Ffxiv nexus light bonus Extreme trials only give 48 during bonus period. Maximum of 96 points with light bonus. I myself post on there after every dungeon I run with my Nexus to let everyone know what light I got from where. (IE: Thyrus Nexus to Nirvana) Lost? You might be looking for the previous step Zodiac, or the next step TBA. Let's say Garuda Hardmode normally gives 2 light, when it's bonus it's going to give double, which is 4. Basically these This has a smexy progress bar, tells you the Light tier you are on, the # of remaining brights/gentles you need, your recent light gains, updates in real-time, provides links to Bonus windows & Light information, provides easy memory address updating, and some other shit. When a duty is on bonus, the light granted is always one stage higher than it is otherwise. Sastasha normally gives >50 light, >100 with bonus, so every other dungeon should as Join Date Apr 2012 Location Milpitas , CA Posts 2,142 Character Shinigami Zetta World Balmung Main Class Dragoon Lv 90 I would personally start each session with a variety of dungeons in hopes of finding a bonus, which would halve the number of runs you need, plus the variety is less mind numbing than 25 back-to-back AV runs. Bonus light is when you complete a duty and it gives more than the normal amount. I just did my Nexus stage yesterday in about 2 hours by soloing Tam-Tara normal unsynced. FFXIV Nexus weapon light values Mmmmmm, Soulglazed Relics Quest Guide (Nexus Zodiac Weapons) - FFXIVIn this short video I explain the quickest way to farm light an fully attune your relic w Otherwise cycle through level 15-49 dungeons (minus those that take too long, like copperbell) and find one that gives bonus light (blinding) and spam that. Feeble: 1 Light Gentle: 2 Light Bright: 4 Light Brilliant: 8 Light Blinding: 12 Light Newborn Star: 16 Light Tiers: 'No Activity': 0 - 199 'Indisctinct Activity': 200-399 Most of these involve little to no clicking, with exception to Brayflox and Tam-Tara which are so short that its worth anyways. Check any dungeons that you don't mind doing that you can do quickly. (I just did this like a week ago. The reddit thread is amazing for this step. NintenPyjak64 • Evercy Warclan Cactuar Jun 13, 2018 路 Mmmmmm, Soulglazed Relics - Nexus Light Farming - Zodiac Glass - Soul AttunementArtemis Bow Nexus - Item Level 115馃搶 PLAYLIST Relic Weapon Zodiac: https://is Dec 16, 2015 路 FFXIV Light Tracker is application to help you track your nexus/zeta weapons progress and monitor current bonus windows Tags: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, FFXIV, FF, XIV, Light, Nexus, Zeta Übersetzung wird geladen Brilliant: 48 Light Blinding: 96 Light Newborn Star: 128 Light. Doing Sastasha normal unsynced jumped my light level after 4 runs when it wasn't in bonus and 2 runs when it was (matching up with the 48 / 96). Live Updates from Hundreds of People on the latest Live Bonus Light. Mahatma's bonus window is the same as Novus bonus window (by using the Zodiac glass, it is possible to verify your progress with each variety of mahatma). true If you don't know what I'm talking about you guys can search other Nexus upgrade info threads to figure out the details. 2. Because it also gives 48 points. Apr 4, 2019 路 Join Date Jul 2011 Posts 2,563 Character Raldo Volca World Coeurl Main Class Marauder Lv 80 When the duty has a bonus, it gives the next level of light. Without bonus, you need three AV/Tam-tara per mahatma which for a PLD both take around three minutes + loading each. 58 votes, 1. If you don't know what I'm talking about you guys can search other Nexus upgrade info threads to figure out the details. Light windows are two hours long, starting on either every even or odd real life hour depending on time zone and daylight savings observation. Updated Live by hundreds of The primal bonus has in fact been Titan for the last 4 hours and is about to change These should take you no longer than 3m each regardless of job, making a single light bomus window sufficient for the Nexus step and (if this isn't your first relic and you prepared) Mahatmas as well. Base. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an… Are you like me and still working on old relics?? Here's how I'm Light Farming for my Zodiac Braves weapons after 6. It’s almost 100% certain this is the final relic step pre-3. The Zeta step seems to be implied as having a 50x rate of the original Nexus grind, which would mean it's 25x faster than Nexus now per Mahatma. That's a Bright light intensity (32) for a 30-50 second run. For dungeons, "Brilliant" is not bonus. This is in comparison to ARR dungeons' Brilliant light (48) for around 2 minutes time. Math tells you that doing Aurum Vale is better in terms of reward per time spent. 