd --quota-backend-bytes=56777216 --auto-compaction-retention=1" And I cannot understand the effect of "--auto-compaction-retention" clearly. g. 在 etcd 中空间配额确保集群以可靠方式运作。 文章浏览阅读498次。当 cluster 在运行时, 总会有人觉得机器的反应时间太慢. Also prints an overall status of the check as pass or fail. 9, etcd data is automatically defragmented by the etcd Operator as explained in automatic defragmentation for etcd data. 1:2381 Aug 17, 2024 · To defragment an etcd member, use the etcdctl defrag command: $ etcdctl defrag Finished defragmenting etcd member [ 127. I have tried: directly defrag and dis_alarm, sometimes it worked manual compact, 当数据量达到配额导致无法写入时,可以通过手动压缩(etcdctl compact)和整理碎片(etcdctl defrag)的方式来减少容量。强烈建议对 etcd 集群的节点逐个进行这些操作,否则可能会导致整个 etcd 集群不可用。 Sep 29, 2020 · defrag 在自动压缩keys空间后系统数据库会产生碎片,碎片依旧占用系统存储空间,可以使用defrag命令清理。 $ etcdctl defrag Finished defragmenting etcd member[127. For more information, refer to the etcd documentation. 5. --snapshot-count '100000' Number of committed transactions to trigger a snapshot to disk. Mar 7, 2018 · 压缩ETCD空间也可以减少etcd程序的内存占用量,提高etcd性能,在没有问题的时候提前进行压缩也是明智的选择 . Various hands-ons for certain configurations. If present, defragments a data directory not in use by etcd. Manage code changes Oct 9, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读233次。etcd是基于Raft算法的分布式键值存储系统,用于服务发现、配置管理和一致性保证。它提供基本的key-value存储、监听机制、TTL及原子操作,广泛应用于服务注册与发现、配置管理、分布式锁等场景。. data}/member/snap/db 解决方法: 调大 quota-backend-bytes(not work) defrag etcd 元信息库并解除 alarm (work Oct 26, 2023 · 1. 11-eks) with a single replica. etcdctl defrag) to retrieve the unused fragmented disk space. Jul 14, 2024 · etcd cluster "kube-etcd": database size in use on instance 10. Performance Oct 26, 2023 · 为了保持 etcd 集群的可靠性,需要定期进行维护。根据 etcd 应用程序的需求,这些维护通常可以自动化进行,并且不会导致停机或性能显著下降。所有 etcd 维护都涉及管理 etcd 键空间消耗的存储资源。如果无法有效控制键空间大小,存储空间配额将触发集群范围 碎片化的空间可以被 etcd 使用,但是对于主机文件系统不可用。 为了反碎片化 etcd 成员, 使用 etcdctl defrag 命令: $ etcdctl defrag Finished defragmenting etcd member[127. 4、快照恢复 etcdctl snapshot restore snapshot. Aug 17, 2024 · To defragment an etcd member, use the etcdctl defrag command: $ etcdctl defrag Finished defragmenting etcd member [ 127. Using the above two systemd services, you can run the defrag Jan 8, 2025 · This KB will help to defragmentation the etcd database size. 压缩到修订版本3 $ etcdctl compact 3. There is a bit of nuance about the sliding window approach etcd uses that I believe runs every 1/6th of an hour to track revisions of changed records but the actual compaction process should be every 24h with those flags and be pruning any redundant versions yes. /etcd-defrag -h A simple command line tool for etcd defragmentation Usage: etcd-defrag [flags] Flags: --cacert string verify certificates of TLS-enabled secure servers using this CA bundle --cert string identify secure client using this TLS certificate file --cluster use all endpoints from the cluster member list --command-timeout duration Nov 20, 2024 · In Red Hat OpenShift 4, etcd is compacted every 5 minutes, and starting with OpenShift 4. cronjob. If multiple endpoints are provided, first endpoint will be used. Having size larger than >1G, then it should be performed. PersistentFlags(). 1、设置保留历史时间 --auto-compaction-retention. This flag specifies the retention duration for automatic Aug 17, 2024 · Overview An etcd cluster needs periodic maintenance to remain reliable. timer file. The process of defragmentation releases this storage space back to the file system. 上一页 下一页 St. Existing open issues along with etcd frequently asked questions have been checked and this is not a duplicate. Usually there's no need to defrag the db; new writes will reclaim the pages freed by compaction. make defrag concurrent internally etcd 在微服务和 Kubernates 集群中不仅可以作为服务注册与发现,还可以作为 key-value 存储的中间件。 《彻底搞懂 etcd 系列文章》将会从 etcd 的基本功能实践、API 接口、实现原理、源码分析,以及实现中的踩坑经验等几方面具体展开介绍 etcd。 $ etcdctl defrag --help NAME: defrag - Defragments the storage of the etcd members with given endpoints USAGE: etcdctl defrag [flags] OPTIONS: --cluster[=false] use all endpoints from the cluster member list --data-dir="" Optional. $ etcdctl defrag --help NAME: defrag - Defragments the storage of the etcd members with given endpoints USAGE: etcdctl defrag [flags] OPTIONS: --cluster[=false] use all endpoints from the cluster member list --data-dir="" Optional. 在 etcd 中空间配额确保集群以可靠方式运作。 Mar 14, 2023 · Taking a quick look at how etcdctl defrag works currently I'm wondering if we should make func defragCommandFunc more opinionated so that if it is passed the --cluster flag it would complete the defrag on all non leader members first and then do leader. If an etcd member runs low on space, cluster-wide alarms which will put the system into a limited-operation maintenance mode. 不过,请谨慎. We have a cron job set up to run a defrag on instance every hour, and auto-compaction running every hour as well. 1: 2379] Note that defragmentation to a live member blocks the system from reading and writing data while rebuilding its states. All etcd maintenance manages storage resources consumed by the etcd keyspace. db. Defrag is too expensive. With MKE you can defragment the etcd cluster while avoiding cluster outages. 2. Shows examples of both, pass and fail sh [root@etcd-node1 ~]# etcdctl --help NAME: etcdctl - A simple command line client for etcd3. 0. Jun 23, 2022 · Etcd 是不会主动归还空闲的磁盘空间的,这个时候需要调用etcdctl defrag命令来释放空间,另外在 Etcd 中,我们调用 delete 接口删除数据时,并不会从磁盘删数据,只是对对应的版本数据添加一个tombstone 标志,因此我们删除数据并不会释放空间,除非调用 defrag 命令 Mar 21, 2017 · Hi guys! We have faced that making defrag at non-compacted cluster doubled our DB size. Oct 18, 2023 · I'm left with one doubt then: Does this mean that EVERY instance of etcd MUST employ a regular defrag schedule? Because as I understand it, key/value history always grows, and compacting/auto-compacting is not sufficient to avoid a NOSPACE condition eventually? I am using etcd v3. ". Mar 10, 2017 · It compacts starting from the revision of the last auto-compaction interval. etcd can be set to automatically compact the keyspace with the --auto-compaction option with a period of hours: # keep one hour of history $ etcd --auto-compaction-retention=1 根据实践发现只配置auto-compaction-retention只会做碎片整理,不会实际减少空间大小; 如果需要减少大小还是需要使用etcdctl compact Jul 17, 2024 · Regular defragmentation helps maintain optimal performance by reclaiming unused space and compacting the database. Dec 25, 2020 · 注意: 在启动 etcd 服务时,通常会设置 --auto-compaction-retention 参数,实现自动压缩。根据实践发现该参数只会做碎片整理,不会实际释放空间,还是需要使用 etcdctl compact 和 etcdctl defrag 清理空间。 Apr 26, 2024 · 收集器通常是按照应用或主题来分配收集任务单元,因此可以在 etcd 上创建一个以应用或主题命名的目录,并将这个应用或主题相关的所有机器 IP 地址以子目录的形式存储到目录上,然后设置一个 etcd 递归的 Watcher,递归式的监控应用或主题的目录下所有信息的变动。 // Interpret 'auto-Compaction-retention' one of: periodic|revision. To do this, you apply defragmentation to etcd members one at a time. Mar 28, 2023 · 1、设置保留历史时间 --auto-compaction-retention. CHECK PERF检查60秒的etcd群集性能。 Jan 23, 2024 · hello, I am a novice in etcd, I want to know if the etcd's compact and defrag is like the java's gc which could cause the "stop the world" scenario, "stop the world" means when compact or defrag oc 另外一种方案是如果你觉得etcd server的自带压缩机制无法满足你的诉求,想更精细化的控制etcd保留的历史版本记录,你就可以基于etcd的Compact API,在业务逻辑代码中、或定时任务中主动触发压缩操作。 Oct 30, 2024 · This is not a support request or question, support requests or questions should be raised in the etcd discussion forums. ETCD veritabanlarında yaşanan “etcdserver: mvcc: database space exceeded” ve “alarm:NOSPACE” hatalarının hızlı çözümü için neler yapılması gerektiğine […] Mar 4, 2013 · I am running etcd V3. Short: "Defragments the storage of the etcd members with given endpoints", Run: defragCommandFunc, cmd. 1:2379] 查看数据库占用空间. The etcd distributed key-value store retains a history of its keyspace. 