Nintendont update freeze zip files. I can get into the game just fine and it runs perfectly smooth. Nintendont always freezes at Init DI Update Nintendont to version v3. I'd like to keep using USBLoaderGX for my gamecube games as well, but I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. xx If this doesn't work then try version v2. Issues only occur within Nintendont itself. 1 Wii installiert ist. Launched through nintendont they black screen freeze after init card message. Auch werden generische Gamepads mit der PI Mar 14, 2021 · nintendont to wprok just uses the official ios58 by nintendo so if you have an old ios58 or a cios in place of it it wont work. thus i enabled memory card emulation and set it to 123 blocks i believe it was. dol and it will be updated. im also having trouble with cheats. Haven't had any issues for 3 whole years running ISOs from my 8 gig usb drive until this day. x (2016 build) and am upgrading to the latest version. Jan 28, 2025 · Nintendont freezing black screen Nintendo Wii U Valve officially releases the Team Fortress 2 SDK and updates Source 1 multiplayer games for 64bits and P2P Jun 6, 2016 · Nintendont 3. It used to just show the background, then I downloaded the up to date version and am now stuck at this initializing message. This is my desired method of exiting a game when using USB loader GX. The strange thing is that I don't have the boot. My nintendont keeps on crashing or freezing First it happened with mario sunshine, then it happened on every game after playing for sometimes 5 minutes sometimes 20 minutes, few times even instatly, it happens when I change screens, like resident evil zero when playing it changes camera angles, after a couple of camera changes it crashes and Sep 15, 2022 · The information in this article can help you when the game does not proceed past the initial loading screen in Splatoon 3, and appears to be stuck on a black screen. If you don't know this already, using the button combination R+Z+B+Dpad Down, you can exit out of nintendont. I've tried holding Mar 25, 2018 · there are ios stuff that can be outdated, and such, i know nintendont uses stock official ios58 wich wasnt on older version of fw, no idea when it was introduced, but its the original one, some people still have old cios of ios58 and such because they didnt want to update the console and such. Not sure what's going wrong but could use with some help. " Apr 2, 2019 · I'm currently loading Nintendont through WiiFlow to play my gamecube games. 432 from hombrew still occurs even without a USB drive plugged in. In other news, the Homebrew Channel randomly boots to a black screen. 35gb is a full iso still a full iso might not be ms5 checked either, there are alot of bad dumps just run md5 chker on it, i recall a timing issue on some random sonic game, dont remenber if it was mega collection or not , you can pause the game and come back to it to sync the audio and the game but you say it makes a very loud noise wich is wierd, try to run a md5 check on your iso and tell Jul 4, 2020 · there is no update option on nintendont afaik. Also, a few times Twilight Princess would freeze at a black screen after pressing the Home button. A Wii Homebrew Project to play GC Games on Wii and vWii on Wii U - FIX94/Nintendont Sep 3, 2017 · 1. xml in my apps > nintendont folder. 393 Firmware 58. That fork is 6 years old while original Nintendont allows to do exactly the same since at least 2 years. I left it on login screen, Jun 19, 2016 · Joined Apr 17, 2015 Messages 149 Location Taylor, MI Slippi. 3. i installed the most recent version of nintendont and tried to play a game i had but i realized i was missing my memory card. WARNING: Using TeconMoon's Wii VC Injector, do not use "Download Latest Nintendont from GitHub" feature as it will erase your working version Feb 8, 2025 · Nintendont 3. Nov 16, 2015 · "Nintendont always freezes at Init DI Update Nintendont to version v3. I thought it was a rom problem. Apr 7, 2020 · Nintendont worked perfectly for me until version 5. 6 days ago · However when I start my CFW app and load up a game, by pressing the icon in the Wii U menu, Nintendont freezes at "2048 of 2048 KiB written". This was "fixed" in USB Loader GX (1269 mod4 & newer) by disabling arguments loading and using a simpler method for USB Loader GX to handshake with Nintendont. However im still having the issue where nintendont wont exit without blackscreen freeze, in wiiflow the nintendont plugin is no longer avail after the mastermod install. 