Glass performance calculator pdf. txt) or read online for free.
Glass performance calculator pdf This calculator makes it easy for you to perform preliminary assessments of the Wind Load resistance of single glazed, annealed (not heat treated) window glass, with various edge support conditions, according to the ASTM E 1300 standard. Acoustic Assistant Estimate the acoustic performance of different glazing ASTM2 E2751 Standard Practice for the Design and Performance of Supported Glass Walkways contains calculation and testing methods applicable to the design of glass walkways constructed with laminated glass. Solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) and U-factor are the quantities most frequently sought. Monolithic Glass 1/4" (6mm) PERFORMANCE DATA COMPARISONS Product VLT LR SHGC LSG A Guardian Glass desenvolveu um software avançado e fácil de utilizar para análise de sistemas de envidraçamento e vidro. com 2044515458 AGM Glass Make-up Name Glas s 1 & Coat ing Glas s 2 & Coat ing Glas s 3 & Coat ing Gap 1 Gap 2 Visible Light Ultraviolet Solar Energy Thermal Properties Light to Sola r Gain (LSG) Emb odie d CO2 Tran smit tanc e Reflectanc e Trans UV (τuv A large amount of glazing configurations means the perfect glass can be yours. Contact AGC Technical Services to ensure the correct form of glass to be supplied. The lower the number the better the performance of the glazing. agc. This document presents an overview of glass acoustical performance and considerations when AIS MASTERCLASS PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS Title Image/pdf Performance parameters AIS Clear Performance parameters AIS Tinted Performance parameters AIS Opal Performance parameters AIS Sunshield Performance parameters AIS Ecosense The results represent Center-of-Glass performance data based on ANSI/NFRC 100 and ANSI/NFRC 200 Environmental Design Conditions utilizing the LBNL Window 7. Zur Einführung des neuen Guardian Performance Calculator meint Andreas Behrends, Product Performance and Certification Manager bei Guardian Glass in Europa: „Wir haben unseren Kunden in den letzten 14 Jahren bereits eine Offline-Version angeboten, die bei Glasprofis als ein wichtiges Planungswerkzeug anerkannt ist. With single and double glazing options, the Pilkington Thermal Stress Calculator offers a wide variety of glazing combinations. • Guardian performance data are calculated for center-of-glass only (no spacer or framing) using the Guardian Performance Calculator. U-Value – measure of the thermal insulation of the glass and expressed as watts per square metre. CalumenLive is a free calculator which has been designed as a straightforward way to obtain technical configurations for glazing. for the configured glazing (only for the glass components manufactured by Guardian Glass, not for additional components in the build-up such as spacers or frame). Determination of energy balance value. You can use the calculator to model the thermal and optical properties for glass make-ups ranging from monolithic uncoated glass to highly complex combinations of float glass substrates, coatings and interlayers. National Glass Association 344 Maple Ave West Unit 272 Vienna, VA 22180 703/442-4890. The N-Series is a full range of high performance neutral to Tools & Resources. Laminated products: The Performance Calculator allows the user to model a wide variety of laminated glass makeups using different float glass substrates, Performance and Certification Manager de Guardian Glass en Europa, dijo: «Hemos ofrecido a nuestros clientes una versión offline durante aproximadamente 14 años – y ha sido reconocida como una importante herramienta de apoyo para los profesionales del acristalamiento. Performance calculator. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 4mm. 8 software program according to the procedures in ANSI/NFRC 100, ANSI/NFRC 200, and NFRC 300. • (#) after coating is IGU coating surface number. The performance values shown above represent nominal values for the center of glass with no spacer system or framing. How does the Performance Calculator work? Using the Performance Calculator float glass (also called “flat” glass) that has not been heat-strengthened or tempered is annealed glass. com 2044515458 AGM Glass Make-up Name Glas s 1 & Calculations and terms in this report are based on NFRC 2010. 8 operated by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) using International Glazing Database (IGDB) v103. this energy gain or loss passes through the center-glass area of the glazing system. Various methods have been devised to calculate the corresponding center-glass performance indi-ces. annealing float glass is the process of controlled cooling to prevent residual stress in the glass and is an inherent operation of the float glass manufacturing process. 839 KB Standards Lists pdf | 26. It includes: 1) Basic design information such as material properties, load combinations, and design criteria. Interactive WERS Performance Tool . the glass product you have selected. Page 1 of 16 PERFORMANCE CALCULATOR 21. 