High elf bladesinger. Use a rapier or whip.

High elf bladesinger I've pulled the trigger on making a level 9 High Elf Bladesinger to replace my grappling Smite-Fighter who died in CoS. The race that this subclass was made for… literally. Race - High Elf is great but you could also see if your DM will let you play the Eladrin variant in the DMG. It all depends on what you want to improve: damage, AC, etc? Get yourself a good weapon and the green-flame blade cantrip though. Reply reply More replies Oct 20, 2017 · The Wizards of High Sorcery where not keen on Aerlyn’s hybrid Bladesinger school and some mages even call it an abomination and insult to the Towers. It does in fact deal the most of all your options if you have a secondaey target. Elves come in many different forms, but they often share similar traits. Variant human is very strong but does not fit within the lore of Forgotten Realms. Starting at 2nd level, you can invoke an elven magic called the Bladesong, provided that you aren't wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield. however, especially in an RP heavy game, making the character you want to play is secondary to a "best" option. As veteran members of a Wardancer Troupe, Bladesingers commonly serve as the leaders of individual bands, or form Play straight Bladesinger if you want to play primary Bladesinger. 5 DPR Apr 18, 2020 - Explore Jake Espinoza's board "Bladesinger" on Pinterest. Wood Elf is also a favourite of mine, as the higher Movement and woodland stealth is very useful for a Bladesinger, who fights with a very mobile fighting style. Choose rapiers. They are well-read and Mar 13, 2021 · Bladesinger is elf-only iirc, so the best race is probably High Elf still The new version in Tasha's doesn't have this restriction. Bladesinger stopped being an elf-only class since it's reprint in Tasha's. Elves and Half-Elves are the only races by the ruleset that can use Bladesinger, so let’s discuss the merits of both. While most elves dabble in swordplay and magic, the Bladesinger has made them his life. Maybe you're a High Elf, raised by snobby arrogant High Elves, but you dated a Wood Elf in High School and realized that Global Warming is real and that Wood Elf Lives Matter. I chose Eladrin Sword Wizardry as a feat, but that wouldn't apply to you since you're high elf. Half elf for +2, +1, +1 using Tasha’s to get hand crossbow proficiency is a fine option since you have lower feat needs than other wizards. For feats I have both War Caster and Duel Wielder. If you wanted to multiclass as a Bladesinger, I'd dip 2 levels into fighter for a Fighting Style (Dueling style is perfect for a Bladesinger, and Two-Weapon Fighting is also good) and Action Surge Oct 31, 2024 - Explore Casey McDaniel's board "bladesinger" on Pinterest. I made a High Elf Bladesinger with Warcaster as my choice and the following stats (after racial modifiers and at level 2): STR - 12 DEX - 16 CON - 14 Nov 27, 2020 · The skin color of the high elf surprised me when I was looking at the illustration for the Bladesinger. REACTIONS. So my question is, based on lore surrounding high elves, which class would make more sense to fill that role - Eldricht Knight or Bladesinger? Thanks for your help. Start 17 dex, 16 int. Last edited by Merudo; 2021-03-13 at 12:23 AM . Her passion for "fighting smarter, not harder" leads her to weigh the merits of everything from fanciful fencing to brutal ogre cudgeling from an academic High Elf dual wielding Bladesinger Hello there, I'm playing on a play by post discord server and we can create a secondary character and some new books were introduced. You can get misty step and silvery barbs as wizard spells. Apr 21, 2020 - Explore Josh Applegarth's board "dnd high elf bladesinger" on Pinterest. Othorion Anarmacil (Quenya for "Sword of the Sun") is a youg high elf, about 80 years old, with long blonde hair, slender and gracile like most elves and trained in both arcane magic and swordplay. Mar 11, 2016 · The Bladesinger actually makes a great "traditional" wizard (read God wizard a la treantmonks fantastic guide) but a rather sub par gish. Jul 15, 2022 · By multiclassing Paladin with Bladesinger, we get a frontline warrior who can Heal, cast spells, and obliterate foes with magically empowered attacks! Your charisma need only be high enough to meet the multiclass requirements, and, if you focus on spells without saves or attack rolls you don’t need to worry about Intelligence. We also have a Cleric and a Sorcerer in the game, with the latter using Twinned Haste on our Barbarian and Paladin. Depending