Mit vlsi group. in Electrical Engineering, MIT, 2010 S.
Mit vlsi group Ankita Nayak, Keyi Zhang, Rajsekhar Setaluri, Alex Carsello, Makai Mann, Christopher Torng, Stephen Richardson, Rick Bahr, Pat Hanrahan, Mark Horowitz, Priyanka Raina Atomic Physics The Atomic Physics groups are structured as the Center for Ultracold Atoms: MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms (CUA) The Center for Ultracold Atoms (CUA) brings together a community of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University to pursue research in the new fields that that have been opened by The MIT Terahertz Integrated Electronics Group, established in 2014 by Dr. 1991: MIT VLSI & Parallel Systems Student Workshop (Chairman) May 1992: Jul. 825 and 6. Email: jiaohailong@pku. The workshop was organized by the VLSI and Parallel Systems Group at MIT to promote an interchange of ideas among the various research activities at MIT in VSLI and parallel systems. ISBN: 9780262121217. Anantha Chandrakasan, is involved with the design and implementation of various integrated systems – from ultra low-power wireless sensors and multimedia devices to high performance processors. D. Publisher: The MIT Press The papers in this volume were submitted to the 1992 MIT Student Workshop on VLSI and Parallel Systems. Prentice Hall, 2002. 6. Agarwal and J. g. It could perform Magneto-Quasi-Static (MQS), Electro-Magneto-Quasi-Static (EMQS) and fullwave analysis of complicated3D structures from zero frequency to at least tens of Giga Hertz. <<put in ref>> Trial fabrications of the gate libraries, PLA tests, pad tests, and the cell block itself were conducted throughout 1984 and early 1985. Related Courses. 1968Integrated Microelectronics Laboratory (“Microlab”) opens in Building 13. Improving Energy Efficiency of CGRAs with Low-Overhead Fine-Grained Power Domains. It was held on July 21, 1992 at the MIT Endicott Microelectronics and VLSI group at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee envisions to bridge the gap between academic institutions and Microelectronics industry. , Group Project Pages Readings and Resources Administrative Staff. of India has signed and agreement with the world bank and Department of Electronics (MIT) agreed Thepapersinthisvolumeweresubmittedtothe1992MITStudentWorkshoponVLSI andParallelSystems. 002: Circuits and Electronics 6. degrees from Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, US *Email: wangch87@mit. Pub date: April 1, 1986. On The E 2 S 2 C group has a long history in asynchronous VLSI design, including two startups, Timeless Design Automation and Reduced Energy Microsystems. 91-624, September 1990. Researcher. FastHenry Agile Hardware Project (AHA) We must make hardware/software systems easier and more fun to develop, which means that we need to enable a more “agile” hardware development flow, making it possible to quickly and easily modify an existing design and play with the resulting system. VLSI MEMO SERIES MTL maintains a comprehensive Memo Series covering the activities of MTL and related microsystems research at MIT. , nano drones), and virtual/augmented reality on portable devices. We leverage computational, theoretical, and experimental tools to develop groundbreaking sensors and energy transducers, new physical substrates for computation, and the systems that address the shared challenges facing humanity. Han IEEE Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuit Symposium (RFIC), San Francisco, CA, Jun. Pub date: February 23, 1983. 22, 1470-1477 (2023) Monolithic 3D integration of 2D materials-based electronics towards ultimate edge computing solutions Ji-Hoon Kang†, Heechang Shin†, Ki Seok Kim†, Min-Kyu Song†, Doyoon Lee, Yuan Meng, Chanyeol Choi, Jun Min Suh, Beom Jin Kim, Hyunseok Kim, Anh Tuan Hoang, Bo-In Park, Guanyu Zhou, Suresh Sundaram, Phuong Vuong, Jiho Shin, Jinyeong Choe This is the home page for the Computer Architecture Group (CAG) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. While there are still a lot of hurdles left, the latest run shows that the company can scale up its process. MIT Semiconductor providing products and services and creating an impact across Communications, Automotive, Consumer, Data Processing, and Industrial Skip to content (+65) 64810511. In Spring of 2017-18 he served as a Visiting Faculty Member with the Department of Avionics, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, India. independent of transistor sizes Useful Hardcover. Suleiman, Z. Pub date: March 20, 1992. From the Series: A central file of documents, arranged by project number, was created by the Planning Office to keep together all information relating to a project. 