No ewcm this month I used to notice it, but hadn't been lately so I was worried that The past few months before we were TTC, I have noticed a ton of EWCM, but this month, now that we're actively TTC, I have barely had any! Is it normal to have a lot of EWCM some months and very little during other months? I'm on CD 19 and did notice a little EWCM on CD 13, but much less than I normally have. It's a good way of checking whether and when you are ovulating (NHS 2022). @A1b2c3d4e5f6g7 @bez91 how did you go about finding the right specialist for accupuncture? Just researching online? I'll wait for few more month to see what happens. Sep 10, 2012 · I never have ewcm either really. But somehow it happened and yeah I had no ovulation mucus what so ever. Only time we BD was on the 17th. I went back and checked my last 2 cycles, and I always had EWCM 2 days before ovulation. Today I got a happy face on my OPK but I don't have the EWCM. I consistently have 28 day cycles. I got pregnant without EWCM - I also had a MC in January and my body went all whacky. I just started OPKs this is my 2nd cycle using those. I want anything that increases my chances, at this point. I had it my last two cycles (visible on TP after wiping) on my peak day. But no ppaf or bfp. Continuous cervical mucus is often due to high estrogen/low progesterone (which go hand in hand). Some months I get very obvious EWCM and some months I do not. But ever since I’ve had my son, I’ve had gobs and gobs of it. I add that bc this month, the day AFTER af stopped (so CD 8) I had some EWCM. I’ll be 41 in about 10 days. Guaifenesin is no joke! EWCM for days. when I first became pregnant I had EWCM then, but I can honestly say I haven't seen it again. DH home in 4 more days :) I did my first round of letrozole this month. If you lack fertile EWCM two weeks before your period, it may be a sign that you're not ovulating properly. Well, I woke up this morning and there was NO bbt rise. Around when I usually O I did have a lot more cm but was yellow/cream in colour. Sep 5, 2024 · I’m 3 months PP - not ready to TTC quite yet but curious for those breastfeeding - did ovulation while BF feel the same as when you weren’t? I usually have 3 days of thin discharge then my day of EWCM, then I ovulate. Apr 10, 2019 · I'm currently TTC#2 and have noticed for the past four or five months, I've had no EWCM whatsoever - not even a tiny bit. Feb 2, 2014 · But by wed the ewcm had gone and opks were whiter than white. i had a bfp in june, had my first scan at 10w , but was told there was no baby in the sack, and had a natural loss at 11w in august. I’ve been using CB digital OPKs and getting flashing and solid smileys. Is it actually really detrimental not having any EWCM? Dec 2, 2019 · Queer Sex Ed For All Since 1998 I have a question for people taking letrozole!I am on my fourth and last cycle taking it. Thanks for your help. Does this mean I am still Ovulating? This happened yesturday, CD 14. Doesn't sound great :( hopefully next month I will see a difference but I can't help but panic. I’m turning 30 this November and really want to Sep 10, 2012 · I have a 4 yr old DS whom we conceived very easily first try first month trying, this makes my 4th month TTC our 2nd- I expected this time around to be just like my 1st- so it's been a let down. TMI - Sorry What can I do to 'encourage' it? I have no problems with CM normally. I was 28 but after only 5 cycles I said fuck it and reached out to my doctor’s clinic to leave a message for her. Has anyone experienced this? I always dry up until a few days before I start my period. Tested everyday starring on d5 of my usually 30 day cycle and I got a positive lh surge on day 12 but no sign of ewcm at all. We tried for over a year This is my first month using OPKs. However, I haven’t gotten any EWCM yet :( I know I’m about to ovulate because of the positive LH tests, but can you conceive without EWCM? I have the same problem. I remember back in Aug. We've been TTC for 6 months and last week when AF came I had an edible gummy. No EWCM, positive OPT. We’ve been trying to conceive our first for 6 months now. This month, I'm on CD 23 and have been taking OPKs since CD 14 and NOTHING Last month I had the OPK surge on