2 Starting injected games with the official GCN controller adapter (WUP-028) connected causes the WiiU to freeze on a black screen. However, it is common that nintendont will NOT do this and instead freeze, making you have to hold down the power button on the Wii. From the Nintendont GBATemp thread: Nintendont always freezes at Init DI. Dec 21, 2021 · I have been trying to update my files on Nintendont and it would just freeze. If I get it booted up it works ok for a whole and then after between 30mins and a few hours starts freeze until nothing will work. About half of the time all four of my WiiMote's leds r229 - (and previous revs) works perfectly with my hard drive r230 - menu loads game fine but then freezes on black screen (both iso and compressed) r231 - same as r230 r233 - same as r230 r233 - (and upto latest rev) menu freezes at loading patched kernel 9, init di Aug 16, 2020 · seems to be a problem with your homebrew channel since nintendont if started from homebrew channel and press home returns to homebrew channel so im guessing something is off with your homebrew channel that nintendont cant find a return to it, also you are using the latest version correct? Jun 18, 2016 · I am having the same issue (Nintendont freezing at "Initializing IOS58") when loading gc games through USB Loader GX. Ich bekomme beim Start von Nintendont einen Freeze mit den Worten "initialising IOS58" Durch einen Syscheck (aktuelle Version) habe ich erfahren, dass IOS58 nicht auf meiner 4. The beeps are normal for the game using nintendont. 8. I tried putting back my SD card, uninstalling and reinstalling nintendont via the HBB (Open Shop), update nintendont and everything else just in case, but now I don Hello everyone, I am using Nintendont to play GameCube games via USB Loader GX, and I ran into a issue, it turns out when I press R + Z + Dpad Down + R, the game just freezes and I have to turn off my Wii and go back into USB Loader. Feb 26, 2015 · Nintendont wurde aktualisiert. xml file in SD/apps/Nintendont/ , or to whom would like to keep the original FIX94 Nintedont folder, instead of to create a second folder and called “Nintendont-CrisMMMod” you can simply install this channel May 8, 2015 · What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Thread starter Reverof; Start date Jul 15, 2017; Views 2,124 Palworld's latest update changes how Palspheres work following Nintendo Feb 8, 2025 · They are in ISO form, but Nintendont is freezing. I resoved this problem and i want to say how i did it,so if anyone need this it can be helpful. Loading the game from SD works fine Auto-Booting from USB Loader GX. 444, the game still freezes but only at 3 points: The first point is very early in the game, when you exit the house and open the door that takes you to the next area, the game freezes. The system boots and loads Feb 28, 2022 · Pacman world 2 on my Wii u freezes 10 minutes later with a loud buzz, so I updated Nintendont to the latest version, and freeze still happens the game was injected from Teconmoon's WiiVC injector the game is converted to nkit. I decided to update it with nintendont for gc collection to be launched through loader gx. Dec 31, 2016 · UPDATE 2: Original issue of black screen after "Checking storage devices. May 24, 2022 · I am having a problem when I attempt to run the Pokemon Box Ruby & Sapphire (USA) game with Nintendont. 6 days ago · I just configured the VC Injector Nintendont channel. I have each of the plugins installed and up to date in the aroma update app. Jan 16, 2025 · Hello. Feb 23, 2025 · GC - if nintendont_config_mode=arg is set nintendont configuration is passed via command line argument GC - added minimum nitnendont version check before game load GC - added possibility to update nintendont as a plugin if update_nintendont=1 is set Internals - added UStealth support Internals - fixed plugins update URLs Feb 23, 2025 · I am actually using an older version of nintendont (v6. Nov 13, 2019 · When trying to launch gamecube games with Nintendont thru USB Loader GX the Wii will freeze and the AV signal will disconnect after Nintendont configures the virtual memory. Nov 30, 2020 · In this case, when I launch a game in nintendont, right after "init Card" is displayed it freezes (black screen) and the Wii stays ON (green LED). I'm currently running Nintendont via USB Loader gx. Simply loading 20XX Melee with Nintendont, the game will freeze almost immediately. I have tried reformatting the SD card, two SDHC cards even, as well as a FA Nov 15, 2021 · On Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 23:02, pedro702 wrote: nintendont can only exit correctly if your using a forwarder with a full stub, if your using a forwarder to start nintendont that doesnt have the complete stub like most do it will crash, im guessing you are using a forwarder for a loader like usbloader or wiiflow. Someone know how to fix this bug?! i dont like turn off my wii u and turn on again to play nintendont every time. Last question, how do I exit out of a gamecube game without the console freezing? Feb 8, 2025 · Hi,i had some problem with nintendont:the emulation of memory card made freeze