2 people at 80 with the weapon equipped can beat it in 55 secs. Only certain duties will have bonuses active at a time. Feb 6, 2015 路 Also, for your Nexus light grinding, Turn 4 in BCoB is great because its relatively easy at this point in the game, great for ARM or GSM desynthesis, and always drops an allagan craft item that can be put on market board for hefty prices. And once again, variety makes it less soul Nexus values are doubled and there are more ways for you to get higher values that can get you light while getting other things. The site isn't "beautiful" because it was made in mind for all devices to use: from phones, to tablets, to the PS4 browser, all devices should be compatible » FFXIV Nexus Light Potency Update FFXIV Reset Timers Last daily reset was 12 hours, 23 minutes ago / Next daily reset is in 11 hours, 36 minutes Last weekly reset was 4 days, 5 hours, 23 minutes ago / Next weekly reset is in 2 days, 4 hours, 36 minutes Posted by u/RedditTraduction - 1 vote and 1 comment Most trials deliver Gentle (4 points) light, where as HM trials with Bright listed (8 points) are in a 2-hour bonus window. Garuda HM, that's Bright = 4 lights. Only way to check bonus is to run it. (Assuming no light bonus, which did happen from time to time. consolegameswiki for the Nexus Relic Weapon and Zodiac Zeta, under Light Levels they both make mention of a "bonus period. when they have bonus its 98 light each run, so only around 20 runs for nexus. The EX ponies are the best example, but Levi Mirrors, Ramuh weapons, and Second Coil drops also work. Light bonuses change every 2 hours, even numbered PST, odd numbered EST. Garuda EX only gives you 32 points per run. There are other threads on reddit that gives you real value. I've caught bonus in Sastasha and Cutters Cry. Here’s everything you need for your light farming session. FFXIVLight. <Resonate> has a new tool to allow the community to vote on current light windows for Nexus farming! The tool is currently in beta and is subject to bugs, so any feedback is appreciated. Posted by u/OvernightSiren - 2 votes and 3 comments it seems that a lot of people are starting to believe that the variable "glowing light" options for completing a duty are NOT in fact due to the amount of time the duty took, but due to a series of cycling windows which award bonus light. nexus light grinding have become easier. 1 - Feeble light - Fates (level doesnt matter, all seem to give the same) 2 - Gentle light - T4, alexandrite maps 3 - Bright light - T1, Levi EX 4 - Brilliant light - ex roullette / HM dungeons / hullbreaker 5 - Light of a newborn star - Syrcus Tower I didn't farm light at all for my Nexus. Feb 26, 2023 路 Curtana Nexus: 50 115 PLD: 64 : 0 Strength +32 Vitality +33 Customizable substats: Bravura Nexus: 50 115 WAR: 64 : 0 Strength +45 Vitality +46 Customizable substats: Gae Bolg Nexus: 50 115 DRG: 64 : 0 Strength +45 Vitality +46 Customizable substats: Sphairai Nexus: 50 115 MNK: 64 : 0 Strength +45 Vitality +46 Customizable substats: Yoshimitsu So, unless I drastically change how I am playing the game, I will get 60 light a week. Each event produces a base amount of light and can receive a bonus to increase the amount of light produced. I also like not having to go look for bonus light. Light is collected by participating in various activities. For my friends and I, we tend to farm Primals HM because the bonus yield makes gentle light become Bright light (which is about twice the value). This step is again one of the longest available in the game and will require a lot of farming. Add a minute or two for other primals. FFXIV Nexus Light Farming: current bonus windows . Edit: the primal trials give less light but can be so quick that they're also competitive. Aurum Vale can be done in under 2 minutes giving you 48 light points per run. When you finish a duty, it tells you what level of light (Feeble, Gentle, Bright, etc. I did Tam Tara/Sastasha on my recent relic, but a friend said it was quicker to do Ifrit NM (even if it only gives Feeble) because they were able to kill it in ~15 seconds. , but I suspect organized light farming has died down quite a bit. With the influx of Nexus threads, let's try to organize it all into this thread. While i wasn't actively working on anima I kept passively spending red scrips on sands, so by the time I got to working on it I already had all the sands I needed. but would try a handful of ARR dungeons and hope to land a bonus. What I did: Fish for light bonus period by unsyncing these three dungeons. You must have the relic weapon equipped on the last boss of the dungeon or trial in order to get light credit. ) Every dungeon gives light it’s just a matter of what’s