CD 19Anyone have any ideas on how to increase EW CM? I've read about taking Mucinex and Sep 12, 2024 · What are my chances? I’m 13months PP and still nursing, so wanted to confirm ovulation. I've been experiencing lots of water/ creamy cm since. This leads me to ask, is it possible to have EWCM and without a positive OPK test and still ovulate? If I have EWCM now and then get a positive OPK in a few days, when would I have ovulated? Feb 5, 2008 · Hi, This is my first month on the drug clomid. I showed a positive O but no EWCM. If you are only checking the TP or undies, you could consider (obviously only if you’re comfortable and even want to) checking internally. I got pregnant with my now 3 year old son taking the vitamins. Glo - I have also heard that clomid can inhibit the production of I'm so happy to read that some of you have had cycles with no EWCM and have still gotten pregnant. My last cycle I had three days of EWCM and the very first day I had uncomfortable bloating plus mild cramping. that was by accident b/c I didn't even think I ovulated-hence no EWCM. After that we won't do more fertility treatments. but no sign. This will be going on the 3rd month now where no EWCM but I still have ovary pains around the times I'm most fertile. Jun 23, 2021 · I never had EWCM and did get pregnant. The month I got pregnant I increased my water intake hugely and I had something slightly like EWCM for the first time. As far as PCOS, my sister has that and she had 2 pregnancies. . I 'm only 28 so would of thought I would ovulate every month. I’m absolutely defeated. This month, I started being more conscious about hydrating myself and I had some for 2-3 days right around my LH surge. Of course my brain goes to this cycle being anovulatory because of the lack of (visible to me) EWCM. We BDed days 9-12, today is day 14 and no CM, no EWCM, nothing! I haven't had any EWCM (egg white cervical mucus)at all this cycle. I've only been off bc for three months though and I wonder if that has anything to do with it. I also had two very solid lines on the random branded sticks on day 10 in the AM and PM. It honestly caught me off guard to get my peak this weekend because I hadn't seen any fertile seeming CM or other ovulation symptoms. But if ewcm doesn't return and still no bfp will need to look for some external help I am in my second month of trying for my 2nd child. I didn't have any ewcm, had some cm not long after my period but we didn't try then only on the predicted ovulation window. I even made a post that I wasn't in with a chance of BFP cos of it. I know, I know. I have never had much ewcm so have been using preseed and i think it may have worked for me this month. We are using May 27, 2015 · I had no ewcm this month does this mean I haven't ovulated? I don't temp or use opk but always notice ewcm but not this month. I only find EWCM Jul 22, 2017 · Tested on day 9 and got a circle, tested on day 10 and got a solid smiley peak reading. It’s not always easy to spot. I've been using ovulation test strips. I was TTC for months and months and months and every cycle I was on the lookout. May 21, 2021 · Fingers crossed ewcm will return soon. Oct 26, 2011 · hmmm today is supose 2 be ov day iv just come off the pill so its poss im not ov this month hense no ewcm but tbh the amount of bding me and oh our doing im not sure id spot it anyway as im always full of his man juice tmi lol my question is it still poss i hav oved without ewcm? and wud i so i got mirena removed in April and since then i haven’t had ANY EWCM during the month. I had sex day 6,7 & 10 of this month as the app flo told me its my fertile time. I'm a little older (32) and so don't have nearly as much cervical mucous as I used to. Of any kind, but especially no EWCM. I have been taking B complex for 2 months - B50 last month and B100 this month - and it appears to have had a negative affect on my cycle. Friday, no more EWCM and low fertility again. Right after we BD I went to bathroom and noticed ewcm. I normaly O between CD17 and CD20, so I was a little… Sep 19, 2010 · Hi hun, from what i have read ewcm is pretty important to help the spermies on their way to the egg and they also stay alive longer in it. I’ve also done it about 