Kingspan awp data sheet uk. KS1000RW Product Data Sheet .
Kingspan awp data sheet uk The Kingspan XL Forté range is not suitable for external wall applications above 18m in height. All products achieve a minimum classification of B-s2,d0 when tested to EN 13501-1: 2007. AWP Range Product Data Sheet Architectural Wall Panel (AWP) Range The Architectural Wall Panel range is available in eleven distinct profiles; far more than the two or three styles previously available to architects on the market. 034 W/mK. com www. 72 1. Kingspan Day-Lite Architectural Product Data Sheet Applications Kingspan Day-Lite Architectural is a secret-fix, translucent polycarbonate wall light system suitable for both vertical and horizontal applications. 12 W/m2K and weigh between Insulated Roof & Wall Panels Solutions Product Data Sheet Architectural Wall Panel Range KS600-1000 CW, CX, EB, FL, FL-S, LV, MM, MR, PL, TL, WV AWP Range Product Data Sheet Architectural Wall Panel (AWP) Range The Architectural Wall Panel range is available in eleven distinct profiles; far more than the two or three styles previously available to architects on the market. 80688_Kingspan_Day-Lite Architectural KS1000 DLAWP_CAD Details_082017_UK_EN - Free download as PDF File (. Please contact Kingspan Tech-eXchange for information on other substrates. Coatings – External Weather Sheet Kingspan Spectrum: Consists of a coated semi-gloss finish with slight granular effect. Product Data Sheet Kingspan Facades UK & Ireland EN 13501-1: 2018 under the certified name AWP Product Family when using the following internal liners: The document describes Kingspan's QuadCore Architectural Wall Panel (AWP) range, which offers 11 distinct profiles to architects. Coatings – Internal Liner Sheet Kingspan CLEANsafe 15: The coating has been developed QuadCore ® AWP Wall Panel Product Data Sheet 2 QuadCore® AWP Panel Range The QuadCore® AWP Panel range is available in nine distinct profiles; far more than the two or three styles previously available to architects on the market. Kingspan KS1000 AWP Karta produktowa Kingspan Latvia Kronvalda bulv. Kingspan CLEAN safe 15: Metallic protected steel to BS EN 10346: 2009. QuadCore ® AWP Wall Panel Product Data Sheet 6 Packing QuadCore® AWP Wall Panel is stacked with weather sheet upward. Kingspan KS1000 WallLite Product Data Sheet Kingspan AB Prytzgatan 6 431 31 Mölndal Tel. More literature from Kingspan Insulated Panels View all literature (34) QuadCore AWP LEC Wall kingspan-quadcore-lec-awp-wall-panel-data-sheet-en-gb-ie - Free download as PDF File (. 8 4. 157994_kingspan-quadcore-awp-wall-panel-data-sheet-en-gb-ie - Free download as PDF File (. Coatings – Internal Liner Sheet Kingspan CLEANsafe 15: The coating has been developed A versatile single-component wall daylighting solution so you can enjoy architectural freedom. See technical information for non-standard lengths available. kingspan. 2 Requirements and tests for builtup cladding and sandwich panel systems for use as the external envelope of buildings certified to: LPS 1181-1 Grade EXT-B under the certified name Kingspan Details about QuadCore Topdek Roof Panel Product Data Sheet More literature from Kingspan Insulated Panels View all literature (32) QuadCore AWP LEC Wall Product Data Sheet 5 Materials Substrate Metallic protected steel to BS EN 10346: 2015. 5mm, 0. txt) or read online for free. 01 0. Core thickness: 45 - 150 mm. 3 60mm-deep˝40mm-wide˝140mm-high Kingspan MTC145 steel ‘L’-shaped brackets. Using comparative Lifecycle Assessment Data (LCA) data to the EN15804-A2 standard, this breakthrough in insulated panel technology demonstrates a 21% reduction* in embodied carbon in modules A1-A3 (product stage) for QuadCore AWP in a 100mm thickness. com Although Kingspan makes every efort to contact Kingspan Tech-eXchange for project specific details. 8 3. 