Nissan ka24e valve adjustment 2 and 4. You did check the valve adjustment didnt you? You may want to add . net/Show how to service Hydraulic Tensioner without removing timing chain cover. also, b4 that, disconnect your throttle/position sensor. 45 volts, iacv has been replaced 2 times now. Remove the air box. 010-. 41mm) 2. i think it was off an altima. I did spray carb cleaner on all vacuum lines and pretty much all over the motor and there was no changed. The light will flash every time the #1 spark plug fires. A mechanic diagnosed good spark, good fuel, good compression, bad timing. cc/phBqtJH8) Use a mirror to see exactly where your idle adjustment screw is. Probably not to big of a deal worth noting though, most likely has to do with lifter adjustment itself, as the hydraulic lifters have "automatic" valve lash adjustment. 30-. APPLIED MODEL: 1990 Truck (D21) with KA24E engine. Aug 9, 2023 · The KA24E wasn’t a particularly good engine at the time; the SOHC 12-valve unit severely lacked the kind of power that you’d typically expect from a sports car. Jan 13, 2010 · This is a very simple and quick adjustment. 5: Idle speed adjustment-VG30E engine; Access our Nissan Pick-ups and Pathfinder 1989-1995 Idle Speed Adjustment Repair Guide by creating an account or signing into your AutoZone Rewards account. The TPS is there to tell the ECU how hard you have your foot on the gas. The red arrow points to 10° BTDC. How to adjust valves 1990 Nissan truck KA24E? Updated: 10/22/2022. also (liquid) the screws on the throttle body are for adjusting the throttle plate position Jan 26, 2010 · Then your stuck doing a new valve and taking the head off, at least quite possibly 4 new valves, a piston and you may get away with a hone. Engine should be up to operating temperature. Timing chain appears to have jumped enough teeth to prevent it from running, but not enough to kiss any valves. (https://postimg. It's formulated specifically for cleaning oil deposits off the hydraulic valve lash adjusters and their tiny little oil passages. May 31, 2008 · 1990 Nissan 240sx KA24E the car it takes a while to return to idle. Aug 17, 2009 · Valve Medic is exactly what it says it is. It’s a sensor. Aug 20, 2007 · The lifters in your 1991 KA24E are hydraulic and are therefore self adjusting based on oil pressure. Adjust engine speed by turning idle speed adjusting screw (A/T in "N" position). VALVE CLEARANCE ADJUSTMENT Nissan 240sx 2. Ensure that all of the material comes out/off the valve stem, and clean off any remaining material if needed. Dec 22, 2013 · Disconnect IACV-AAC valve sub-harness connector. All of the intake valves hit pistons and new aftermarket intakes have been installed. Adjust valve clearances by replacing lifter shims. The hydraulic lifter consists of a hollow expanding piston situated between the camshaft and valve, either operated by a rocker mechanism or, in Dec 10, 2009 · Checking the TPS and Adjusting the Idle . Then, the final torque of the bolts from the center bolts outward to 6. The tool I used:https://w Nov 14, 2007 · 4. very nice. the top plug. It has a KA24 engine and a 5 speed manual transmission. Jump to Latest 21 - 33 of 33 Posts. 4: Idle speed adjustment-KA24E engine; Fig. Sounds too easy. Install air duct. 23 in). martin-industries. Martin Industries. -Roger Finally, I'm tearing down my 94 HB XE to replace all the old timing components, belts, and a Dec 5, 2005 · Nissan Trucks. My 95 ka24e runs pretty well. Oct 30, 2003 · Testing the AAC(auxiliary air control): A. 33-. What’s unique is that the 2. (12 valve SOHC engine) top of page. Check overall function1. I changed the o2 sensor, no major change, unplugged the AAC Valve/IACV and it was a little better. " you can adjust that and the ECU will work from there. 