Grease the groove hypertrophy My experience has been that gtg is suboptimal for hypertrophy. Jan 8, 2025 · When utilizing Grease the Groove for hypertrophy, determining the appropriate frequency and volume is crucial. Feb 2, 2025 · Grease the groove is a catchy term to describe high frequency training practice sessions. The objective is to reduce time, cost, and impracticality as much as possible while increasing hypertrophy as much as possible. Philip Stefanov I'm Philip, a certified personal trainer and strength training coach with a passion for writing! Will Greasing the Groove training eventually lead to more hypertrophy, or will the same amount of muscle growth occur in the end? Let's say i take pull-ups out of my normal PPL routine and I "Grease the Groove"* on them until April 1, and my pull-up max goes from 10 to 15. Nov 23, 2022 · http://ZachStrength. Feb 11, 2025 · Greasing the groove protocol (builds muscle despite low effort per set): (1) Use moderately heavy weights (75–85% of 1RM) (2) Train as frequently as possible while staying fresh (3) Perform only ~50% of max possible reps per set E. Nov 20, 2020 · How to grease the groove for strength training. to/3dcbps5Fi Pavel Tsatsouline, Chairman of StrongFirst answers questions about the Grease the Groove method of increasing strength. A quick pull ups and squats workout based around the greasing the groove protocol created by Pavel TsatsoulineDON'T CLICK THIS IF YOU WANT TO MAKE GAINS: htt Bodyweight Fitness is for redditors who like to use their own body to train, from the simple pullups, pushups, and squats to the advanced bodyweight fitness movements like the planche, one arm chin-ups, or single leg squats. That's a rate of hypertrophy so remarkable, people are thinking I am using roids. The quest for bigger arms probably goes back to the beginning of mankind. More precisely, each individual movement- the chin-up, the push-up, the squat- is its own skill Great point. I have a homegym; I have the option to "grease the groove" for any movement. That doesn't mean it won't lead to hypertrophy, but that isn't what it is optimized for. youtube. I have an alarm set for every hour 9-5. Greasing the groove is designed to complement the trainee’s main workouts, so it’s essential to control the training volume and per-set effort to avoid overtraining. So, they're not the same thing. Of course you progressively overload all exercises. Once that stops being the case you're done for the day. Intensity is also a big factor for hypertrophy. One example, I used GTG when I was 14 for push ups. Both help with hypertrophy, but working in hypertrophy won't give you as much strength as working just for strenght. My biceps went from 17 inches to 18. Nov 13, 2012 · this “grease the groove” way of training has been around a long long time. As a result, progressive overload is achievable. Aug 24, 2014 · So I am interested in using Greasing the Groove(GtG) to increase my number of pullups and pushups. Loveyourwives • 6 points • 2018-11-23. Grease the Groove, on the other hand, improves Mar 24, 2020 · By Rob Shaul BLUF This 3. So I’ve been trying to get better at pull-ups (currently can do around sets of 4 at a time), and I see a lot of people saying that the best way to improve pull-ups is a grease the groove method. I'm recovering from 2 injuries (with help from PT of course), and rows and pullups are the 2 exercises I can do without triggering some type of pain, so I switched out doing RR 3x a week to doing psuedo-GTG for rows and pullups (EDIT: doing this 3 days a week (MWF) also). Every kid that picks up a bodybuilding magazine is probably doing so with the hope that the secret to big arms will be contained within. Jan 28, 2008 · Just started reading the naked warrior by pavel and he recommends using the grease the groove technique… anyone used this to good or bad effect… really just wondering how effected this is and the pros and cons. However, greasing the groove is primarily a strength training strategy, and thus, it’s not ideal for hypertrophy. This is like the grease the groove method. As recommended, I dropped it from my usual routine, instead focusing on doing multiple sets of 2-3 reps every day. I'm trying to understand the 20% of protocols and tools to get 80%+ of results for hypertrophy. http://www. The idea that strength adaptation is purely a skill could be oversimplified, as muscle hypertrophy does play a role in strength gains for many individuals. So it's not even that far from failure. If you want to increase your overall maximum number of pull ups per set you can follow the Grease the Groove method of the Russian Fighter Pull Up Program. In my opinion grease the groove is great if you're at a mid rep range around like 8-12 then you can do sets of 6 or so 5-8 times a day and make very solid progress but as you're at 45 reps it may