4mm. ire@kingspanpanels. Cavan A82 E897 Tel: +353 (0) 42 96 98500 info. All of these solutions require a specific construction to match the tested performance. Product Data For further information in relation to end laps please contact Kingspan Tech-eXchange. KS1000RW Product Data Sheet KS1000 AWP HZ ALL CADS Technical For the specific material composition of each product, please refer to the individual product data sheets. Available in lengths of up to 8m and a variety of colour options. The system is fully compatible with all Architectural Wall Panel (AWP) and Optimo wall panels. Standard lengths range from 1. 0 2. 5mm-thick Kingspan M145065150 profiled channels. The panels provide thermal insulation down to a U-value of 0. Kingspan Panels Available in 7 distinct profiles - Micro-Rib, Mini-Micro, Convex, Euro-box, Plank, Wave, Tramline . QuadCore AWP Wall Panel can be installed both vertically and horizontally and are available in a wide range of colours for maximum visual impact. Rock mineral fibre insulation with a thermal conductivity of 0. 5mm-thick G140/150 profiled channels. 8-14. - Standard and non-standard length and dimension options. QuadCore ® AWP Wall Panel Product Data Sheet 2 QuadCore® AWP Panel Range The QuadCore® AWP Panel range is available in nine distinct profiles; far more than the two or three styles previously available to architects on the market. Coatings – External Weather Sheet Kingspan XL Forté: Consists of a multi-layer organic Please contact Kingspan Tech-eXchange for project specific details. 5mm. 2 Requirements and tests for built up cladding and sandwich panel systems for use as the external envelope of buildings certified to: LPS 1181-1 Grade EXT-B under the certified name Kingspan AWP Series 11/19 Kingspan Insulated Panels QuadCore™ AWP Series QuadCore ™ External sheet 0. Standard lengths: 1. QuadCore AWP LEC has an LCA (LifeCycle Assessment) that shows a 20% reduction in embodied carbon (measured by the Global Warming Potential ‘GWP’ kgCO2e) between life cycle modules A1 – A3, and a 16% reduction in embodied carbon between life cycle modules A – C. Profile Options Coating Options Non-standard Cover Widths XL Forté Spectrum Altaris Convex KS600-1000 CX 600-1000mm 114544_Kingspan_QC_Architectural Wall Panel _KS1000 AWP_QuadCore_Data Sheet_042020_UK_EN - Free download as PDF File (. 17% reduction in embodied carbon (measured by the Global Warming Potential ‘GWP’ kgCO2e) between life cycle modules A1 – A3, and a 15% reduction in embodied carbon between life cycle modules A – C. 7mm. Contact Kingspan with your specific requirements and we will provide an appropriate solution. A1 Euroclass. Used to secure both the user and our website against cross-site request forgery attacks. The top and sides are protected by either cardboard or polystyrene and spiral wrap stretch polyfilm. * Excluding Curvewall and Louvre. accord_steel_roof_sheets_session. Materials Substrate Kingspan XL Forté, Kingspan Spectrum, Kingspan AQUAsafe, Kingspan AQUAsafe55 and Kingspan CLEANsafe: Metallic protected steel to QuadCore ® AWP Wall Panel Product Data Sheet 2 QuadCore® AWP Panel Range The QuadCore® AWP Panel range is available in nine distinct profiles; far more than the two or three styles previously available to architects on the market. For the most up to date version of this Installation guide please scan the relevant QR codes below. Coatings – External Weather Sheet Kingspan XL Forté: Consists of a multi-layer organic coating, embossed with a traditional leather-grain finish. 8 - 12 m. Standard internal steel thickness 0. The use of K-Roc Rainscreen Slab is covered by BBA Certificate 20/5845 2009. UK 5 Test Procedure Results Fire FM 4880 Passed: Class 1 Fire Rating of Building Panels or Interior Finish Materials* FM 4882 Passed: Smoke Sensitive Occupancies Interior and Exterior Use* Details about QuadCore® AWP-S Wall Panel Product Data Sheet QuadCore AWP LEC Wall Panel is part our Lower Embodied Carbon solutions. three alternative colour palettes, Kingspan’s architectural wall panels combine aesthetic appeal with performance. Standard lengths from 1. Our QuadCore AWP Wall Panel range is available in 9 profiles. Please call Kingspan Tech-eXchange team on the numbers below. 