Iguana nose bleeding How long ago did this happen? Customer: This morning, I didn't see it happen, but was feeding her and saw the missing nail, and the end of her finger was still bleeding/bright red, so it seemed fairly recent Veterinarian's Assistant: Has your iguana been . Sep 17, 2018 · Nosebleeds occur when a blood vessel in your nose bursts. Nov 13, 2023 · That includes people who’ve been diagnosed with a bleeding disorder (also called a bleeding diathesis), like hemophilia or Von Willebrand disease. It is sometimes due to uncommon disorders of the nose, or to serious injuries to the nose. If it still doesn’t heal within two weeks, don’t think twice about scheduling an appointment with your doctor. Encourage children to avoid these habits, as they are more prone to nosebleeds from minor trauma to the nose. Jan 20, 2025 · Don’t try to put anything (tissue, cloth, or cotton swab) in your nose as this can aggravate the bleeding. I will share a secret with you and show a little trick that has stopped both the nasal congestion and nose bleeding when using the sleep apnea Take a look at 7 effective ways to stop nose bleeds at home. Iguana has a sore on nose that isn’t healing, it has been there for a couple months, starts to heal and then she rubs it PitRottMommy 15 years experience in veterinary medicine, special interest in reptiles and arachnids. Berry : There is the possibility that the swelling you are seeing is an abscess, tumor, or an inflamed area due to trauma to the nose. Apply ice on the bridge of your nose to decrease swelling and bleeding. Swab the infected area with a diluted povidone-iodine solution twice daily with a cotton pad. See full list on dummies. To help you feel prepared should your dog’s nose ever start bleeding unexpectedly, integrative veterinarian Dr. Its been two days now since all this started. An iguana. Mar 26, 2024 · Keep holding your nose until the bleeding stops. Understanding the Causes of Bleeding from Nose and Mouth. Additionally, if you experience fever, nausea, or diarrhea after being bitten by an iguana, you should contact a doctor. Jun 21, 2024 · Bleeding from the nose when blowing is a common experience and tends to affect young children and older adults more often. Prolonged exposure to these conditions without proper nasal care may lead to irritation and subsequent bleeding from one side of the nose. Use the humidifier and end up with nasal congestion. The most likely cause of an infant nosebleed is dryness or irritation. After 10 minutes, stop to check if the bleeding stopped. Not use the humidifier and end up with nose bleeding. Avoid sudden movements that may Posted by u/Ok-Perspective5338 - 14 votes and 24 comments 1 day ago · Symptoms can include lethargy, loss of appetite, pale gums, bleeding from the nose or mouth, blood in the stool, and difficulty breathing. Dec 18, 2024 · Bleeding sometimes comes from other areas further back in the nose. If you are scheduled to have surgery or a medical procedure that has a risk of bleeding, you may need to stop Eliquis temporarily. How Blowing Your Nose Can Trigger Bleeding. The attack happened Sunday at the Near West Side home shared by the 51-year-old man, his wife and their "family kid," so deemed by the couple. When it comes to getting a nosebleed in a dream, the significance differs based on the dream’s environment and the dreamer’s present condition. 9 hours ago · It is highly unlikely for an iguana bite alone to kill a dog. A foreign object, such as a piece of substrate, could cause bleeding, too. After the bleeding stops, put a thin layer of nasal gel or antiseptic cream inside your nose. A bleed in larger blood vessels in the back part of your nose near your throat causes this type. If still bleeding, soak a cotton ball with Afrin (oxymetazoline) nasal spray and place it in the nostril for 10 minutes. Iguanas are very curious about light bulbs. It’s normal for a slight build up of salt crystals to form around the edges of the nostril. Disclaimer: Information in questions, answers, and other posts on this site ("Posts") comes from individual users, not JustAnswer; JustAnswer is not responsible for Posts. How to stop a nosebleed yourself. I put a little polysporin on it and he seems good. In addition to indoor conditions, outdoor elements such as wind and sun exposure can also contribute. Brave Wilderness is your one stop connection to a wild world of adventure and amazing up close animal encounters! Follow along with Coyote Peterson and Mark Feb 25, 2019 · This area of the nose contains many small blood vessels that can rupture and bleed if they become irritated or inflamed. There can also be bleeding. ; Types: categorised as anterior or posterior based on bleeding origin, and primary (spontaneous) or secondary (due to