Harry gets everyone pregnant fanfiction Ron doesn't interrupt Harry and Ginny before the wedding and Ginny falls pregnant. Yes. I've been snatching all your copies of the Daily Prophet before Aspro gets them to you-" "You've been WHAT?" Harry shouted. Mostly Ginny's point of view. Harry sat on the floor in the middle of the empty living room, he decided to do some serious thinking. Tittle – Hidden in Plain Sight Chapter – 01: Cage Word Count – 3198 Warning for this chapter – . Harry slowly started to get up. Tell him or I will," Luna threatened softly once again. He'll be a great father. Harry and Ginny had only been married for six months, but Ginny was already four months pregnant. Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J. 2: only A/N: Hey, guys. She barely noticed the frantic Dobby as he moved her to her room, gently placing her on her bed. " "As long as it's not Harry I will be fine. Both Lupins were excited to meet Harry's date and Tonks teased them both greatly for it until Harry reminded her Plus, the magic world would just be a floo ride away. "That would be the Harpy and the school doorknob. Bellatrix was stunned, completely and utterly speechless at the sight before her. "No, Harry she's fine but I found out that I'm pregnant" Narcissa said squeezing his hand. Had I not gotten Truth or Dare as the top voted fic in my Google Plus poll, or had I not started the poll in the first place, I would've written this. " Harry said nodding his head retaining the cold tone of his voice. Just tell me. Rating: T for Teen. Harry had tears in his eyes as he looked his daughter in the face for the first time. "Minister under the act of the Noble and Ancient Households I demand that Veritaserum be used in this trail. Watch out Hogwarts, a new Harry Potter is taking over. Harry, along with Hermione, did their best to keep the peace. Like a good, little servant, Luna was by her side, massaging her big, milk-laden tits and caressing her sore nipples. Dumbledore has no idea what his decision to leave Harry with the Dursleys has wrought. Accio Ron's fingers. " Harry told him. . A couple took positions on either side of the entry hall while the remaining followers charged though the open doors and into the Great Hall. The Dark Lord strode in behind his minions, robes billowing dramatically behind him. He hoisted the market bags onto the large kitchen table. (Set during 6th year). "Mr. After six hours of pain, sweating, grunting, moaning, whining, threatening Charlie's manly bits, bemoaning his own stupidity in taking a pregnancy potion and pushing, Harry was handed a red faced, howling scrap of humanity. Bye Charlie" running over and hugging the boy, who blushed. "This is the moment when you beg, Tonks," Harry commands. Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride. "Everyone shut up and pay attention!" Harry nodded his assent and the goblin left to speak with the bank director, and one of the leaders of the goblin nation. Staggering a step backwards to keep his balance, Harry wrapped his arms around her tightly, Harry enjoyed pleasuring both girls, finally finishing off in Fleur's mouth. Harry pulled Hermione over to him, holding her tight, still needing the comfort she brought. "Ginny," Harry said in a Since everyone else thinks he hates me they were shocked enough to agree. Abandoned by his parents, raised by his grandparents, he will prove they were wrong to leave him. He had also watch Daenerys learn the ways of sex from one of the women assigned to assist her. Hermione had obliged, reluctant to celebrate at all. Part 10 of Harry Potter and the Series of Degrading Events. By the time Draco wakes up Harry has fallen asleep on the couch and Draco walks over to him. Pregnant with Harry Potter's baby. " He got out of the bed and wrapped the cloak around him. She also became pregnant. They quickly popped them to the location and Harry helped Daphne into the emergency room of Fairbanks Memorial Hospital after Dobby and Winky left Ginny was wondering about how Harry would react. "2 fingers of a traitor. Dora why don't you say goodbye to everyone". Even there was concern in the face of Snape. That honor belongs to JK Rowling. Fleur loves it. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Pottersadly. forgive me. Harry took Susan's hand and walked out of the train at Hogsmeade Station talking about what classes they had together and what Gilderoy Lockhart will be teaching. She will be tossed out on the Please!" Harry rubbed Ron's back reassuringly, whispering words of comfort in his ear. He wished that Harry was pregnant with his child, not that he would want his Harry pregnant at such a young age. Unconsciously, she placed one of her hands Vernon doesn't care how many children Harry wants, as long as Harry is happy. We should get together soon. There was no way Harry himself would have entered the tournament. "But he's so angry, if I tried to stop him, he'd Chapter 1: Going Trick or Treating! Harry Potter had always hated Halloween. Author's Notes: Okay, so this is my first story, on the internet, at least. Bellatrix got Hermione pregnant because she was afraid that what she had to offer wouldn't be enough to Hermione and that she'll choose Order over her. Harry said in a rush hugging Narcissa. Harry did kiss back, their lips meshing together, tongues battling for dominance. "The fuck you say! Harry knocked Fleur up because Hermione talked him into it and she bonded him as the Consort Delacour?" Katherine nodded "Yes for the third time Sirius, and don't swear. , Hermione G. "He has prepared a brief message for everyone that I shall read and then we will divide the estate per his wishes. Ginny and Harry laughed. ] - Chapters: 5 - Words: 15,391 - Reviews: 60 - Favs: 596 - Follows: 719 - Updated: Too bad witches and wizards go through it more than once. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,702 - Reviews: 71 - Favs: 289 - Follows: 42 - Published: 1/24/2009 - Draco M. Of course she wanted kids. Harry is pregnantbut who is the father? The Daily Prophet decides to run a betting poolwhat are the odds that they'll be wrong? Warnings - Mpreg, implied slash, Harry enjoyed himself greatly and talked with everyone, though there was some comfortableness between Ron Weasley and the Slytherins. Whenever I read mass pregnancy fanfiction, it's/ it: 1: really short. Somehow, after arguing, we ended up in bed together. Harry/Multi, darkish, some Dumbledore bashing, rating Harry is the real BWL but everybody thinks it's his twin, Daniel Potter. He feels something bad is going to happen. "I love you too," she whispered. Everyone. " Luna said dreamily from next to Neville. FanFiction | unleash Ginny Weasley gets pregnant and Hermione helps her deal with the consequences. For the most part, they avoided heavier topics, with an unspoken understanding that there would be a time for such, just not that day. Coming right up. Privacy. With that single wish, Harry is thrown back into his one year old Body with a mind seeking for revenge. " He took a sip of his drink, now that his nose had cleared enough to do so. "Let the fun begin," he muttered rather darkly. "Pregnant. He sighs, noticing that they are already cutting it close for breakfast and starts Ginny gets drunk one night and becomes pregnant, with Draco Malfoy's baby. Sequel to Third Mate: Remus Harry and Sirius find out that Sirius is pregnant and that there are spells on the child placed there by the DOM to kill it. Disclaimer: Harry Potter, the world he lives in and its settings were all created by JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series. Ginny leaned further into him, causing the two of them to stumble and fall back onto her bed, landing softly, arms and legs intertwined with each other. It's actually set during HBP, Ginny gets pregnant when they Harry offered the owl a piece of bacon as he removed the letter, and sat down to read it. “Is that mine?” he asks, waving vaguely at Harry’s stomach as the anger drains from his figure. "Shut up! You did this to me, you bastard!" Madam Pomfrey looked up in shock, her eyes searching out Harry's as the boy-who-lived blushed Warnings: Language, violence, character death, (very young) teenage pregnancy, OOC-ness, etc. Though most witches and wizards tried to avoid this seedier side of the shopping district, her occupation as a healer and potions mistress demanded she visit, if only for the rare and After the final battle, Harry is left alone while everyone else celebrates. The worst part of staying at the Burrow was definitely everyone's reluctance to let her go anywhere alone. But Ron,was having none of it. And I haven't had sex," Harry said, shocked. As he was introduced to the others Harry saw the last person he had to impregnate. Especially after he committed suicide. Commented Jun 12, 2017 at 13:14. "Harry, like I told you, Harry becomes pregnant. "Eight. Harry had found her almost catatonic in her home with Teddy Everyone in the Great Hall the students, staff, headmasters, Minister, Ministry staff were all shocked by it. " Ginny inwardly flinched. Harry cringed to see Shacklebolt standing on the stage, with Dumbledore just off to the side and a few others he hated to deal with. She and Harry talked about if they wanted to have another child after baby no name, but she didn't know if she could have another pregnancy like this. Though many tried, no one got there before she lost her wand and was grabbed. Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked eagerly, taking him deeper into her hot, wet mouth. "She's not pregnant, Harry. Being Harry Potter didn't get him stared at 'Down Under' like it did in Britain. The later in her pregnancy that she got, the more her Harry helped a very pregnant Daphne up as he picked up a bag of clothes. The lives of a family of 10, the Malfoy-Potter family can only hope to survive everyday life with a set of twins and sextuplets. Title: Hidden Choices Fandom: Harry Potter Characters: Harry/Percy Prompt: Harry/Percy Percy and Harry established relationship + mpreg, Percy is a spy for Dumbledore and the only Weasley that knows is Ginny who is covering for Harry and Percy but Harry gets pregnant how does everyone react Request by Everybody at the party quickly rushed forward to congratulate the two of them, and to ask how it had happened, everybody at the party, except for Ron and Hermione, had no idea that Harry and Tonks had been seeing each other for some time now. Weasley had had to start the morning before to finish it in time. " Turning, Harry spotted a dainty hand sticking out a split in the tent, a split he could have sworn didn't exist Harry fought to keep from blanching at that statement, because in order for her to be pregnant, it meant that she and Vernon hadwell, he just didn't want to think about it. CHAPTER SEVEN "Well I don't like the fact that your pregnant without me even knowing that you have sex on a regular basis. And with that said, Vernon opened the door, only to be accosted immediately by a whining Dudley who was demanding food. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or its characters from the franchise. They sat down as everyone began to eat the extra large breakfast that took so much time to make, Mrs. 'Mr. "Yeah right, Dad. Harry and Sophia Clarke's relationship is like all others. It has been some years since I've read And now, two months later, Hermione thought that she was pregnant. Wattpad Books aspires to recognize and reflect diverse voices by taking Wattpad stories to published book and onto bookshelves around the world. "Oh. Harry enters his 6th year of Hogwarts with new burdens on his shoulders. I could see Harry freaking out the first time our baby changed hair colors. Summary: Harry had only known pain and suffering all her life. "Pregnant," she nodded, "We're going to have a baby. Harry, however, refuses to conceal their relationship any longer and begins the planning for their wedding. Harry indulges in a little Christmas cheer (and so does most everyone else). Harry Potter was not having a good year. Harry had discovered the property about a month ago during a visit to Gringotts, upon which he had also discovered the fact that Dumbledore had made him a fake will, and had been a witness to his parents' will, which clearly stated Harry and Ginny found a spot to sit at the table, hearing their loud family in the sitting room. Everyone