on if you go high elf or half elf you can shift things around a bit. There really is no downside to a high elf Bladesinger. She grew up learning both and eventually put the two together in the form of the bladesinger. Make sure your constitution is decent. Bladesingers are elite Wardancers, second only to the great Shadowdancers. I'm starting a new campaign and I'm wondering if I should start my character as an Artificer for the con save proficiency, then at 2nd level concentrate on becoming a Bladesinger? Or should I just stay pure Bladesinger and risk the con saves/get resiliant feat at level 4? Character is a high Elf with fairly average stats. Jul 22, 2022 · The noble High Elf has all the aspects you would expect from the most traditional style of Bladesinger. After researching lots of posts, this is the first mention I’ve seen of Telekinetic. Dec 16, 2024 · Bladesong, combined with high Dexterity and buffs like Shield, allows the Bladesinger to boost their AC to heights that most classes simply can’t match without without magic items. High elves work well with the chaotic good alignment. He uses swords in combat and reinforces magic around them. Try a high elf or feral tiefling build. Since SCAG is on the list now I looked around and Bladesinger looks fun for me. Currently I have Mending and Prestidigitation as my out of combat utility cantrips, and my combat cantrips are Toll The Dead and Thunderclap. After all, your two biggest stats are dexterity and intelligence and those two are the only elven races that boost both. Jul 14, 2023 · Your Bladesinger automatically gains proficiency with light DnD armor and a DnD weapon of your choice the DnD Elf is the obvious choice – in particular the High Jan 30, 2024 - Explore Thomas Kia's board "female elf bladesinger" on Pinterest. What recommendations for cantrips, spells, and feats at level 3 and later levels (assuming of course I had started with this character at level 1)? Jul 21, 2021 · Bladesinger Archmages are powerful elven spellcasters dedicated to the mastery of the Bladesinging arcane tradition. Hopefully get a scimitar of speed to have 4 attacks when hasted at +12 damage a hit. Aug 3, 2022 · High Elf – DEX +2, INT +1. Your scores should probably be something like 8, 15, 14, 15, 10, 8 respectively before mods. Fighter for 2 weapon fighting while swashbuckler rogue I'd good for booming blade and walking away. As an elf you already get Perception, so Acrobatics is probably your next most-important. The only feat that I would almost always take on a Bladesinger is Mobile, but there are lots of other good ones too, depending on your circumstances. Honestly I think allowing level 3 characters a choice between any magic item in the game below legendary rating to be pretty busted. They can be quite long, especially from a human point of view. Necrotic damage resistance and a free misty step that give you resistance to all damage until the start of the next turn is pretty good. Here is a bit about the character. [10][11][12 Jul 15, 2022 · For starters, High Elves gain a +2 for Dexterity and a +1 to Intelligence, both (usually) main abilities for bladesingers. Even though the Bladesinger isn’t restricted to elves anymore, the High Elf is still a thematic and powerful choice. For instance, gray elves have pale skin with silver or gold hair and amber or violet eyes, while sun elves have bronzed skin with gold, copper or black hair and green or gold eyes. Best magic items for a level 3 High Elf Bladesinger? We're playing Curse of Strahd. However, because of a Bladesinger's position on the front lines, they also need high Dexterity to support their combat skills. Hey guys, I’m coming into a game as a level 5 Bladesinger Wizard of high elf origin. Now the situation when you find Skimitar of Speed but can't use it won't bother you. You don’t have to move the +2 dexterity/+1 intelligence ability scores, but you likely want a higher intelligence than dexterity. While humans have Cale, Jeanie, and Willem, the High Elves have Trendildaril, Loraginia, and Moraaranyon. 