Felt shotgun wads. BPI WAD 16ga FIELD COMMAN DER 1-1.

Felt shotgun wads Wads for 16 Ga. I even have a Herter's tool that measured the wad thickness required between the overpowder wad and the shot. 1. Both using the same hull and primer. Black Powder cartridge & muzzle loader vegetable fiber wads, wool wads & poly wads. Turned cases use the same gauge wad as the shell except in over sized chambers use one or more gauge larger over shot wad. Wad Guide & Fingers; Presses - Shotshell Reloading. Shotgun Wonder Wads pre-lubed with Wonder Lube® 1000 Plus, take the place of the over powder card and cushion wad combination. Brand BPI WAD 16ga FIELD COMMAN DER 1-1. Hulls . Nothing has changed. Any input greatly appreciated. g. Mar 24, 2005 · I still had a couple of boxes of Herter's 12 ga. Feb 8, 2025 · And the ability to quickly adjust the fiber wad thickness if they have to switch to another powder that has different charge weight or density. The correct size for your particular gun may vary but the following are manufacturer's suggestions. Perfect solution was to put 1/8 felt wad into shot cup. The recipe I'm using here is the Gatefeo #1 recipe, Ballistic Products Shotshell Felt Filler Cushion Wads 12 Gauge 1/8" Thick 250/Bag £15. The lubricated felt wads used by muzzle loaders is reported to improve patterns a lot. These 16 gauge cushion wads are the choice of the Black Powder Cartridge shooters. 1/8 felt wad. Specify the gauge and wad or card type: "A" card: . In modern wads, the shot cup often has slits down its sides, allowing it to open up like a flower and release the shot as it exits the barrel. Gordon : Excellent cushion: 8 Sep 6, 2022 · (2) 1/8" 16ga nitro cards + (2) 1/4" 12ga felt wads 1oz lead shot 16ga overshot card roll crimp A quick note on those loads. Find out more 28ga shotshell wads for reloading hulls. Ballistic Products Shotshell Wads 20 Gauge Felt We have been manufacturing traditional card and fiber shotgun, rifle, and pistol wads for over 40 years. PA1302 Pre Conditioned Cushion Shotgun Wads 11 Gauge. $11. 39. The pressure was VERY LOW, like a little over 2,000 psi to 6,000 psi. Powder,uncut wad,9 #4 buck then half a wad on top to hold the buck in. Then the wet cushion wad would go down cleaning the barrel a litle of fouling. Unsurpassed energy absorption and cushioning qualities make our Felt material ideally suited as a cushion/filler wad. Feb 6, 2005 · USING THE WADS Felt wads, lubricated as above, are outstanding in cap and ball revolvers. 9 #1 buck pellets in a 3x3 stack probably do have difficulty fitting into a 20 gauge wad without bulging the shot cup and the finished round. 19. The 100-pack ensures you'll never be without a clean pad when needed. Felt Wads for muzzleloading shotguns. 045"-. I use it for lead bullets in my . We have wads for shotguns, rifles, pistols and muzzle loading firearms. It protects barrels from damage, helps cushion payloads so there is less pellet deformation, briefly keeps the payload intact until it exists the barrel, and, most importantly, separates the gun powder from the shot. BP1680 Striker 16ga Multi-Metal Wad (250/bag) Nov 29, 2011 · I am sure a wad column that is mostly styrofoam could cause a blooper. Loading 1oz #8 mag shot, CB1100-12 wads, 18g Promo, NS primers, Rem hulls. Ideal for rifles, pistols, and shotguns, they remove carbon, powder residue, and other contaminants effectively. Priced from $25 as reflected in your cart. Cards & wads for muzzle loading shotguns Our muzzleloading wads are full bore diameter. However, like the transition from lead to steel Sep 24, 2013 · Caveat: although during development the 'middle' of the wad column may not matter much from a pressure standpoint, be ready to switch to different components, harder cards for example, to maximize accuracy. Go on to the remaining chambers, charging with powder and pushing the greased felt wad in. 5" Thickness Pre-Lubricated Felt Package of 100; Muzzle Loader Originals Black Powder Shotgun Cushion Wads Oct 11, 2019 · The wads I feel ride low in the hull, and after putting in 1 oz shot,, the shot fills to the end of the shot cup,,,however the entire wad is about 1/4 low for crimping,,,, I placed a 1/4 felt wad on top of the shot and the crimp comes out perfect Dec 3, 2022 · In the olden days, 70s and 80s it became widely known among the precision handloaders and shooters that the base of the bullet played the bigger role in accuracy than the nose…felt wads or card wads between powder and bullet/ball got popular enough for muzzleloaders that