knows, Harry, you're famous. Harry had been even more pained when he discovered he was pregnant two and a half months after Cedric's funeral. "Yes Harry you are" Narcissa said kissing him. Mrs. K. Spoilers: Books one through five, probably. "Psst, behind you. Her future never looked brighter. The minister at this point looked pale and ready to pass out, quickly gathered his things and hurried to Harry who was starting to sit up. "Everyone gets a turn oh come on Neville that was a classic!" "It was Ginny, Love. HP/OC. Even as Harry watched, a few silvery sparks shot out from the top. She smirked at the idea, "Dora! Teddy's hair is blue!" Harry calls from the nursery. "Neville Longbottom everyone at Hogwarts is pregnant. Summary: Harry has a lover no one expected. If it had happened though, he would have been over the moon and ready to do everything possible for his love and their unborn child. It had been noted, but then shrugged off. Since they first bonded, Harry and Or a metamorphmagus child. "About five or six weeks by my estimation. This is our baby. Just because I can. She, Harry Potter, was pregnant. Weasley walked to the sitting room to tell everyone dinner was ready. Finding out that some of the Wesley's and Hermione he thought as family had betrayed him, Harry wishes for something that seems impossible. " They immediately snapped towards him and into his hand. Part 3 "Oh, yes! A little harder, Harry!" Hermione gasped beneath him. Yaoi and As long as Harry and Daphne didn't drink too much, they clearly didn't make the best decisions drunk. Beta-ed. & thank you to CrazyKitCat for alphaing this mess. Daphne didn't think Hermione would find out this way. Her heart clenched in fear at the thought, followed by a wave of guilt. There was a pregnant pause, before Harry suddenly found himself being engulfed in a mighty hug, as Hermione burst through the opening in the tent wall and launched herself onto to him. ray id: php-api Original Author's Note: For those of you who read this on CaerAzkaban, there have been some corrections and additions, but only minor ones. Before his first year at Hogwarts, Harry make his first ever friend: a girl from a family that moved in Privet Drive. He was at least a few months in. Fortunately for Harry, Draco had a very good memory, whether he was drunk or not, and decided that if Harry was going to kiss back when Draco was drunk, he might just do it when he was sober. When word of this problem reaches a group of eight witches at his birthday party however, the game between them begins: first two pregnant win. "Avoiding everyone, mainly. Harry was switching between each pregnant woman making everyone of them cum one by one. ray id: php-api Harry was just stunned at her beauty. " Harry's father informed him. "Harry, are you sure you are Harry collapsed on top of Hermione, panting. "Quit my job as an Auror a couple years back and moved out here. 7. This fic will be a mix of both the movies and book. Weasley is in fact two Charlie closed his eyes in pain. Harry's absence, while a bummer, was completely expected. FEM!Harry/Draco. thank you to dreamsofdramione for being the best beta (and friend) a witch could ask for. No one noticed the two flies procreating, during the ritual; on Harry, in the circle. - Chapters: 20 - Words: 43,904 - Reviews: 89 - Favs: 307 - Follows: 415 - Updated: 4/28/2024 - By the time Christmas Eve came, Harry and Luna felt nothing short of exhausted. Neville Longbottom took the crucio curse for her but was blasted back as she was completely surrounded. TFS. Way too early. The animals! For some whacked up reason, everyone has a pie in their oven and are preggers! Now tell me, HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!" "Okay!" Neville cried. And two months later, I realized I was pregnant, two weeks later I am sitting here on the train trying to keep the contents of my stomach in my stomach. 'So that's where Snape gets it,' Harry thought with a wry grin. Both Alice and Lily were heavily pregnant and were due in just over a week. Weasley Angelina, Ron, Hermione, Mr. Albus had informed him that only powerful wizards who were truly in love with each other were able to get pregnant. - Chapters: 5 - Words: 9,508 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 140 - Follows: 52 - Updated: 8/5/2009 - A goblin stepped out of the shadows and began the proceedings. Seeing him with a book on his face that is called 'Do's and don'ts - helpful potions during Pregnancy!', Draco smiles and watches Harry for a moment. Ginny watched his face as he unwrapped, and Hello readers! This is just a story that I had in my head for a while now and have finally put into words. Luckily in the room was everyone in the letter, Tonks and Kingsley. Harry gets the cherry. " the boy nodded and packed up both of their things and lead her out the door. " Harry interrupted the headmaster making everyone in the room look at him in surprise. Harry is in love with Hermione- it'll be better explained in this chapter. There's no way James will marry her. With a wedding in three weeks, a Christmas dinner to plan and at least half a dozen last-minute gifts that Harry rushed about to get due to his knack for procrastinating, having a day entirely to themselves was a relief among other BZHP DMHP mpreg Draco left Harry heart-broken and pregnant. Killing Voldy Shorts & letting Harry have a great life, would be worth their sits like the good boy he is. Or have a worse one. Rated M. Weasley, and Mrs. Five years later Harry is trying to raise his son alone when he bumps into Blaise. Chapter one. Harry said everyone in the room could hear the worry in his voice Professor Filtwick took one look at Hermione seeing her clenching her stomach in pain and said "Of course Mr. More obvious that he was with child. The entire time leading to the ball Harry and Hermione took part in McGonagall's dance lessons with Neville giving Harry tips. " "Oh, great," Hermione grumbled. She watched "Right. Harry's hand tightened around his glass, fingers turning white. Once the Death Eater threat was dealt with, Harry had lost himself in wanderlust, traveling the world, and while doing so, dealing with some of the most dangerous magical threats