4 145mm˝65mm˝1. Kingspan panels are normally immune to attack from mould, fungi, mildew and vermin. Coatings – External Weather Sheet Kingspan XL Forté: Consists of a multi-layer organic QuadCore ® AWP Wall Panel Product Data Sheet 2 QuadCore® AWP Panel Range The QuadCore® AWP Panel range is available in nine distinct profiles; far more than the two or three styles previously available to architects on the market. . Can achieve a U-value (W/m²K) of 0. The AWP range has a Thermal Transmittance (U value), calculated using the method required by the Building Regulations Part L2 (England & Wales) and Building Standards Section 6 (Scotland). 5m; Spanning capability – Longspan – up to 8. More literature from Kingspan Insulated Panels View all literature (32) Kingspan Quadcore Assured Warranty Brochure Rock mineral fibre insulation with a thermal conductivity of 0. Profile Options Coating Options Non-standard Cover Widths XL Forté Spectrum Altaris Convex KS600-1000 CX 600-1000mm The QuadCore KS1000RW Wall Panel is a through-fix insulated wall panel. Standard external sheet thickness 0. Specifically engineered joint details ensure a weather tight and airtight building envelope. - Applications for commercial wall panels that can be installed horizontally or vertically. NBS Source. For more information please contact Kingspan Tech-eXchange. 0m. Environmental Kingspan Insulated Panels produced in the UK are certified to BES 6001 (Framework Standard for the Responsible Sourcing of Construction Products) ‘Very Good’. Available in width of 1000 mm and in lengths of up to 29 m (depending on width), allowing for fast track and cost effective installation. 4mm (steel) (Unfactored Load/Span tables (to be compared against calculated design wind load values unfactored) Single Span 2. 2 hours. Coatings - External Weather Sheet Kingspan XL Forté™ Merlin grey or white as standard (other standard colours available upon specific request): QuadCore KS1000SRW Wall Panel is a through-fix wall panel with smooth repetitive oscillating curves. Available in 1000 mm width and in lengths of up to 29. Lengths from below 1. Using comparative Lifecycle Assessment Data (LCA) data to the EN15804-A2:2019 standard, this breakthrough in insulated panel technology demonstrates a 21% reduction* in embodied carbon in modules A1-A3 (product stage) for QuadCore AWP in a 100mm thickness. 5 – 17. 5mm (steel), Internal sheet 0. 20 1. ie 1 100mm-wide˝35mm-high˝145mm-deep Kingspan MS145 steel cleats. Trapezoidal LEC Roof Panel is part of our Lower Embodied Carbon range Details about QuadCore Topdek Roof Panel Product Data Sheet More literature from Kingspan Insulated Panels View all literature (31) QuadCore AWP LEC Wall Please contact Kingspan Tech-eXchange for project specific details. Product Tolerances Materials Substrate Metallic protected steel to BS EN 10346: 2015. Can achieve a high-level of fire resistance. Profile Options Coating Options Non-standard Cover Widths XL Forté Spectrum Altaris Convex KS600-1000 CX 600-1000mm Coatings – External Weather Sheet Kingspan Spectrum: Consists of a coated semi-gloss finish with slight granular effect. com Details about QuadCore KS1000RW Wall Panel Product Data Sheet. QuadCore ® AWP Wall Panel Product ata Sheet 4 Product Data Certification and Testing Reaction to Fire QuadCore® AWP Wall Panel is classified B-s1,d0, when tested on the internal face of the product, according to the European Reaction to Fire classification system (Euroclasses) EN 13501-1: 2018 under the certified name AWP Product Family Kingspan Day-Lite Klick Product Data Sheet Fire Kingspan Day-Lite products fully satisfy the internal and external requirements of the National Building Regulations, achieving: Euro Class B (internal); National Class AA and Euro Class BROOF(t4) (external). More literature from Kingspan Insulated Panels View all literature (32) Kingspan Quadcore Assured Warranty Brochure QuadCore KS1000SRW Wall Panel is a through-fix wall panel with smooth repetitive oscillating curves. 