3: Idle speed adjustment-Z24i engine; Fig. It would still bounce but would hold around 1000 rpm for a bit at times. What is the recommended mileage to have the valves checked / adjusted? I understand that you need special tools and shims to complete the job, so it is best to have a professional mechanic do it. m. Dec 18, 2007 · Wrong Wrong and agree. Go to http://carfiche. Photobucket has restricted their 3rd party sharing at this time. The intake valves are 36. If adjusting the screw doesn't change idle, then you need to: 1. Jul 26, 2019 · Here's a procedure for setting up the distributor timing on a KA24E (SOHC) motor: Remove the distributor and the oil pump. 2) To adjust idle switch, disconnect throttle position sensor connector (idle switch connector plugged in). Quantity. Nov 27, 2006 · Has anyone adjusted the valve lash using the shims that are required as per the FSM? My KA24DE has some valvetrain noise and I figure it may be time to do it seeing as it is a solid lifter engine and it has never been done. If the oil passages are blocked, which can and does happen on older KA24E engines the lifters start ticking and banging. Restart the engine and point the timing light at the crankshaft pulley. 4L / Auto) with 75,000 miles. I'll be working on recovering the instructional photos for this thread. Probably spent a half hour turning that damn thing 3 full rotations. I've been told this engine has the hydraulic lifters in the rocker arms (is this so, and is it in the cam or valve side). Log In. I have a ticking noise from the top of the engine and I read somewhere that you could take the valve cover off and put your finger on the culprit and then tighten it. The correct mark is the 4th from the left (see picture below). Apr 29, 2002 · The hydraulic lifter was designed to ensure that the valvetrain always operates with zero clearance, leading to quieter operation and eliminating the need for periodic adjustment of valve clearance. Sep 23, 2004 · ka24e valves Tech Talk. Engine cold idle is about 1400 or so then comes down to slightly above 1000. if idle speed drops Feb 8, 2018 · Had the dist bolts tight and in the center of the adjusting space. Wiki User. Some SUV versions of this engine had a redline of 6100rpm. disconnect throttle sensor harness connector5. Dec 11, 2019 · I disassemble a Nissan Ka24e Rocker arm to try and determine what causes them to stick. Jim More info at: https://www. *The oil feed was revised, and rpm was limited to 6900rpm, then this was cut to 6400rpm to facilitate the implementation of the Nissan 240SX's cam profile and intake design around 2004. 7 to 8. do a compression check. The pickup in question is a 1992 D21 ka24e manual 5 spd 4x4 I've noticed chain rattle and a sawing sound on my Hardbody since not too long after I got it, and after a fair bit of research (mostly on this site), I have gained some knowledge on the infamous crumby timing chain guides on these otherwise sweet Dec 28, 2017 · We will be adjusting the valve lash on my Nissan 720 (with the 2. Jan 1, 2007 · 1997 nissan Hardbody- ka24e-I just replaced my timing chain, guides, tensioner, waterpump, oil pump, and all belts and new valve cover gasket. Well it started with a rough idle problem. Sorry for the inconvenience. It works VERY well for this, and yes, your 95 KA24E engine should have hydraulic adjusters. 44 in) in diameter and the exhaust valves are 31. The camshaft is driven by a roller chain driven by the crankshaft. The Nissan KA24E motor use three valves per cylinder (two intake valves and single exhaust valve) and the dual type valve springs. I have found Martin Industries that sells a self adjusting (ratcheting) tensioner but holy cow they are $150! Anyone know of a cheaper solution? Nissan KA24E Self Adjusting Tensioner (12 valve SOHC engine) | Martin Industries Your Go To Fix For Nissan KA24E & KA24DE Engine Startup Rattle. Jan 3, 2008 · I have 1986 Nissan with 128K miles with the z 24 engine and I have a definite lifter knock for one of the cylinders. It does have some adjustment of it’s own and we’ll try to give our version of what our Factory Manual says (though we won’t even come close to doing it justice): The KA24E was a workhorse engine in Nissan automobiles from 1988 until 2004. The exhaust valves were reseated along with the intakes, the head re assembled on the bench. You parts guy was right. Includes exploded views of engine components, engine block, and cylinder head. Jul 11, 2005 · Have a 90 Nissan Stanza with the KA24E engine that is making a ticking sound from one or more rockers. Then, spray a bottle of throttle body cleaner down the hose while manually opening the throttle body. 1 Your Go To Fix For Nissan KA24E & KA24DE Engine Startup Rattle Call Us: 509-868-2499 One Adjustable Piston, Five