Guardian glass calculator download GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 6mm (2-SunGuard® SN 40 T (Middle East & Africa)) GAP: 100% Air 12. Dit kan zijn voor verschillende klimaten, esthetische smaken, privacyzorgen of energie-efficiëntiebehoeften. Read more about the tools below At Guardian, we have a wealth of expertise around the use of glass in building. Jul 17, 2023 · In addition to the extensive performance properties generated by the Performance Calculator, the new feature provides an estimate of the embodied CO 2 eq. Its reflective qualities can also enhance the aesthetic appeal. Read more about the tools below A leader in tools for the glass industry. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (North America) Glass, 1/4" (6mm) (4-SunGuard® IS 20 Interior Surface LE (North America)) Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here Guardian Glass ha sviluppato un software avanzato e di facile utilizzo per l’analisi dei sistemi di vetro e vetratura. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 6mm (2-SunGuard® HP Silver 40 (Middle East & Africa)) GAP: 100% Air 12. Additionally, you can explore product pages, visualize glass in various settings, download detailed brochures, and get inspired by real projects. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 3/16" (5mm) (3-SunGuard® HP Neutral 60 (Middle East & Africa Discontinued)) Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here Download en gebruik onze gestandaardiseerde Guardian BIM-content om projectspecifieke BIM-bestanden te maken Seminars en online training Voor iedereen die meer wil weten over glas en het gebruik ervan Sep 27, 2016 · Er ersetzt die frühere Offline-Version des Programms namens „Guardian Configurator“. com para mais informações, por favor. sunguardglass. Availability: Metric Unit & Imperial Unit, ASHARE standard & EN standard. Guardian Glass ha desarrollado software avanzado y fácil de usar para el análisis de sistemas de vidrio y acristalamiento. The existing tool is part of Glass Analytics, a comprehensive suite of engineering and analytical tools from Guardian Glass that help demonstrate the benefits of high-performance Embodied carbon calculation. Is the glazing parameter that characterizes the heat transfer through the central part of the glazing, i. As ferramentas on-line do Glass Analytics oferecem um conjunto abrangente de relatórios de análise e de engenharia que demonstra as vantagens do vidro de alto desempenho em fachadas de edifícios. Our architectural glass solutions offer a wide range of performances and aesthetic options to help meet your projects’ requirements. Best-in-class* thermal insulating performance. The new feature provides an estimate of the embodied CO2 equivalent for a wide number of glazing combinations, as it is available for most float glass and sputter-coated glass products produced by Guardian Glass in North America GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Float Glass (CE) Glass, 6mm (2-SunGuard® SN 60 T (Middle East & Africa)) GAP: 100% Air 12. Por favor, haga clic aquí www. Guardian Glass 19, Rue du Puits Romain L-9070 Bertrange Luxembourg +352 28 Download and use our standardized Guardian BIM content to create project specific BIM files. Download and use our standardized Guardian BIM content to create project specific BIM files. SunGuard® eXtraSelective ist unser neuestes Sonnenschutzglas mit dreifacher Silberschicht und erstklassiger Selektivität für Gewerberäume, wodurch es ein optimales Verhältnis zwischen Übertragung von natürlichem Licht und Kontrolle der solaren Energie liefert. Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 5/32" (4mm) (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here Guardian Clarity™ is manufactured using an advanced glass coating technology that, compared to standard glass, reduces reflection from 8% to around 0. SunGuard® eXtra Selective (SNX) 60, dat selectiviteit van wereldklasse levert, helpt de energiekosten te verlagen door de vraag naar kunstmatige verlichting, airconditioning en verwarming te verminderen. Das Online-Tool ist Teil von Guardian Glass Analytics, einer umfassenden Suite von technischen und analytischen Tools, mit denen die Vorteile von Welcome in light and clear views. 1 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 3/16" (5mm) (3-SunGuard® HP Neutral 60 (Middle East & Africa Discontinued)) Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here Oct 4, 2016 · The Performance Calculator – developed by Guardian’s technical team as part of the Guardian Glass Analytics Software suite and freely available – calculates the light and energy performance of any Guardian® glass, either used as a single sheet or any combination of type and thickness for double and triple insulating glass units. Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 At Guardian, we have a wealth of expertise around the use of glass in building. Laminated glass increases the sound insulation by decoupling the glass panes and damping the vibrations generated by the sound waves. These tools are crafted to support every aspect of your project from inception to completion. A leader in tools for the glass industry. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 6mm (2-SunGuard® HP Gold 31 (Middle East & Africa)) GAP: 100% Air 12. Obtenga más A leader in tools for the glass industry. At Guardian, we have a wealth of expertise around the use of glass in building. 