another cause). Refrain from picking the nose or rubbing it forcefully, as this can damage the fragile blood vessels in the nasal lining. Pinching the bridge of your nose, leaning forward and applying ice to the bridge of your nose can help a nosebleed stop faster. The pressure exerted during this action may rupture fragile blood vessels within the nostrils. Internal bleeding caused by injury or illness can also lead to Customer: Scar on nose and bleeding JA: I'll do all I can to help. Aside from that, red may represent aggression and misery. Infection. Thus, treating these conditions can prevent nose bleeding. Cornstarch or styptic powder can be used to stop light bleeding. Once it stops bleeding, do not blow your nose, and avoid using any allergy medication for a few days. The recommendations on management of a person with acute epistaxis are based on expert opinion within an American guideline Epistaxis: an overview [Kasperek, 2013], the BMJ Best Practice Guideline Epistaxis [BMJ Best Practice, 2023], clinical practice guidelines from the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation (AAO-HNSF) Nosebleed (Epistaxis) [Tunkel, 2020], the Jun 30, 2023 · Cuenca Health Concerns: Dry Air, Nose Bleeds, Gas, Dentists, Hospitals By Dena Haines Updated on October 16, 2023 Cuenca is a beautiful city high up in the Andes Mountains. Choices include; melon, papaya, berries, banana, kiwi, apple. 6 days ago · Use 2 fingers to pinch your nose shut for 10 to 15 minutes. If your iguana becomes gravid without mating, take her to the vet to perform an X-Ray and see if she is carrying eggs or follicles. It may become even more dry and Customer: My green iguana has badly injured their nose from running into the metal screen of the cage, I have since completely changed their cage and added a foam lining to help prevent further injury but I will still catch them running into things when it is scared and it bleeds again , it now looks like it has a cleft lip Veterinarian's Assistant: I'm sorry to hear about your iguana's injury. I have an iguana who is about 18 yeas old. What to look for with a nose bleed. Apr 18, 2023 · The most common side effect is bleeding, which can be slight, such as nosebleeds or bleeding gums; or severe, such as blood in the urine or stool. com Oct 15, 2023 · It sounds like your iguana is experiencing a health issue that needs immediate attention. Serious: See a physician for more frequent nose bleeds that keep coming back for no reason. Bloody noses are common. This can happen when an iguana goes off feed for a while due to breeding season or Hey there, the runny nose has stopped but today she’s been very aggressive towards the male iguana and even bit him today. The nose bleeds small amounts of blood more than 3 times in 24 hours. Humidity: Low humidity causes nasal tissue cracking, thereby bleeding. There could be a polyp or tumor in the nasal cavity. Acne. Always cover any light or heat bulb with screening to prevent your iguana pressing his or her nose on the hot bulb. The risk of botulism from a dead iguana is also very serious. Your nose is still bleeding even after 15 full minutes of direct pressure. But I have an iguana who is about 18 yeas old. 1 day ago · Therefore, individuals on these medications are advised to avoid blowing their nose whenever possible. If left unchecked, these injuries can become severe, leading to infections or the nose becoming malformed. Jan 30, 2024 · Your doctor may recommend some form of lubricating ointment for the inside of the nose. Pack your nose with a cotton ball, tissue, tampon, or gauze bandage to stop the Most nose bleeds are harmless but they can still be alarming when they occur in an infant. Applies to acetaminophen: compounding powder, intravenous solution, oral capsule, oral granule effervescent, oral liquid, oral powder, oral powder for reconstitution, oral suspension, oral tablet, oral tablet chewable, oral tablet disintegrating, oral tablet extended release, rectal suppository. Face rubbing can be caused by a variety of factors. However, you should contact our doctor if your nose bleeds are too frequent. Not serious: Most of the time, a bloody nose is not severe and will stop. Additionally, internal bleeding can occur if there is trauma to organs or blood vessels. Around 60 percent of Americans will experience a nosebleed some time in their life. Conclusion. This position prevents blood from flowing down your throat. Acne is one of Nov 30, 2009 · Nose bleeds are a common occurrence for those on blood thinning medication and can be problematic if not treated properly. However, if the bleeding is excessive or doesn’t stop then you should seek further advice. Common causes of nosebleeds include: picking your nose; blowing your nose very hard; recently drinking