6010 (formerly 6. Pub date: March 19, 1991. The CVA Group investigates methods for applying VLSI technology to information processing problems. UVWH$VDQRYLü. degrees from Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University The CVA group is directed by Prof. Topics covered include: MOS device models including Deep Sub-Micron effects; circuit design styles for logic, arithmetic and sequential blocks; estimation and minimization of energy consumption; interconnect models and parasitics; … Use the chapter numbers below to find the slides corresponding to the lecture topics, available on the textbook web site. It was held on July 21, 1992 at the MIT Endicott House in Dedham, Massachusetts. 225 pp. In this example, I build a testchip called HEOMOO3. and Robert H. Jung, X. Jan 31, 2025 · Our mission is fostering the creation and development of high-performance, reliable and secure computing systems that are easy to interact with. Previously the group was part of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT. in Electrical Engineering, MIT, 2010 S. Pub date: February 9, 1989. Associate Professor/MIT (Current) Research Staff Member, Master Inventor/IBM (Past) Jul 12, 2015 · Abstract. 1. edu 1960Semiconductor Electronics Education Committee (SEEC) established. 374) Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits, Fall 2013 - Jul 25, 2023 · MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES FOR VLSI CHIP DESIGN This cutting-edge new volume covers the hardware architecture implementation, the software implementation approach, the efficient hardware of machine learning applications with FPGA or CMOS circuits, and many other aspects and applications of machine learning techniques for VLSI chip design. McCalla, 2008 IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, and 2010 ISSCC Jack Raper best paper awards. edu)Due to the constraints of VLSI scaling, future processor and system-on-chip designs will by necessity incorporate on-chip communication networks. A. 380 pp. ISBN: 9780262121132. We conduct research in the areas of hardware synthesis, computer security, computer architecture and VLSI design. Feb 13, 2025 · After the chip-scale THz molecular clock work, the MIT THz Integrated Electronics Group will publish another paper on Nature Electronics! In collaboration with Prof. They MIT spinout Boston Metal completed its first run of an industrial reactor that uses electricity to make steel, producing over a ton of metal. edu Abstract Recent progress of on-chip spectroscopic systems enables a new set of highly-stable frequency references (i. here at MIT. George Efthivoulidis Graduate Students Michael Baker, Micah O’Halloran, Christopher Salthouse, Ji-Jon Sit, Maziar Tavakoli-Dastjerdi, Heemin Yang Technical and Support Staff Travis L. Publisher: The MIT Press. He is coauthor of Learning with Kernels (2002) and is a coeditor of Advances in Kernel Methods: Support Vector Learning (1998), Advances in Large-Margin Classifiers (2000), and Kernel Methods in Computational Biology (2004), all published by the MIT Press. The chips, though gigantic constructions, are shaped at once, and are expected to work the first time. Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, September 1990. Palacios is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and has served the microelectronics community in many roles, more recently as the General Chair for the IEEE Symposium on Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) Technology and Circuits. Englund’s group at MIT, we report a room-temperature CMOS quantum magnetometer using nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. Pub date: April 3, 1989. A chronological list of memos issued from 2007 appears below Copies of MTL Memos are available online exclusively to members of the Microsystems Industrial Group (MIG) at MTL. 6. , designing large projects that can be successfully simulated and fabricated, were given to the MIT VLSI group. Wang, J. These 3D structures are commonly seen in interconnects and packages of VLSI circuits. S. T. edu), Albert Ma (ama@cag. Priyanka teaches several VLSI design classes at Stanford. , Los Altos, CA, from 2001 through 2004 and with MIT as Associate Professor from 2005-2013. Accordingly, our everyone else's. 012 Nanoelectronics and Computing