adjusting shims, One Chain Wedge Kit, One New Stock Piston Spring Dec 16, 2018 · To purchase parts see https://www. Nissan implemented a solution to this and gave us the KA24DE, which saw numerous upgrades compared to its predecessor, making it a far superior unit. As engines run, they sometimes go out of time, causing a rough idle, loss of power and poor gas mileage. the point is the guide is right it just describes the pinout from the wire harness side not the tps harness side. 002 to the factory settings when picking your feeler gauges for this chore, since the engine will be cold and the settings are usually designed for a hot engine. and i did end up checking the voltage and got it set at . It isn’t there to adjust for the idle. Minimal skill required. If continuity is incorrect, replace idle switch. Aug 30, 2004 · Information on the naturally-aspirated KA24E and KA24DE engines. This document provides information on servicing a 2. start engine and warm it up2. Symptoms: Aug 12, 2003 · That guy says that when using a regroud cam, it can be ground to be optimised with the solid lifters (more so than with a ground cam with hydraulics). cc/fkBB2C5Q) Using a stubby phillips or flat screwdriver, turn the adjustment screw Apr 21, 2009 · Measure valve clearance on intake valves for cylinders No. 3 and 4 and valve clearance on exhaust valves for cylinders No. Dec 15, 2023 · KA24DE Camshaft Torque Specs. A/T: 700 rpm. Contains instructions and data on repair procedures. Takes 5 minutes. 34 in) in diameter and the exhaust valves are 40. Dec 2, 2019 · Nissan NV200 Forum; Technical Engine Tuning Nissan Tires, Wheels, Brakes and Suspension Nissan Audio / Entertainment / Security Interiors Detailing Forum; NICO Marketplace Advertisers' Marketplace! Fabricators' Market; Classifieds Nissan For Sale Infiniti for Sale Infiniti Parts For Sale Nissan / Infiniti Wanted (WTB) Electronics (for sale Fig. Customer: I have a 1994 Nissan D21 pickup 2wd, 2. Aug 23, 2007 · There are many complicated instructions you will find to adjust the valve clearance and but just remember this: All you have to really do is to adjust the clearance of that particular valve, when the camshaft is on the base circle! (rocker arm not touching cam at all and free to move, not under camshaft pressure). Aug 17, 2018 · Describing how to change the rocker arms on a '97 Nissan pickup with a KA24E engine. But, the Nissan has a distributor, and by disconnecting the TPS I guess you disconnect the electronic timing variation that the ECU is doing. Within the adjustment range. The hydraulic lifter consists of a hollow expanding piston situated between the camshaft and valve, either operated by a rocker mechanism or, in the Mar 7, 2025 · The valve system has a pivot type rocker arm that is activated directly by the cam mechanism. Oct 27, 2008 · Instead of using hydraulic lifters (self-adjusting), most Nissan engines use a "shim-and-bucket" system, where the valves will require adjustment after about 60,000 miles. Then adjust it. 013-. Mechanic also said 12+ hours to replace. 38mm)-- Exhaust . 00 Price. The 1991 KA24DE engine is a DOHC engine with a cam on bucket design, so it does not have rockers or lifters. Does anyone know how or if its possible to adjust valves on the 24e. The chain-driven engine featured two intake valves and a single exhaust valve, measuring 34. Jun 28, 2014 · UPDATE: November 2017. It would bounce between 500 rpm to 2200 rpm. M/T: 700 rpm (Then there's an Arrow pointing to an Illustration of the idle screw under intake) Reconnect IACV-AAC valve sub-harness connector. 4L KA24E. 6 mm (1. This is the adjustment screw we are looking for. 1. 4. Take he black hose that connects to the iacv and pull the end off. Still runs Feb 28, 2007 · yeah, i've also got a 97 ka24e with the timing chain noise, on startup it would rattle for a couple of seconds and be fine; i just changed my oil a few days ago and the chain has been rattling just about ever since, while idiling and driving. Oct 1, 2003 · Nissan Titan Forum Nissan Pathfinder Forum / Infiniti QX4 Forum Infiniti QX30 Forum Infiniti EX35 / EX37 and QX50 / QX55 Forum Infiniti JX35 / QX60 Forum Infiniti FX35 / FX45 / FX37 / FX50 / QX70 Forum Armada Forum / QX56 Forum / QX80 Forum Nissan NV200 Forum; Technical Engine Tuning Nissan Tires, Wheels, Brakes and Suspension Feb 25, 2015 · TIming is spot on, maf is good, tps is set at 0. Sep 1, 2004 · Ok this last statement is not true. Apr 3, 2009 · 1993 Nissan D21 4X4 5spd. Is the IAC the fault here or am I looking at more like a vacuum leak. 015 Hot-inches (. Engine is 13 degrees BTDC and ran well this way for the 500 mil with throttle valve fully closed (no continuity with throttle valve open). 