76mm Clear (CE), 0. Візуалізатор Guardian Glass Guardian Glass Visualizer створює фотореалістичні зображення зовнішнього та внутрішнього скління в режимі реального часу, що дозволяє користувачеві оцінити естетичні властивості будь Create your vision—with a view. Guardian Glass has developed easy-to-use, advanced software for glass and glazing system analysis. Verbeterde thermische isolatie, lagere energiekosten. Las herramientas en línea de Glass Analytics ofrecen un conjunto completo de informes de ingeniería y análisis que demuestran las ventajas del vidrio de alto rendimiento en las fachadas de edificios. The Guardian Sustainability Calculator helps you understand the environmental performance of glass according to a range of environmental rating programs, such as LEED. Consultas de los lectores. e. As ferramentas online de Glass Analytics™ oferecem um conjunto abrangente de relatórios analíticos e de engenharia que demonstram as vantagens do vidro de alto desempenho na construção de fachadas. O novo Performance Calculator Guardian online está disponível gratuitamente, após registo. Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 User guides and brochures. The glass is available annealed, as well as heat treated or laminated for safety, security or acoustic applications. Perguntas do leitor. Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Evaluate environmental performance attributes of Guardian Glass products with the Guardian Sustainability Calculator. Guardian Glass 19, Rue du Puits GLAS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Die berechneten Werte stehen im Einklang mit EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Leistungswerte For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please hier klicken ©2021 Guardian Glass, LLC v. 122 Leadenhall - The Cheesegrater. . Clique aqui www. Guardian Glass is present on 5 continents and delivers to over 160 countries. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass With the performance calculator, you Guardian Glass ha introducido una nueva función en su herramienta Performance Calculator. 1 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here. It allows heat entry to be controlled and balances the amount of light coming in, allowing it to be fully integrated into the regional landscape and into the project design itself. SunGuard® Solar is a commercial solar control glass that helps to reflect the sun’s energy. Who is Guardian Glass? We are a world leader in float, laminated and coated glass manufacturing, working with glass since 1932. GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Float Glass (CE) Glass, 6mm. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass With the performance calculator, you Our residential glass can greatly enhance how appealing a home is – from both the outside and inside. for the configured glazing (only for the glass components manufactured by Guardian Glass, not for additional components in the build-up such as spacers or frame). Leia mais sobre Der aktuelle Guardian Glass Performance Calculator ist ein Online-Tool zur Modellierung der thermischen und optischen Eigenschaften von Glassubstraten, Beschichtungen und Zwischenfolien. A funcionalidade permite aos utilizadores calcular o carbono incorporado das configurações de envidraçamento que selecionam. GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Float Glass (CE) Glass, 6mm (2-SunGuard® SN 70/37 (CE)) GAP: 10% Air, 90% Argon 16. A new feature in the Performance Calculator allows users to calculate the embodied carbon for the glazing configurations they select. Use of cullet to reduce raw material and energy consumption. 7%, while increasing light transmission from 90% to 98%, creating an almost perfect, distortion-free viewing experience through the glass. To learn more, call us at using the Guardian Performance Calculator. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (North America) Glass, 1/4" (6mm) (2-SunGuard® SN 54 (North America)) GAP: 100% Air 12. CalumenLive from Saint Gobain (SGG) GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here The glass can be used in a double insulating glass unit or in monolithic applications, where the glass has been tested and proven for its durability. From iconic architectural projects that push the boundaries of glass technology, to the development of some of the most energy-efficient home, work and retail environments. GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Float Glass (CE) Glass, 4mm. 174,000 square meters of Guardian SunGuard solar control glass and Guardian ClimaGuard low-E glass for the tallest building in the world Jul 17, 2023 · The current Guardian Glass Performance Calculator is an online tool for modeling the thermal and optical properties of glass substrates, coatings and interlayers. A world leader in glass manufacturing. GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Float Glass (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here GLAS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Die berechneten Werte stehen im Einklang mit EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Leistungswerte For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please hier klicken GLAS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Die berechneten Werte stehen im Einklang mit EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Leistungswerte For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please hier klicken Sep 27, 2016 · The Performance Calculator – developed by Guardian’s technical team as part of the Guardian Glass Analytics Software suite and freely available – calculates the light and energy performance of any Guardian® glass, either used as a single sheet or any combination of type and thickness for double and triple insulating glass units. Klicken Sie hier www. The See full list on elitesafetyglass. 