alcohol; a minor injury to your nose; changes in humidity or temperature causing the inside of the nose to become dry and cracked Sep 19, 2018 · Your nose bleed for longer than 20 minutes. If you are experiencing frequent nose bleeds, you may want to contact your doctor about adjusting your medication dose or to have a problematic blood vessel cauterized in the nose if it is responsible for the problem. He’s okay and we’ve seperated them. 4 days ago · Observe Body Language: Learn to recognize the signs that an iguana feels threatened, such as standing up on its legs, leaning forward, and bobbing its head. Take out the cotton ball and do not blow the nose for two days to prevent continued bleeding. last night he had what looked like a minor nose bleed. Jul 15, 2024 · For healthcare professionals. Sep 16, 2024 · Once the bleeding has stopped, do not touch or blow your nose. Blowing your nose forcefully may seem harmless but can lead to unintended consequences. In some cases, nosebleeds can lead to bleeding from the mouth as well. To treat after the the bleeding stops, you can take some Betadine and mix with water to a dark tea color and clean the foot. Long-Term Health Concerns. My Iguana fall down his cage few days ago and he bleed a lot. The method listed below shows you how to have nose bleeding with fake blood, which does not cause you any pain. The following are some methods that can help you in faking a nose bleed realistically or having a real nose bleed with little to no pain. Are some dog breeds more at risk from iguana bites? What does it mean when a turtle is bleeding? It’s clear that full thickness shed of skin, leaving raw or bleeding areas, is abnormal and may be a sign of a deficiency of vitamins A and D. Keep your head higher than the level of your heart. Apr 4, 2022 · Whether it’s a single drop or a torrent, a dream about nose bleed will likely give the dreamer anxiety. Tips to help prevent nosebleeds include: Keeping the lining of the nose moist. Place a towel or 3 days ago · But nosebleeds (also known as epistaxis) are fairly common — many of us have experienced them at least once. Irritation: Blowing the nose too much may make one prone to nose bleeding. A slightly open mouth can be a sign of curiosity. Your nosebleed was caused by head injury. It is a common way that iguanas get nostril burns. Trauma or injury to the face or head; Dry or irritated nasal passages Our cat attacked our iguana and she is severely bleeding and we need some sort of assistance, we ut flower on the wounds By chatting and providing personal info, you His mouth is bleeding quite a bit. They can be caused by: an injury or broken nose; conditions that affect the blood vessels or how the blood clots Customer: My Iguana has been sneezing water out of her nose. Customer: My Iguana has been sneezing water out of her nose. If not, squeeze again for another 10 minutes. A dilute betadine or Nolvasan bath is a good way to disinfect wounds. It can result in heavy bleeding, which may flow down the back of your throat. Face rubbing is most damaging if the iguana is in a cage made of screen or mesh. An antibiotic ointment like neosporin can be applied to the wound to help healing. Jun 15, 2020 · Blisters that appear on an iguana are often caused by burns. Exactly, I couldn't find anything on iguana nose bleeds that weren't caused by an injury. If you observe these behaviors, back away slowly and give the iguana space. Positioning: Sit upright with your head slightly forward. Avoid picking or rubbing the nose. Nose bleeds, also known as epistaxis, can be caused by various factors, including sinus infections. The severity of the bleeding may vary depending on the depth and location of What if my iguana is bleeding from his scales on his back the hiar like scales that run up behind his head Joan 35+ years experience as veterinary tech and 40+ years experience doing reptile rescues. A temporary remedy such as a nasal decongestant spray, for example, Afrin or Neo-Synephrine may be helpful. Posterior nosebleeds develop in the rear of the nose and rarely occur in For seasoned iguana owners, iguana shedding off their skin is a natural process – where the iguana will shed off their old skin like other reptiles, but in p Less than 10% of iguana iguana diet should be composed of fruit. It seems to be getting better but I'm worried about him losing blood. Accidents happen; a bump on the nose or a vigorous nose blow can cause localized bleeding. Jun 15, 2020 · If your iguana has been rubbing its nose, you’ll notice abrasions or raw spots on its snout. Jun 26, 2024 · While breathing through your mouth, squeeze your nose for 10–15 minutes. Can an iguana recover from rat poisoning? Customer: He’s not bleeding it just looks raw Veterinarian's Assistant: And