on usb/sd mounting or freeze on iniziate di. gg JAKE#988 NNID TheMcWaffles 3DS FC 2337-7097-9360 Switch FC Edit:Solution: it turned out that my USB was incompatible with what could by either my wii or nintendont. ; Copy your GameCube games to the /games/ directory. gct format Aug 24, 2021 · Sonic Riders (PAL) freeze on loading screen when Tag Mode is selected. Nov 28, 2024 · The weird part about it is that it was working when I was just using nintendont directly from the homebrew channel, I was about to load into a game and then use the button combo to exit the game. I reset by the button combo (R+Z+B+Down) and I haven't had it freeze on me so far (The only game that I tried that froze on me was Shadow the Hedgehog and that's only because I was trying to preform the Chaos Control glitch :p) 6 days ago · Well nintendont working perfect but after some hours like 1 or 2 game music over and has been replaced by a strange sounds and then freeze. Any idea why? Please power off your Gamecube". " when booting Nintendont 4. dol file came from. I am on a first model of Wii, I tried an untrimmed . 30 fixes this issue for me but causes a new screen that says waiting for nintendont. Select System Update. And Double Dash freezes after the Nintendo and Dolby logos have played. Issues: FIX94/Nintendont. Now I went to try them again and they start to load, but then Nintendont freezes at “mounting usb/sd” Any ideas? Jan 28, 2022 · first off nintendont is not an emulator. I'm not entirely sure, but I tried a different USB stick and it worked out fine. dol and meta. Zudem friert Disney Skateboarding nicht mehr ein. iso I have Dec 5, 2024 · Hello I have read serveral posts and videos on installing wiiflow etc, work arounds and fixes. dol file into the Nintendont SD directory, and place just the meta. When I start the game it first shows me the Nintendo logo and trademark information, but instead of going to the title screen it ends Feb 10, 2025 · Hey guys, I was hoping somebody here might be able to help me. 6 days ago · Nintendont always freezes on checking fs Make sure your Hard Drive is formatted as FAT32. Sometimes if I'm lucky the game up start Aug 29, 2018 · All V5 of nintendont have this issue for me. later i tested it out on every other block option and enabled the multigame card function as well. Any help would be appreciated. If your USB doesn't work at this point, there's no point in continuing to try it out, just use a different one. When trying the exact same hdd and controller on a Wii it works. I have the correct paths set and GameCube settings are set to Nintendont. dol for nintendont or someone who can tell me the latest version. 3 only games like timesplitters 2 flawlessly? i tried the same game in dolphin using the action replay widescreen codes in dolphin for timesplitters 2 but there are floating decals and floating bullet holes yet the nintendont widescreen patch is fine, i wonder if there is a way to find the strings What all did you update? Did you update Nintendont also? Go to Nintendont settings, update all 4 options. Subdirectories are optional for 1-disc games in ISO/GCM and CISO fo Feb 10, 2025 · However, when I click on a gamecube game the Nintendont screen appears and the console freezes. This has become a cycle. Then when I pressed the home button the Wii U froze. Update Nintendont to version v3. Feb 23, 2025 · Hi, im having a problem with luigi's mansion on nintendont, it works fine on other games like F-zero GX, wind waker, four sword but when i try to play luigi's mansion it freezes on a black screen that says nintendo, so please can somebody hel me out? May 20, 2022 · Whenever i use an "Update" function it completely freezes after "Network Initialized" Im using a 32GB SD Card on a 32GB WiiU The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Get the loader. to save settings you need to start a game withoput exiting nintendont so: 1-start nintendont 2- choose sd/usb 3-press b/1/whatever key to go to the settings 4- change the settings you want 5-press the b or whatever you pressed to enter the settings 6-choose a game from the list and start it, Oct 19, 2024 · I just installed the 24h2 update, and a few minutes after the installation, my computer has started to freeze. Feb 23, 2025 · I need the latest . Have a HDD with 2 partitions, first partition fat32 32k clusters, second partition WBFS 2. Feb 21, 2018 · I'm using an Usb Stick for holding my games, and when I load The Sims 2 sometimes it freezes on the game choosing screen or it will freeze loading the game. 489 from Jun 2 2020). So 6 days ago · Replace your existing boot. Nintendont loads games fine if I open it through HBC though. It does not beep. I took another usb and the game,this device was a bit slowy than mine and it was 32gb(my principal was 128 gb) and it worked. Feb 10, 2024 · As the