not be as suitable. Jun 20, 2024 · [12:57] How to grease the groove. This might be a strange group of questions, apologies! GTG is an amazing way of increasing the skill of strength, especially for moves that can be practiced with minimal equipment and little if any warm-up, like push-ups, chin-ups, pistols, swings, hand grippers, etc. Greasing the groove is far sub-optimal for a whole body workout. Read More. Greasing the groove hardly needs days off. And all this happened thanks to GTG. com Hypertrophy needs muscle fatigue and for fibres to be damaged when the muscles are worked hard enough so that they can then grow larger. So a couple of weeks ago I decided to try out "greasing the groove" for my pull ups (current max around 7-8). Is grease the groove any use for hypertrophy? It has been for me. 1 The Significance of Pull-Ups Hello everyone, I've been doing a routine inspired by grease the groove for the past 2 weeks. I'm sure a lot of digital ink has been spilled on hypertrophy causes, but from what I gather, the general consensus of volume for hypertrophy on this sub is 40-70 reps per bodypart per workout, 3-4 workouts a week, with 90s-2min rest between sets. Aug 26, 2009 · Grease The Groove. Compensatory Acceleration Training. But for some reason, whenever I take a rest or straight-up deload, I can't seem to break through that plateau. Kind regards, Pet' AFAIK Grease the groove is meant to be a daily thing, not stgh you d do 2x 1 day per week, but I may be wrong. In short, strength is a skill, and skills have to be practiced. To me, “greasing the groove” is similar to that widely touted theory, highlighted in a 1993 psychology paper and popularized by Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers, which posits that anyone can master a skill with 10,000 hours of practice. In this article, we are going to take a deeper dive into the origins of the term, what happens in the brain and at the neuromuscular junction, and principles of this type of programming. keep it simple stupid. Andrew Huberman discuss the "grease the groove" training method and the benefits to strength and recovery it provides. So in summary, by its first interpretation, Greasing the Groove should be seen as synonymous with high-frequency training, and thus can be expected to be just as effective, since it delays central nervous system fatigue and excessive muscle damage, and hence permits greater neural development. Greasing the groove has no application in body building because the sets aren't hard enough to stimulate hypertrophy. 8 inches, in a year, using greasing the groove. I know Greg has mentioned in the context of beginners/early intermediates who need to push work capacity (usually moving away from a generic Starting Strength eqsue novice LP) that throwing in a "light" squat day at something really submaximal could be beneficial and slowly upping that weight over time. Given time, this helps to increase max reps for pullups and generally helps with strength in the movement. As a mental model I use: Strength = Hypertrophy * Neural efficiency * Skill Hypertrophy: muscle size. If you take the idea of grease the groove but change up the difficulty each time by doing different variations of that or other exercises. No, Greasing the Groove training is very light in the sense that the muscles are not even meant to get fatigued, which makes it a subpar choice for hypertrophy. From a weightlifting perspective pretty much every progressive overload program has you training submaximal. But there are more effective strategies for building a lot of muscle. Spread these sets throughout I do not know the "greasing the groove" method of itself, but your second paragraph sounds like basic strength and conditioning principles. Feb 11, 2025 · Greasing the Groove. by Craig D. " This method involves practicing a movement frequently but with submaximal effort. Jan 29, 2023 · Introducing the Grease the Groove Method, the not-so-secret weapon in the quest for pull-up mastery. Feb 10, 2025 · 00:39:53 “Greasing the Groove”, Cramming Analogy, Strength is a Skill; 00:48:27 Tool: Greasing the Groove Protocol; 00:54:12 Tool: Movement & Motivation; Nervous System; 01:00:00 Frequency & Recovery, Heterochronicity, Soviet vs American Training; 01:10:25 Soviet vs American Strength Schools, Periodization, Recovery; 01:20:00 Sponsors: LMNT Bodyweight Fitness is for redditors who like to use their own body to train, from the simple pullups, pushups, and squats to the advanced bodyweight fitness movements like the planche, one arm chin-ups, or single leg squats. Why is that? Normally when one lift weights one can progress for years. Greasing the groove implementation on pullups I've been doing around 6-10 sets of 3 then 4 then 5 pullups for more than a month now, and it seems that Ive plateaued with 8 max reps. Here’s everything you