284K subscribers in the characterdrawing community. Keenor is an high elf who lived comfortably most of his life inside elven cities studying as a scholar dedicating his life to books, science and fencing which he domaine in the course of his long life managing to fence making his rapiers levitate instead of wielding them (just flavor, it uses the same mechanism as normal wielder) and in the last part of his life he decided to dive into the and yes i'm aware that it mentions in the sword coast adventurers guide that you need to be an elf for bladesinger however it says this only counts for forgotten realms and only then if your DM Says you can't play a bladesinger as any other race then elf(i now i shudder and cry as i mention forgotten realms and elves too) lol! Regular High Elf is good as it grant +1 INT and a combat cantrip, as well as full Elven abilities. I just wanted to see if any of y’all that have played as one/Had one as a PC in your campaign could lend me some suggestions on some spells/combat tactics that have been successful and fun for you. Now I find this a little disappointing. Jul 14, 2021 · We rolled for stats and the DM allowed everyone to take a "free" feat at level 1 despite race choices (there were no variant human characters - I presume she would give 2 feats to a variant human). I’m working on an Elf Bladesinger for a new campaign. Rolled stats with racials and two half-feats (Elven Accuracy and Fey-Touched) are 11/20/16/20/14/14. This is Asteria, she is a high-elf who was originally being taught traditional arcane arts, under the tutelage of her mother, however her passions were torn between magic and the sword. And same Darkvision to aid in Shadowblade advantage. +1 con might not seem as appealing as intelligence, but it’s still a useful stat. Hmmm. This is brilliant, especially considering that feat gives you an Invisible Mage Hand! I also have a fourth elf character, a high elf bladesinger (wielding a normal elven longsword), whose name is Othorion; since that was my first elf character I made I just took the name from some list of elvish names in the web, but later discovered that it could come from Sindarin “orthor“, master or conquer and “-ion“, son of, which The most deadly of all elven warriors is the Bladesinger (El'Tael in Elvish). Wood elf gets extra movement which is very valuable for a fighter or any melee class--honestly big fan of the wood elf. Delaying your entire spell progression for 2d6 Sneak Attack damage and cunning action is a monumentally bad idea. Like all adherents of the Trickster-God, Bladesingers are sublime warriors of grace and rhythmic brutality. As such, I need to be able to supplement my damage output in a way that is comparable to two hasted GWM characters. Oct 23, 2014 · I find myself in a very intriguing character build situation, where I am putting together a 4th level high elf Eldritch Knight whose fluff is that he is a Bladesinger. Additionally, they can get an extra Intelligence-based cantrip and know how to use several weapons. Reply reply bladesinger needs high stats, so I'd say half elf is marginally better than other options, assuming point buy. Either way, I’ll have the benefits of the wizard spell list and a roguish ability with the blade. By 8th level if you are raising dex first uou have a 20. It depicts two Bladesingers, one a feminine woman and one a masculine man. deviantart. You got what you came for at BS 2, now get out instead of dallying. Apr 9, 2020 · How to Choose a Good High Elf Name. For the sake of this build and the bladesinger's restriction, I am assuming that your character is an elf. May 18, 2020 · merlina-thalia on DeviantArt https://www. A recent commissions of my client's elf bladesinger character. These individuals were revered by their fellow elves as personifications of the perfect balance between skilled artistry and devotion to the guardianship of their people. The elf adds 5 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. This High Elven Wizard focuses in melee-combat spellcasting. High Elf names tend to sound elvish, as their name suggests, of course. So he's a Fighter that has some spellcasting at his disposal (mainly for defensive spells and perhaps an AoE attack spell. She's young for elves in this world, barely over 100, so she's a bit naive and curious about the world, especially since she's a prodigy with swords and magic, so she's spent most of her life studying either swordplay or magic. Dec 22, 2021 · A high intelligence score will allow Bladesinger's to understand more about the world around them, as well as boost their armor class and constitution saving throws while their bladesong is active. After all, if you really want Check out our elf bladesinger selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our role playing miniatures shops. But similarly weaker Int until later game as High Elf. See more ideas about female elf, fantasy character design, character portraits. A place to draw characters for each other, and check out cool character art. Ha'vehd, High Elf Wizard (Bladesinger) Artisan An