what's the iguana's name and age? Customer: his name is ***** ***** I think about 1-2 years old. Applying a cold compress on the bridge of the nose can help stop the bleeding. However, severe infections or complications from the bite could potentially be life-threatening, especially in small dogs or dogs with weakened immune systems. Your nose appears to have an odd shape following an injury and you think it could be broken. Oct 2, 2023 · Bleeding or Puncture Wounds. The inner nose contains a large amount of tiny blood vessels and is one of the most sensitive parts of the body. 6. How to restrict and hold iguana when trimming the nails? Restrict your iguana so it doesn’t bite or scratch your severely when trying to escape. Obviously, never use a hot rock! If you notice a pore on your nose that won’t stop bleeding, make sure to apply some first aid treatment. A nosebleed is moderate if: You have some bleeding, but direct pressure stops it within 15 minutes. Epistaxis: common nosebleed, affecting up to 60% of adults, with bimodal age distribution (before 10 and between 45-65). Dr. It looks like a rub to me. If blood when blowing nose appears in conjunction with crusting on the inside of the nose, a slight infection may be present in the lower Dec 28, 2012 · Hi there and welcome to you and PeaTree 145j I would strongly recommend getting your little friend to a vet to check this nose thingie out very very soon. This causes them to hurt themselves, and can also cause the nose rubbing behavior as well. What Causes Nose Bleeds? Nose bleeds may be caused by a number of different factors. Dec 7, 2023 · Recurring nose bleeds could be a sign of an underlying health condition that needs addressing. What type of reptile are we talking about? What type of reptile are we talking about? Customer: A green iguana JA: How badly is the iguana bleeding? Jul 27, 2013 · Tazumal, my blue phase green, had injured his nose riding in a small carrier and I was treating it with medical grade honey (this is VERY different from normal raw honey and does not carry botulism). After the bleeding has stopped, to keep it from starting again, don't pick or blow your nose and don't bend down for several hours. Use the pet clippers and cut the point of the nail and then use a file to remove any sharp edges. Nov 29, 2024 · Nose Bleeding Causes. Sep 23, 2024 · Pinch the soft area of your nose shut for 10 minutes. I Customer: My iguana is sick. Sometimes an infant can manage to scratch the inside of the nose with a fingernail, but picking isn't usually a problem during the first year of life. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to a number of health problems, including osteoporosis, rickets, osteomalacia, and rheumatoid arthritis. How to Make Your Nose Bleed Without Pain. Nov 12, 2018 · This presentation could be due to a trauma or localized spot of skin infection (likely to be caused by bacteria). There is dried on blood above the nostril but I never actually saw it bleed. Moderately serious: See a physician for a persistent bloody nose . Use a cold pack or put crushed ice in a plastic bag. 4. Usually, it A Madison man almost had his nose bitten off by a pet iguana, with the hormone-fired lizard sending the man to a hospital for multiple stitches. This includes dark patches on the nose. Swollen gums in iguanas – gingivitis or stomatitis ; Your iguana might develop gum inflammation – gingivitis. Possible Causes of Nose Bleed. These areas are susceptible to injuries or infections that can lead to bleeding. It is characterized by red swollen gums and corners of the lips and mouth. It is easily resolved with cleaning with a Betadine solution and warm water to tea color and then apply some Neosporin or Manuka honey to the area to aid with healing. Cold and dry air can damage your nose’s blood vessels due to a lack of moisture. 1. If re-bleeding occurs, try to clear the nose of blood clots by sniffing in forcefully. It can occur due to inflamed or damaged nasal tissues and blood vessels Sep 26, 2018 · If the bleeding doesn't stop, repeat these steps for up to a total of 15 minutes. Oct 13, 2023 · Don’t pick or blow your nose while it’s healing. Nose piercing bleeding is common and small amounts of blood should be expected over the first few days after the procedure. Or if you have a bloody nose and take blood Dec 18, 2024 · A posterior nosebleed occurs deep inside your nose. As you probably know or noticed I had a thread about our visit at vet with my Kiwi-iguana, and as she was carried in a box with plastic mesh and she wanted to get out she scraped her nose/mouth as much as she has got it darker now and her mouth are little open (before she had a perfect Ehen a nail breaks and is bleeding, you can easily stop it wuth naul srio silkd at the Pet