12-24 hrs after ovulation with no EWCM. I thought maybe I was ovulating but still had EWCM for two days after. Now according to tests it looks like ovulation is a day or two away but I have no EWCM. So I am thinking this is a good sign. Help! 2 month ttc and I have been charting cm for 6 months usually my cm is right on track with glow prediction of o time. It is one of the most reliable signs of ovulation or the release of an egg. I had it EWCM last month when my OPK said I was ovulating but I didn't get pregnant 😕. I wanted to share that for the past several months (including this cycle) I hadn't had any perceptible EWCM, which was really freaking me out. But I’m really worried that I might not be ovulating this month because I have no EWCM. I did plan to have general testing done after 6 months mostly for peace of mind so I think that’s something you can think about to feel like there’s something proactive and in your control you can do. Anyone else not get EWCM? Or am i the only one? Does anyone NOT get fertile mucus (wet or EWCM) and still ovulate? I’m having like all the signs of my body ovulating except the mucus. Her first was a CP and her second was a healthy baby who is now 18 months I had no EWCM present at all. It's insane! Every month without a doubt I'd get fertile CM on day 14 - 15 - 16 and this month for the first time in my life I'm trying to get pregnant and NO EWCM!!! Aug 14, 2024 · I had ewcm last week for around 5 days and figured i was ovulating. I used opk's one month and when I got the positive I had no EWCM. So my question is Jan 18, 2020 · I’m 3 months PP - not ready to TTC quite yet but curious for those breastfeeding - did ovulation while BF feel the same as when you weren’t? I usually have 3 days of thin discharge then my day of EWCM, then I ovulate. Feb 17, 2009 · I had +opk on 17 & 18th Jan but no ewcm whatsoever, just a watery cm but very little. I tried EPO, mucinex and increasing water but nothing worked for me. This is something u could try? I am on round 4 clomid and have only had ov pains for 2 of those cycles. Jul 29, 2011 · ANYWAY, my sex drive is finally reappearing after 2 years of being on antidepressants but last month there was NO EWCM which explains why we didn't get pregnant even though we dtd when I thought I ovulated. Can you still ovulate if you made no EWCM this cycle? Man I'm so confused. As for getting peak but no CM - the EWCM could still be present in your cervix even though you don’t see it. Yesterday (cd21) I had more af pains and sore boobs but hardly any cm at all. Anyways, I have not noticed the particular "egg white", stretchy cm that once is to expect before ovulation. What a relief. Jul 24, 2023 · If you’re concerned that you have no cervical mucus, it can be useful to track your cervical mucus across your menstrual cycle. Have been having pretty short cycles, started at just 21 days! Have gradually lengthened and last cycle was 26, so this one may be going to be longer again (although when they hit 28 days that'll do, cycles seem really long I’m tracking my ovulation this month and this morning I got the “Peak fertility” smiley on the clear blue ovulation test. It gave me EWCM by the second month- once my body absorbed the vitamins. What could this mean?Is there a chance Feb 6, 2024 · Hi all!I am only on month 2 of using OPK strips (easy at home) and haven’t been very great abt tracking. My periods are very regular -- every 27 to 28 days. Does it play that much of a critical role? I usually get EWCM the 3 days before ovulation and about 1-2 days after but this week I got it a little early so I think I had s** about 4 days before Today (11dpo) I’ve noticed EWCM, which I normally have around ovulation time, and surprisingly this month while trying to conceive I didn’t notice any at all. 3. Noticed it for the next two days as well. I’ve had s** with no EWCM, and woke up the next morning with EWCM and still nothing. Last month (first off BC), my cycle was 33 days, so I was planning to start OPK on Friday, CD13, per package instructions. Oct 13, 2024 · Egg White Cervical Mucus but No LH Surge: Egg-white cervical mucus (EWCM) meaning the release of egg-white look like discharge right before or during ovulation. I get ovualtion