enthusiastic traveller and scholar, Ha'vehd is fixated on cataloguing and witnessing as many fighting styles and weapons as possible. To do so, the elf must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon. The bladesong tradition comes from high elves, and that’s made clear by the weapon proficiencies and additional wizard cantrips that you’ll get when you choose this race. They're all pretty interesting and fun to play in different ways, so it really depends on how you want to play them. I'm playing a High Elf Bladesinger in our current game, and I could use some suggestions for my spell list. Good at everything. You can use a bonus action to start the Bladesong, which lasts for 1 minute. Lol Thanks ! Oct 11, 2022 · I'm playing a level 7 eladrin bladesinger. 69 Rather than high elf (if you’re really looking to be an elf) you might want to consider shadar-kai. Using one word, they are exotic. Interestingly, Battle-Rager is still dwarf-only, since that subclass hasn't seen a reprint. If you are looking for that an arcane trickster high elf with a figther dip is going to be pretty darn good. Elfy McElfFace will not be accepted. Consider Bladesinger 6 for Extra Attack before dipping Paladin, unless you'd rather dip asap and then not look back again (the SCAG half-High elf Booming Blade will help here). It graces you with supernatural speed, agility, and focus. +1, +2, and +3 magic items are 4, 7, and 10 points respectively, and Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Very Rare items are 3, 5, 7, and 10 respectively. Therefore, I’ll have an opportunity to be a smug outcast or an honorable prince. However, a lot of people, including Keith Baker prefer for the wood elf and high elf races to be inclinations of individuals within either society. They usually also share similar naming traits, which are usually melodic, somewhat long, and sometimes hard to pronounce. Beauty, pointy ears, tall and slender bodies, and so on. Bladesinger Elf Miniature Arcane Wizard Mini Dungeons and Dragons Mini RPG Tabletop Miniature DnD Painting Pathfinder 5e DnD | DmS (12. Crossbow expert and ray of frost is a built in kite strat. This can pigeon hole many players. This subreddit is for people looking to commission art related to tabletop rpg games such as DnD, Pathfinder, 13th Age, Shadowrun, Call of Cthulhu, Etc. An archmage typically has one or more apprentice mages (usually bladesingers themselves), and an archmage’s abode has numerous magical wards and guardians to discourage interlopers. Switching them around could be ideal. that way you can round out to 18 DEX, CON, and INT with your first ASI. Tenser's Transformation turns a Bladesinger into a 40 dmg per swing juggernaut. At 2nd-level, leather armor would let me have an AC of 16 while bladesong is active. 69 $ 11. com/merlina-thalia/art/World-of-Warcraft-Draenei-Commission-946415036 merlina-thalia hello everyone, i am a novice player and i should play a campaign starting at level 8, i would like to use a bladesinger high elf mage, can you help… I've done it. Stop at Bladesinger 2 if you want to play primary Rogue. If you're adamant about 2/18 I recommend 13 14+2 13+1 13+1 8 13 (Half-Elf Tasha rules). Background: Wildspacer (for the Tough feat. See more ideas about character portraits, fantasy characters, character art. Good and reliable gishy standard choice regardless of starting class. Bladesingers were elven wizards who practiced the sacred art of bladesinging, an ancient and sacred tradition of fighting that blended swordsmanship, along with other fighting styles, and unique arcane magic. . Nov 14, 2021 · High elves are tall and slim with a variety of features depending on their tribe. The high-elven bladesinger, wearing normal elven leather armor (technicially mage armor) and his weaponry consisting of his elven longsword, two fighting knives/daggers and a longbow definitely appears like a fighter rather than a wizard, and he took the Acrobat feat from the skill feats UA at level 4 for 20 dex and expertise in Acrobatics and (Fun points if you play a “high” elf). Bladesinger with high dex does better than most other wizards at helping with combat safely at range when it runs out of spell slots and Bladesong too: -sustained viable ranged DPR with Heavy Crossbow (prof from Half Elf racial) + Firebolt = 3d10 + 5 = 21. Elves gain +2 to Dexterity – good for AC and Green-Flame Blade – and High Elf gain a +1 to Intelligence. This name generator will generate 10 random names for elves. Use a rapier or whip. The Commissioner brought his wow character (Blood elf) into a DnD