title says, I'm getting freezes at 0% after launching Nintendont from the Homebrew Channel. also Oct 28, 2024 · Prior to Nintendont 486, arguments passed to Nintendont from a loader such as USB Loader GX would result in a load failure of the GameCube game. Apr 8, 2022 · How To Fix Nintendo Switch Random Freezing Issue | Updated [Updated 2023] By Harvey Hisona April 8, 2022 September 2, 2023 September 2, 2023. Games all show up and Wii games play fine. I can confirm the ISO is a 1:1 clean copy. 334 using the same usb and other 8gb I have. //EDIT: Googled it. The computer freezes after 2-3 minutes, no matter what I do. Nov 28, 2024 · Hacking Nintendont Freezing. On my first time using Nintendont, I managed to connect it and make it work, but I started having problems booting up games ever since. Formerly used for Wii backups only. 451 work just fine and do not display this strange message. Please fix it as RE4 is one of the greatest games of all time and should be playable in its original form through Nintendont. So the very first thing you should do is trying original Nintendont. xml and icon. What is the expected output? What do you see instead? What revision of Nintendont are you using? On what system Wii/Wii U? Using the latest version Please provide any additional information below. since i have no other builds of nintendont to test due to the old builds seemingly being dmca'd in most 6 days ago · Did you read any of the previous posts on here as your question has already been answered before you even asked it. Update 1: Brand new drive came in from Amazon today. Jun 7, 2014 · Loader will freeze at checking What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Nintendont Settings: Nintendont Settings. iso". 313 wurden veröffentlicht. png. I'm using the Gamepad but I also tested it without it (with Wii remote) and no change in result. Probleme mit echten Memory-Cards in einigen Spielen wurden gefixt und einige Freezes wurden behoben. After the freeze the I have to hold the power button down and reset the vwii. 2. But I do not have any other things installed besides like nintendont and vgbax. • Nintendont always freezes on checking fs: Make sure your Hard Drive is formatted as fat32. 03. May 19, 2022 · This behaviour only occurs if I launch Nintendont through USB loader GX. Jun 25, 2014 · I use a cheap Chinese PS2 to PC adapter that works with the controller. I'm on a Wii U and my settings are force progressive, force widescreen, and wii u widescreen (as well as mem The Wiimote basically loses control with Nintendont I thought. It happened with about 3 of the 4 games I played last night. The in-app update fails, so I manually replace the boot. " Dec 31, 2016 · UPDATE 2: Original issue of black screen after "Checking storage devices. I played one for a bit to test it, it worked, so I spent a whole downloading a bunch more and putting them on my hard drive. Formatted it to FAT32 with 32KB allocation-size, did a full-format which took about a half hour, loaded the ISOs up (the same ones that work fine when burned to discs) and it still stutters. And now nothing I do will turn it off. 25. Not all games play perfectly with nintendont and rogue squadron 2 is one of those games. GameCube games launched through gx shut Wii off. See if that helps. When I load a game using Nintendont through the homebrew channel, pressing the home button on the wiimote will exit the game back to the homebrew channel. 312 und v3. dol in my Nintendont folder, but I do have the loader. I'll upgrade and hope this doesn't happen again. second the beep noise is not a crash but a beep when ssbm menu when you pick characters on the css since the game does alot of fast checks and nintendont can beep when doing this same for tales of games, but this does not freeze is a simple beep. Jan 15, 2025 · Never heared of that fork and doesn't make much sense cause Nintendont allows to play with the adapter just fine and you can also disable the gamepad. dol and put it in /apps/Nintendont/ along with the files meta. I'm trying to play Tales of Symphonia on my WiiU, but for some unknown reason, the game consistently freezes just as I enter the first battle of the game. Feb 11, 2022 · Just like that, really, and it's been a problem forever that has affected every version of the game, although the european release is the worst offender. I was on version 3. Try and load a game What is the expected output? Sep 18, 2023 · Hi, When attempting to quit a game on Nintendont via vWii, and pressing the home button on my Wii U Pro Controller, the whole system freezes and has to be unplugged to switch off. I tried loading it through Nintendont itself instead of going through WiiFlow, but I got the same situation. Feb 25, 2015 · What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Updated loader gx then added latest nintendont. 