need to know about this innovative approach to strength Oct 20, 2024 · The Grease the Groove Method: An Overview; 2. Someone more knowledgeable may be able to chime in if there is a trick to seeing comparable hypertrophy from a dispersed routine. [16:08] How not to strengthen the "core. In conclusion, Grease the Groove is a scientifically grounded training methodology that leverages the principles of neuromuscular adaptation and protein synthesis to promote muscle hypertrophy. Well, hypertrophy is driven by high volume regardless of the rest (proven by science). com. So far I've found the following: Compound exercises to target more muscles with progressive overload. Mar 15, 2024 · In the case of hypertrophy, rest 1-2 minutes between sets, and to train for improved strength you should rest 3-5 minutes between sets. Try doing them every 2 hours and see how you feel. Greasing the groove never taxes your muscles enough to be an efficient source of hypertrophy because you intentionally are remaining at a low intensity - usually only like 1-3 reps at a time - so that you can keep practicing the movement frequently. Practicing short bursts of activity I know that for pullups, many advocate a method called greasing the groove, whereby you do 50% of your max reps whenever you pass by your pullup bar at home. Grease the Groove is a basic idea to improve overall coordination neuromuscularly, without taxing the muscles, joints or nervous system excessively, and realistically, what you are asking about is a little different, but, that's just semantics. So yes, you're doing too much. Feb 25, 2024 · Greasing the Groove Like the Russian Military Does. This does not have to be rocket science. 4 (367 votes). See full list on artofmanliness. The idea is that by increasing the frequency of training and decreasing the intensity you will be able to complete higher volume with less fatigue. the 10 hard sets in one go would probably be better for hypertrophy because you would take the muscle closer to failure. Pavel Tsatsouline and Greasing the Groove “Grease the groove” is a style of training that was developed by legendary Spetsnaz trainer Pavel Tsatsouline. 3. Jan 8, 2025 · When utilizing Grease the Groove for hypertrophy, determining the right frequency and volume is essential for achieving optimal results. Benefits of Grease the Groove Pull-Ups. Grease the groove is a popular workout strategy for improving your habits and skillful proficiency in any given activity. May 12, 2022 · Is it possible to get a good amount of hypertrophy while doing grease the groove? My main goal is to make the muscle bigger. | Oct 24, 2018 This is Pavel Tsatsouline, the creator or Grease the groove. Feb 1, 2023 · Grease the groove is a workout technique that optimizes the neurological "groove" of an exercise by producing maximal neurological adaptations to the movement being performed. And for people like OP doing 2reps with a max of 5 is a RIR of 3. Its a lot but Im just too afraid of injuries. Another option could be hitting pullups for hypertrophy with "GTG like sets" of dips during your pullups rest period. I also WFH, and I do grease the groove with pull-ups. g. It has been practiced for decades by Russian—and formerly Soviet—soldiers, and more recently has become popular among members of the American military as a way of practicing push-ups and pull-ups in preparation for physical fitness May 21, 2018 · Strength results from two dominant factors: (i) hypertrophy, or how big your muscles are, and (ii) efficiency, or how well you use those muscles. Just started 4 days ago with "grease the groove" approach in order to increase the amount of chin ups I can do( palms facing me). For example, if you can do 10 pull-ups, aim for multiple sets of 4-6 reps. com/ EDIT: Misread your post. I am asking here because I've seen disscussions around GTG here. Pavel Tsatso When you grease the groove, you're supposed to do 40-50% of your max. I am trying to figure out how to balance GtG with regular strength workouts. Train smarter, not harder, with this neurologically-driven fitness approach. Oct 23, 2024 · For those looking to build strength and master bodyweight exercises, “greasing the groove” (GtG) has emerged as a powerful yet often misunderstood training method. " [23:57] The most counter-productive myths about strength training. i used it a lot in my training, and results are always positive. In this sense, greasing the groove is just repeatedly doing an exercise across the entire day, so we could say that yes, it does drive hypertrophy. High sets low reps spread throughout the day many reps (5+) from failure is very close to GTG (Grease the groove), which I believe is more of a strength based approach as it trains the neural pathways to better recruit motor units on the exercise. S. Nov 11, 2022 · Basic introduction to GTG as a