2、压缩后,反碎片化 etcdctl defrag. Etcd compaction is triggered by the api-server every 5min by default. Load testing Apply etcd defragmentation¶. Failure to adequately control the keyspace size is guarded by storage space quotas; if an defrag: ## @param defrag. 1:2379] etcd can be set to automatically compact the keyspace with the --auto-compaction Jul 21, 2024 · 压缩碎片->清理空间 # 压缩会产生碎片,清理会删除碎片。只有删除碎片,才能减少空间占用。 # 压缩回收历史版本,回收从0到指定版本号的非key最新版本的历史版本数据 etcdctl compact 版本号 # 清理占用的系统存储空间 etcdctl defrag 自动压缩策略的2种模式 压缩 1. , by setting --auto-compaction), etcd will eventually exhaust its storage space. This fragmented space is available for use by etcd, but is not available to the host file system. Why sometimes "finished scheduled compaction" is not showing up in etcd's log , after then Etcd request latencies increases (over 1s) when compacting. Mar 2, 2018 · Issue: Vault goes to sealed status after I defrag etcd database with command "ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl defrag --command-timeout=30s". etcd server 启动后,如果配置的模式是 periodic,则会创建 periodic Compactor。 Nov 18, 2023 · --auto-compact:启用自动压缩功能。etcd 存储中的历史版本可能会占用磁盘空间,自动压缩可以清理不再需要的历史版本,释放磁盘空间。--auto-defrag: 启用磁盘自动碎片整理功能。etcd 存储在删除键值对时可能会导致碎片,自动碎片整理有助于提高磁盘空间的利用率。 Oct 20, 2019 · 因此,在大量使用的 Etcd 的实际生产场景中,需要考虑优化 Etcd 集群的配置,定期做 compact 和 defrag,且对每个节点的 defrag 时间需要错开,不能同时进行。Etcd 提供了如下参数来帮助实现自动压缩和碎片整理: Jan 11, 2025 · 在生产线上面,虽然etcd使用起来很简单,只需要put get watch这几条命令就可以将整个数据让它流转起来,在生产线上面etcd还有很多很多的问题,包括第一安全如何保证,第二高可用的etcd集群如何构建,第三数据如何备份,这些都和整个集群安全性息息相关。 Oct 25, 2019 · Etcd 维护. 1. OPTIONS: --auto-compact[=false] Compact storage with last revision after test is finished. etcd 数据空间管理. etcd' Path to the data directory. etcdctl --write-out=table endpoint status Apr 21, 2018 · 碎片化的空间可以被 etcd 使用,但是对于主机文件系统不可用。 为了反碎片化 etcd 成员, 使用 etcdctl defrag 命令: $ etcdctl defrag; Finished defragmenting etcd member [127. Refer to the "Diagnostic Steps" section for checking if the automatic compaction and defragmentation is being executed. --auto-compaction-retention 时间周期性. $ ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl defrag Finished defragmenting etcd member[127. Nov 27, 2022 · 一、etcd概述 1、简介与特点 etcd是CoreOS基于Raft开发的分布式key-value存储,可用于服务发现、共享配置以及一致性保障(如数据库选主、分布式锁等)。 在分布式系统中,如何管理节点间的状态一直是一个难题,etcd像是专门为集群环境的服务发现和注册而设计,它提供了数据TTL失效、 If multiple endpoints are provided, first endpoint will be used. Space Quota. Consider defragmenting etcd every month, twice a month, or as needed for your How to defrag Etcd to decrease DB size in Red Hat OpenShift 3? Solution Verified - Updated 2024-08-09T04:14:50+00:00 - English . 15. 1:2379] Apr 21 01:00:13 foo Apr 4, 2023 · Hi, I don't think there is auto defrag implemented yet, per docs. It is strongly recommended to perform these operations on the nodes of the etcd cluster one by one, otherwise the entire etcd cluster may become unavailable. db --name m2 For more information, refer to the etcd documentation. USAGE: etcdctl [flags] VERSION: 3. service --since=-48h -- Logs begin at Thu 2020-04-16 21:31:40 -- Apr 21 01:00:12 foo-bar-etcd systemd[1]: Starting Run etcdctl defrag Apr 21 01:00:13 foo-bar-etcd etcdctl[4265]: Finished defragmenting etcd member[127. ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl -w=table endpoint status Aug 3, 2023 · In ETCD, it is necessary to add the --auto-compaction-retention parameter for compression, as shown on the ETCD official website Dec 26, 2024 · etcd 使用入门1. We might also need to expose knobs for this to happen more periodically. etcd Operations guide: Maintenance/Auto Compaction. enabled Enable auto defrag by periodically ## enabled: true cronjob: ## @param defrag. If the database size exceeds the quota, etcd will stop operations until the issue is resolved. 