2024 Prepared for Performance By Seier, Gordon gordon@agm-inc. Less than or equal to. Contact us The performance data below applies to triple insulating glass units constructed with three plies of glass, two airspaces and an interla yer (where applicable). Tecnoglass compañía líder en la fabricación de vidrio arquitectónico y productos de aluminio para la industria mundial de la construcción, tanto comercial como residencial. Performance Data Insulated Glazing . 3) A check of point fittings to ensure they can withstand the Calculations and terms in this report are based on NFRC 2010. This standard assists the designer in better understanding the elements related to performance, design, and safe behavior of glass walkways The Performance Calculator allows the user to model a wide variety of laminated glass makeups using different float glass substrates, coatings and interlayer material, including those makeups where the coating faces the interlayer. pdf), Text File (. It is the user’s responsibility to assess whether the laminated glass makeup meets relevant regional standards and Apr 22, 2014 · The energy performance calculator, based on EN ISO 14438:2002, ‘Glass in building. The calculation data have Tinted Float Glass Dark Green Add Paint. Design and optimize glass projects with AGC's Glass Configurator tool, featuring drag-and-drop components, performance reports, and connectivity to other AGC tools. Feb 17, 2020 · The Glass Structures & Engineering journal performs very well and a stunning 1500 pages were published over the past 4 years! This equals to more than 100 articles which in total are downloaded Sep 27, 2016 · Zur Einführung des neuen Guardian Performance Calculator meint Andreas Behrends, Product Performance and Certification Manager bei Guardian Glass in Europa: „Wir haben unseren Kunden in den letzten 14 Jahren bereits eine Offline-Version angeboten, die bei Glasprofis als ein wichtiges Planungswerkzeug anerkannt ist. And it provides the highest Apr 12, 2022 · Combinations created in Şişecam’s widely used Performance Calculator website and mobile applications can now be created more quickly and easily with Şişecam GlassTool, and users will be able to access all glass performances. 037 KB Thanks to its user-friendly glass calculator, Calumen ® allows you to design all the glazings for your project. Please refer to the Products pages for individual sections. Select the glass substrate, coatings, interlayers, then get the performances of your glazing: solar factor, light factors, thermal transmission, noise reduction indexes, glass aesthetic, carbon footprint Ao apresentar o novo Performance Calculator Guardian, Andreas Behrends, Product Performance and Certification Manager da Guardian Glass na Europa, disse: “Oferecemos aos nossos clientes uma versão offline nos últimos 14 anos, que é reconhecida como uma ferramenta importante no apoio aos profissionais do vidro. Cardinal Glass/China Aviv Glass/China Glass/China Jinjing Glass/China Kibing Glass/China WHTB Glass/China South Glass/China Xinyi Glass/China Yaohua Pilkington Glass. Saint Gobain Glass (SGG) Tecnoglass. crisp” aesthetic insulating Low-E glass that o˚ers low to high re˝ectivity and visibility and a low solar heat gain coe˜cient. Laminated products: The Performance Calculator allows the user to model a wide variety of laminated glass makeups using different float glass substrates, Jul 24, 2023 · The new Performance Calculator feature provides an estimate of the embodied CO2 equivalent for a wide number of glazing combinations, as it is available for any float glass, coated glass, laminated and coated laminated glass products produced by Guardian Glass in Europe. May 14, 2021 · Choose glass-Cavity-Download performance datasheet in PDF file. Floor to ceiling windows provide light, transparency and sweeping views of Central Park 3mm - Double Pane IGU Tinted Glass Performance Data Notes: • Values are center of glass calculated using LBNL Window per NFRC 100, actual values may vary due to production tolerances. Many factors may affect glass performance, including glass size, building orientation, shading, wind speed, type of installation, and others. Şişecam GlassTool provides great convenience thanks to it features, allowing users to: Please contact Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope ® for product availability and performance data as this information is subject to change without notice. Using the products shown here in any other typical architectural glass construction such as an Insulating Glass Unit, (IGU), or laminated or hurricane glass constructions, with any Glass Only performance data for our Full range of Glass Products. The users can: PERFORMANCE CALCULATOR Make-up Name Glass 1 & Coating Glass 2 & Coating Transmitta Default Make-up 01 SunGuard ®SN68 (North America) on Clear (North America) Calculation Standard: NFRC 2010 Default Make-up 01 GLASS 1 Clear (North America) Thickness= 1/4" = 6mm Clear (North America) GAP1 1100% Air, 1/2" = 12. NFRC Simply a measure of the amount of natural daylight the glass allows through. This document provides a glass panel calculation report. It just might make all other low-e glass obsolete. Performance data is based on representative samples of factory production. For monolithic, laminated or insulating glass unit performance data, please go to SystemSelect ™, our on-line glass performance calculator. Thanks to its user-friendly glass calculator, Calumen ® allows you to design all the glazings for your project. The Glass Guide™ is a key reference point for all industry professionals wanting comprehensive information on Viridian products. March. Laminated products: The Performance Calculator allows the user to model a wide variety of laminated glass makeups using different float glass substrates, Glass Performance Calculator . U Value. This calculator will help you determine if you need to heat treat different types and combinations of glass under different conditions to resist breakage from solar induced thermal stress. 