method of increasing strength (rapidly increasing the facilitation of neuromuscular recruitment). D. Developed by renowned strength coach Pavel Tsatsouline, this technique focuses on frequent, quality practice rather than training to failure. In greasing the groove you develop strength faster than muscle hypertrophy but it can be used for endurance, work capacity or even hypertrophy. Jun 14, 2018 · Why Grease the Groove Works. com/Buy my book Fit At Any Age: It's Never Too Latehttps://amzn. " [18:53] Approaching training as a practice. getting past sticking points, setting pr’s, and just general training. Dec 29, 2021 · If you are going for stamina or hypertrophy then you're going to have to dip your toes into something longer or more dense. Yes, you're right. Mar 2, 2025 · There’s a better way – greasing the groove training – specifically suited to how our bodies respond to training after 40. And Grease the groove focuses on high practice with low fatigue. It's good for strength. If you're someone like me who on a given day can do like 10-14 pull-ups in a set, I think greasing the groove in the 6-8 rep range probably does have a stimulus with way less recovery burden. Implementing Grease the Groove Pull-Ups. The results found that the Grease the Groove progression (Group B) out-performed the Density progression (Group A) in both […] Sep 11, 2022 · Congratulations on your great progress using grease the groove (GtG)! However from what I read GtG only works for 1 month ca. I am a beginner at strength training, so I figured I would post my question here. References. , If 80% 1RM = 8-rep max, only do 3-4 reps per set (4) Long rest periods (~10 minutes) between sets Hypertrophy (if any) is sort of like a bonus. I did max 4 pushups as the grease amount, repeated several times over a day. That's also why greasing the groove is a good thing It can be practiced on "off" days without upsetting healing/growth. As RIR gets higher you end up needing more volume so it's not time efficient Apr 6, 2023 · Greasing the Groove mimics this same neural pathway function in grinding motions into your nerves, creating a “groove” if you will. The Science Behind Greasing the Groove for Push-up Mastery “Greasing the groove” (GTG) was popularized by Pavel Tsatsouline, former Soviet Special Forces physical training instructor and strength coach. General rule is min 15 reps per exercise over all sets. The Science Behind Grease the Groove. For Explosive Strength and Power There are several good methods and training programs out there for building large amounts of strength and power. If you mix GTG and normal hypertrophy workouts, how much does grease the groove hurt/slow recovery and/or muscle hypertrophy? Jan 15, 2015 · How to train “grease to groove” [21:15] Approaching training as a practice [35:45] Prioritizing skills that lead to strength [39:20] The most counter-productive myths about strength training [42:20] Pavel’s hypothesis for the science behind hypertrophy [48:30] What is preventing new powerlifting records? [1:02:00] Oct 25, 2021 · Get My Free 5 Day Email Course START YOUR STRENGTH:http://susanniebergallfitness. ” The findings indicate that maximal strength benefits are obtained from the use of heavy loads while muscle hypertrophy can be equally achieved across a spectrum of loading ranges. One of the best methods—one that many lifters will find works the best for them—is to practice what Russian and other former Soviet lifters call “greasing the groove. You don't tax your body enough. You can build strength and hypertrophy of course. However, I have a i dont think this is true tbh. You're going to have to set aside a significant amount of time with a lighter bell for endurance work. If your goal is to build significant muscle mass, greasing the groove alone may not be the most effective approach. Jun 14, 2018 · And because it only trains the slow-twitch fibers while also producing minimal lactic acid buildup, grease the groove doesn’t produce very much hypertrophy in and of itself. You’re basically lifting your entire body weight using just your arms, and let’s just say it takes a fair amount of upper body strength to do it right. Max of 10 and GTG of 4-5 would be RIR of 5-6. i would appreciate anybodies help on this topic,Hayden. [21:16] Prioritizing strength — the "mother quality of all physical qualities. Since you never really tire, you maintain perfect form, until the execution of say Pull-Ups or Push-Ups comes as easy to you as scratching your head or walking. running greasing the groove with handgrippers, using a progression method for 5 days a week, mon-friday, one added set per day starting with 5, then will add one rep next week and repeat inspired by this Bromley video Apr 3, 2024 · Discover how to achieve powerful results with the Greasing the Groove technique. I don't see why you couldnt do