4 3. 3-1 LV-1010 Riga, Latvia Tel:+370 37 451 883 Faks: +370 37 451 885 E-mail: info@kingspan. The QuadCore® AWP-S panel range is available in seven distinct profiles; far more than the two or three styles previously available to architects on the market. pdf), Text File (. Used to identify the user's browsing session. Coatings - External Weather Sheet Kingspan XL Forté™ Merlin grey or white as standard (other standard colours available upon specific request): Product data sheet. QuadCore®AWP Wall Panel is a range of secret-fix wall panels that offer freedom of design and high performing insulated panel solutions to architects. Details about QuadCore® AWP Wall Panel Product Data Sheet Available in Kingspan XL Forte and Kingspan Spectrum. kingspanpanels. KS1000 CW (Curvewall) Curvewall is only available in Kingspan Spectrum Silver in 1000mm cover width. 6 3. 12. co. 0 - 8. ingspanpanels. Details about QuadCore® KS1000RW Roof Panel Product Data Sheet. QuadCore AWP LEC Wall Panel is part our Lower Embodied Carbon solutions. pdf) or read online for free. Can you use QuadCore KS1000RW Wall Panel for roof applications? Yes, QuadCore KS1000RW Wall Panel is available for roof and wall applications. QuadCore AWP Wall Panel is powered by QuadCore Technology. 8 - 14. 1 year 1 month 1 day. QuadCore AWP LEC has an LCA (LifeCycle Assessment) that shows a 21. 2 2. Kingspan Altaris: Technically advanced PVDF multi-layer (up to 4 layers of paint) coating featuring colour purity, strength, resistance and stability. 5m; Longer lengths (non-standard): 14. The number of panels in a pack will vary depending on thickness. Profile Options Coating Options Non-standard Cover Widths XL Forté Spectrum Altaris Convex KS600-1000 CX 600-1000mm QuadCore KSD600/900/1000 AWP Wall Panel range are secret-fix wall panels that offer unprecedented freedom of design and top-of-the-range performance to clients, architects and contractors. Powder Coating Lengths: 2. Profile Options Coating Options Non-standard Cover Widths XL Forté Spectrum Altaris Convex KS600-1000 CX 600-1000mm QuadCore KS1000RW Roof Panel is a through-fix insulated roof panel. Profile Options Coating Options Non-standard Cover Widths XL Forté Spectrum Altaris Convex KS600-1000 CX 600-1000mm Kingspan Quadcore Awp Wall Panel Data Sheet en Gb Ie - Free download as PDF File (. Profile Options Installation guides are available for most of Kingspan insulated roof and wall panels. 0 3. 40 2. 43 1. 8 – 14. Bright White Polyester: Material Hot dip zinc coated to BS EN 10326: 2004, Standard Key Features of Kingspan Quadcore AWP Panels 9 distinct profiles – Micro-rib, EuroBox, Mini-Micro, Convex, Wave, Plank, Tramline, Flat, Flat-Stucco Suitable for both vertical and horizontal applications Product Data For further information in relation to end laps please contact Kingspan Tech-eXchange. XSRF-TOKEN. lv Płyty Warstwowe Polska Information about the product o˚er in others countries can be obtained from your local sales representative or on the website www. This document provides product data on Kingspan's Longspan Architectural Wall Panel (AWP) Range, including: 1) The range consists of 11 profile designs and is available in different widths, finishes, and core thicknesses. Kingspan panels Product data sheet. Profile Options Coating Options Non-standard Cover Widths XL Forté Spectrum Altaris Convex KS600-1000 CX 600-1000mm accord_steel_roof_sheets_cookie_consent. K-Roc AWP Wall Panel is an architectural insulated sandwich panel, suitable for facades with specific fire and acoustic performance requirements. 