they began to sell ready made wads…felt wads improved accuracy in Nov 12, 2013 · 12 gauge reloads, 3 inch Fiocchi hulls, 32 grains SR4756 powder, TPS 1275 wad with thin Mylar wrap, all wads coated with Mica dust wad slick, 1 1/4 oz Hevi Shot, felt spacer OVER shot, overshot card. Slight to no hole in final crimp. Felt wads have been the first choice for shotshell loaders for several generations and nothing has changed. These wads are 100% dry wool wads, treat with your own lube. SG32 Sporting 32ga Wad (250/bag) Item #: 072SG32 In Stock $9. Lighten our shotgun by about 10%; it kicks about 10% more. 375" inside diameter. The OP was proposing replacing the soft filler material with steel shot and keeping the powder charge the same. Muzzleloader, Rifle, and Pistol Muzzleloader Wool Wads: Interested in Muzzleloading? Midsouth carries all the muzzeloader shooting supplies you need, from the Muzzleloader, Rifle, or Pistol you want, to the Black Powder, sabots, and bullets that go in it, in stock and for sale, from great brand like Lyman, CVA, Traditions, T/C, Pyrodex, Blackhorn 209, and many more! Mar 25, 2024 · Felt wads, nitro cards, fiber wads, and cork wads for fillers under the shot, put them in a bag and shake them up. 99. reload to get factory like crimp. My theory is use what works. There are good quality fiber wads on the market. 065". Then use them like a standard felt wad under the ball. Both using the same wad. Add 10% to a specific shotgun's weight, it kicks about 10% less. In Stock 20ga shotshell wads for reloading hulls. 20ga Brush Wad (250/bag) Item #: 072BW20 In Stock $9. An absolute must for reloading your black powder shotgun ammunition. I may just have to experiment; i have lots of wads, etc- no factory Alcan wads, but lots of Circle Fly ones that are similar. 16ga Wads. In the 12 gauge fiber wad loads I used lubed wads and I lubed them myself with bear grease. Crucially, bore sizes then were ‘tight’ by modern standards and chamber lengths matched the cartridges intended for use in them. of shot. These Circle Fly . In Stock Shotshell Reloading; Wads; 410 gauge; 410 gauge. Find the right type of wool and make your own wads, or buy Wonder Wads. Muzzle Loader Originals Black Powder Shotgun Cushion Wads . They give a more dense shot pattern and increased range. Jan 6, 2011 · Vegetable fiber wads are thin, but can be a useful barrier between the grease of the felt wad and the powder charge, if you leave the gun loaded for long or it's a hot summer day. Jun 2, 2021 · The thing that is a little weird about these wads is that shot cup doesn't actually fit 1 1/8oz of shot. 26 $ 25. BP2090 The Tank 20ga Unslit Multi-Metal Wad (250/bag) Sep 21, 2022 · Made from high-quality wool felt, these pads provide a soft and abrasive-free surface for thorough cleaning. Jun 17, 2010 · From slow motion videos it seems that the felt wad pushes on the shot column when exiting the barrel thus dispersing the rear end of the shotwhile plastic cups pushed by the gases push the top end away first while the rear of the column is still in the wad protected. Jan 16, 2008 · The current (grossly overpriced) OEM Winchester WAA20 wad crimps perfectly with 3/4 or 11/16 oz. Slug gun shooters are also having great May 21, 2023 · It helps slide the wad down a dirty barrel, cleans it, and lubes it a little for the next shot. May 12, 2024 · Guess where at talking BP load, where the shot not in cup, works to your favor, but knock loose the fouling in the bore from the last shot. So if yes, then can go either way, but nitro card above felt wad works better, since allow for cleaner release of shot, and lets face it, if shooting black powder, one of the felt wads need to be soaked in bore butter, so keep fouling in the bore soft to Dec 21, 2024 · When I tried to use 12ga, 3-1/2" 1-7/8 oz loads of TSS shot for hunting coyotes, I used about 3/4" of felt wads under the the TSS shot and had them tested. It is important to always use the correct wads for the type of shot you are using to ensure safe and effective shooting. If you try it & you like how it works, use it. Nine loads - just add powder & shot. It does not hurt anything though. May 27, 2012 · The data usually went like: "X" grains of red dot, 1 1/8 oz. Felt wads are used to maintain a full load to ensure a better crimp. Oct 23, 2024 · Steel shot loads, using hard card wads (nitro cards) in place of felt or fiber raised the chamber pressure 300-500 PSI in the 4 loads I tried it with. Stay Up To Date With Our Latest Gear Shot Cup This section holds the shot. Sometimes I use buffer in the shot and have never had any issues with melting. They safely seal each chamber and help prevent a chance of chain-fires. The Gray Smoke Wads are made from 100% Recycled Wool, you get the same performance at a reduced price. 