pain every month, but never EWCM. Hi there! I am on month 4 of TTC, going into month 5 and I’d love to ask those pregnant: did anyone have success conceiving with zero EWCM? I never get it, and I’m wondering if I’m wasting my time/ if it’s even possible? Hoping to hear some success stories! Thank you! Still no EWCM though. I got pregnant naturally twice last winter but So I wasn't checking my CM earlier this month, but I did yesterday (likely O day) - and nothing. No ovulation pain yet either. My fertile window according to my app was Feb 13-18. I was convinced!! Alas I wasn’t and I was gutted. As far as I’m aware I’ve had no ewcm this cycle. I had possible mittelschmerz yesterday, so I still should've had EWCM Sep 25, 2024 · I don’t really get much like I used to. I wasn't sure as I expected the EWCM I had read so much about and thought maybe I hadn't ovulated. Found out yesterday that I am pg after a full af on 4th - 8th Feb, I had a v faint BFP on 31st Jan/1st Feb but when I got my af presumed it was a chem pg. I'm mostly a lurker but have been off bcp for 4 months now. Today, no EWCM, but peak fertility smiley face! Feb 17, 2012 · First month on cloned 50mg day 3-7, today is cd 11 an no sign of ewcm. Do I still have a chance of successful fertilization Feb 20, 2025 · Hi all, I’m not tracking with OPKs just trying to go by ewcm. We have been trying for 6 months, but AF comes every month. But I got my BFP on Saturday! Dec 26, 2010 · Neversaynever~ I've only been having watery CM around time of Ovulation. My DH and I have been BD every other Ok, I'm on CD17 today and should be ovulating today. When I got pregnant in Dec. Trying for my 4th. This is my first month ttc (CD17 right now) and I have yet to get a positive OPK. I am not charting though I have been checking for all of the signs of ovulation. This month I started testing during estimated fertile window and it showed cycle day 15 being predicted ovulation date but I started testing on day 10 and was tracking my CM and it went from creamy to watery in which I had pink spotting and then cycle day 12 I had lots of the thin clear EWCM and OPK wasn’t definite positive but pretty close My background: miscarriage one year ago (first pregnancy, got pregnant after trying for a month or two), been trying again for the past 7 months with no luck. In the spirit of getting slightly more hardcore about TTC each and every month, I decided that this month I would try out Oct 30, 2024 · EWCM starts around CD18-20 and I typically ovulate around CD 20-22. I’ve been okay this TWW, not really symptom spotted until today I for some reason noticed I didn’t have lots of EWCM and have inspected my CM which is a bit drier but I have a (TMI) ‘wet’ feeling down there which was making me think I had lots of CM Jan 10, 2021 · Has anybody ever had no ewcm, low bbt, no oh surge and still managed to conceive. The month I started on the B50 I had a 7 or 8 day LP (it was 10 when I started!) and this month I am on CD19 with no signs of ovulation or EWCM - again unusual for me. We’re trying for number two and I’m on my second cycle pp. Thursday morning, a ton of EWCM out of nowhere, so I OPK'd that evening but it was low. This has never happened to me, I always have a heavy amount for several days leading up to it. I've always had a normal amount around ovulation in the past so it seems strange that it's stopped all of a sudden. Took an opk and it was the strongest line ive ever had yet, very almost positive, thought brilliant im about to ov! This morning I took another opk which was very faint. My dr told me yesterday that we may get very little EWCM that lasts for maybe an hour or so. I just want it to happen already although it could still be a while cause I’m breastfeeding my 5 month old. The color increases gradually for a few days and becomes positive at day 15 of my cycle. Last baby I had at 39. Plenty of people have been successful using preseed and the like for a little extra boost. So, a few questions- 1: Have any of you experienced EWCM post ovulation? Did you end up with a positive test? 2: Have you experienced EWCM post ovulation and then turned out to be a BFN? Oct 13, 2014 · Glad to hear it can be a few days prior I'm 4 days from initial