09 1. uk Ireland Kingspan Limited Carrickmacross Road Kingscourt | Co. com Although Kingspan makes every efort to Using comparative Lifecycle Assessment Data (LCA) data to the EN15804-A2 standard, this breakthrough in insulated panel technology demonstrates a 21% reduction* in embodied carbon in modules A1-A3 (product stage) for QuadCore AWP in a 100mm thickness. More literature from Kingspan Insulated Panels View all literature (34) QuadCore AWP LEC Wall QuadCore LEC has been developed specifically to help reduce the carbon footprint of the buildings it is used on. 5 m. Available in a range of locally manufactured profiles and four alternative colour palettes, Kingspan’s wall portfolio combines aesthetics with performance. Suitable for both vertical and horizontal applications This document provides product information on QuadCore® AWP Wall Panels, including: - Nine distinct profile options with various coating and width options. Product Data Core Thickness (mm) 45 54 60 70 74 80 90 100 Coatings – External Weather Sheet Kingspan Spectrum: Consists of a coated semi-gloss finish with slight granular effect. Our QuadCore AWP Wall Panel range is available in 9 profiles. 0 Pressure 2. PDF (2 MB) KS1000 AWP Technical Data 3 Firewall Various tested Firewall solutions are available. Coatings – Internal Liner Sheet Kingspan CLEANsafe 15: The coating has been developed Details about QuadCore® KS1000RW Roof Panel Product Data Sheet. KS1000 AWP Architectural Wall Panel 3 Product Data Sheet Insulated Panel Systems Kingspan Ltd, 7 Montreal Street Christchurch New Zealand Tel 4 3 20 30 0800 12 12 80 Email infoingspanpanels. 7mm available on request, standard internal sheet thickness 0. Coatings – Internal Liner Sheet Kingspan CLEANsafe 15: The coating has been developed Data Sheets (66) Declaration of Performance (116) Safety Information (36) Technical Bulletins (9) Kingspan TruckMaster Brochure UK&IE . The panel provides an attractive and versatile design for visual enhancements for wall applications and can be used in both horizontal and vertical applications. The wide range of profiles on offer go beyond traditional insulated panel designs. 2 m, allowing for fast and cost-effective installation in both vertical and horizontal applications. The first products in the QuadCore LEC range are now available in the UK and Irish markets. Coatings – Internal Liner Sheet Kingspan CLEANsafe 15: The coating has been developed Environmental: Kingspan Insulated Panels produced in the UK and Ireland are certified to BES 6001 (Framework Standard for the Responsible Sourcing of Construction Products) ‘Good’. 2 Greenfield | Holywell Flintshire | North Wales CH8 7GJ T: +44 (0) 1352 716100 info@kingspanpanels. se Insulated Panels Sweden Information about the product offer in others countries can be obtained from your local sales representative or on the website www. Profile Options Coating Options Non-standard Cover Widths XL Forté Spectrum Altaris Convex KS600-1000 CX 600-1000mm QuadCore ® AWP Wall Panel Product Data Sheet 2 QuadCore® AWP Panel Range The QuadCore® AWP Panel range is available in nine distinct profiles; far more than the two or three styles previously available to architects on the market. 46 to 0 Kingspan Insulated Panels, UK. 4 2. More literature from Kingspan Insulated Panels View all literature (34) QuadCore AWP LEC Wall Kingspan XL Forte, Kingspan Spectrum, Kingspan Aquasafe, and Kingspan Cleansafe: S220GD+ZA hot-dip zinc/aluminium Galfan coated steel to BS EN10214: 1992 Standard external sheet thickness 0. n Q4 2020 Guarantees Kingspan will provide product guarantees on an individual project basis. 2m, frame to frame; Cover width – from 600mm to 1000mm; Factory supplied weather seal; Available Lengths. 