01: In-Stock: Notify Feb 26, 2020 · I use cracker box for over shot wads and when I load shotshell for handgun I use the same but put 2 over the powder. These give a dense shot pattern and increased range, without the need for wet fiber wad. For example, paper wads are typically used in shotguns that are used for hunting, while plastic wads are typically used in shotguns that Shot loads, and small game loads can also be loaded in black powder rifles using Wool Wads. The wax wad keeps the lubricant from contaminating the powder. Felt wads, lubricated as These wads are pre-lubed with our Wonder Lube® 1000 Plus. Nov 28, 2016 · Forty plus years ago I used part of a box to create a good fit for 16 gauge shells. 50 Compare. Push the greased felt wad in with your thumb, so it’s slightly below flush. Felt wads: The highest quality cushion wad available. Some press adjustment will be necessary for 5/8 oz. Extruded brass cases should use one or more gauges Feb 28, 2024 · I use the wads from BPS that are for steel and tungsten shot. Back to Cheerios or cork wads I guess. 25 Compare PA1205 Hexagonal Felt Wads Pkg 100 - Not Lubricated. Wonder Wads are used over the powder and under the patched round ball or conical bullet. Roll crimpers will need about 1-5/16" +/-. The shot tube is adjusted to the 6th hash as I understand Apr 11, 2012 · If you used felt overpowder wad(s) rather than your card wads, and all else was the same, then the 1K loss of velocity may have been caused by blowby due to felt wad deformation or failure to obturate, or perhaps by the felt wad offering less frictional resistance to being pushed from the hull. (There may be other possibilities. Cork wads are light, dense, very flexible, and very easy to work with. Single shot pistol and rifle shooters are using Wonder Wads to improve accuracy. Dec 4, 2023 · I only use a thin over shot card wad on top of the shot on hunting loads if the crimps are a little deep. Then a Magtech diameter over shot card glued in place with either Elmer’s or Duco. The type of shotgun wad that is used will depend on the type of shotgun and the type of ammunition that is being used. 4. If I don't have any of those ready I just wipe patch lube around the edge of the wad. $25. Protect the base of your bullets from hot powder gas. 16ga shotshell wads for reloading hulls. Feb 28, 2018 · This video shows how to make up nitro wads fast, easy and inexpensively using everyday materials 3/4" and 7/8' hole saw bits. Brand BPI WAD 28ga TPS NON-TOX 5/8 STEEL 3/4 ITX 100/BG . 2 days ago · © 2025 1BID US Inc All rights reserved. shot w/ card & fiber wads, or "y" grains w/ plastic wad. Turned out the cotton decompressed between the shot drop and the precrimp station. 25oz LEAD 250/BAG . I then lay them out on a screen to dry. Shotshell Reloading; Wads; 16 gauge; 16 gauge. No need for wet wad loading. . Finished loads look good, final crimp depth is . They provide maximum energy absorption and work well in shotshell (interior wad cushions) and muzzleloading applications. "pizza box" or other "thick", noncorrugated, carboard can serve nicely as bases for OP wads. Felt Spacer Wads 1/8 (250 Wads) $11. Slug gun shooters are also having great results. Mix & Match: Felt wad sizes can be mixed and stacked to accomodate any shot column height requirements. Subscribe. 24″ thick Felt wads for between the powder charge and the ball; Oct 1, 2011 · Working with my new Mec 9000GN. 95; Out of stock; Sign-up For Our Newsletter. 410 Wads for 28 Ga. Appreciate any info. In independent testing Felt Wads have drastically improved pattern density over conventional wads by as much as 100%. $24. & Ox-Yoke wads are very popular in black powder firearms. Dec 13, 2015 · Take two loads of hard shot. That's not a typo on the 16 gauge, I used 12 gauge felt wads, and yes those are CB0078 wads with 1 oz loads. Back to Top Aug 8, 2024 · While plastic is used now due to its malleability, versus the aforementioned felt or cardboard, there is still an opportunity to change the type of plastic in shotgun wads which could reduce the plastic pileup occurring in the Bay Area as well as up and down the Pacific and Atlantic coastlines. The service on the phone was Feb 10, 2018 · This is revised version of a video I made almost 2 years ago about how to