almost casually. Whenever she went into the village, which was quite often considering her cravings. " Your voice belongs on bookshelves. " They didn't get a chance to continue because Nicholas began crying. It's a work in progress but it's a good fic. It proceeds from there, as one might imagine; Tonks is hot as hell and Harry is irresistible, and even if he wasn't, Fleur is. "Ginny, who had been almost unnaturally thin when she was playing for the Harpies, has been piling on the In jail, two weeks later it was discovered that she was, yet again pregnant. " A series of chimes echoed in the atrium. "Thank you. Harry frowned, not completely convinced that was business related, but shrugged in response to her. While everyone was attacked, the best fighters went after her. Not just any ordinary wizard was able. Blinded by lust, they both get something else they did not expect too. , Fleur D. "Harry! Wait! Stop!" she called out to him while running to catch up with · :/ There is The Past Always Catches Up which is set three years after Deathly Hallows, but Ginny was pregnant during the war (with out Harry knowing no less!). The pool of precum at Harry's feet is now seeping through the door, slowly heading towards Tonks' feet. They fight back. Everyone looked at each other for a moment and then went back to what they were doing, all hoping that for Harry's sake, the birth would go smoothly. Ted nodded, "Okay, bye everyone and thanks. "I see that you're still considering your choices, let me tell you something "Battle a dragon," Harry finished for her. This, however, has its consequences as Hermione "Harry is your best-friend. Ginny can't be two months pregnant," Ginny heard Harry tell the nurse. He also recognised the voice. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - [Harry P. “You what?” Harry doesn’t reply, just watches Draco’s wand hand carefully. She buried her head in his neck. When Harry was ten centimeters an hour later, Shanti "Harry, Ginny, breakfast's ready!", yelled Mrs. But I can't change other people, so I'll just change my attitude and write my own Blaise Zabini story! Lately I've been in a mood to write stories 3 months after Harry and Voldemort vanish, everyone thinks they are both dead, but Ginny refuses to give up hope that he'll return. I'm sure they'll be able to tell you what's going on. "Magical pregnancy is when a person, it actually could be a boy or a girl, gets pregnant without doing anything. Now, Susan, Luna and Daphne's contracts have to be done this week. , Ginny W. The girls. He had had no idea that she thought that she was pregnant, and Harry didn't know much about how girls work, so he would definitely be surprised. "I'm pregnant. He moaned softly, unable to suppress the sounds escaping his lips. Harry, on the other hand, had been performing accidental magic since the Slut Harry spends Christmas at the Burrow. Tonks falls to her knees. I've never done fanfiction before, so please cope with me. His main focus: to fulfil the prophecy that ties him to Voldemort. " I stroked and rubbed the Lily potter watched her sons life not at all happy about how it turned out. Not to be outdone by everyone else the Weasley twins had organised a 'Boy-Who-Lived-A-Bunch-Of-Times' party to celebrate. Pairing/s: VoldemortHarry (My first time writing a multi-chapter fic with this pairing!). "You're –" he started, shocked. Harry and Ginny are together, and they want to be together forever Or do they? And Ginny's pregnant. It looked as though Hermione was in nothing but an over large sweater that really left nothing to the imagination. He had had no idea wizards could even get pregnant. She was gaining a lot of weight, having weird cravings, getting really nauseous for no reason at all, and getting really moody. Instead, he seemed to be focused on Severus, himself. Doesn't matter if a Veela gets pregnant by a wizard or muggle their kids, which are only girls, though there are rare chances of a boy to come out. Rated: Fiction M - English "You could get pregnant, letting him breed you like that. " Time seemed to freeze as Tonks waited with baited breath and Remus stared at her. Pregnant. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Family - Harry P. Andromeda Tonks (ne Black) strode confidently and calmly down the shadowy street that was Knockturn Alley. Maybe they have a power of fertility that spreads uncontrollably, thus getting everyone pregnant. He knows how quick on the draw a Malfoy can be when enraged. Chapter 1. While she normally got disapproving looks at first because it was well-known that she wasn't married and her face had been in the Prophet next to those of Stella and Astoria after her father's trial, as soon as she explained that her child was a Beltane child and she Grinning, Harry look up to Remus to watch him gaze proudly down at her. " Said Harry in amazement as he sat down next to her bed. With that, father and daughter walked to the fireplace and walked through, after being engulfed in "If I were you, Luna, I would just tell Neville what's going on. " Esmeralda turned to her "You started that cult! Astoria tried to get that little catch phrase tattooed on her mound!" Damien led the men outside. There is also The Unexpected Heir. By the way, the chapter tittles for his fic will be song names. Roling. They slept that night in each other's arms. I merely borrowed them for this story. Harry has to be at least sixteen. Harry Potter got separated when she went to protect a group of first years. I don't own anything. By the time she joined in Harry still had a little left and rewarded her by turning her around then lifting her feet off the ground and throwing her down fat ass first. In fact he couldn't believe Dudley had managed to actually get someone pregnant in the first place. "I'm going to b be a father?" Harry asked stunned. "Harry, Ginny, your insecurities are showing. He felt himself gape in blank shock. Except things happen early. " "Harry I'll be getting you a private healer, the best I can find, they will come to us," Lucius chuckled. Albus could have done so many things differently in regards to Harry but the man went the easy way instead of thinking about Harry's To Severus' great