Systems (Recitation) Time: Spring 2019, Wednesday/Friday 1PM~3PM Location: 34-303 Textbook: R. Our researchers create state-of-the-art systems to better recognize objects, people, scenes, behaviors and more, with applications in Her research has won best paper awards at VLSI, ESSCIRC and MICRO conferences and in the JSSC journal. lcs. It is based on the rotational spectrum of gaseous molecules in sub-THz regime, a physical The field of VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) is concerned with the design, production, and use of highly complex integrated circuits. Sodini, Microelectronics: An The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, MIT offers the following programs: B. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML Hardcover. Maria Zuber, Vice-President of Research at MIT, and Prof. 5930/1 (formerly 6. Jia, J. Since then, there have been significant developments in technology, which are highly relevant to the television industries. VLSI circuits arethenext generation Feb 12, 2025 · The 2020 VLSI Symposia will focus around the theme of "The Next 40 Years of VLSI for Ubiquitous Intelligence. edu), Jason Kim (jasonkim@cag. (abstract, paper [pdf, compressed postscript]) David Lars Chaiken. 812/6. Zhang, V. Howe and C. Also available as MIT/LCS Technical Report 489. Anantha Chandrakasan is involved with the design and implementation of various integrated systems ranging from ultra low-power wireless sensors and multimedia devices to high performance processors. Notably, discussions with Anant Agarwal, John Kubiatowicz, David Chaiken, and Kirk Johnson in the MIT Alewife Project have been quite useful. The lecture notes for this course are closely based on the course textbook: Rabaey, Jan, Anantha Chandrakasan, and Bora Nikolic. Lee, A. 392 pp. , Apr 1, 2016 · Amr and Zhengdong’s paper accepted to IEEE VLSI 2016 - Energy-Efficient Multimedia Systems Group 4. We focus on the joint design of algorithms, architectures, circuits and systems to enable optimal tradeoffs between power, speed, and quality of result. 004: Computation Structures Tom also was the RLE-VLSI computer system administrator for the group's network of 20-30 computers including 5 different operating systems. He received the 2006 IBM Faculty Partnership Award, and the 2009 NSF CAREER Award as well as the 2008 ICCAD William J. Bernhard Schölkopf is Director at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen, Germany. The MIT Energy-Efficient Circuits and Systems Group, led by Prof. Ruonan Han, focus on ultra-high-frequency microelectronic systems. R. 973 Communication System Design – Spring 2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Vladimir Stojanović VLSI Technology Inc is a company that provides Application-specific integrated circuit, Leading edge, Silicon valley and more. 18um TSMC process was originally developed by Albert Ma. in Electrical Engineering, MIT, 2006 B. edu) is a PhD student at Terahertz Integrated Electronics Group, Microsystem Technology Laboratories (MTL), Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Mar 19, 1991 · Hardcover. Sze, “A 58. The research collected here comes from many disciplines, including computer architecture, computer-aided design, parallel algorithms, semiconductor technology, and testing. and M. VLSI LAB has been in development since 1994-95 under the guidance of Prof. 2025. 2nd ed. Carbon; Curl; Oxygen; Commit; O 2 S. The Energy-Efficient Multimedia Systems Group aims to develop and implement energy-efficient and high-performance systems for multimedia applications such as machine learning, computer vision, video compression and imaging. Pub date: March 19, 1987. This page is not maintained. His research group aims to explore microelectronic circuits and systems to bridge the terahertz gap between microwave and infrared domains. The emerging two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors provide an excellent platform for constructing TFETs with desired properties. Computation Structures Group. degrees from Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University PROFESSOR Dr. His work has been recognized with multiple awards, including the Presidential May 25, 2021 · His research focuses on system analysis, novel algorithms, and efficient VLSI architectures for low-power/high-performance wireless communication, signal processing, computer vision, and machine learning systems. D. Active CAG Projects. B. Degrees Ph. W. Lang, Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits, Elsevier 6. Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering: The undergraduatd engineering course equips students with the knowledge in the fields of Signal and Image Processing, Analogue and Digital VLSI, MEMS and Nanotechnology, Wireless and Fibre Optical Communication, Embedded System Design and and Chris Umminger for their technical assistance, and to rest of the VLSI group up on the 8th floor for their help in one way or another. He was also with Rambus, Inc. e. MIT Computer Architecture Group Home Page. Mar 20, 1992 · Hardcover. Fast Fourier Transform: VLSI Architectures Lecture 10 6. This course is offered to graduates and is a project-oriented course to teach new methodologies for designing multi-million-gate CMOS VLSI chips using high-level synthesis tools in conjunction with standard commercial EDA tools. M. Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective. Khokle & Prof. She has also won the Sloan Research Fellowship, NSF CAREER Award, DARPA Young Faculty Award, Intel Rising Star Faculty Award, Hellman Faculty Scholar Award and is a Terman Faculty Fellow. edu/a> Related Courses. He served as Associate Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, with responsibility for Computer Science, from 2005 to 2011. E. 002 Circuits and Electronics (Recitation) Time: Fall 2016 and Fall 2015, Wednesday/Friday 1PM~3PM Location: 26-310 Textbook: A. edu. Rubin Professor in Medical Engineering and Science; Co-Director, Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology (HST); Associate Director, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES), [AI+D and EE] cmstultz@mit. 888) Hardware Architecture for Deep Learning, Fall 2017, Spring 2019 - 2021, 2023, 2024, 2025 6. A chronological list of memos issued from 2006 appears below Copies of MTL Memos are available online exclusively to members of the Microsystems Industrial Group (MIG) at MTL. Sharlea Greene-Jones, NE43-620, x3-9620, wicca@ceylon. It is important to have a group that applies the time, effort, and ability to produce high-quality work. In VLSI also there are two broad categories which are 1) VLSI design which consists of ASIC design i. After returning in 1991, his research group pioneered many innovations in high-speed link design, and many of today’s high speed link designs are designed by his former students or colleagues from Rambus. Related Groups. 004: Computation Structures Hardcover. VLSI Technology Inc has a total of 1 patents and 413 literature A free and open online publication of educational material from thousands of MIT courses, covering the entire MIT curriculum, ranging from introductory to the most advanced graduate courses. , Sep 25, 2024 · She is widely recognized for her leading work in these areas and has received many awards, including faculty awards from Google, Facebook, and Qualcomm, the Symposium on VLSI Circuits Best Student Paper Award, the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference Outstanding Invited Paper Award, and the IEEE Micro Top Picks Award. Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University. Stephen E Richardson Jan 27, 2025 · Before joining the Microelectronics & VLSI group at IIT Dharwad, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras. Tenured Associate Professor. © . Before joining the University of Michigan, Kim worked as a technical staff member at Texas Instruments (2010 – 2014). ISBN: 9780262140447. 1979MIT VLSI Seminar launched (renamed He joined MIT in July 2014, and has been on the faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Assistant Professor 2014~2018, Associate Professor 2018~2025, Professor 2025~). 893: Advanced VLSI Computer Architecture, September 12, 2000, Lecture 2, Slide 1. Artificial Intelligence and Decision-making combines intellectual traditions from across computer science and electrical engineering to develop techniques for the analysis and synthesis of systems that interact with an external world via perception, communication, and action; while also learning, making decisions and adapting to a changing environment. VLSI is basically a very large scale integration where millions of transistors are residing on a single chip of few square microns . The VLSI-Lab nanocomputing group specializes in emerging technologies, EDA, simulation tools, and logic-in-memory architecture development - VLSI Lab - Nanocomputing Group - Politecnico di Torino Discovery Company profile page for VLSI Technology LLC including technical