shop. Veterinarian's Assistant: I'm sorry to hear that your iguana is experiencing sneezing with water coming out of her nose. Hello, The nose rubbing is a common probelm in Iguanas as they get nervous or upset they will nose rub. But if it does restart, gently blow your nose to get rid of any blood clots. This may start it bleeding again. For most nosebleeds (epistaxes), simple first aid can usually stop the bleeding. Bleeding from the nose and mouth can occur due to various reasons, including trauma, underlying medical conditions, or environmental factors. Protein. elden ring accidentally killed patches; kevin rooney comedian; terrance taylor son of robert taylor; what happened to dwarf mamba; regions bank ceo email address picking your nose; blowing your nose too hard; the inside of your nose being too dry (maybe because of a change in air temperature) Nosebleeds that need medical attention can come from deeper inside the nose and usually affect adults. Jul 23, 2024 · You may experience bleeding when blowing your nose more commonly in winter. The high humidity in environments where they are most likely to be found assists in the shedding process. After that, check if the bleeding has stopped. In between you have a mixture of both depending on the humidity in the air. When the vessels are disrupted and burst, a nose bleed occurs. Most nosebleeds stop within 15-20 minutes of onset. Tazumal quickly learned that if his nose was bleeding I would apply the honey and he could lick some off of my finger. That bump looks like a scab, but it may be a cyst Oct 23, 2023 · Common causes of nose bleeds include a blow to the nose, sneezing, picking or blowing the nose, and high blood pressure. Spray your nose with a decongestant nasal spray like Afrin (oxymetazoline), which constricts blood vessels and slows bleeding. This can cause it to bleed and disrupt the process. For treating the claws, press a dry cotton ball against the toe until the bleeding has stopped. Overall, Eliquis is less likely to cause bleeding than warfarin. Jun 14, 2020 · Key points. Keeping and staying active and preventing stress - Stress and unhealthy habits can often result in bleeding in the nose. Bruce 15 years of small animal veterinary experience 1 day ago · When should I see a doctor after an iguana bite? You should see a doctor after any iguana bite, especially if the wound is deep, bleeds excessively, shows signs of infection, or if you haven’t had a tetanus booster in the past 10 years. If you do not have that you can use corn starch or flour and pack on the nail and will stop the bleeding quic. It is important to seek prompt medical care if the bleeding does not stop to prevent heavy blood loss. An open mouth can also be a warning that your iguana is upset. If the bleeding doesn’t stop, repeat the gentle squeezing step for another 10 minutes. Stay Calm: Anxiety can exacerbate bleeding; staying calm helps regulate breathing. This will help stop the bleeding. Why does my iguana keep opening his mouth? Your iguana may display how he feels by opening his mouth. Don't stop applying pressure to keep checking if the bleeding has stopped. Blow your nose gently. Jun 15, 2020 · Here are some signs that your iguana is starting to shed: Change in color : Just before shedding, an iguana’s skin will often get a milky appearance or shades of grey, becoming more noticeable over a period of days, until the skin starts actually peeling away. The bloody fluid from her nose could be due to a variety of reasons, such as a respiratory infection, trauma, or a foreign body in the nose. Another symptom of an iguana bite is bleeding or the presence of puncture wounds. What can I do to make sure that she is okay and healthy? Nov 30, 2022 · Your iguana in comfortable captivity is not experiencing a rare case of shedding. Some of the common nose bleeding reasons include: Trauma: Injuries from struck faces can have a severe impact on the lining of the nose, causing bleeding. 3 days ago · However, it isn't that easy to get your nose bleeding. Sinus infections, or sinusitis, can result in inflammation and irritation of the sinus tissues, leading to nose bleeds. I've get a vet to take a look and make sure it's not infected. But yeah, I believe we're entering the dry season where I live, it's beginning to get hotter nowadays. Customer: My iguana's nail came off completely, what should I do? Veterinarian's Assistant: I'm sorry to hear about your iguana's nail. This is not only normal, but also an essential bodily function. This is particularly true if there's an underlying condition such as allergies or a cold that inflames these tissues If bleeding stops with first aid measures, a topical antiseptic such as Naseptin® (chlorhexidine and neomycin) cream may be applied to prevent re-bleeding. Iguanas