quick and effective. for Zodiac Zeta Jan 31, 2025 路 Each event you complete has a base light value and a possible bonus, which is usually the tier above it. If you prepped the next stages already and can do the Zeta stage with Mahatmas, and the bonus light 2hr window hasn't passed yet, go speed run it 12x again because both Nexus + Zeta stages shares the same light bonus system. Feb 6, 2015 路 This page details the process to upgrade your currently owned Nexus Relic to a Zodiac Weapon. The new bonus is "Blinding" Sastasha NM is Blinding right now BTW. Personal recommendation is to check Tam-Tara Deepcroft, Stone Vigil, and Aurum Vale, all of which give a Blinding if they are on bonus while being completed in 3m or less depending on job. ) King moogle ex is fast as well. You can kill it in 1/2 ogcd unsynced. 993K subscribers in the ffxiv community. I was killing it in 20-30 seconds depending on how low I could get him before he spawned his friends. Using a standard like above would alleviate people misinforming, as some places especially when you get levels like Blinding you don't know if that's bonus or not. The Nexus Light farm I never got a Bonus from it so that means I ran Tam Tara Deepcroft 42 times (My best time was 3:05 mins as a Healer). tl;dr- One complete cycle (48 ST runs + 56 maps) will get you (384 + 224) 608 lights, a little over 1/4th of a Nexus. Sep 23, 2014 路 If you don't know what I'm talking about you guys can search other Nexus upgrade info threads to figure out the details. I stand by Thornmarch Extreme light farming. The list of bonus light duties will randomly change every 2 hours, but you can complete a full weapon in less than an hour. I used Sastasha, Tam - Tara, Cutter's Cry, Stone Vigil, Brayflox Equip your lvl 80 wep (if in higher lvl dungeons) and equip the relic before final boss. Level 50 dungeons are on a lower light tier for the most part. Both Sastasha (easiest) and Aurum Vale (quickest) give Brilliant (non-bonus). . So doing Garuda HM would result in a Gentle Light (+2 points according to the thread), for most of the day. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. Aurum vale gives 48 light without the bonus an took me 2 minutes to clear it. New Window /u/NexiiiSama. Everyone posts in it where bonus light is. If none of them are bonus then TamTara or Aurum Vale spam will be your fastest light. I think I spammed Ifrit Hard for all of my light on my last relic. so yes, double the value. 21 votes, 45 comments. If you can manage 48 ST runs every 2 days or so, you'll have your Nexus in about a week, give or take your grinding tolerance. Yeah scrips, but through the weekly custom deliveries instead of mass crafting for rowena, it's just 6 easy crafts per NPC and depending if it's bonus you can get over 2k red scrips. heres my secret strat, if you dont get bonus light from the dungeon just do ifrit normal. I just did the light farming for my last three on Battle on the Big Bridge to farm the light while also earning mogtomes. 63 runs. Light production bonuses last for a two hour window. 2K comments. Wait for a light bonus window on Tam-tara, Stone Vigil, Aurum Vale, or another leveling dungeon of choice then do the 21 runs. Posted by u/Turnedright - 1 vote and 11 comments Apr 23, 2024 路 The duties that give bonus light rotate randomly every two hours and you can run any of the content unsynced, as long as your weapon is equipped at completion. Feb 6, 2015 路 Light Farming Tips: This Light Farming: Bonus Windows link is something you should look at all the time. Hello all 5 of you grinding Zodiac weapons in 2023! I've found that most advice on the internet for the light grinding parts has been to repeat Aurum Vale or one of the other easy dungeons, but now that we've walked to the end and are level 90, slapping around Twintania in Binding Coil 5 is much more efficient if you can burst it down before it begins its divebomb phase. Not all events will receive a light production bonus during Sometimes you get a bonus window, still, and it takes like half the time. Since it's 12 Mahatmas a Zeta takes 48% of the time it takes to do a Nexus. So, you get a message when you complete a duty, and instead of it saying feeble it would say bright or some other message. Assuming you started on the first day and finished the day before 2. best way is sastasha or tam tara unsynced. Yeah, they doubled the light values and adjusted the basic values each dungeon gives. Dungeons can also be completed undersized and unsynced. I just finished my light grind. They should all give you brilliant light, and if bonus blinding. The specific fight that has the bonus changes, either every hour or every other hour, I'm not positive. ) you just got. Aug 26, 2015 路 OP dont listen to this. Basically these Hello, I am currently at the novus->nexus stage for my relic weapon and have some questions regarding the light windows. 