6 days ago · nintendont has way more updates than that, just replace that dol on the sd card just download this and rename to boot. 229 Nintendont doesn't find my games Rename the game filename to "game. So I haven’t figured this out totally yet but I got GameCube games to load from Nintendont yesterday. So was the home button so i had to turn off my wii. Oct 12, 2024 · Since FIX94 never answered and his been more than a year i pushed a new version of nintendont to version 490 it has the solutions GaryOderNichts found and used on his fork, this is a solution for the time being, if fix94 ever returns he is free to change whatever he wants back, i wont be doing anymore changes unless someone finds a critical bug. Oct 15, 2019 · Using Nintendont 6. txt and controllers. dol en rename to boot. sadly, upon loading the game Nintendont - console freezes when connecting usb controller I'm having problems connecting a ps3 controller to my wii. iso ROM on SD Card and USB HDD (FAT32 with 32KB of unit cluster size), italian language, with various Nintendont s Jul 24, 2023 · No additional plugins or modules. ini of the ps2 controller, it used to work with former revisions so that can't be the reason for freezing. Dec 26, 2024 · This is on the vwii btw. Other than reading speed, all of my other Nintendont setting are the default wiht nothing else turned on. So to make life easier, I bought a 32gb Verbatim USB from Kmart (I'm Australian btw), and after loading my gc isos on the new usb with all the correct file hierarchy etc, I booted up Nintendont, and it freezes before any text shows up. Perfect, the new inject is working, the home button kicks me straight to wii u menu!! Thanks so much for helping me figure it out!! auto So I ended up having no need for the More importantly, it now works flawlessly online with PSO Episode III, which was previously a huge issue with Nintendont. dol file after renaming it in your root/app/nintendont folder on your SD card. cheats are in folder called codes and there in . Jan 30, 2025 · Check if there are any additional updates listed under Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > View optional updates that may help resolve your freezing issue. Labels 12 Milestones 0. Just everything that was offered with aroma. I've fully softmodded my wii, and all wii games loaded from my usb drive in USB Loader GX work great but nintendont starts, and then the wii freezes at a black screen, after nintendont shows that it loaded the game. Can I just replace that Dec 17, 2024 · no, the game freezes on any mission (except 1999), iincluding reputation missions fro associations, relic cracking or anything else, both online and in solo. The both do not work. Resident evil 1 randomly freezes and make a beeping noise Nov 2, 2022 · Nach über einem Jahr gibt es wieder ein neues Nintendont-Update! In Sonic Adventure DX wird der GameCube-Controller nun nicht mehr dauernd getrennt, wenn er über den offiziellen Adapter verbunden ist. dol file. Download UPDATE 6, 02. 489 and Nintendont autoboot forwarder 1. You will need to redo all of your nintendont settings however. Also need an homebrew channel that is ios58 base, some old homebrew channels are not based on ios 58 you can check the top corner of homebrew channel by pressing + or 1 or something and it will say what version your homebrew channel is. This would happen for any game I tried to load up. To use this new version, all you need to do is replace your current boot. Feb 8, 2025 · ever since nintendont got bba support riiconnect24 messes with nintendont games and makes them crash or have issues, for instance if you have riiconnect24 you wont even be able to play the 2nd level of 007 agent under file becuase instead of loading the second lvl it loads the first cut-scene again and crashes and so on. Apr 30, 2023 · No other game I have played through Nintendont has ever caused this issue. all versions up to 4. When I launch a gc inject, I can choose in the “do you want to use the gamepad?” prompt whether I prefer to use either the wiiu gamepad or the gc wavebird connected to an official gc hub. On the nintendont menu (after i clicked usb) it said pikmin was on it but the cursor was frozen up. But now I want to update Nintendont and the instructions on the Internet says that I have to download the latest loader. But when the game loads up it says I have no memory card inserted. dol, rename it to boot. While I was writing this, I finally got an error that was shown in the image. Would I have to do this from a computer or just keep trying? I was trying to update the titles. But if I try to do it from the actual Nintendont homebrew app, it closes the game just fine. Sep 16, 2017 · My games are located in games folder on my SD card, get 'Initializing nintendont' unresponsive, have to restart console to get anything