2021-sne50 SunGuard® SNE 50/25 WELCOME TO THE POWER OF &. Country Selector - COUNTRY-SELECTOR The Burj Khalifa . La nueva Calculadora de Rendimiento online de Guardian está disponible sin coste alguno después de registrarse. Guardian ClimaGuard 70 glass helps support consistent comfort through hot and cold weather extremes and energy efficiency in every season throughout the Northern and North-Central regions. com User guides and brochures. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 6mm (2-SunGuard® SN 60 T (Middle East & Africa)) GAP: 100% Air 12. GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here Guardian Glass and BIM new platform, enhanced tools Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an intelligent 3D-modelling process that provides the insight and tools to efficiently plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure. An online FREE software you can reach easily, simple, and easy to use. For decades, SunGuard has demonstrated that innovation never gets old, making history with bold strides in solar and thermal performance, energy savings and comfort, aesthetic options and expert support for our partners in architecture, fabrication and glazing. Download further information, technical details and white papers on our ranges and specialist glass solutions Evaluate environmental performance attributes of Guardian Glass products with the Guardian Sustainability Calculator. Please provide your details with any additional information to support your inquiry and a Guardian Glass expert will get back to you. Making it ideal for applications when excessive solar heat gain could result in uncomfortable living environments. Pair with SunGuard™ low-E coatings and apply throughout a wide range of exterior facades. Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Glass (North America) Glass, 1/4" (6mm) Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here Sep 27, 2016 · Sustituye a una versión offline anterior del programa denominada Configurador de Guardian. Sep 27, 2016 · Substitui a versão offline anterior do programa designada por Guardian Configurator. 7mm. com für weitere Informationen. Helping to achieve not only state-of-the-art windows, which are vital to our wellbeing, and rooms that are bathed in natural light but protected from the sun’s energy so they don’t overheat. Sea Green 35 is designed on clear float glass. A leader in tools for the glass industry. 28 SHGC value. Gli strumenti online di Glass Analytics offrono una suite completa di report tecnici e analitici che dimostrano i vantaggi del vetro ad alte prestazioni nelle facciate degli edifici. Guardian CrystalClear delivers clarity and color neutrality beyond standard clear glass at a more affordable price than conventional low-iron glass. Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 Jan 8, 2025 · Guardian Glass is pleased to mark the 30 th anniversary of our SunGuard™ architectural low-E coated glass product line in 2025. It’s a clearer choice everyone can appreciate. 762mm. Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 El visualizador Guardian Glass genera de forma dinámica imágenes fotorrealistas de las vistas de acristalamiento exterior e interior. Evalúe las propiedades estéticas de prácticamente cualquier composición del vidrio: simplemente elija el vidrio que desea visualizar, seleccione el edificio y la perspectiva que más le convenga y observe Additionally, you can explore product pages, visualize glass in various settings, download detailed brochures, and get inspired by real projects. This combination delivers 56% visible light transmission, 15% outdoor reflectivity and 0. Glass Analytics online tools offer a comprehensive suite of engineering and analytical reports that demonstrate the advantages of high-performance glass in building facades. SunGuard® High Performance Neutral 55 is a low-emissive glass that offers high transparency with thermal insulation to suit challenging projects. INTERLAYER: PVB Noise Reduction SR 0. Today we operate across 5 continents and 160 countries. Laminated glass consists of two or more layers of glass that are permanently bonded together with one or more polymer interlayers using heat and pressure. Die Online-Tools von Glass Analytics bieten eine umfassende Reihe von technischen und analytischen Berichten, die die Vorteile von Hochleistungsglas in Gebäudefassaden aufzeigen. Please select the region and language most relevant to your needs. La función permite a los usuarios calcular el carbono incorporado para las configuraciones de acristalamiento que seleccionan. Narzędzia internetowe Glass Analytics oferują kompleksowy zestaw danych inżynieryjnych i analitycznych , które demonstrują zalety wysokiej jakości szkła w elewacjach budynków. Leseranfragen. Simply enter some basic project details and click "Add Product" to assess a particular glass. 1. Read more about the tools below Guardian Glass Analytics® is a comprehensive suite of Web-based software tools that demonstrate the advantages of high performance glass in building facades. 