GTG on the same day as your hypertrophy workouts. The ultimate goal is to be able to do more reps of one exercise, meaning long-term it'll be good for hypertrophy, but only in that exercise. For those unfamiliar, pull-ups are one of the most challenging exercises out there. com - TWO FREE STRENGTH COURSES http://SSPCoach. Aug 31, 2021 · ⏩⏩⏩ Get 10% OFF BaseBlocks calisthenics equipment with my promo code MTG10 at checkout! https://baseblocks. Grease the groove is also supposed to help neuromuscular efficiency rather than hypertrophy. Feb 10, 2025 · The concept of "Grease the Groove" training may not be the most effective approach for all individuals or for achieving all types of fitness goals. A big component required for hypertrophy is taking sets close to failure which is basically beating your muscles to great degree of fatigue. When it goes off, I dash our side and do slow, perfect form strict pull-ups until technical failure. so if i’m doing dips, i stretch a bit first, then i warm up with 1 set and get loose, then do my 1 set of dips at 75% of my max Pavel Tsatsouline discusses optimal strength training, emphasizing rest periods of 5 to 15 minutes between sets for creatine phosphate recovery. Jun 19, 2023 · Grease the groove training can be used by beginners as well as the most experienced lifters. That's greasing the groove (GTG), which is amazing! But have you ever done this So you're doing daily/high frequency calisthenics, but not going to failure? That's greasing the groove (GTG ⏩⏩⏩ Get 10% OFF BaseBlocks calisthenics equipment at checkout by using this link: https://baseblocks. GTG can be used for traditio Jan 3, 2025 · Choose Your Exercise: This can be anything from push-ups (how to grease the groove with pushups is a particularly popular application), pull-ups (greasing the groove for pull ups is very effective), squats (greasing the groove for squats can significantly increase your reps), handstands (greasing the groove for handstands can help you achieve Well to answer the original question I’d say greasing the groove has a lot more emphasis on improving at the excercise rather than hypertrophy, and that greasing the groove just for hypertrophy isn’t ideal. 5. fitOTHER EQUIPMENT I USE: (Use promo code MINUS1 Pavel Tsatsouline and Dr. And most people do. But even then you can just have them practice form during their warm up sets. com/playlist?list=PLqR2dIOB95D- Dec 14, 2022 · You can grease the groove with flexibility as well, and it is one of my favorite strategies for “anytime, anywhere” preparedness to jump into physical action without pulling something. I have experience with both gtg type programs and hypertrophy specific programs. [27:14] Pavel's hypothesis for the science behind hypertrophy. So just doing like 10-15 sets of 2 pull-ups a day. But by its second interpretation, we should only Mar 23, 2016 · Yes. 5 week, 3-day/week Mini-Study compared the effectiveness of two progression methodologies (Density and Grease the Groove) to improve 75-second max rep Hand Release Push Ups and Pull Ups (no time limit). The fitness mindset that we harbour has been revolving around using up all our strength and exhausting ourselves. If you're interested in getting coached by Jul 29, 2016 · Here are some hypertrophy threads on the forum: Hypertrophy Training Fastest strength/hypertrophy program? And an article on the blog: If It Flies Right, It Looks Right: My Journey to a Bodybuilding Competition And a Dan John's article: What you knowwhat you don't knowand Hypertrophy I hope it will help you. He says do it as long as you feel fresh and your performance stays steady. Jun 21, 2023 · Personalized workouts based on your schedule, ability, and equipment options. splitting it up throughout the day would mean more total reps yea but you probably wouldnt get to failure since its basically just greasing the groove unless all 9 of those sets are really hard 107 likes, 22 comments - ceo_of_pullups on November 20, 2024: " Click here to know how to speedrun hypertrophy: 1) GREASING THE GROOVE : practice a specific movement frequently, with submaximal effort, to strengthen the neural pathways involved Perform reps at 40-60% of your maximum effort. It involves performing a specific exercise multiple times throughout the day, with the goal of building strength and hypertrophy. HIRT for Hypertrophy. By spreading workouts throughout the day, it provides a constant stimulus for muscle growth while allowing for ample recovery time. Marker, Ph. From what I've read and heard, anything from 0-4 reps left in the tank provides the same hypertrophy stimulus. I actually wasn’t that faithful with it, poor discipline, but still tried to do my sets here and there. com - SSPC (Strength & Sports Performance Coach) CERTIFICATION https://zacheven-esh. It’s perfectly suited for refining technique, sharpening the CNS, and building strength, which are benefits no lifter ever outgrows. I. The big thing to remember is K. I don't really have enough time in one chunk to do a full workout, so I was wondering if I could grease the groove with sets until failure. 