make your own felt wonder wads. Felt wads have been the first choice for shotshell Felt wads have been the first choice for shotshell We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. Shotshell Reloading; Wads; 28 gauge; 28 gauge. Premium Lubed Gray Smoke - 100 Per Bag Sep 30, 2012 · Can traditional cartridges with felt wad work greater in older shotguns, than nowadays popular cartridges with plastic wad ? It is a big difference in shot distance ? I have seen, that traditional cartridge loaded with felt wad, gives more correct patterning in the target in 40 yds distance, than modern loaded with plastic wads. $15. BP2895 28ga Lead Shot Wad (250/bag) Item #: 222BP2895 In Stock $22. Buckshot; Copper-Plated Lead Shot; Lead Shot (Bb-9) Nickel Plated Lead Shot; Shotgun Slugs & Moulds; Steel These wads are pre-lubed with our Wonder Lube® 1000 Plus. as for size megasupermagnum sums it well on that. Felt wads are the least common type, and they are typically used in high-quality shotguns. This would i crease the payload weight and increase the shot column length which would increase pressure. When they got cool they hardened up and I cut the 1/2 wad to 1/4. 2. Perfect fitting tool for inserting felt wad into shot cup is an AA battery. Click here to see some of the tricks: 12/67 ga 19 grains of Red Dot and 1 gram of meal, wad of 32 grams and 24 grams of ammo # 9, very good. Actually, for such a barrier, I cut waxed wads from milk cartons. Had a mini lead volcano on my hands. Bump up the muzzle Most wads used to fill a the shot cup on a plastic wad only add about 500-1000psi to the pressure curve. Our Price: $32. $14. "Cereal box" or other "thin" carboard can be useful for filler and OS purposes. If your load is using "smaller" sized shot, placing a wool-felt or a cork wad under the shot (usually in the bottom of the shotcup) will lift the shot column without disturbing the pressure curve. To remedy these height adjustments, use Cork or Felt wads underneath the shot to bring the shot column up to perfect crimping height. If there is a change in felt recoil between two loads, then, assuming the gun is the same, there is some difference in either or both the weight of the shot charges or the velocity of the loads. Muzzle velocity and ejecta (wad, shot, etc. The Muzzle Loader Originals Shooting Wads are designed to seal revolver chambers, preventing cross fire, and to serve as over-powder wads in Mar 28, 2023 · It seems that except for the confetti affect most think lubed fiber wads are only necessary with BP. 44-40 and . Materials Historically, wads were made from various materials, including paper, felt, and cardboard. 95 – $ 19. Wads for 10 & 12 Ga. If a 3" 1-1/2 oz load called for 1/4" felt wad under #4 12g/cc shot and you used 1-1/2 oz of 12g/cc BB shot and didn't have room for the 1/4" felt wad and left the This creates a very versatile lubricant. Tactical Felt Cushion Wads Tactical felt wads surround and protect projectile(s) 1/4" thick with a . Wad SG16S + 20ga. When used as fillers inside shotcups May 2, 2022 · A shotshell’s wad, the formed piece of plastic, paper, or felt that holds the pellets inside of the hull, serves many purposes. That's all there is to it. Without plastic wads with shot cups the way to get an appropriate fill of the hull was to use wads of the right thickness. ) both affect recoil approximating a "two-to-one" ratio. When hunting with a MLing shotgun, after a shot you'd put a cushion wad in your mouth to wet it good while you poured powder down the barrel and installed a over powder card. 26. Unsurpassed energy absorption and cushioning make felt an ideally suited material for cushion wads. By design, we have solved the problem of loading through a choked barrel. Packs of 100 pieces: Dry Felt Sealer Wads for Pistol, Shotgun and Rifle. Reporting from Alberta Province - Canada - cant add that to State. Packs of 100 pieces Shotshell Wads - 12 ga 1-1/8 oz. 95 Select options. 5 out of 5 stars. Aug 28, 2010 · I melt this, jab the wad with a pin and run just the edge of the wad through the lube and set it aside to dry. 32ga shotshell wads for reloading hulls. Many World Records and match winners have used Ox-Yoke Cusion Shotgun Wads $ 7. Both dimensions are utilizing a flake powder. Buckshot; Copper-Plated Lead Shot; Lead Shot (Bb-9) Nickel Plated Lead Shot; Shotgun Slugs & Moulds; Steel Shotgun Wonder Wads pre-lubed with Wonder Lube ® 1000 Plus , take the place of the over powder card and cushion wad combination. 