4、快照恢复 Dec 6, 2017 · If you are using etcd-lock reboots for automatic Core OS updates, then perhaps it is something that you could do at start-up (maybe just before etcd starts running, using the offline method in the documentation). --data-dir '${name}. Apr 23, 2020 · An HA Etcd setup won’t help in reducing the pause while defragmenting, as Etcd leader re-election will only happen when the defrag takes longer time than the leader election timeout, which shouldn’t happen if your DB is below 2GB and if compaction runs regularly. 210:2381 is 49. That history is set for compaction following a specified number of revisions, however it only releases the used space back to the host filesystem following defragmentation. We're currently running etcd 3. 9 as a statefulset on K8s (v1. etcd default database space quota is set to 2 GiB by default. The result of the constant evictions however, is failcnts and slower response times. 18 API VERSION: 3. Depending on an etcd application’s needs, this maintenance can usually be automated and performed without downtime or significantly degraded performance. How important to have defragmentation after auto compaction? IMHO, it depends on the size of the database. There are two ways to defragment etcd: automatic and manual defragmentation. When an etcd member reclaims storage space from deleted and compacted keys, the space is kept in a free list and the database file remains the same size. cometcdctl endpoint health除此之外,我们还可以用以下命令测试. If etcd runs low on storage space, it raises a space quota alarm to protect the cluster from further writes. 3、备份快照 etcdctl snapshot save backup. auto-defrag -- if true, defragment storage after test is finished. Once all available memory has been allocated to cache, we start seeing a lot of cache evictions, which is expected. 1:2379] 空间配额. Output. 保持一个小时的历史 $ etcd --auto-compaction-retention=1. Jan 5, 2021 · $ etcdctl defrag --help NAME: defrag - Defragments the storage of the etcd members with given endpoints USAGE: etcdctl defrag [flags] OPTIONS: --cluster[=false] use all endpoints from the cluster member list --data-dir="" Optional. --heartbeat-interval '100' Time (in milliseconds) of a heartbeat interval Mar 11, 2018 · I start etcd use this command. Apr 20, 2023 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Sep 27, 2024 · etcd database backs Kubernetes control plane state, so etcd health is critical for Kubernetes availability. 通过线上实践发现还是设置自动压缩更靠谱,官方同样提供数据自动压缩方式,历史数据只保留一个小时的 $ . 1: 2379] 空间配额. What happened? Etcd crashes with stacktrace Oct 22, 2019 · 这条错误,是说etcd的后端存储已经超过了预设的大小,它默认是2G,而我并没有修改过这个设置,所以,这个时间点我的etcd存储容量已经超过了2G,etcd进入了只读模式,并且一直在报警,这时apiserver已经无法继续写入数据了。 Jan 29, 2020 · For this reason, we want to defrag on restart so that we can defrag the store without etcd running. Write better code with AI Code review. Aug 17, 2021 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly An easier to use and smarter etcd defragmentation tool - ahrtr/etcd-defrag ETCD on Kubernetes with High Availability – Maintenance – Part 3. Note that defragmentation request does not get replicated over cluster. 所有 etcd 的维护是指管理被 etcd 键空间消耗的存储资源。通过存储空间的配额来控制键空间大小;如果 etcd 成员运行空间不足,将触发集群级警告,这将使得系统进入有限操作的维护模式。为了避免没有空间来写入键空间, etcd 键空间历史必须被压缩。 Mar 7, 2025 · 在传统的配置文件模式,修改配置文件,应用程序是需要重启才能解决的,所以引入etcdwindows安装docker安装安装完成后在下载路径启用cmd(因为未加环境变量)etcd百度网盘 请输入提取码提取码:7777etcdkeeper百度网盘 请输入提取码提取码:7777etcd文档etcd不同系统 $ etcdctl defrag --help NAME: defrag - Defragments the storage of the etcd members with given endpoints USAGE: etcdctl defrag [flags] OPTIONS: --cluster[=false] use all endpoints from the cluster member list --data-dir="" Optional. etcd基础知识4. No translations currently exist. schedule Schedule in Cron format to defragmentation ## schedule: "0 0 * * *" ## @param defrag. Symptoms: Mar 26, 2017 · Etcd seems to quickly gobble up available memory for caching purposes. Sep 24, 2023 · Overview An etcd cluster needs periodic maintenance to remain reliable. 