setting as a high elf bladesinger. In order to become a Bladesinger, an elf must prove himself to be an accomplished wielder of both sword and sorcery, as well as mastering Considering the Bladesinger gets an Extra Attack at Level 6 and Song of Victory at Level 14, are the SCAG cantrips Booming Blade and Green-Flame… Want to discover art related to bladesinger? Check out amazing bladesinger artwork on DeviantArt. And at later levels you can very easily outdamage an Eldritch Knight. ) STR 8; DEX 15+2=17; CON 13+1=14; INT 14; WIS 12; CHA 10 Level 4: Elven Accuracy; +1 to DEX for 18 Level 8: INT +2=16 Level 12: DEX +2=20 Level 16: INT +2=18 Level 19: Resilient CON So, Rising from the Last War groups Aereni into High Elves and Tairnadal into Wood Elves with the headers. It's awesome for a bladesinger and it improves with leveling up. ) Feb 7, 2022 · I would do half elf + elven accuracy. Considering your race can play a big role in your personality and backstory. If your planning on multi class with a bladesinger rogue or fighter is where it is at. My character is a whip-wielding (sometimes 2x shortswords) High Elf Bladesinger at level 3, and next level I'm going to be replacing one of my cantrips. Parry. This sub focuses on… My DM allowed that for my snow elf (reflavored Winter Eladrin) bladesinger, who rolled exactly three good stats and ended up with 6, 20, 16, 20, 12, 9 at level 8 after one feat and one ASI. In most games an Owl familiar is typically good for 1 or 2 attacks before it is killed if you try to use it every turn. If you’re playing post Tasha’s and are using the Customize Your Origin option to choose your racial ASIs, see below for the most synergistic options. Oct 17, 2023 · Best Race for Bladesinger Wizards. See more ideas about character art, fantasy characters, character portraits. Make sure your other ability scores are where you want them. Use a longbow at range when Im not in bladesong, maybe with haste going. I have 6 cantrips on my bladesinger (level 12 high elf) and have been really happy with them so far! green flame blade: an awesome cantrip for nice damage. Elf name generator . Now you rebel against your parents by only wearing clothes from Wood Elf designers bought from locally owned and operated Wood Elf retailers. To appease the Council the elves agree that the bladesong style will only allow the use of the longsword, rapier, and elven thin blades and the use of light armor only. They are commonly armed with a pair of enchanted swords, which glow with a lambent, green light. (Again, thank you for the jock wizard! Check out our elf bladesinger miniature selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our role playing miniatures shops. Astral Elf Bladesinger; taking the Sacred Flame cantrip to get some early Radiant damage. My DM is letting us start with magic items, but we have 10 points to buy them. See more ideas about dungeons and dragons characters, fantasy character design, character art. Get inspired by our community of talented artists. I have a beefy high elf bladesinger/fighter with 19 Str, 20 Dex, 18 Con, 17 int, 14 wis and 12 Cha. High Elves also get longswords, shortswords and longbows. Go high elf for the INT increase to make INT 16. Jul 16, 2023 · Hello, I'm expecting to play a Bladesinger soon and I'd like tips and commentaries on my current build: Race: High Elf Class: Wizard (Bladesinger) Abilities: STR 8 DEX 15 -> 17 (+2 Elf) CON 14 Sep 20, 2021 · High elves, in particular, stand out because of their +1 intelligence and the traditional +2 dexterity awarded to all elves. 4k) Sale Price $11. First, note that you only get 1 martial weapon proficiency from Bladesinger lvl 2 feature. Nov 19, 2016 · With a high elf of half-elf point buy 13/15/11/16/8/13 is the best you can do. Thanks all High elf level 12 Base 16 (assuming +4 DEX and light armor), 21 when in bladesong, 22 if mage armor instead. Check out our male elf bladesinger miniature selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our role playing miniatures shops. It's exactly the same except it swaps the extra cantrip & language for 1 Misty Step per short rest which is brilliant for bladesinger, esp at low level. Since you mentioned being a High Elf, I'll throw out that my personal favorite is Bladesinger, and you should be able to pull it off with your stats. I always plays as cheeky, aloof, sarcastic characters. that being said, proficiency in Herbalism Kit is probably the most useful tool proficiency, as it lets you craft healing potions. Tough is definitely a standout to help you with your relatively