surprise, Voldemort did not go directly for Harry Potter. When he saw the look of concern on Harry and Cedric's faces, Mr. Terms of Service. "Tempus Gravida. Harry didn't waste a moment before he plunged himself into Luna's folds, the blonde screamed in ecstasy at his meatpole striking A/N: This is my first FanFic for Harry Potter, and the first I've done in a while so sorry if it's not that great, my writing skills are all rusty ;3 thanks for reading 3 "Nev, come on, I can't wait, let's tell everyone, now!" Luna whispers into my ear excitedly. Potter congrats on When everyone got to the quidditch field, Cedric and Harry was shocked to see that their once loved quidditch pitch was overgrown with hedges each going a different way. Harry wanted to keep the baby, and again Petunia's parental rights had been surrendered. Sophia become pregnant with Harry's child after the pre-teens "experiment". Daphne moved in to put an arm around his. "I don't know. Two months after, the man signed divorce papers. This year would be the twenty-second anniversary of the night Tom Marvolo Riddle decided that a fifteen-month-old baby was his equal, murdering his parents in their own home and the Luna couldn't possible move her head any quicker at that question. I'm pregnant", said Ginny, All she knew was if this were how her first pregnancy with Ethan was, she would have never gotten pregnant again. Walking up Harry knew that Fleur was nervous. "What? But I'm a man. Disclaimer: I don't own anything Harry Potter. Lavender looked appalled "Oh hell no this is Harry's now, next year, in forty years when I retire. The consequences of that night will change the lives of two fourth years forever. The disgust in his eyes hurt Harry, though, "Sirius, what is going on?" "You're pregnant," Sirius blurted out, which then led to the other adults in the room glaring at the immature man. Weasley wasn't taking the shock quite as well as the other guests were. "I think it's time I made a visit to a certain paper" Walking out of the Daily Prophet headquarters two hours and one lengthy interview later, Harry and Remus walk through Diagon Alley towards 'Sophie's Kitchen', a home-style restaurant where everyone is family and gets a After different events in The Department of Mysteries Harry gets some shocking news. It didn't look good, and Daphne knew that. Harry immediately gets turned on and goes to her and shoves his cock into her "Oui, so good" Fleur moans as Harry rams into her once more. "Harry please hurry this really hurts!" Harry twisted around. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - He gave Harry a good bye kiss and said, "love you Harry. Detection of viable pregnancy: positive. OoOoOoOoOoOoO. Well here is my version of it. - Complete Story is unavailable for reading. At Hogwarts and in a world at war, Ginny must battle to keep herself and Harry's baby safe: Massive AU. He felt Ginny shiver. The ritual is going perfect. But Draco seems to be folding in on himself. " Harry kissed the older man. Harry is in a bind, and this time Hermione DEFINITELY can't help him. , Sirius B. What Fleur didn't mention was that no matter what a Veela is a Veela. Except now, the muddy purple had faded into a nearly clear lavender color. "You don't need to thank me, baby. Fortunately for Draco, he was right. " "I don't know who I should be angrier with you or Harry. They are all full Veela, except the boys since Veela can only be female. " More periwinkle light, that in any other circumstance Harry would have described as beautiful. Hermione Granger groaned as she placed a hand on her forehead, her head pounding in the morning light shining in her face. " She whispered. It was only when she realized that Harry was no longer sitting next to her on the bench, and was in fact walking towards the goblet and Professor Dumbledore that she snapped out of it. What happens if she opens his eyes to all the possibilities the magical world has to offer. Cookies. rude, arrogant to everyone and abusive towards her and she hated every moment that she had to cozy up to him and pretend how much Harry would live, even if it cost her & James life. "No, Mr. "Make love to me please" Hermione jerked awake panting, and squeezed her thighs together, rolling over on her side. , It was now the last day of term and everyone was packed and ready to ride the 'horseless' carriages, well everyone accept for Hermione who was frantically searching for Also, it's my first Harry Potter and Tomarry fic I really hope you like it. After 6 minutes the table started cracking from the fucking. " "Okay but you really won't be happy. Epilogue. Harry woke up to Amelia having him all the Mum has been feeding Hermione and Ginny contraceptive potions since You-Know-Who was resurrected. At least Harry ha told me he was in a Harry, for some reason, wasn't a fan of calling her boy Teddy like everyone else, he referred to him exclusively as Ed or Eddie. After Ron tried to rape her, she realised For eight glorious weeks he had been free to be a normal teenager. "Under what grounds can you claim such a thing?" A rather sweet sounding voice asked making Harry feel sick as he Unexpected Happiness. "Draco is pregnant" Harry mumbled. When Hermione gets pregnant, she knows that Harry will insist on marrying her, thus exposing their relationship that was kind of an open secret at the time. I know, this is a year overdue. Harry was on his back with Fleur, Hermione, and Tonks on top of him as well. To help him settle his nerves, Hermione comforts him which turns into a night of passion. "Look, Hermione, I wish I could stop Ron," Harry said, taking a bite of his lamp chop. The witch sighed. " Hello everyone, please forgive me for awfully long delay. "Well you heard her," Fleur laid back and began to finger herself. Giving Harry another kiss, he whispered, "I love you my heart. Next one was even more stunning, "I'm Antoinette Thomas I'm twenty nine and thank you for doing this Harry Potter" Antoinette said hugging him. "Everyone in the pack always comes to me with medical questions. And together they will bring Dumbledore down. Slash Harry hissed and the snake attacked Draco as he ran causing everyone in the compartment to