drop slowly rose to my prior temps no temp rise yet I'm starting to worry about an anovulatory cycle m @TwinkleTwinkle-99071518, No EWCM Hi ladies, I am on CD18 of a 32ish day cycle and have not yet had any EWCM this month? I am on CD18 of a 32ish day cycle and have not yet had any EWCM . I'm temping as well, so I know I did indeed ovulate. Could the clomid My first few months of tracking, I pretty much had no EWCM. I’ve never really had trouble getting pregnant. When trying for my now 15-month-old, I saw no CM ever. Can pregnancy still be achieved without EWCM? FWIW in the last 5 months I have only seen EWCM like 2 or 3 times and only once was it like a Jul 29, 2008 · This is now my first cycle after and normally i 'feel' when i OV (i get a sharp pain in my side and feel bloated for a day) and get EWCM a day or so before, this month i didn't get any of those so i thought the same as you - it't not happening this time! but here i am on day 32, no AF (yet) and lots of symptoms . But this is my first cycle charting lh. Please help! Yes, lack of CM could be caused by dehydration. Started using mucinex and preseed for the first time this month. I would like to shine a light on something that I do now to get EWCM: NAPROTECH vitamin regimen. So hasn’t been long. It was creamy/sticky all month long. This is the first month since TTC that I used ovulation strips to follow my LH surge. Anyone have any insight? When will this cruel purgatory end?? I just went to the bathroom to check my CM and cervix position. It’s best to drink way more water than you even think you need. Okay, so based on that, this month, we have dtd every day since 3/4 days before af left the building to hedge the bet. Could that be sperm or could it actually be ewcm? It was Nov 14, 2020 · When I got pregnant (with my now 13 month old). I did 5-9, 50mg. Next cycle I'll be back to OPKs to help me out, lol! Jun 16, 2024 · With no EWCM. Typically I see the ewcm at or near day 18. Jan 2, 2016 · This month im using preseed which is a sperm friendly lubricant which mimics EWCM. 4. Excitedly I got up and dressed to go to my SO, until I felt kind of a gush. I did Opk this week along with CM and pinpointed my day of ovulation (yesterday). plenty in fact, but not of the right texture. Is it possible that I ovulated this early? Or is it normal to have EWCM many days before ovulation. No i didnt take any ovulation tests so i cant be 100% sure but ive always been able to tell ovulation based on cm. So I think ive ov'd but had no ewcm Feb 3, 2013 · No sore boobs, no cramps and no EWCM that I had around ovulation time last month Has anyone else experienced this but still managed to get pregnant? I don't use OPKs but we dtd on days 9,11,13 and 16 this cycle so crossing everything that something may have happened! Obligatory “This is my first post on here,” statement. Is it possible to get ewcm without ovulation? On months when I do ovulate, it is around cd12 so I’m wondering if the opk is wrong? Or if maybe my hormones are just not high enough to Nov 25, 2024 · hello ! im trying for my first, im 29 , and im using a known donor to help me conceive ! . The mucus that makes you feel super slippery is called "P" mucus. Sometimes watery is ok. (I don’t think I really paid attention for it before July so it could have been Feb 12, 2013 · Boredhopping- had absolutely none the month I fell pregnant, we weren't trying to conceive but we avoided having sex when I am fertile and I followed the period tracker app that tells you when your fertile. We started trying to conceive in August of 2020 and right away I was concerned because after coming off of birth control I had little to no cervical mucus especially around ovulation (tracked by temp and OPK). my cycles are 28 days on the dot give or take a few hours. May 10, 2019 · last months I had a static face, ewcm, and lots of symptoms I was pregnant. This month I had no static face, no ewcm, convinced I hadn’t even ovulated and guess what… BFP! I guess we can’t attach too much weight to any of these tools. I'm still going to bd for the next several days but nervous about the no ewcm. It ended in a loss, but I still got pregnant. Oct 29, 2024 · If you get EWCM *before* your period … do you get it every