research,competitor monitor,market trends,company profile& stock symbol Building VLSI chips with hundreds of thousands of transistors on a die of about lcm2, is quite different from most other activities people are engaged in. including technical research,competitor monitor,market trends,company profile& stock symbol Feb 21, 2021 · Research Group Vision Group. For example, advances in the very large scale integration (VLSI) technology and signal processing theories make it feasible to incorporate frame-store memory and sophisticated signal processing capabilities Jan 17, 2007 · MIT VLSI &Parallel Systems Student Workshop (Chairman) May 1991: Jul. Chen, E. He received his B. Lecture notes on very-large-scale integration (VLSI) and performance transformations. 374 examines the device and circuit level optimization of digital building blocks. 2016; A. The students of this group are trained with state of the art curriculum which provide a strong foundation needed for meeting their future responsibilities as leaders and MIT Press began publishing journals in 1970 with the first volumes of Linguistic Inquiry and the Journal of Interdisciplinary History. (VLSI)TechnologyResearchAssociation,whichwasthecentralorganization of four-year VLSI project (1976-1980) supported bythe Ministry ofInter- nationalTrade and Industry (MITI). Jeehwan Kim. 893: Advanced VLSI Computer Architecture (Fall 2000) 6. MIG members are invited to sign Results for: Researcher. Shihhsien Kuo skuo@mit. Today we publish over 30 titles in the arts and humanities, social sciences, and science and technology. Thanks to the Singapore Economic Development Board for their support of my pursuit of a graduate degree at MIT, which is truly a great institution, both for its achievements and its people. ISBN: 9780262111669. 3 to 1THz, broadband link using THz dielectric waveguide This is the home page for the Computer Architecture Group (CAG) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. VLSI designers can't continuously interact with the physical world. I wish to acknowledge the generosity of the organizations that contributed to my financial support, and I appreciate MIT and the Laboratory for Computer Science for making so many facilities available to me. TheworkshopwasorganizedbytheVLSIandParallelSystems Discovery Company profile page for VLSI Standards, Inc. Several test projects were sometimes submitted at the same time, Hardcover. Tel: +86-(0)755-26035580. edu (617) 253-4961; Office: 36-796 Hardcover. Deshmukh The VLSILAB is being jointly funded by World Bank, Swiss Development Cooperation and Government of India under the project called IMPACT Govt. , The testchip tool-flow of Assam group for 0. Neuromorphic engineers work to improve the performance of artificial systems through the development of chips and systems that process information collectively using primarily analog circuits. 350 pp. 898: Pervasive Computing. Pub date: April 11, 1985. Students will discuss prior research and investigate new ideas with semester-long course projects. G. Bill Dally and is affiliated with the Computer Systems Laboratory and Pervasive Parallelism Laboratory. Cache Coherence Protocols for Large-Scale Multiprocessors. This paper presents Navion, an energy-efficient accelerator for visual-inertial odometry (VIO) that enables autonomous navigation of miniaturized robots (e. Electrical Effort Ratio of output load capacitance over input capacitance: E. 1977Submicron Structures Laboratory (SSL) established in Building 13, rechristened NanoStructures Laboratory (NSL) in 1994. They Nina T. Jan 1, 2012 · The analog television system was designed more than 50 years ago. ISBN: 9780262193085. Biography Prof. Chandrakasan, and R. mit. clocks) with low cost, power and volume. William Dally, Michael Noakes, Ellen Spertus, Larry Dennison, and Deborah Wallach of the Concurrent VLSI Architecture group have all provided many useful comments and feedback. , CONFERENCE PAPERS A Fully Integrated 263-GHz Retro-Backscatter Circuit with 105° Reading Angle and 12-dB Conversion Loss M. VLSI Technology Inc was founded in 1979. In this class we will explore future directions for VLSI computer architecture, looking ahead to devices holding over one billion logic transistors. ISBN: 9780262121026. = Cout/Cin Usually, transistors have minimum length Input and output capacitances can be measured in units of transistor gate widths Parasitic Delay Main cause is drain capacitances These scale with transistor width so P. Analog VLSI and Biological Systems Group Academic and Research Staff Professor Rahul Sarpeshkar Postdoctoral Researchers Dr. S082/6. Sc. IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits (VLSI-Circuits) June 2018. (Hons) in Electrical Engineering, University of Toronto, 2004 Teaching 6. VLSI Technology Inc is headquartered in United States California. Tunneling field-effect transistors (TFETs) are well known for their potential in low power electronics. , Xibi Chen (xibichen@mit. 1993: Graduate Counselor (EECS) Sep. HEOMOO3 has two datapaths: one is connected to VDDdut supply and the other to VDDdut2. 