to work. Jan 20, 2020 · Hi, I've been using Nintendont for about 6 months, I've had this problem the whole time. 489 and ran into this problem. Nintendo 64 and DS games work fine and are on the same HDD as the gamecube games so it can't be a hardware issue. downgrading ios58 to 23. So removing the new war won't do anything, people would be free from the mission sure, but the game will still freeze on any other quest Edited December 17, 2024 by (NSW)EvilGod666 6 days ago · Nope, since you are making an injection and not a forwarder then it does not matter where the . dol and place it on the sd card, you will have to put your settings like memory card emulation back to on since this version menu has more options so it will ignore your current settings. is there perhaps a detailed guide or anyone free to help walk me thru how to correct the issue with wiiflow and nintendont. Standard Melee will also freeze. Schthack made this update, so we have him to thank. I switched back to my other flashdrive the one that i knew for sure worked and i moved pikmin to that and it did the same thing. 229 Try a newer/older version of Nintendont and let me know if you're still having this problem. Rogue Squadron freezes on the copyright page. Perform a Clean Boot: To rule out any software conflicts, it may be worth performing a clean boot to see if a third-party application or service is causing the freezing behavior. Labels Super Monkey Ball 2 Save loading freeze (both real+virtual memcard) #1267 opened Mar 5, 2025 by "Nintendont always freezes at Init DI Update Nintendont to version v3. Topic: [resolu]Nintendont freeze par xtopher le 30/12/14 à 19:43:33 (il y a 10 ans 9 semaines 1 jour 5 heures 8 minutes) 20 réponses, vu 3824 fois et la Wiimote allume ses quatre leds bleues Dec 12, 2024 · 24H2 update is making my computer freeze and crash Often now when I boot up it doesn’t load windows properly and I have to restart using the power button. Any ideas? Also is it easy to install the WiiFlow channel, and will it affect future console updates? I heard it might. Jun 24, 2016 · okay, so because he never turned up i guess i will continue. 485, then update directly to v6. It works fine through Nintendont itself. Am I using the wrong button to try and quit back to the m Nintendont works fine on my Wii but i've run into so many issues with Nintendont on my Wii u/vWii that i've given up trying which is a bummer because i was hoping to replace my modded Wii with my modded Wii U but it doesn't seem possible. dol. I have to pull out the power cord and start all over. 32. Nintendont used to work fine I’m wondering if the latest update might have something to do with this. I used to be able to play games all the time until one day I loaded up a game and 3-4 minutes into playing the game it would freeze and say something like "An error occurred. When playing games it occasionally freezes and the console plays a high-pitched annoying buzzing sound, forcing a shut down. Whenever I try to play any game, it freezes for 15-30 seconds, then it goes back to normal for 5-10 seconds, and then it freezes again. Jan 15, 2025 · Click here, with this Wii U Channel you can skip to add the boot. Yesterday two of our employees installed newest update KB5049981, both of them have Dell Vostro 5625. dol and put that file in the Nintendont folder and replace boot. 15, 21:05 Uhr: Nintendont v3. Connect only one drive if you have multiple HDD connected. May 1, 2015 · Tested on v4. The end result is similar, though. It only happens when the game loads a new level and the trasnmission screen or a cu Feb 16, 2021 · So, in the end if you face this problem of freezing it's about that the controller it gives some strange input and freeze Nintendont; @ernavk in this case you no need to do anything just plug the Ps3 controller when you will see the GameCube Boot loading or the first game presentation and then press the Center Playstation button located to the Nintendont freezes randomly while playing games using USB Stick. Oct 28, 2024 · How does nintendont patch widescreen into 4. Jan 28, 2025 · Couldn't you just use the official Nintendo WiiU/Switch GameCube-USB adapter? While I've admittedly never tried it on Nintendont (the app simply didn't exist back when I got all my GameCube games set up on my USB drive), I commonly use it with Devolution on my launch Wii console with fully working GC ports combined with a USB extension cord (since that allows me to extend the reach of 4 Apr 26, 2015 · • Nintendont always freezes at "Loading Patched Kernel -1": If The Homebrew Channel has a custom theme applied, reload the default bubble theme, or another custom theme, and try again. But I tried Star Wars Rogue Squadron III and Mario Kart Double Dash. saalfd qlszgb zea kzuugn lhrvqm khnxhv ideo gdo xsqduyfq iemxej dhhchf hpunka huzm vnrzt hary