45-70 rifles, and soak felt wads in it for my cap and ball revolvers and muzzleloading rifle. Winchester Shotshell Wads - 28 ga 3/4 oz Red 250/bag New Hull Only. Powder Scales & Dispensers; Scale Accessories; Shot & Slugs. Felt wads have been the first choice for shotshell loaders for several generations. plus overpowder wads. Higher density shot/shorter shot column/less pressure assuming you keep the weight the same. Cork wads: A tremendous cushioning wad with rigidity. ) Jul 24, 2016 · Was thinking it could be a quick easy wad filler. I ended up having to use 1/4 oz more TSS shot and using 1/4" of felt and 1/4" of hard card wads to get the pressure up to around 10,000 psi. Shotgun weight affects recoil on approximately a "one-to-one" ratio. Ox-Yoke Overshot Wads – 0. Shotgun Wads; Winchester AA Wad 1 1/4oz 36gm Yellow – 250 Rounds $ 19. But one (A) is 2 oz of hard tungsten shot with a gas seal, 1/4" cork and 1/4" felt under shot, while the other (B) is 2 oz of hard tungsten shot with no gas seal and 1/8" less felt cushion under the shot. Use 20 gauge wads in 12 gauge applications and 12 gauge wads in 10 gauge applications. 50+ bought in past month. Fiber wads, over shot wads & nitro wads for loading your black powder cartridge & muzzle loader shotgun loads. Felt Cushion Wads Unsurpassed energy absorption and cushioning make Felt material ideally suited as a cushion wad. Magnum lead shot from West Coast or Lawrence is the finest shot you can buy, and any plating on those does not help. 500 per package. (Those would fit easily in a 12 gauge shot cup, by the way). Wads for 20 Ga. And some like Cheerios add zero psi. One hundred years ago, shotgun wads were made from wool felt, cardboard, cork, or fiber. 500 per Pack. The shot cup is a little small. It has steel barrels so will be using Universal powder. Worked great. Some loading manuals use to show what size the shot was for a certain load. Hulls Jun 29, 2021 · Only felt and ‘traditional’ wads were available when shotgun makers vied for superiority in performance with field trials. Apr 13, 2007 · I bought a couple of the Osborne belt punches and have been punching out my own wads from waxed card board, LDPE, 1/8 inch felt and 1/4 inch felt even tried some filler wads cut from meat trays all seems to work. A high density, 100% wool felt wad, lubricated with premium lube, that will take the place of the over powder and cushion wad. I have not done this with revolver wads but only because I haven’t needed the wads. See The Sixteen Gauge Manual or Advantages Manual for loading data. 125" thick, over powder, waterproof, to seal the powder charge. Brand BPI WAD 410ga TPS NON-TOX 3/8oz STEEL/ITX 200/BG . Only 1 in stock Oct 13, 2022 · Cookoff did testing on that theory. Two Felt Wads over the powder and one overshot have produced excellent results in most guns. 025" over shot wads are typically glued in place over the mouth of the case to hold the shot in place. For under $20 a 500 wad bag gives me 1000 wads. It works for me. They aren't tall like the 6118's (1. Certain kinds of fiberboard and scrap felt can be useful as the bases for filler wads. Jul 7, 2023 · Any changes in felt recoil will have to come from a change in actual recoil. If all else is equal, there can be no change in felt recoil. We offer the most comprehensive selections of sizes and materials available anywhere. That said, there are some exceptions with powder, shot cup, filler material, and shot type combinations, and a phone call to the powder manufacturer is always a good idea and free to boot. com. Charge the chamber with a measured amount of powder. We have used and recommended felt wads for hunting loads because they can accomodate many different loads and large shot sizes. Dec 18, 2003 · That's a good question, i've often wondered the idiosyncrasies of filler wads myself, i know with lead loads it really didn't matter, but steel and hevi shot is a different breed of cat, reloading specialties say they use felt exclusively, but i think felt as an over shot would have a higher probability of blowing the pattern, yes you can use 6 1/8" or 3 1/4" it doesn't matter how you get to Mar 20, 2014 · Allow about 1-3/8" headspace above the top wad or felt for the shot wrapper and crown crimp. Felt Cushion Wad - 12ga 1/4" (250/bag) *fits inside 10 gauge wads. Anyone have any info on fiber wads for 7/8 oz of shot. Apr 7, 2014 · Hi, I'm Daniel Salta-Argentina. Filter Products Close. FREE delivery Thu, Feb 6 on $35 of items shipped by Amazon. Both 2 ounces. May 4, 2010 · For shotgun and rifle wads that I punch from felt, I use a 1:5 Ballistol to water mix and soak the wads overnight. Jun 5, 2024 · When I had some TSS 18g/cc loads tested and used about 3/4 of an inch of felt wads under the shot it lowered the pressure WAY MORE than I though it would. 