06 Nov 2015 20:02. 30 seconds is as perfect as you can get, even on Scholar I got it down to towards ~40 seconds. Not all events will receive a light production bonus during Tam-Tara is 48 light per run I think (so I guess 96 if the bonus is on?) which means you need 42 runs to max out 2k light; unsynched at 70 on WHM I was averaging around 3:40 a clear, and at 80 on SCH I got it down to 3:10 or so which was faster than 6 Ifrit runs given the load in/out time. 1M subscribers in the ffxiv community. To reach 2000 light, it will take me over 30 weeks! I know many people got their light in light farming parties, running HM primals during bonus windows, etc. If you're literally just level 60 (and appropriately geared because obviously) you can do Nexus & Mahatmas in one window np. The strat is to leave duty the moment ifrit dies to skip the deathcutscene. If you're looking for the bonus to make it faster, you're probably wasting your time due to it shifting every 2 hours and it can be up for raids which take time. Even without the bonus. Posted by u/ErrorFindingID - 1 vote and 13 comments FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! 10 minutes for a trial currently on bonus, check the live light thread again. Jul 13, 2021 路 It’s time to farm some light if you want to upgrade your Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Relic from Novus to Nexus. If you walked into a hard mode primal and you attained Bright Light, that dungeon is in it's two hour bonus window because you would normally attain Gentle. It's for the nexus grind of your relic. The other night keeper of the lake had the bonus and I ran it twice and Ifrit hard mode four times and went up a light level. Go to the light window page on reddit (the first google result with ff14 light) and start spamming the easy primals when the bonus windows open. below is a single update from a live thread. It's only 125 runs of Greg for the 2000 light for the Nexus step, and only 60 runs for all 12 Mahatmas for the final step. Then there's dungeons that are good, but imo not as good due to clicking and length; Satasha, Cutter's Cry, Halatali. 4, that's 40 days to get 2000 light. That's 50 light points per day. Light=48 (96 if bonus) / Time=~2min. Sastasha, TamTara, Dzemael, and Aurum Vale. If you can, please contribute to it, too. Each run is 48 light and I averaged 4 minutes per run as a WHM. Guten morgen, everyone! Do you guys know if there's a light bonus window right now? And if there's any site/discord tracking this kind of stuff… You will only have to run it max 21 times with light bonus assuming the you find the light bonus dungeon at the start. Or do Ifrit storymode unsync, 8 light (feeble) if not on bonus, 16 if bonus (gentle). Posted by u/dennidits - 1 vote and 8 comments FFXIV Nexus Light Farming: current bonus windows. Most duties can be bonused, which means they move up one slot on the light reward chain, but trials tend to be the best because you can move through them relatively quickly. Brilliant: 48 Light Blinding: 96 Light Newborn Star: 128 Light Light is collected by participating in various activities. There's a reddit thread where they watch and update who is on bonus when, may help you out with your farming. Also literally don't do this. (bonus light is covered in the wiki) and if you want to post too, then it's super easy to request and start helping out. If you find a dungeon that's on bonus and you can consistently finish it under 5 minutes, you'll be done in no time. Please be sure to include timezone and server. see the rest of the thread. It’s basically a user-submitted “tracker” on what duty gives what light bonus. The bonus is the same for every server, so this info is relevant across the board. I'd like to use this thread to share which Dungeons are currently in Bonus. Live Bonus Windows here: www. If it's on bonus, you get 96 light (blinding), if not, 48 light (brilliant). 11 votes, 28 comments. No writing to memory so this is completely safe. When farming light your first goal should be to check for bonus light windows with Sastasha, TamTara, Dzemael, and Aurum because each of those dungeons is 2-4mins long. Oct 12, 2022 路 On ffxiv. 1. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an… Step 6 "Nexus": Light Grind - unsync Aurum Vale is the common spam : just have to kill the bosses & the 3 big morbols to open doors, otherwise just keep running & ignore mobs. FFXIV's latest Dec 7, 2024 路 There is also bonus light which can be gained on top of that with different pieces of content giving set amounts of bonus light when a bonus window is available. There is some time associated with reinstancing so often, but with an SSD it was not that significant. It is updated by players This symbol has been removed. It was about 2~3 runs per stage of light and took about 2 hours to do from start to finish (the length of the light window). Zeta Mahatma would complete in 2 runs without bonus and 1 run with bonus. As a healer I got instant queues and 4 minute garuda kills. I do my weekly CT/ST/WoD on the bonus windows too (32 lights), but I won't count on it for farm since it can go from 20min to 1 hour to clear if you are unlucky. The pool of duties with bonus light will randomly change every 2 real life hours. FFXIV Nexus Light Farming: current bonus windows. It's super quick. By the time you find the bonus, you could've spammed more Ifrit Hards and gotten more light. com/ff14-nexus/ is a good place FINAL FANTASY XIV ffxiv is an easy bonus because they check on dungeons that have a different light when finished, and the easy bonus stays for a total of 2 hours. In my opinion, Good King Moogle Mog is the best way to do this quickly. You need 2000 Light on your weapon to finish soul attunement. For nexus light you should always check for bonus light in these 4 dungeons. If you luck out and one of the three starter dungeons (Sastasha, Tam-Tara, Copperbell) is the bonus, you could theoretically finish the relic in a single 2-hour burst, but the only way to find the bonus is to run each dungeon and see if you get 'Blinding' instead of just 'Brilliant' light. You should get 32 light out of bonus, and 48 light while in bonus. I can confirm that Light value has been doubled, I only got Novus just after the patch and was tracking points manually, got to 101/2000 (I assumed) and my weapon already showed signs of activity equivalent to what 200/2000 should be showing, for further confirmation i farmed another "100" points and got to the 'faint activity' stage. If none of them are on bonus, just try again next window; by the time you find a dungeon on bonus after checking those three, you've probably eaten a good chunk of time and it's really not worth the effort. Please post any Nexus data here, including window changes. Mar 13, 2022 路 Three of my favorite pick for Nexus and Zeta (the last) phase are Tam-tara, Stone Vigil, and Aurum Vale. com. Explicitly for the mahatmas in the Zeta step (arguably also the Nexus but that depends on your AV killtime) take note of Ifrit NM also. Your link explicitly states Aurum Vale is still valid. 0 ***Bonus windows on Nexus lights are the SAME for Zeta resonance!!!*** Garuda's base for nexus only gives Gentle (feeble for Zeta iirc) then when on bonus she is Bright (gentle for Zeta). Posted by u/Kamahil - 2 votes and 3 comments When I was doing mine, (for nexus or whatever the first light step is) I just did Sastasha NM while it was on blinding. for Nexus: *Some dungeons only give Bright light, such as Copperbell Mines (Hard). Leviathan - No Bonus. I got lucky and it went on bonus to 96 light for the second half. Basically these Just go and grind something for another reason than the light and use it as an added bonus to something else you want to grind for. Maximum of 48 with light bonus. Track your FFXIV Relic progress, Find out what to do and what to you need to gather Ifrit HM - Nexus: Bright, Zeta: Gentle (on Bonus) Ifrit HM - Nexus: Gentle, Zeta: Faint (no Bonus) As it stands now people are just putting where and bright or where and bonus. If no bonus light then aurum and tamtara are the fastest to spam clear 201 votes, 133 comments. As long as we're bumping this, while Vale might still be the most optimal, I would also say none of the resources take into account Toto-Rak's redesign. 19 Aug 2015 02:51. Unsync and spam it. If you find you hit comparable times on another dungeon, add it in. Bonus Light Windows to align your Novus in Nexus For more awesome FFXIV updates like us on Facebook! Hit us on Twitter and Feb 6, 2015 路 Also, for your Nexus light grinding, Turn 4 in BCoB is great because its relatively easy at this point in the game, great for ARM or GSM desynthesis, and always drops an allagan craft item that can be put on market board for hefty prices. 1!I hope this was helpful!You can find me Jun 27, 2015 路 I farmed Garuda Hard Mode for about 40 mins last night when it was giving the light bonus and I went up a light level. Is there always at least… Advertisement Coins Ifrit probably still seems lame, but you can probably get in, kill, and back out in like 20-30 seconds, so 3 runs during a bonus would be the same amount of light and faster than a single run of AV without a bonus. hhnden zixrl qvvztq uhgjx hnuypqzf ophzp oxwd uuqffp eyxou bmxxp bhjzh dfign xqk avysb drq