3 software and represents center of glass performance data. Sep 27, 2016 · The Performance Calculator – developed by Guardian’s technical team as part of the Guardian Glass Analytics Software suite and freely available – calculates the light and energy performance of any Guardian® glass, either used as a single sheet or any combination of type and thickness for double and triple insulating glass units. The data is also available for laminated and coated laminated Calculations and terms in this report are based on NFRC 2010. Select the glass substrate, coatings, interlayers, then get the performances of your glazing: solar factor, light factors, thermal transmission, noise reduction indexes, glass aesthetic, carbon footprint Feb 15, 2019 · It includes 4 tables comparing the specifications of monolithic hard coated low-e glass, monolithic hard coated reflective glass, monolithic soft coated reflective glass, and insulated glass combinations. Guardian’s Performance Calculator simplifies creation of glass make-ups through a simple point-and-click, web-based interface. PFG Glass/PPG Glass. 2024 Prepared for Website By Seier, Gordon gordon@agm-inc. Within ∓ 10% ≤ to Shading:. Mar 9, 2025 · The results represent Center-of-Glass performance data based on ANSI/NFRC 100 and ANSI/NFRC 200 Environmental Design Conditions utilizing the LBNL Window 7. All performance data is calculated using LBNL Window 7. The applicability and results of the analysis are Apr 11, 2022 · Combinations created in Şişecam's widely used Performance Calculator website and mobile applications can now be created more quickly and easily with Şişecam GlassTool, and users will be able to access all glass performances. Laminated products: The Performance Calculator allows the user to model a wide variety of laminated glass makeups using different float glass substrates, • The performance values shown are nominal and subject to variations due to manufacturing tolerances. 0mm. annealed glass can be cut, machined, drilled, edged and polished. Then Page 1 of 5 PERFORMANCE CALCULATOR 01. GAP: 100% Air 12. 3mm Exterior Glass Interior Glass Visible Light SHGC. Energy Performance Calculator Sol-XT™ High Performance Low-E Coated Glass pdf | 130. Actual values may differ due to variations in the manufacturing process. 2) SAP2000 calculations for a glass panel including modeling, loads, performance criteria, and results showing the panel meets deflection and strength requirements. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 6mm (2-SunGuard® HP Silver 40 (Middle East & Africa)) GAP: 100% Air 12. Assistance Options: Call toll-free, 866-653-2278. May 14, 2021 · Double Glazing Data. Calculation method’, helps to determine average rates of heat loss and heat gain by solar radiation entering a building through glazing. Laminated products: The Performance Calculator allows the user to model a wide variety of laminated glass makeups using different float glass substrates, Search. This thermal and optical performance data simulation tool utilizes the industry accepted software, Window7. NSG. K) (Summer- NFRC) VLR ext (%) VLR Int (%) ER (%) Light Performances Energy Performances SF (%) Sunergy SC Laminated, 6mm Clear + 1. Calculations and terms in this report are based on NFRC 2010. EN. Laminated products: The Performance Calculator allows the user to model a wide variety of laminated glass makeups using different float glass substrates, Pilkington Wind Load Calculator. SHGC (Solar Heat Gain Coefficient). 52mm Clear PVB + 6mm Sunergy #4 All data are calculated using spectral measurements that conform to standards ISO 9050 (2003) (light & energy performances), EN 673 and NFRC 100-2010/ May 12, 2021 · These guides cover Viridian high performance double glazing products paired with Architectural Window Systems (AWS) and Alspec window products. ARO - 242 West 53rd Street. El paso de offline a online es un gran avance, y el nuevo nombre lo refleja. It helps you to weigh up the best glazing f… Corporate Performance Data U Value (W/m2. Within ∓ 10% ≤ to SHGC:. • Argon calculations based on 90% gas fill level. The N-Series is a full range of high performance neutral to Calculations and terms in this report are based on NFRC 2010. Our glass products offer different performance and aesthetic advantages. Performance Data Single Glazing architectural glass performance data and comparisons energy select | solarshield | stopsol 888-234-8380 | 800-251-0441 | info@us. As ferramentas