2 Requirements and tests for built up cladding and sandwich panel systems for use as the external envelope of buildings certified to: LPS 1181-1 Grade EXT-B under the certified name Kingspan Details about QuadCore AWP LEC Wall Panel. n Web www. The AWP panels come in various widths and thicknesses, and can be installed horizontally or vertically. Insurance Kingspan panels have achieved FM Global FM4880 Class 1 - unlimited Architectural Wall Panels (S1000 AWP) Data Sheet uly 00 1 Product overview Available in a range of locally manufactured profiles and . - Thermal performance specifications by core thickness ranging from U-Values of 0. +46 (0)31 760 26 99 E-mail: info@kingspan. 5m QuadCore insulated panels offer 25-year performance and high protection for the buildings you design, you build, you work in and for the health of our planet. Coatings – Internal Liner Sheet Kingspan CLEANsafe 15: The coating has been developed UK_W_LS_Longspan_Product_Data_Sheet - Free download as PDF File (. Kingspan Insulated Panels Powder Coating Colour Book including finishes inspired by patina, oxidised, granite, stone and metallic materials. Insurer Approvals: QuadCore AWP Wall Panels are tested to LPS 1181 Part 1: Issue 1. 85 - - - - UK Kingspan Limited Greenfield Business Park No. Coatings – Internal Liner Sheet Kingspan CLEANsafe 15: The coating has been developed The Kingspan XL Forté range is not suitable for external wall applications above 18m in height. 2 3. accord_steel_roof_sheets_cookie_consent. Used to store the user's cookie consent preferences. For Reaction to Fire performance of external weather sheets please contact Kingspan Tech-eXchange. Profile Options Coating Options Non-standard Cover Widths XL Forté Spectrum Altaris Convex KS600-1000 CX 600-1000mm AWP Series 11/19 Kingspan Insulated Panels QuadCore™ AWP Series QuadCore ™ External sheet 0. Global leader in the manufacture of building envelope solutions. 8m up to 17. Our extensive product range encompasses a wide array of high-performance insulated panels, facades, and integrated solutions that prioritise energy-efficiency, thermal performance and fire performance in diverse building applications. n Q4 2020 NZBC Compliance The KS1000 AWP panel has been used around New Zealand, on many building types for in excess of 15 years. No urea formaldehyde is used in the construction, and the panels are not considered deleterious. 5 140mm˝120mm˝1. Specifically engineered joint details ensure an absolute weather tight building envelope. 4 KS1000 AWP Architectural Wall Panel Product Data Sheet Insulated Panel Systems Kingspan Ltd, 7 Montreal Street Christchurch New Zealand Tel 4 3 20 30 0800 12 12 80 Email infoingspanpanels. Please contact Kingspan Tech-eXchange for project specific details. All Kingspan Insulated Panels manufacturing facilities across the UK and Ireland are 100% Net Zero Energy. 5m with non-standard options available. 2 65mm-wide˝40mm-deep˝130mm-long Kingspan MB1A/MB1B steel brackets. 85 - - - - Product Data Sheet 4 Product Data Standard Cut Back 20mm End Lap Vertical 100mm End Lap Horizontal 50mm Cut Back Horizontal (vertical top hat) 20mm Cut to Length ± 5mm Cover Width ± 2mm Thickness (Core ≤ 100mm) ± 2mm Thickness (Core > 100mm) ± 2% End Square ± 3mm For further information in relation to end laps please contact Kingspan QuadCore® AWP Wall Panel horizontally laid Self-drilling self-tapping primary fixings with minimum 16mm diameter non-ferrous EPDM backed washer Air seal- non-setting gun-grade butyl sealant to male joint inline with internal air seal AWP joint filler bedded on low module neutral cure silicone sealant Kingspan Multichannel to Engineer’s details QuadCore ® AWP Wall Panel Product Data Sheet 2 QuadCore® AWP Panel Range The QuadCore® AWP Panel range is available in nine distinct profiles; far more than the two or three styles previously available to architects on the market. 6 2. rntrgb hteqp xdta jcl xmrqh pgsswj moold brmz hxdaui uycfqhsi lxwt hksu wkau hqetdj oybujvm