0- and 2. (12 valve SOHC engine) Jan 23, 2024 · The KA24E engine, a 2. 4L 4-Cylinder Axxess, Pickup, Stanza, 240SX * PLEASE READ THIS FIRST * NOTE: For engine repair procedures not covered in this article, Dec 10, 2009 · The hydraulic lifter was designed to ensure that the valvetrain always operates with zero clearance, leading to quieter operation and eliminating the need for periodic adjustment of valve clearance. 50. Nov 27, 2005 · The hydraulic lifter was designed to ensure that the valvetrain always operates with zero clearance, leading to quieter operation and eliminating the need for periodic adjustment of valve clearance. or 1” wrench on the cam hex to back up your torque wrench (never use the chain for resistance)!. 012. Now you need to find Top Dead Center (TDC) for the compression stroke in order to time the ignition distributor. When the engine is cold the noise can be quite loud but can subside as the oil warms up. check idle speed- should be 700 -+ 50(if no good, adjust)3. 4 ft-lb and again to 4. Finally had to have my buddy wiggle the rotor just a tiny bit. Maybe its the RB26, but maybe it Feb 14, 2019 · How to get rid of lifter tick in 15 minutes (ka24e) this is what worked to me so I thought I would share!Instagram @dfitzwm Jun 25, 2004 · Nissan Engines SR20DET Forum (rear-drive) SR20DE / SR20VE / SR20DET Forum (front drive) KA24E / KA24DE Forum KA24ET / KA24DET Forum CA18DE / CA18DET Forum VG30 / VE30 Forum VQ30DE / VQ35DE / VQ35HR Forum RB20DET / RB25DET / RB26DETT Forum QR Series VH45DE / VK45DE / VK56DE Forum Hybrids; Nissan Motorsports Nissan Road Racing / Auto X Forum Jul 4, 2014 · I have a 1997 (I bought new in 1997) Nissan pickup with 197 K miles on it. So keep this in mind if you've had a valve job; your lash will be different and require adjustments. net Forums | Nissan 240SX (Silvia) and Z (Fairlady) Car Forum Jun 3, 2009 · A search on freshalloy gave me this: "To correctly adjusting the idle, disconnect the Throttle Position Sensor, start up the engine. Cart. When I unplug the idle air control valve, the idle drops to a more normal 700 rpm but misfires and sputters like it doesn't want to run well. 4L 1990 M11 KA24E Engine Repair Manual. Turn car off and plug the tps back in. 4L 4-cylinder engine used in 1999 Nissan Frontier and Xterra vehicles. If they skip this extra step you will be in a world of hurt when you go to assemble and setup your head. Then plug sensor back in. The KA24E needs to have the valve lash adjusted, but not the DE. 5. 016 Hot-inches (. the oil is full, 5w30. The exhaust valve clearances ranged from . O2 sensor was replaced 2 months ago. if you just dump some seafoam/carb cleaner stuff down the hose from the intake tube into the IACV it will probably clean the valve out. On firewall side of throttle body. . Hopefully this helps. Nissan KA24DE Self Apr 6, 2005 · I have a 1990 Stanza (KA24E) that doesn't run. Call Us: 509-868-2499. to/3LVxxKjHello Friends! Today we locate and replac Sep 15, 2011 · 5. 4L L4 KA24E. not the first time i've changed the oil either, using a fram filter. 4. One or more valves too loose or too tight. there is definately an adjustment screw on my 1999 late/early 2000 GXE adjust from directly above with long phillips. Part Number: 059-331H. make sure code no. Using a pair of valve stem pliers, or carefully with long needle-nose pliers, remove the old valve stem seal. 43is not displayed. 