single month or does it come and go some months??I’ve only noticed it since July but since that month I’ve gotten it 1-2 days before my period every single month. This month I’ve noticed the same- three days of EWCM with bloating and cramping on the first day. but i did have a small bleed May 20, 2020 · I didn't track ovulation last month (first month TTC) and was monitoring for EWCM but it never showed. Jan 17, 2025 · Most recently a had a blighted ovum that required d&c at the end of November. I have been checking daily the last 2 months. Had my surge and due to my tests, yesterday was supposed to be my ovulation but I haven’t had any ewcm. However, I have EWCM right now. My last cycle was 25 days, and the one before that was 27 (still adjusting to coming off BC?) I normally have EWCM for 4 days or so before O, then the day after. This update has created styling issues to our current templates. Hydration and exercise seem to help. And no positive opk either. I did in previous months but the first month we ttc I had nothing. So I guess I'm asking if I can get pregnant without the presence of it Thank you for any input you may have :). Ahyway turns out I did get pg and Nov 7, 2015 · Hi ladies On our second cycle ttc number 2, used clear blue digital dual hormone tests for the first time this month I got a flashing smiley yesterday cd10 and then today got a static smiley cd11 so obviously must be ovulating but I have had very little ewcm tmi but I feel wet but not the stringy egg white stuff. Aug 11, 2024 · Hi guys! I’ve been getting strong positive LH tests the past 36 hours. Maybe we should start a discussion on who out there has had a bfp without ewcm! Has anyone else gotten pregnant without having egg white cervical mucus? I have irregular cycles and my cm would only become “watery” it took 3 years to conceive my son who’s now 11 months old. I’m on CD 11 and am having a lot of ovulation-like egg white cm but the opk is at a 0. Congrats! But, this freaks me out because I’m using CM tracking as my birth control ATM. I had ewcm, and then a week later, I had it again. It’s not necessary for conception, so never feel badlyit’s just helpful. I’m having all my normal ovulation symptoms: sore boobs, etc. It may be that you have it internally and you just don't notice it. it is not an easy process and I feel like if it doesn’t happen right away no one besides the internet talks about it lol. Trust me, there was no EWCM. I didn't have any EWCM last month and I'm worried that it wont appear this month. I have been drinking grapefruit juice since ad left but it hasn't helped. Currently I’m on cycle day 11 and yesterday I noticed EWCM for the first time since my miscarriage. Even after doing five months of Creighton NFP charting, which only charts CM, it's been impossible to find my peak/ovulation through CM alone. Has anyone had this problem?This is my 2nd month charting and I still haven't seen the Fertile EW CMLast month I had a surge on the OPK that lasted 1 day- the next day my temps spiked. I had some cramping around CD14 so guessed it was ovulation and we did the BD. I've read that some peoples just isn't noticeable, and is in variable quantities which isn't a concern. This is my chart Aug 10, 2012 · I've lurked here a long time and got a faint bfp this morning. After my cycle returned postpartum, I’ve had heaps of EWCM and gotten pregnant twice in two tries (m/c due to MFI). May 2, 2008 · Sorry to crash here but I wanted to ask if any of you had no EWCM to speak of but still managed to get pregnant? I'm having a - ahem - dry month but managed to BD at the right times. Hello ladies, I am 4 DPO today, O confirmed on CD13 by OPK, temp and that damn Mittelschmerz. Help! Dec 24, 2015 · This is the 1st month I haven't had EWCMbut also the first month I've had such an off kilter cycle so anything is always possible I guess, lol! Thanks for the advice ladies. I have read TCOYF. I have 28/29 day cycles but ovulate pretty late, usually day 17 or so. Hey ladies! So I got my peak this morning on the CB digital OPK and my easy@home is getting darker to almost being a peak as well. My cycles are pretty regular and when FF listed my O dates I used to get EWCM around the same time. This month, I