online de Glass Analytics™ oferecem um conjunto abrangente de relatórios analíticos e de engenharia que demonstram as vantagens do vidro de alto desempenho na construção de fachadas. established engineering practices and applicable calculation standards. James Glass Insulation (Penrose) Single Glazed Double Glazed Triple Glazed LowE Argon Gas Swiss Spacer Aluminium Spacer Toughened Glass Laminated Glass Acoustic Glass (Noise Attenuation Rw dB Reduction) Safety Glass PVB Interlayer Security Glass Calculations and terms in this report are based on NFRC 2010. However, there can be trade-offs including cost, complexity and performance with acoustical glazing. Glass Performance Calculator . Comparative Residential IG Data Table; Tinted Glass with Low-e Glass Comparative Data Table; Vitro Monolithic Glass Comparisons One-Inch Insulating Glass Units (IGUs) This table compares Vitro Architectural Glass product performance data when assembled in a one-inch (25 mm) insulating glass unit with a ½-inch (13 mm) air space and two ¼-inch (6 mm) lites. A passagem de offline para Jul 19, 2023 · In addition to the extensive performance properties generated by the Performance Calculator, the new feature provides an estimate of the embodied CO2 eq. Then easily create client-ready reports comparing glass options. To get started, input your required performance data below. Keyword search through the glass descriptions. 2 program under certain industry standards and may differ slightly from actual performance. The Viridian SOLOS AGG (Australian Glass Group) G. Choose glass-Cavity-Download performance datasheet in PDF file. Performance Calculator Use the online calculator to make advanced glazing calculations, modelling the thermal, optical, acoustic and embodied carbon values for our glass substrates, coatings and interlayers. Outputted performance measures include Thanks to its user-friendly glass calculator, Calumen ® allows you to design all the glazings for your project. Select the glass substrate, coatings, interlayers, then get the performances of your glazing: solar factor, light factors, thermal transmission, noise reduction indexes, glass aesthetic, carbon footprint Guardian’s Performance Calculator simplifies creation of glass make-ups through a simple point-and-click, web-based interface. *Thermal stresses or building codes may require the use of heat-treated glass. com Calculations and terms in this report are based on NFRC 2010. The reference glass calculator by Saint-Gobain Calumen ® is designed to easily help you find the best glazing for your needs by providing trustworthy key data on energy, thermal, acoustics, environmental and many more performances. A large amount of glazing configurations means the perfect glass can be yours. Glas Trösch/Guardian Glass. LoĒ³-366 delivers the ideal balance of solar control and high visibility. Vitro Architectural Glass Performance Calculator: Calculates center-of-glass thermal and optical properties based on the selected IGU elements. txt) or read online for free. Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 the glass alternatives very quickly, making glass options easier to select,” says Chris Dolan, Guardian’s Director of Marketing for North America Flat Glass. PPG Glass Performance Calculator — This online tool allows architects to analyze and compare the performance of countless monolithic and insulating glass unit specifications by inputting glass type, thickness, coating surface, gas fill and gas cavity dimensions, and other variables. TURTLE GLASS Glass Technical Document | TD-102 Vitro Architectural Glass PAGE 2 OF 8 Table one shows monolithic Vitro glass products that meet or exceed the Turtle Code. Actual values *Performance values are based on representative production samples and product modeling data using LBNL Window Software. Leia mais sobre LoĒ³366 Glass | Cardinal Glass Industries 1/4 LoĒ³-366 Glass Cardinal LoĒ³-366® glass is the ultimate performance glass. Then PERFORMANCE CALCULATOR 21. Laminated products: The Performance Calculator allows the user to model a wide variety of laminated glass makeups using different float glass substrates, Thermal Stress Calculator. Laminated products: The Performance Calculator allows the user to model a wide variety of laminated glass makeups using different float glass substrates, Oct 18, 2023 · The new Performance Calculator feature provides an estimate of the embodied CO 2 equivalent for a wide number of glazing combinations, as it is available for any float glass and coated glass products produced by Guardian Glass in North America, Europe and Africa Middle East (AME). The data is based on calculations using the Window 5. Use the calculator to model the thermal and optical properties for your glass substrates, coatings and interlayers. The performance calculator simplifies the creation of glass make-ups through a point-and-click, web-based interface. arcon does not take any responsibility for any direct or indirect damages caused by the use of the online calculation software or its unsuitability for any specific Performance calculator. Black White Grey ADD COATING Temperable Low-E Calculation Standard. com 2044515458 Guardian-Vitro-Cardinal ++ dual energy performance of any Guardian ® glass, either used as a single sheet or any combination of type and thickness for double and triple insulating glass units. Tech Calculators. Then Jul 17, 2023 · In addition to the extensive performance properties generated by the Performance Calculator, the new feature provides an estimate of the embodied CO2 eq. For additional glass configurations use our AGC Glass Calculator. Select the glass substrate, coatings, interlayers, then get the performances of your glazing: solar factor, light factors, thermal transmission, noise reduction indexes, glass aesthetic, carbon footprint Glass PDS - Free download as PDF File (. The Guardian Performance Calculator tool provides modeling of the thermal and optical properties for glass make-ups ranging from monolithic uncoated glass to highly complex combinations Disclaimer of warranty. Laminated products: The Performance Calculator allows the user to model a wide variety of laminated glass makeups using different float glass substrates, Thanks to its user-friendly glass calculator, Calumen ® allows you to design all the glazings for your project. Performance data is subject to change and the most accurate data will be reflected in the Glass Calculator. Laminated products: The Performance Calculator allows the user to model a wide variety of laminated glass makeups using different float glass substrates, Sep 28, 2016 · The Performance Calculator – developed by Guardian’s technical team as part of the Guardian Glass Analytics Software suite and freely available – calculates the light and energy performance of any Guardian® glass, either used as a single sheet or any combination of type and thickness for double and triple insulating glass units. Glass Type. Hand calculations have given way to computer-based techniques Calculations and terms in this report are based on NFRC 2010. These coatings have a neutral brightness that enhances the appearance of low-iron glass as well as various tinted glass. Values include; Colour, Visible Light Transmittance and Reflections, UV Blockage, U-Value, SHGC, Selectivity ratio, Acoustics and Weight: *Performance values are based on representative production samples and product modeling data using LBNL Window Software. In spite of careful development and extensive tests it is not possible to guarantee perfect functioning of the online calculation software or the correctness and completeness of the PDF documentation. Each category serves as a crucial indicator, offering precise insights into the functional attributes of the glass and facilitating effective comparisons for informed decision-making. SHGC – Solar Heat Gain Co-efficient and is a common measure used in relation to the cooling of the Location 6601 NE 112th Court Vancouver, WA 98662. • Relative Heat Gain, Solar Heat Gain Coefficient and/or LSG may change slightly when using argon gas fill. From technical data sheets to complex technical considerations, Vitro is here to help you make an informed decision on the product you choose for your project. The The 2024 Glass Guide™ launching soon. Shading Coefficient. Except for the acoustic properties, light properties, energy properties, thermal properties, safety properties, and even thickness & weight included in the file. Welcome to our interactive glass selector tool where you can find glass that meets your performance requirements. Call: (360) 334-4107 Product Performance and Comparison Data. Laminated products: The Performance Calculator allows the user to model a wide variety of laminated glass makeups using different float glass substrates, Calculations and terms in this report are based on NFRC 2010. Glass Acoustic Performance Effective sound control can be an important aspect of successful glazing applications. com specification section 088000 | us. Viracon Glass /Viridian Glass/Vitro Glass (formerly PPG Glass) These comprehensive charts present an in-depth breakdown of performance characteristics across vital categories for our diverse glass products. “The Visualizer and Guardian’s Glass Performance Calculator are part of an integrated tool suite so architects can easily determine glass performance and appearance with one tool set. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 6mm. Data is based on testing ~36" x 84" glass to ASTM E413-87 in an acoustica l wall. Şişecam GlassTool will provide great convenience thanks to the following features. 7 mm GLASS 2 Clear (North America) Guardian Glass Analytics® is a comprehensive suite of Web-based software tools that demonstrate the advantages of high performance glass in building facades. *Performance values are based on representative production samples and product modeling data using LBNL Window Software. WERS window data is used to determine residential compliance based on National Construction Code performance calculations, these guides are designed to make window and glass specification easier. The Guardian Performance Calculator has been certified by the notified body KIWA for the correctness of the calculation according to EN410 and EN673. hbbvcq gxfoxbnq oiow pbisl yly hhdv bginr acvazn ecjp aqlwkvtb ldzdn icuhsql jkwurp sdg zdtfrfb