191. 70") but the base of the shot cup is quite a bit higher. Wool felt wads for black powder cartridge firearms & muzzleloaders. Hulls 28 Ga. We have used and recommended felt wads for hunting loads because they can accomodate many different loads and shot sizes. I use these for bismuth and lead shot using 1 overpowder 1/8 nitrocard 1 half inch felt wad then the bps cup with shot then 2 overshot cards. Even had some plastic sleeves Herter's sold to surround the shot. 7/23/2024: Needed to increase shot column in 16ga. 99: Precision Reloading: 28 Ga. Card wads can also be used for filler wads. You can use plastic wads, no worries of pressures. Our Price: $9. Active Users: 1105 Site powered by AuctionMethod. My plan is a nitro card specific for Magtech diameter over powder. Such biodegradable wads are still used by choice by a small percentage of shotgun users, and as needed in places where plastic wads are banned. 1000 per bag. ) Interestingly, all wads used to be biodegradable before the advent of plastic wads. Mar 5, 2025 · Using the wrong type of wad with steel shot can lead to poor shot patterns, increased felt recoil, and can even be dangerous. felt wads in 1/4, 3/8 and 1/2 in. of shot in the AAHS and any Remington hull (forget Federals and imports) with virtually no press adjustment. You will never know the difference and they are all perfect for your application. Oct 24, 2009 · "Found materials" can be the bases of effective wads; e. They are untreated, easy to load in shells and hold a good shot pattern. Velocity wasn't significantly affected either. Lubed Felt Sealer Wads for Pistol, Shotgun and Rifle. Hulls 32 Ga. Dipping the whole wad allows it to soak up too much weight IMHO. Ballistic Products, Inc Feb 27, 2019 · I have a Ithaca 20 ga double and want to use the old fiber wads in hope that they will open the pattern somewhat. A plastic shot cup with any necessary fiber spacer underneath the plastic shot cup. Whether you are shooting a percussion revolver, muzzle loader or black powder cartridge firearm you need these wool wads. 28ga Brush Wad (250/bag) Item #: 072BW28 Apr 10, 2020 · All it possibly does it protect it from corrosion (which graphite does anyway), and makes it pretty. Adding an overshot card (OS) or plastic seal (COS12) will improve crimps by providing a flat surface. If for when I make short shot gun shells I get 1/8 cork from a farm fleet store that is used to make gaskets and use gasket hole punch from Snap on . (plastic wad usually refereed to a plastic gas seal as most of this data predates the one piece wad. 15 Unsurpassed energy absorption and cushioning qualities make their Felt material ideally suited as a cushion/filler wad. Have used the fiber wads in my 12 ga with brass shells but, will be using Remington hulls for the 20. I also used them in a Kentucky pistol for a buck shot load. Some crimps are slightly dished. Jan 30, 2005 · If you plan to make shotgun wads, or large-bore rifle wads, punches can sometimes be found in 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24 and 28 gauge. I buy 1/8" hard wool felt for wads from 100% wool felt cushion wads are used inside the shot cup under the shot to fill unoccupied space in the hull. In other words the change was negligible. It's the only wad that's truly successful with such payloads in the 20. I suspect it would be great for felt shotguns wads and black powder loads. Those using larger doses of slower burning powders may have to shorten the wad column length accordingly for their charges. Surcharge cylindrical cartridges shotguns for more than 50 years, we do not have wads of varieties you. Lube on the top or bottom doesn't do any good. Recommended sizes for use in your shotshell wads: 20 Ga. I bought a Lee Loader and after loading about half a box decided if reloading was that much work It wasn't for me. Most modern wads are made undersize, to fit within a paper or plastic cartridge case. I like nitro cards the best for this application, because they are solid and don't compress. Progressive Shotshell Reloading Press; Shotshell Press Parts; Single Stage Shotshell Reloading Press; Scales & Dispensers. Join Our Mailing List . :lol: I'm a tinkerer that had a thought. zhztrab hgdc oofv knvt mcuqr yrtpzn icu kcjr aprzlq pbgh ymekks bddj rshiqvu fjpp frobff