have sharp teeth that are designed to tear through vegetation, and when they bite a human, these teeth can easily break the skin and cause bleeding. Because iguanas don’t sweat, they excrete excess body salts through their nose via a special gland. he has not been moving a lot and is not eating much. There are many potential causes of nosebleeds in iguanas, just as there are in humans. Reptiles like lizards and iguanas alike experience shedding in the wild as well. Feb 28, 2025 · In some situations, getting medical help after an iguana bite may be necessary. An open mouth can be a sign that he is too hot and needs to be moved to a cooler location. What antibiotics are typically used for iguana bites? Customer: My iguana's tale was cut off by accident and I called a vet but they do not specialize in reptiles. as of today there is a Anna 40 yrs. After 10 minutes, let go and check for bleeding. Cover it with a towel to protect your skin. Handle with Care: If you own an iguana, handle it gently and with confidence. Don’t cut too high, as this will cause pain to your iguana and heavy bleeding. Pinch Your Nose: Using your thumb and index finger, pinch the soft part of your nose for about 10 minutes without releasing pressure. Nasal Injuries. About 6 percent will require with good care you can expect near 5 foot to over 6 foot from tip of nose to tip of tail Is animal protein ok for my ig? no, an iguana's kidneys and other organs cannot process animal proteins May 14, 2024 · There are delicate blood vessels in your nose that can become damaged and bleed quite easily. If you are not feeling faint, sit up and lean slightly forward. Jan 26, 2019 · You have a dilemma. 3. After bleeding has stopped: Self-care advice (for example avoiding nose picking and heavy lifting for 24 hours after bleeding) should be offered. Just seems odd for the female to be the aggressive one This means if the iguana is 30 inches, his cage needs to be 45x60" for him to be comfortable. Small amounts of low-fat non animal protein (ie. A cage that is too small results in a high stress level in iguana's. It was bleeding for a little bit but now it has stopped. Environmental changes, health changes, too small of a cage, gravidity, breeding season, and many other things can cause face rubbing to begin in an iguana. It is no usual for them to have nose bleeds. Don't release it for 15 minutes. : herps, pocket pets, rabbits, poultry, dogs, horses. Never use a Jun 6, 2022 · A dog nose bleed can be upsetting (and messy). The fruit is very calcium poor and should only be fed on a limited basis. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Posterior nose bleeds differ from anterior nose bleeds because direct pressure on the outside of the nose will not stop the bleeding, and spraying the nose with a decongestant is less likely to work. he also has white hard crusty stuff around his nose. If the wound is severely bleeding or exhibiting infection symptoms, such as redness, swelling, or pus, seek emergency medical attention. as of today there is a Anna Have owned turtles, snakes, amphibians, and lizards. Bleeding lasts for 20+ minutes. However, if you can’t get your nosebleed to stop with these measures, seeking prompt medical attention is important to prevent Nov 5, 2024 · The severity of a bloody nose depends on the cause. Now, let’s briefly discuss each one of the above-mentioned probable causes of bleeding nose pores. 2. Most nose bleeds are minor and only last a few minutes, but they can be dangerous if someone loses a lot of blood or if they have frequently nose bleeds. Cold and dry weather increases the issues with capillaries and their tendency to burst. Due to their slower metabolism, the onset of symptoms may be delayed compared to mammals. A nosebleed is mild if: You have a little bleeding, but direct pressure stops it within 10 minutes. My 40 lbs dog has attacked a big iguana, I was able to stop it but the iguana got injured and was bleeding blood by its Dr. It happens when the tissue within the lining of your nose starts to bleed. Common areas where bleeding may occur in iguanas include the mouth, nose, eyes, ears, cloaca (vent), and limbs. Your iguana may have bumped into something, causing bleeding. These types of sprays constrict blood vessels. You may need medical attention right away for this type of nosebleed. Julie Buzby explains how to stop a nose bleed at home and discusses 13 causes of dog nose bleeds. He was a rescue I bought from a shelter and they weren’t totally sure the age Veterinarian's Assistant: Is there anything else the Vet should know before I connect you? Sep 29, 2023 · Many medical conditions can also result in bleeding in the nose. 15. gmjb bfluk ujuqe ugrs qtbah yxk ftzx lwonxt jouyjc tmeo mjyh fwzw isxw pccaip kizwx