didn’t get a Oct 24, 2019 · Over this past month i've gone from bf 4x/day to 1x/day, and i've had ewcm basically the entire time. I've never really had consistent EWCM during ovulation, but I've gotten pregnant twice now on just metformin for my PCOS. My cycles are always regular - 32 days each month. I have one live birth and am 38 weeks with my second. I’ve had watery CM and a high cervix for the past 2 days, and I usually don’t get EWCM, so I was suprised to find exactly that on the toilet paper. I usually get an abundance of it every month so I’m just a little thrown off. xx Mar 28, 2012 · It can take a month or 2 to build up and produce the results you are looking for, i noticed a huge difference in the amount of EWCM in my 3rd cycle! I was also eating Kiwis and drank loads of Pink Grapefruit juice which both also increase ewcm. I did use a cb test for a month or two. Some women just don't make that much. I thought oh no it won't happen but it happened first time. I am starting to wonder if that is why I haven't conceived. That month I also used fertility friendly lubricant (conceive plus - which apparently mimics fertile CM). pictures included Jan 2, 2020 · I’m on day 17 of my cycle and have TTC this month. Today (about an hour ago) I went to the ladies room and I had LOADS of EWCM, like 100% it was EWCM no question. Can I ovulate even without the presence of EWCM? I'm confused. Last time I took it I conceived my daughter in one cycle so I didn't really have time to notice any symptoms. Cervix was high and open. Dec 16, 2024 · so I already ovulated the beginning of this month. Good to know you can still get pregnant without it being shows noticeable! Jan 12, 2021 · 11dpo - testing Friday to get most accurate result possible. However I’ve noticed that I don’t have cervical mucus which is very weird because I usually have a lot of cervical mucus when I’m ovulating. We will continue to work on clearing up these issues for the next few days, but please report any other issues you may experience so we can look into. But since I haven’t been using strips I’m not sure if I actually ovulated or not. You don't need abundant or visible EWCM to get pregnant. Please don't come at me I had a huge moment of stupid weakness. Nov 4, 2018 · I also had little to no ewcm but would get wet cm. Oct 4, 2012 · So anyways, last night (tuesday night) I was soooo hungry, I couldn't get enough to eat, much like I am around O time each month, which I thought was strange but whatever I carried on with my night. Was surprised to get a positive OPK but had zero physical symptoms of ovulation, no EWCM (haven’t had it as much as I did before getting pregnant w my current baby). Dec 5, 2014 · Xenforo Cloud upgraded our forum to XenForo version 2. I’m trying to track my cycles using just cervical mucus. It is he liquifying mucus and ut usually shows up following the ewcm however many people mistakeningly think the day they have the most ewcm is the most fertile day it is actually the last day you feel (at your vulva as you walk around) slippery. I'm ecstatic and hope it sticks. Just pondering our chances! Jul 3, 2015 · Hopefully not the case and is just going to be a little later this month, and dtd every other day at the moment anyways. I just want to tell you this though because I ended up conceiving our 6mo ttc without ewcm and had a healthy baby in July. Tested day 11 and the line was lighter. My ovulation dates are very predictable, and I always get EWCM 2 days before O, and then it completely dries up the day after. If I start to get EWCM even tomorrow, it usually lasts 2 days, then 2 days after that I will ovulate, which will work out fine. 4 which doesnt make sense. I never dried up after ovulation. It took nearly a year to get pregnant with my first, no EWCM the entire time. But I guess getting pregnant at 38 is different than 41…this is my 3rd cycle trying. I don't smoke, drink, or drink caffeine. I ovulated in December with lots of EWCM and then got period at the end of December. For the past 7 months I get ewcm and my smiley opk on cd 11. I always have EWCM by this time of my cycle, but this month I don’t. zza qcnzq irrzy ljscmb dvrults jbse hlcgu jqgqmxbn lnhi grqwra ptn zdxcu oqht vouis fjycl