low HP, Lucky is always good on any character, and Elven Accuracy (if your character is an elf or half-elf) is a very solid half-feat. Dec 23, 2022 · High elves are by far the best option because they provide +2 to DEX, +1 to INT, some nice passive abilities, and a free cantrip. The Bladesinger is the champion of the elven way of life and sworn protector of his people. Max dex and int for sure. Sep 14, 2021 · 3) Half Elf Bladesinger (Custom) (9 STR/18 DEX/17 CON/18 INT/13 WIS/11 CHA) Proficiency: Rapier ASI (4): Mobile, ASI (8): Res (Con) Con to 18, ASI (12): +2 Int to 20 Beefier version of Variant Human with the added Con. CoS has a wealth of magic items, and I think these additional magic items will really throw off balance. Is a duel wielding Bladesinger good or is it a better option to stick to single wielding? My character is at lvl5 high elf with an 18 to intelligence and dexterity and a 15 to constitution. High Elf. If you're using point-buy, make so you have 14 DEX and use your elf ASI to bring it to 16. Why high elf though? An extra cantrip for a wizard or sorcerer makes sense or taking the friends cantrip for advantage on Cha checks (more useful than I thought it was going to be). The bladesinger seems like a lot of fun. That's better than most druids, and they can use a shield. High elves also gain a free cantrip, which never hurts. High elf level 12 Base 16 (assuming +4 DEX and light armor), 21 when in bladesong, 22 if mage armor instead. I do not regret having put a higher score into Str than Int at all, grappling as a bladesinger with Athletics expertise is a lot of fun and combos well with certain spells such as cloud of daggers :-) that being said, proficiency in Herbalism Kit is probably the most useful tool proficiency, as it lets you craft healing potions. Calm and good-hearted most of the time, he sometimes tends to be either absent-minded and distracted or rash and overconfident, trying to impress I’ll be doing a campaign based in Faerun, where my character will be a high elf in training to become part of the royal guard. I’m open to funny names or elegant names suitable for a High Elf. Dec 31, 2020 · If I were making a high elf bladesinger, perhaps using the high elf wizard from Lost Mines of Phandelver, I'd have a starting stat line that includes 15 Dex, 14 Con, and 16 Int. You need a huge dex investment to match the tortle, and if you don't plan on using melee weapons (a decent but odd bladesinger strat), you are entirely wasting those points. The elves and half-elves who practice the art of the bladesinger, a tradition found primarily on the world of Toril, appear to be almost casual in combat Wizards Compendium - Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide This time around I’m Playing as a High Elf, Wizard Bladesinger. The elf gains a +6 bonus to damage rolls made with melee weapon attacks (included in the attack). For a Bladesinger Archer crossbow expert might be of value to get the bonus action attack, but I don't think sharpshooter is worth it since at high levels your Cantrips will do more damage than your attacks. Why High Elf is Great for Bladesinger Wizard: Your main abilities get a nice boost. 5 days, planning the character build ahead of time. This subrace comes with +2 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, an extra weapon proficiency, and a bonus cantrip. Long whiteish blonde hair, with scars on his chin but not his ears, also but they will be smaller not like a WoW Elf. Oct 24, 2023 · The elf gains a +6 bonus on saving throws to maintain concentration. Which in short means Aereni and Tairnadal c Update: thanks all so much! Based on the comments here I decided to go high elf wizard bladesinger, taking the telekinetic feat at lvl 4 and loading up w spells like expedious retreat, misty step, levitate, and blink mixed in w/ a few big damage spells. As a Wizard, you party will likely expect you to be proficient in Arcana. These are all excellent traits for Bladesinger to have, enhancing their most important stats and abilities. This character is an intelligent fencer or noble, a class born of elves. Now, here's the idea. The Bladesinger is a High Elf with Ability Scores being 11, 17, 16, 18, 14, 14 before racial bonuses, moving down the sheet. Human. Hello, I'm preparing to play a High Elf Bladesinger in the Forgotten Realms starting from Lvl 1 and, as a legacy from my 3. Use Tasha's rules to replace longswords and longbows with scimitars and hand crossbows. Song of Defense. luw oxauv vle umwa sglut jcz mksi ryss uenv vimfy kimkf brcq rtr welouxb ggozgnzu