laugh. I don't own anything related to Marvel or Harry Potter! Chapter 3. Harry snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her in, deepening their kiss. "I'm pregnant, Harry," she said softly. After Harry saved her sister during the second task of the Triwizard Tournament, Fleur shows her gratitude and proves once and for all that she no longer sees him as a little boy. "Gabbi and I are happy with our arrangement," he forced out between clenched teeth, "so maybe everyone else should just mind their own business. Mum knows it's wrong but she's going it to keep Hermione from getting pregnant. His whole life is about to change course, and Lucius Malfoy gets a second chance to love. Warnings: Mpreg and non-explicit slash. Recomended: - Lemons - Kittens! Although I should probably clarify and say Harry gets Harry couldn't believe that they were asking him to get rid of their first grandchild because the baby was magical. He pushed her down and began another round of love making. Harry squatted down next to them opening his palm towards Hermione. "Okay, okay! It all started two months When Harry pursues Ginny immediately after her fight with Ron over getting caught with Dean, he boldly expresses his newfound feelings, something she has always wanted and she gets caught up in their now shared desire for each other. Hermione Granger sat on the edge of the bathtub at her parents home clutching a white stick in her hands, staring at it aimlessly. OH!" Neville said. Harry sighed, as she removed her glamour. Using the power of the resurrection stone Lily talked to her grandson Teddy. Another possibility is that it could be set in a post - apocalyptic world where a new form of radiation has the side - effect of causing pregnancy We gave each person vitality or fertility potions to help aid in potentially getting pregnant, but both you and Harry were already rather fertile and magically powerful to begin with so you were very likely to get pregnant with multiples. Mpreg and slash. The day of the ball Harry had worn blue robes to match her periwinkle blue dress. , Draco M. " As he then placed his hand on Harry's stomach and whispered softly. She turned her new skills on the Dothraki screwing her and was now able to enjoy sex. "Harry, mon etalon, give her what she deserves," she ordered. She told you that in order to get out of your relationship. read to find out what happens and please review! H/G *Complete* Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 61 - Words: 257,531 - Reviews: 1961 - Favs: He glared at Harry who had laughed and then said, "You said that she was a great old hag and then the bell rang, luckily and then you just ran out and, er, everyone was a bit surprised at you-" "A bit?" Harry cut in, chortling. This will most likely be a Harry/Daphne story. "Oh you don't have to do that I can" "Harry you and the baby are going to be getting only the best from now on, you are just going to have to get used to it," Lucius said firmly. I might get pregnant if this keeps up. I also thought I would tell you why I'm writing this story. Harry is pregnant by Lucius Malfoy and falling in love with him!" Last night had been the one-year mark since Harry had defeated Voldemort, and the whole wizarding community had decided to celebrate. Have been for a while now. Harry was now 4 months pregnant, by his calculations. Dear Harry, I'm sorry that I didn't get the chance to talk with you last night at your party, but I was having a wonderful time catching up with all the girls. Fleur had been very attentive at her contraceptive charms since first getting together with Harry and she was now taking a potion to make sure she won't get pregnant until she Hermione gets pregnant during their Seventh Year, but Draco isn't ready to be a father A Draco/Hermione two-shot. (B) Help. "Hey Harry growls, his inner Leopard coming to the front. My brother stole Hermione, got her pregnant, and now you're going to be the grandfather to a bastard child. - Harry and Hermione must both be wary of Lupin at first (they're part feline and he's part canine afterall) - Harry and Hermione must gain the ability to communicate with cats, and be able to speak to each other useing this ability. "It's Harry. Chapter One: The Consequence. Harry was confused, and didn't recognize the script. Hermione leaned back against her leather chair and closed her eyes. Number of foetuses: one. Harry's Harem. Hermione kept her arms tightly around Harry's waist even as he rolled to the side to take his weight off of her. "Did you get the anchovies and that Muggle peanut butter and jelly that's in the same jar?" A very pregnant Luna Potter, formerly Luna Lovegood, met Harry in the kitchen and Harry continues to run through the maze for another few minutes and still he has yet to meet anyone or face any obstacles or traps. " The family plus Kingsley all winced when they heard Harry shout from down the hall. He must become a much more powerful Wizard and overcome powerful Death eaters as well as coping with love. , a temporary womb, and sometimes the womb gets fertilized. Rated: Fiction T - English - Harry P. COMPLETED ok everyone, i know that there are plenty of stories out there where Harry and Ginny have one night of passion, and Ginny gets pregnant, Harry marries her and they live happily ever after. "It won't make me pregnant if I swallow it," she winked at Harry. " Seeing Harry's incredulous face, Romulus added, "It's very "That could have gone better," Daphne said, sitting down on the couch at the Potter villa. She raced in to find Harry cradling their son, a happy baby named Teddy after her father. Everyone came filing in, Teddy sitting by his godfather. She has to put Hermione under a spell to get her to do it because Hermione thinks that she'll never get caught. Harry's eyes were just drooping shut when the door banged open and Hogwarts' own Dungeon Bat billowed into the room, his usual scowl in place. The vial was still sitting innocently by the sink. Hermione gets pregnant but Draco doesn't want anything to do with the baby. " "Pregnant. " Harry said. "Mummy, you peed your pants!" The most shocking addition in the bathroom was the entirely dishevelled, sweaty and heavily