在 etcd自动压缩 之后,后端数据库可能会出现内部碎片。 内部碎片空间可以被 etcd 使用,但是这部分空间不会释放给文件系统,也就是意味着不会回收磁盘空间(从操作系统角度来看)。 Jan 24, 2018 · automatic client migration before and after the defrag; Before a defrag starts, etcd server needs to notify its client and migrate the clients to other servers. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Jan 9, 2023 · Merhaba,Yeni yılın ilk yazısınında ETCD Compaction Defrag işlemlerini inceleyeceğiz. 4. etcd 服务启动配置实践 1 heartbeat timeout 默认为 100ms,推荐配置为 1s; 2 election timeout 默认为 1000ms,推荐为 5s(election timeout >= 5 * heartbeat timeout); 3 quota-backend-bytes 默认为 2G(最大值8G),推荐根据集群容量预估调整; 4 配置 auto-compaction-retention=1 和 auto-compaction-mode=periodic 参数,定期压缩历史数据; 5 推荐通过 cronjob etcd碎片整理 . Aug 3, 2023 · That's my understanding yes. Available since MKE 3. After the defrag, the clients need to migrate back to the server for rebalancing purpose. Automatic defragmentation can be enabled by setting the --auto-compaction-retention flag. etcd 简介2. You must defragment etcd to make this space available to the host file system. Examples. MKE will defragment the current etcd leader last, to prevent the triggering of multiple leader elections. Maybe a cron job could get etcd-lock, defrag etcd, then wait until local etcd is healthy (again), then release the lock. 2 for some time, and run into Error: etcdserver: mvcc: database space exceeded every day / other day, with auto-compaction set to 24h. 8k次。增强版backup方案当谈论etcd备份的时候,来看看现有工具是什么。那是etcdctl snapshot save,它的好处是一次性的将整个etcd dump出来,效率比较高,但是它有它的问题,比如它锁住硬盘空间导致磁盘空间暴涨,其实还有其他方法,比如watch k8s,etcd event,这样可以把集群所有的细节变动 Mar 17, 2023 · All etcd storage resources consumed by the etcd keyspace. Aug 17, 2024 · To defragment an etcd member, use the etcdctl defrag command: $ etcdctl defrag Finished defragmenting etcd member [ 127. Contribute to bysnupy/handson development by creating an account on GitHub. 88% of the actual allocated disk space, please run defragmentation (e. --auto-compaction-mode // Auto compaction retention length. Mar 3, 2010 · 碎片文件是 etcd 进行 compaction 操作后历史的数据,这部分空间可以用于存放新键。 注意:在进行完 compaction 操作后,如果不需要释放空间,不必执行 defrag。只有当 etcd 空间满时,才需要进行 defrag 操作。 如何查看 etcd 空间的实际使用量? # keep one hour of history $ etcd --auto-compaction-retention=1 参考 . 5 COMMANDS: alarm disarm Disarms all alarms alarm list Lists all alarms auth disable Disables authentication auth enable Enables authentication auth status Returns authentication status check datascale Check the memory usage of holding data for Sep 4, 2020 · 如果节点总内存资源不多,或者是单 etcd 实例运行,则可以把 --snapshot-count 适当的缩减,比如设置为 --snapshot-count=50000. 1:2379 ] Note that defragmentation to a live member blocks the system from reading and writing data while rebuilding its states . --auto-defrag[=false] Defragment storage after test is finished. ETCD on Kubernetes with High Availability In this blog, we will cover how to maintain an Etcd on Kubernetes with High Availability. BoolVar(&epClusterEndpoints, "cluster", false, "use all endpoints from the cluster member list") Jun 24, 2024 · etcd configuration files, flags, and environment variables. 所以这个时候我们可以进行一个小小的测试oc project openshift-etcdoc rsh etcd-masternodename. Failure to adequately control the keyspace size is guarded by storage space quotas; if an Dec 10, 2021 · --auto-compaction-mode=revision --auto-compaction 3、清理多余的碎片空间 $ ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl defrag Finished defragmenting etcd member[127. historyLimit Number of successful finished jobs to retain ## historyLimit: 1 3. Member--name 'default' Human-readable name for this member. Does it make defrag? No. Because etcd writes data to disk, its performance strongly depends on disk performance. pbcz dhharxam aplqe wrnyywpqm hkqd hqwvfxl ruxe ffcp lxyn telkh kmdh zfkztok qlwp wsv ccdv