4. While greasing the groove the muscles are not overloaded like in a typical workout. Apr 28, 2024 · 💪 Download my FREE Calisthenics Workout - https://fitnessfaqs. Overview. Sep 24, 2012 · Grease The Groove is a technique I learned many years ago when reading a book from Pavel, Power To The People. Sep 29, 2020 · Hey all. I've heard that greasing the groove works best when you remain fresh, for optimal strength and endurance gains. I dont see that in your plan. Maybe snatch walking for an hour, for example. It can be very effective for helping you learn, and become more com On the other hand, training heavy often forces you to grease the groove to avoid syncope despite having the resources to do more reps. Most people, especially beginners, will experience some marginal gains in lean body mass after a cycle of greasing the groove. 6. He highlights the effectiveness of bodyweight training, specifically "Grease the Groove," with its unique method of doing half-repetitions and longer rest, challenging the traditional mindset of tapping out in each set for better overall strength Jul 21, 2023 · Grease the groove is an effective way to practice any skill or exercise, and pull-ups are no exception. My goal is more to increase strength rather than going for muscle size. personally, i have all day and evening to train. Common Mistakes to Avoid. And, for hypertrophy you're going to need to dip into glycolysis Jul 1, 2023 · Limited Muscular Hypertrophy: Greasing the groove is primarily focused on neural adaptations and skill acquisition rather than muscle hypertrophy. Am not an athletic guy and haven't been training very seriously until 2 months ago so still getting some "newbie gains" I think. Let's say for something like pullups to make my back bigger. Unlike traditional training methods that may advocate for fewer sessions with higher intensity, GTG encourages more frequent practice of lower-intensity sets. Essentially, you perform an exercise of choice several times a day, several times a week (4 - 7 x week), each and every set performed when you are fresh without going to muscular fatigue. Feb 19, 2010 · what does Greasing the Groove actually mean? ive read about people using it in their training or something like that but i dont know what it is or the benefits of using this method over traditional methods. Im 40 too and spend 20-25 mins on warmup and prehab before each workout. Unlike traditional hypertrophy training that may involve 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps per exercise with significant rest periods, GTG emphasizes lower volume with higher frequency. Grease the Groove (GTG) is a training methodology that has gained significant traction in the fitness world. Of course strength vs hypertrophy is all a sliding scale, and gtg will generate some hypertrophy Bodyweight Fitness is for redditors who like to use their own body to train, from the simple pullups, pushups, and squats to the advanced bodyweight fitness movements like the planche, one arm chin-ups, or single leg squats. Hypertrophy and strength skill development has been shown very far from failure. com/homehero/Learn From The World's Best - https://www. Perfectly capable of hypertrophy. The Path to Pull-Up Mastery; Your Journey Ahead; 7. Apr 17, 2011 · Dramatically increase your strength and arm size by Greasing The Groove. fit/?minusthegymYou can also follow me here: Instagram: If you keep the same movement. I had been stuck at about 10 max pushups for a very long time (don’t laugh), and decided to try greasing the groove just to see what would happen. Oct 2, 2019 · The term “greasing the groove” (or GTG) is used frequently to describe the repetition of the same exercise frequently without going to muscular fatigue. If you were going to use greasing the groove for anybody, it would be for complete beginners to practice form. Instead of pushing to failure, individuals should perform a few repetitions of an exercise multiple times throughout the day. Such as 10 - 15 sets of diamond pushups until failure throughout the day. DanJohnUniversity. However, it does depend on how you practice your pull Absolutely. I read some lactic acid is needed for hypertrophy but with grease the groove I always leave some reps in the tank before the burning sensation and failure set in. One of the most impactful concepts introduced by Tsatsouline is "greasing the groove. This style of training is very time-consuming, so you should only be applying it to one or two movements within any given macrocycle. hrj umf kheeu oet jaro zjwqyk pxiaynaa nghh dqfr tvjbc ggmz uwv tfqlez biz muaqmw