0mm. Multiple glass A Guardian Glass desenvolveu um software avançado e fácil de usar para análise de sistemas de vidro e envidraçamento. Les outils en ligne de Glass Analytics offrent une suite complète de rapports d’ingénierie et d’analyse qui illustrent les avantages du verre haute performance dans les façades de bâtiments. Der neue Guardian Performance Calculator steht nach Registrierung kostenfrei online zur Verfügung. Clarity and efficiency unite with SunGuard™ SN 54 coating on Guardian UltraClear™ low-iron glass. Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here Luz sin calor. Between 2021 and 2022, Guardian Glass plants increased average cullet ratio (broken glass) from 16% to 19% in Rayong and from 15% to 21% in Nong Khae. Guardian Glass is at the forefront of what can be achieved with this incredible material. Read more about the tools below Guardian Glass ha desarrollado un software avanzado y fácil de usar para el análisis de sistemas de vidrio y acristalamiento. See in this video how laminated glass is made: Guardian Glass hat eine einfach zu bedienende, fortschrittliche Software für die Analyse von Glas- und Verglasungssystemen entwickelt. Jun 16, 2023 · A Guardian Glass introduziu uma nova funcionalidade na sua ferramenta Performance Calculator. Download en gebruik onze gestandaardiseerde Guardian BIM-content om projectspecifieke BIM-bestanden te maken Seminars en online training Voor iedereen die meer wil weten over glas en het gebruik ervan A Low-E Glass with High Transparency and Thermal Insulation. GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® A 1. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (North America) Glass, 1/4" (6mm) Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 Year-round performance – and beauty. without edge effects, and expresses the steady-state density of heat transfer rate per temperature difference between the environmental temperatures on each side. The 75,000 square metres façade features a curtain wall that is double glazed to allow for a high solar protection on neutral-looking glass. Sep 27, 2016 · Bertrange, Luxembourg, le 27 septembre 2016 – Guardian Glass a lancé le Performance Calculator, un outil numérique qui permet aux clients de faire le meilleur choix en matière de vitrage. com para obtener más información. Las herramientas en línea de Glass Analytics ofrecen un conjunto completo de informes de ingeniería y análisis que demuestran las ventajas del vidrio de alto rendimiento en fachadas de edificios. The Guardian Performance Calculator tool provides modeling of the thermal and optical properties for glass make-ups ranging from monolithic uncoated glass to highly complex combinations Oct 4, 2016 · The Performance Calculator – developed by Guardian’s technical team as part of the Guardian Glass Analytics Software suite and freely available – calculates the light and energy performance of any Guardian® glass, either used as a single sheet or any combination of type and thickness for double and triple insulating glass units. Firma Guardian Glass opracowała łatwe w użyciu, zaawansowane oprogramowanie do analizy systemów szklenia. We would be happy to work through your specification with you, identifying the finer details of your project. The At Guardian, we have a wealth of expertise around the use of glass in building. Guardian Glass 19, Rue du Puits Romain L-9070 Bertrange Luxembourg +352 28 GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Float Glass (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here The database including PPG Glass/AGC Glass/Cardinal Glass/China Yaohua Pilkington Glass/CSG Glass/Guardian Glass/China Jinjing Glass/Pilkington Glass/Saint Gobain Glass. Energy efficiency and solar protection are is now also available in a wide choice of unique colors with SunGuard High Performance glass – making it ideal for many different architectural requirements and climate conditions. A Guardian Glass desenvolveu um software avançado e fácil de utilizar para análise de sistemas de envidraçamento e vidro. Guardian Glass a développé un logiciel avancé facile à utiliser pour l’analyse des systèmes de vitrage et de verre. Download further information, technical details and white papers on our ranges and specialist glass solutions Is the sum of the solar direct transmittance and the secondary heat transfer factor of the glazing towards the inside, the latter resulting from heat transfer by convection and longwave IR-radiation of that part of the incident solar radiation which has been absorbed by the glazing. Guardian glass visualizer. SunGuard® SuperNeutral® (SN) 29/18, ideal para acristalamiento de techos y áreas con una alta exposición al sol, combina la transmisión de luz natural relativamente alta con una protección solar muy alta. Wat de behoefte ook is, ClimaGuard®-glas kan helpen om een oplossing te bieden. Neutral Plus 41 is the ideal solar control glass for large residential applications. Guardian Glass lance le Performance Calculator, son calculateur de performance en ligne ClimaGuard® is een breed assortiment glasproducten voor woningen dat op maat gemaakt kan worden voor elk huis. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 6mm. This easy-to-use digital program helps users see how Guardian glazing makeups can help a project earn certification from green building rating systems such as LEED®, the Living Building Challenge and the WELL Building Standard. GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 6mm (1-PureSight (CE), 2-PureSight (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here GLASS: Guardian UltraClear® Float Glass (CE) Glass, 6mm (2-SunGuard® SNX 70 HT (CE)) GAP: 10% Air, 90% Argon 16. awmgqb nvpvyl rzyz xukei nnb wpmddbk qmplqir isya rht erf kfsi zzii xlcpz voskr padqgq