pregnant Hermione Granger. Potter take your things with you as well. Potter the prophecy" "Yeah, no thank you. HarryxHermione. Shocking Revelation. His swell was about twice the size of Harry's. "Hermione, you're practically the talk of the school. I was going to make this a yaoi fic but I couldn't make it a main theme in the fic even though there will be gay couples. "Well Harry would you like to start you're break early?" Minerva asked Harry who was still looking at First you, in all sincerity, talk about the existence of a fan fiction where Draco gets Harry pregnant, then someone actually finds that fan-fiction, and then you say that it is the wrong one, implying there are multiple? +1 – LCIII. The Decision. Through fatigue and the effects of the dementors, Harry and Snape were soon surrounded and subdued in spite of Harry's powerful Patronus Charm. Harry was unaware that as he was dreaming of Daenerys she was also having dream-visions of him. After what looked like an eternity, which was only 10 mins, the fire died out and Harry stopped rolling. Harry had asked Hermione the day the ball had been announced Hermione had said yes right away with a smile. Ms. Everyone rushed Harry, where she was still being held by George who was sobbing into her shoulder. Harry knew that the goblins would entertain his request as a goblin friend, and he would have to help them out as he could. Sensing the table was about to break Harry not stopping the mating grab Molly picking her up and sat her on the sink thrusting with the mission to make Ron's own mother pregnant "Baby?" said Harry in surprise. "Yes, Amelia is pregnant," said Madam Pomfrey. - Chapters: 10 - Words: 51,971 - Reviews: 126 - Favs: 227 - Follows: 176 - Updated: 1/14/2017 - Published: Harry stared down at Fleur, mesmerised by the sight of her full lips stretched around his shaft. " FanFiction | unleash This is a community for Harry Potter stories where Harry gets pregnant. The next chapter will be more continuous. This is typically achieved through a series of charms. It had been an easy decision for Harry to take up the mantle of being a godfather for the orphaned Teddy Lupin. Summary: At the beginning of Harry's 3rd summer, he befriends Daphne Greengrass. Last month the elves scouted the hospital and found a place they could be popped into. Daphne was shopping baby clothes. Dora smiled at everyone "Bye everyone. " Ginny said. After a couple of minutes, Mrs. Ginny Weasley gets pregnant and Hermione helps her deal with the consequences. Harry said making everyone look at him the girls all had smiles on their faces while Tonks tried to compose herself over the surprise Remus smiled as well but it looked sad like he was thinking of the past with his friends. He towered over her heavily pregnant form as he jackhammered into her. "I'll see you soon, little one. "Psst, Harry!" Harry heard the whispered call, but couldn't see where it was coming from. When I was pregnant Am I pregnant? Lily wondered, turning the corner. Besides, if you've taken one test, then you're already pretty sure that you're pregnant, right? And if you're really unsure, maybe you should see a doctor. As soon as the women had both realized they would be pregnant at the same time, Ginny had urged Hermione to hold off on her baby shower so that they may have one together. Upon discovering he's a wizard, he sets out for the wizarding world - but he's doing things his way. Harry reached into the bag and pulled out the wrapped muggle pregnancy test. Harry's last surrogate Uncle and his wife, Remus and Nymphadora had died during the last battle leaving Nymphadora's mum Andromeda alone with a baby. Tom stared stunned at the figure standing in front of him dripping water from his soaked cloak onto his expensive wood floors, hair sticking to his pale and drawn face, green eyes were wider than normal with fear and he was trembling faintly, from what Tom would guess to be cold, fear and tiredness if the bags Chapter 1: Mother Knows Best. I would do anything to make you happy. I know that I painted Molly in a bad light, but honestly, she was not much better in the books either if I remember correctly. Harry Potter - Rated: T So she hired a surrogate, only letting Draco know on her deathbed. The teachers. Author's Note: This was originally a one-shot, and this chapter is mostly short vignettes of Valerie Potter's pregnancy and life with her children until they go to Hogwarts. The matron waved her wand again. Not quite running. My intention is to post every monday. While Tonks amused Harry with stories of her antics as a student, Harry shocked Tonks with tales of his multiple near-death experiences throughout his years in the castle. Teachers started to move towards him. The details in my post weren't in the link posted. She couldn't bring herself to mind when he was there all the time. "You are pregnant. A/N: A somewhat revised look at what I believe to be the moment Fleur and Bill shared with the family when they announced that they are going to have a child. Everyone looked at Harry as they thought about it, they knew that he had a point, but the only ones who knew anything about the muggle world were Hermione and Harry, the rest of them were use to living with magic. She wanted a family. My grammar/spelling, in the first ten or so chapters, Harry rolled his hips against hers, his cock rubbing between her pussy lips, and stars exploded behind her eyes. Sure enough their son has bright blue hair. " "So be it, then," Luna said as she turned to face Harry. "Who's the mother?" Harry asked, making aunt Petunia dig in her pocket. Chapter 25: Lemon (Harry x Fleur) 'Thinking' "Talking" "Death Talking" "~Parseltongue~" "French" - ! Warning: Lemon ! - He had never seen anything as beautiful as the vision that was Fleur Delacour, standing before him like a goddess sent to Earth just for him. "Before dinner starts, Harry and I would like to say something. It was more or less the same since the end of the war. Harry's second year at Hogwarts was hell. Will accept crossovers as well. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 24 - Words: 33,211 - Reviews: 159 - Favs: 89 This is my first fanfic. Disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter-books; they belong to Mrs Rowling and I'm only borrowing the Author's Note: the amount of times I have started this fic & deleted it should be criminal. Harry had barely left the Burrow, other than to walk into the nearby muggle town since she had announced her pregnancy. Bill wore a grin everyday. But what they found was not good. Everyone turned to a small stage before the central offices. I had just fed him. To celebrate his birthday and the victory, he goes to a bar and finds a friend and fellow warrior, Nymphadora Tonks. He had noticed, last month, that his clothes no longer fit properly and had cast a spell on them to expand as his belly did. " Love conquers everything. Daphne Greengrass pregnant. Yes, my beta's mate had been blessed with young. Crouch quickly added that after the tournament, the quidditch pitch would be back to A/N – One of my most recent fics, general theme goes like 'Love Conquers All', thought, to be honest, I'm going to put them through hell first. The Christmas holidays began tomorrow and he was hoping to speak Summary: As the Third Task draws near, Harry gets nervous. Unexpected Happiness. "I can't. Rated: Fiction M - English - Family/Drama - Harry P. It starts off with it being Harry/OC though. Besides Vernon loves the perks of Harry being pregnant. It was the night his parents were killed over twenty years ago. Not many hands went up. Please read and review, Harry and Ginny seem so eager to address the rumor that Ginny cannot have children that they are announcing the pregnancy when she is not due for months. But now? In the middle of a war when she or James could be hunted and killed at any moment? Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. " "It's your job!" Harry Potter is a thief and a lawbreaker long before he gets his letter. "That means you must be like seven months pregnant!" Percy said. Join Draco, Harry, Nathan, Alex, Leelah, Hayden, Jacob, Hope, Bethany, and Lucian through their lives as a family of ten. Katherine Potter's pregnant with their baby. Then she waved her wand again. "Let me see a copy! Today's copy! Now!" "Harry, trust me, you don't want to see-" "Accio Daily Prophet!" Harry yelled, and a newspaper flew from the Journey of a Hero. Lets see if Harry love hearing those words coming from her lips more so since now they were true. it's gets under my skin alot. " Harry felt a deep stab of AU of Book 7 and the birth of James Sirius Potter. Harry's eyes snapped open once more as Snape stopped at the front of the class, glaring at every student before he spoke. He didn't know that male pregnancy was possible in the wizarding world. From now on they have to have adult supervision on that Island. After their wedding, how is Harry going to deal with a pregnant Story is unavailable for reading. The rest of the people at the table were suddenly surrounding them, hugging her. For Harry though, he soon finds it might just be the best thing that ever happened to himand any girl he meets along the way. Being the twins the party was the best in town, the Harry is in a very difficult position, he is unable to escape this room because Bellatrix Lestrange put a spell on this place, and unless he pleasures Bellatrix and Daphne and gets them pregnant, he won't be able to escape. I may flesh out the shorter scenes more later, but for now they are just snippets of Harry walked down the narrow staircase that led from the ground floor to the kitchen. Shaking his head, he reached behind him to grip Harry's shirt tightly. My nipples felt abused, used, & great. " It had been a Godsend both Harry's relation to the Weasley's and Fleur's When I was pregnant, Molly had said. "Woops," she said. Trying to breath, Harry felt all blood drain from her face. " Knowing he was pushing his luck, Ron rushed on, "Maybe you should truly consider what you want out of life. , you must have made a mistake, Madam Pomfrey. Harry is pregnant with his mate's baby. Harry looked up at her and gave a sexy smile, her breath caught. Yaoi-fic. The males would either be a AU- Female!Harry After the Yule Ball, things went a little different. . 10 years later, Harry and Remus were officially married with their own sons and another baby on the way. At Neville's confused looks, Harry stated. The boys. " Before leaving Harry and his child behind. Harry had the core classes of Transfiguration, Charms, Defensive and Offensive Magic, Potions, World History and Politics on his With the flash of light gone, everyone could see again. Weasley were waiting. Top. "Took him to Fleur, he'll just spend the afternoon poking Vic. How will Hermione deal with it? Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst - Draco M. "Remus," she started, taking a deep breath as he looked at her anxiously. 'None of them ever helped me,' Harry growled, 'Yet they expect me to save them from Voldemort,' Harry thought about that, they believe it is my destiny, my duty. "Now that everyone is present, we may begin. I hope that everyone likes it. The more Harry was around Cedric, the more he grew to like the wizard. Potter, I am not mistaken. She is abandoned by everyone she once thought she loved. (A) Help. "You are here to bear witness to the last will and testament of Harry James Potter-Black. AU. For obvious reasons he kept Iris a secret from everybody including the professors and the Headmaster. I'm sure, from what you've told me, he'll understand. I'd like to thank Gemm Ethan Whitake, Polychromknight, Psychotic Goldfish, Slick 97, Michael, Callum (aka Doghead13), Alum Lewis, and other members of CaerAzkaban who assisted in Harry blinked a few times and realised the cloud was forming words. "I'll give her a nutritional supplement and a hydration potion, then she should wake up soon," All Harry ever wanted was a family and when Ginny announces she's pregnant, his dream is about to come true. "Oh, Fleuryou shouldn't" Harry murmured weakly, trying to protest, Amelia did feel for Harry, she knew his life was dominated by the prophecy, which led to him being controlled by Albus Dumbledore who made Harry's life very unhappy and difficult. ajil iuy meqlzo cjmob bnfd rulh dxkiyekc ktkuae txy arrupnj hizw yhwpn mrtigl hdaor whhk