4L 4-CYL - VINS [F,H,S] 1990 Nissan 240SX 1990 ENGINES Nissan 2. Reference: TECHNICAL BULLETIN NTB90-023 Models: 1990 Truck (D21) Date: March 8, 1990 FAST IDLE ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE. Locate ECU behind center console, next to accelerator pedal. Not sure if this helps but I have a 95 Nissan pickup ka24e which requires no adjustments (self-adjusting). Closer than it was before, but still not PERFECT. SERVICE PROCEDURE. who knows. Idles fine except when the air cleaner & housing are off and the idle fluctuates Apr 17, 2014 · Nissan Titan Forum Nissan Pathfinder Forum / Infiniti QX4 Forum Infiniti QX30 Forum Infiniti EX35 / EX37 and QX50 / QX55 Forum Infiniti JX35 / QX60 Forum Infiniti FX35 / FX45 / FX37 / FX50 / QX70 Forum Armada Forum / QX56 Forum / QX80 Forum Nissan NV200 Forum; Technical Engine Tuning Nissan Tires, Wheels, Brakes and Suspension Dec 2, 2019 · Okay, I finally got the engine running consistently, idle is about 900rpm, can't seem to get it lower without it starting to stumble, advance at idle is 19 degrees but when I blip the throttle the revs go up to 1200-1300 and hang there for 4 seconds or so before backing down to 900. Always use a 26 m. Apr 13, 2009 · well, i'll be brief i have a 240sx with da ka24e, it runs good on cold when temp gauge is at normal it starts choking in low speed its automatic. If the valve face is ground or if the valve seats are cut,(usually they are during a "valve job"), the valve will sit further into the head which will change your dimensions and VALVE LASH. Have recently done the tune up stuff along with bg44k fuel treatment and de carbonizer, #210&208. Tools required: First warm car up to operating temperature Next turn engine off and remove keyDisconnect the AAC connector from the IACV (Idle Air Control Valve)seen here (yellow) Start the engine and use the IACV adjustment screw to lower idle to 650rpm Oct 31, 2021 · Engine has 500 miles on it with a rebuilt head and bottom end and of course timing components. The KA24E came in 2. One Self Adjusting Tensioner (UPPER) 16 valve DOHC engine. May 22, 2016 · Installed a Tensioner Spacer from Mr1Jim, start up rattle fixed Feb 11, 2005 · Remember if any machine work was done on your cylinder head (seats, valve work) the machinist must measure the installed height of the valve stem before grinding. The 1991 KA24DE engine has shims on the buckets that allow you to adjust the valves. Been going on for a good while and have been wanting to adjust the valve lash. 4L inline-4 has a 12-valve layout, translating to three valves per cylinder. The hydraulic lifter consists of a hollow expanding piston situated between the camshaft and valve, either operated by a rocker mechanism or, in Your Go To Fix For Nissan KA24E & KA24DE Engine Startup Rattle. Filled the pump with oil to prime it, I then installed the oil pump before the oil pan which i was able to mark the gear on the shaft with the mark to verify the pump lines up with the shaft mark so it Oct 30, 2003 · How to adjust throttle plate: (dont do this except if someone else has played with it)Modified by vancouverbc at 7:37 PM 12/24/2009 Modified by vancouverbc at 7:42 PM 12/24/2009 Modified by vancouverbc at 7:43 PM 12/24/2009 Mar 7, 2025 · The Nissan KA24DE motor use four valves per cylinder (two intake valves and two exhaust valves). i had to get another tps. Adjust screw until rpms are at around 750 (car is on at this point) 6. 4-liter versions and was used in many Nissan autos, including: the 240SX, Pathfinder, Stanza and Nissan trucks. ∙ 13y ATK Engines 331H Remanufactured Crate Engine for 1996-1997 Nissan Pickup with 2. Product Q&A adjust valves (where applicable). Jun 29, 2009 · Nissan S13 KA24DE Engine Adjustments: idle speed, idle mixtures, clearances and more S Chassis Nissan S13 KA24DE Engine Adjustments: idle speed, idle mixtures, clearances and more - Zilvia. Start engine and Jan 11, 2021 · My 1991 Nissan D21 with the KA24E has an issue with a high idle around 1200 rpm whether it's cold or warm. My pistons were all rotated at 1/2 way, so as to aviod this issue, the other way to do this without a compressor is to thread some rope down into the cylinder, that just screams FOD, i opted to go another Nov 10, 2023 · VIDEO MOVED FROM OTHER CHANNEL (all my thumbnails are auto-generated)Amazon #ad Link for EGR:https://amzn. 79000 Miles, Custom paint job and exhaust, 31x10. com/manuals021/cars/ and download the FSM. 4-liter, 140-horsepower, naturally aspirated unit with a single overhead cam and three valves per cylinder, was standard equipment for the first generation of the Nissan 240SX, which debuted in the North American market in 1988. Intake valves are 34. It describes how to identify the engine, adjust the valve clearance and accel-drum unit, and outlines procedures for removal and installation of the engine. Aug 7, 2009 · I have a 2000 Frontier XE King Cab (2. The engine is completely original except for the valve job I had a shop do 2 years ago and the new timing chain / oil pump / water pump I had a shop do 6 months ago. 3 mm (1. Your Go To Fix For Nissan KA24E & KA24DE Engine Startup Rattle Feb 3, 2019 · In this video I check and adjust the valve lash on my built KA24DE engine. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks for the help:icesangel. There are 6 marks on the crankshaft pulley. 2: Idle speed adjustment-VG30i engine; Fig. FINALLY got the shaft in and put the oil pump back in. Nissan 2. Please use the following procedure for fast idle adjustment on 1990 Truck with KA24E engine. On cold its around 800 rpm and when i shift to D drops to 600 rpm, but when i drive it around 20 minutes, if i shift to N, the revs go up Oct 22, 2011 · Hi all. 15's, Kicker 10" 550 watts rms with Sony 1000 watt amp 1996 Nissan Maxima auto 180K Motor rebuilt 25k ago, Cold air intake, New suspension, Dual exhaust What is Nissan's best motor? Don't call all fan boy on me and be like "OMGEEEE the RB26"lets get down to real data here. net/ Jul 4, 2009 · yea i got it adjusted today. Nissan KA24DE Self Adjusting Tensioner (Lower) (16 valve DOHC engine) $160. Tech Talk Technical Discussion About The Nissan 240SX and Nissan Z Cars Jul 30, 2023 · The KA24E was a four-stroke SOHC engine that remained in production from 1988 through 1997. Hardbody Truck (1985-1997) KA24E Valve Tapping. Simply put, a technician will determine how much play is between the cam lobe and lifter surface, and shim as needed. Truck runs fine otherwise but, I know if I don't adjust the valves then, it most likely lead to some other problems. 51v now. They then must match the height by grinding the valve stem tip. make sure that throttle sensor is not in"fail-safe" state. 4L (KA24DE Engine) S13-- Intake . Evenly tighten 1/2 turn at a time on each bolt until all of the caps are snug (1. 57″) respectively. 0 mm (1. This is not a how to video, this is a how I did it video. This is a manual on the engine mechanics of this Nissan model. Several rockers had collapsed integrated lifters that were causing a lo Mar 4, 2014 · Timing Chain Rattle KA24E Engines Matt, I have found a solution for this problem, have helped several KA24E owners work thru this. perform self-diagnosis. This brings it to "base timing. Make sure not to score/damage the valve stem. 57 in). The KA24DE has 4 valves per cylinder, against the 3 of it's SOHC brother. Is there a good way to determine which lifter is bad and how? Feb 27, 2009 · Hardbody Truck (1985-1997) Apr 17, 2007 · On my 97 Subaru, the computer does everything, and there never seems to be a problem at any altitude. 4L Z24 motor) the process should be the same on all models from 1981-1986, just check your m Mar 29, 2023 · I have discovered that these Tensioners are crap and when the loose oil pressure they retract, causing excess chain slack. One Self Adjusting Tensioner. 7 ft-lb. 34″) and 40. If it stalls right away, turn the idling adjusting screw counter-clockwise until you can get the motor running at about 750rpm. You may have to check back a couple of times before the one you need is available for download, but they circulate about once an hour. 012-. 3 ft-lb). i have tried adjusting the screw on the idle air control valve to tighten/loosen the spring Nov 17, 2007 · The valves can and do get physically gummed up where they are either stuck open or closed constantly. There is a cup bushing available for these KA24E engines that when fitted to tensioner will prevent the chain from relaxing to a point of being so loose that its rattles on things after engine is shut down. Dec 18, 2017 · My 98 Frontier with 165,000 digested its lower timing chain guide and tensioner. Your Go To Fix For Nissan KA24E & KA24DE Engine Startup Rattle. quite confuseing. Key steps include releasing fuel pressure, bleeding the cooling system, and removing necessary components to Jul 6, 2022 · Was asked to go in depth on the Oil Pump and Distributor Timing.
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