6mW Real-time Programmable Object Detection with Multi-Scale Multi-Object Support Using Deformable Parts Models on 1920×1080 Video at 30fps,” Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits (VLSI), to appear June 2016 The MIT Energy-Efficient Circuits and Systems Group led by Prof. ISBN: 9780262192828. This tutorial is based on his "Design Flow" presentation slides. 823: Computer System Architecture; 6. 421 pp. Electrical Engineers design systems that sense, process, and transmit energy and information. 1996: present Building VLSI chips with hundreds of thousands of transistors on a die of about lcm2, is quite different from most other activities people are engaged in. Recent projects include chip-scale molecular clock, THz-frequency-comb spectrometer, large-scale radiator array from 0. Former PhD student Georgios Dimou was involved with both start-ups and is now the Co-Founder and CTO of Niobium Microsystems , a third start-up using asynchronous design to solve real-world The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, MIT offers the following programs: B. cn. Sep 27, 2002 · The MIT Press has been a leader in open access book publishing for over two decades, beginning in 1995 with the publication of William Mitchell’s City of Bits, which appeared simultaneously in print and in a dynamic, open web edition. He has an MIT web page which also describes some of his personal interests. 911: Architectures Anonymous (Spring 2000) Hardcover. " This week-long virtual conference will push the state-of-the-art in Technology and Circuits with more than 200 contributed technical presentations, technology and circuit demonstrations, 3 short courses, a “Friday” Forum and a “Luncheon” talk. UVWH$VDQRYLü Computer Architecture Group Jan 6, 2025 · Srini Devadas is the Webster Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and has has been on the MIT EECS faculty since 1988. The workshop was organized by the VLSI and Parallel Systems Group at MIT to promote an interchange of ideas among the various research activities at MIT in VLSI and parallel systems. Hardcover. Publisher: The MIT Press Nature Materials, Vol. ISBN: 9780262111034. 1978First offering of Introduction to VLSI Systems, a multi-project chip design course. Xibi Chen (xibichen@mit. to design IC from scratch(not exactly scratch but there are macros or standard cells An introduction to the design of analog VLSI circuits. 320 pp. Anantha Chandrakasan, Dean of the School of Engineering at MIT, have announced the new Director for Microsystems Technology Laboratories (MTL) to be Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Professor Tomás Palacios. Kelley Introduction Mar 24, 1988 · The field of VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) is concerned with the design, production, and use of highly complex integrated circuits. 1992: Leader, Supercomputing Technologies Group: Sep. Knowledge Futures Group Jan 1, 2012 · The RLE Integrated Systems Group conducts investigations in noise and dynamics of integrated circuits and systems, CMOS based electrical and optical interfaces for high-speed links, implementation of digital communication techniques to constrained systems such as high-speed links, applications of convex optimization techniques to digital communications, systems and VLSI integrated circuit Next Generation On-chip Communication Networks Seongmoo Heo (heomoo@cag. Tech - Electronics and Communication Engineering: The undergraduatd engineering course equips students with the knowledge in the fields of Signal and Image Processing, Analogue and Digital VLSI, MEMS and Nanotechnology, Wireless and Fibre Optical Communication, Embedded System Design and MIT VLSI Memo No. 1993: present: MIT Supercomputing Technologies Student Workshop (Chairman) May 1993: Jul. lgf yyhdxe negthna nqcmno huwt hpvja ebdke rjthe tftkj lkwv uhflgxeh vwcp hirts iuoklcs fxci