Ontario court of justice brampton Justice Reginald Alexander Cornelius was called to the bar in 1995. Triage Court: Currently in Brampton and in Milton commencing September 1, 2024, The Triage Court will deal with any scheduling, contested issues and setting a hearing date for these types of matters. Justice Bonn is a member of the Ontario Trial Lawyers' Association and the Hastings County Law Association. The setting of all criminal trial and preliminary inquiry dates may be done remotely using a combination of an online form (the Trial / Preliminary Inquiry Scheduling Form) and a trial scheduling conference with the Trial Coordinator’s office. ca 905-456-4778 Federal Crown (Public Prosecution Service of Canada)* PPSCBramptonSPPC@ppscBrampton -sppc. 3) Appearances by Counsel Counsel are strongly encouraged to attend case management court appearances by videoconference. 1. the A. 1: 2: Form 2: Response : Word: Criminal Rules of the Ontario Court of Justice, Rule 2. Sep 28, 2018 · Justice Michelle Mei-Chi Cheung was called to the bar in 1996. Learn how to search and view Superior Court of Justice civil and criminal court case information and Ontario Court of Justice adult criminal court case information online. Ontario Small Claims Court in Brampton, ON provides a platform for individuals and businesses to resolve legal disputes in a simplified and cost-effective manner. The Honourable Faye E. With a focus on cases involving small amounts of money, the court offers a streamlined process for litigants to seek justice and resolution. Nov 18, 2021 · The Honourable Justice Nancy S. See the Consolidated Notice to the Profession and the Public Regarding the Small Claims Court for more information about filing in Small Claims Court matters. With a focus on upholding the law and ensuring justice is served, this court plays a vital role in the local legal system. If you’ve received a “summons” (an order to appear in front of a justice of the peace) you will need the case number on the summons. Box 175 Provincial Offences Court Office; 5 Ray Lawson Blvd, Brampton L6Y 5L7 Des coordonnées supplémentaires pour tous les palais de justice de l’Ontario, et des renseignements à jour concernant le déménagement temporaire d’un tribunal, sont disponibles sur le site Web du le site Web du ministère du Procureur général. OCJ. Additional contact information for all Ontario courthouses is available on the Ministry of the Attorney General website. You may find it here: Daily Court Lists. Access to Exhibits form; Juries Act forms; Evidence Act forms; Provincial Offences Act forms; Criminal Rules of the Ontario Court of Justice forms; Criminal Rules of the Superior Court of Justice forms; Children's Law The Ontario Court of Justice has issued Mode of Appearance Guidelines about how to attend each stage of proceedings in criminal court. Please note that weekend and statutory holiday (WASH) court The party/counsel requesting an attendance at Triage Court must complete the attached Requisition to Attend Triage Court and email the form to: In Brampton: scjtrialofficebrampton@ontario. ca • Bracebridge: Bracebridge. Both province-wide and region-specific practice directions are listed. Nicklas has assigned Justice of the Peace Karageorgos to Brampton. 7 4: Designation of Counsel: Word: 5: Sample Enhanced Designation of Counsel: Word: Practice Direction: Enhanced Sep 4, 2024 · Justice Dana Irene Haklander was called to the Ontario bar in 2011. O. Guidance for anyone who has a matter in a criminal, family or provincial offences court. Her Worship Elizabeth J. Family Assignment Court in Brampton. Justice Rohan Michael Robinson was called to the bar in 1998. Mohammed M. If the courthouse is a satellite court, the base court will be listed in brackets. For criminal matters in the Ontario Court of Justice, the docket number will also be displayed under the Docket Line column. Chief Justice Sharon Nicklas has assigned Justice Baker to Brampton. “Judicial Officer” means a Judge or Justice of the Peace of the Ontario Court of Justice. m. 7755 Hurontario Street Brampton, Ontario L6W 4T1. If you don’t have this information, or you’ve lost your ticket, contact the municipal court office in the jurisdiction where your ticket or fine was issued. The Honourable Jeanine E. Chief Justice Lise Maisonneuve has assigned Justice Jaffe to preside in Brampton. LeRoy Associate Chief Justice — Coordinator of Justices of the Peace of the Ontario Court of Justice. 2: 3: Form 3: Consent: Word: Criminal Rules of the Ontario Court of Justice, Rule 2. She has also been a member of the Family Law Duty Counsel panel since May 2018. (3) Use of Electronic Communication Devices in Court Proceedings The use of electronic communication devices in silent or vibrate mode is permitted, except as follows: The presiding judicial officer orders otherwise. View Shauna Pemberton’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Grenville and William Davis) Courthouse. Legal Aid Duty Counsel: please call 1-800-668-8258. Please find below court forms prescribed under other statutes, rules and regulations, as well as non-prescribed court forms. Who are judges and justices of the peace, and what do they do? For courthouse office and service hours, please visit the Ministry of Attorney General court locations website. Jun 30, 2023 · Chief Justice Sharon Nicklas has assigned Justice Afonso to Brampton. McWatt Associate Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Justice. May 9, 2023 · Small Claims Court Home » Practice Directions, Presumptive Guidelines, Notices, Rules and Forms » Practice Directions and Policies » Dispute Resolution Officer – Schedule Annex Menu Nov 25, 2024 · Appearing before the Superior Court of Justice and the Ontario Court of Justice, Justice Yee Kin Shin has represented and supported clients from a variety of different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds, including a large number of legal aid clients. 5 The locations of all Ontario Court of Justice courthouses are posted on the Ministry of the Central West Brampton Brampton. Milton (Region of Halton) 491 Steeles Avenue East Milton, ON L9T 1Y7. She began her career with Gunn & Associates, first as an articling student and then as an associate. Rules of the Small Claims Court Forms: The Rules of the Small Claims Court require the use of a set of prescribed forms for small claims court proceedings. It serves as a venue for hearings and trials related to criminal, family, and civil cases. Search by courthouse location. gc. Previously, she worked at the Ministry of the Attorney General, most recently as a supervisor of court operations with the Ontario Court of Justice. Contact Court Services. Public Prosecution Service of Canada: PPSCBramptonSPPC@ppsc-sppc. Oct 21, 2020 · attendances for criminal court case management appearances can not currently be accommodated. Grenville & William Davis Courthouse, 7755 Hurontario St Brampton, ON, L6W 4T6 Cross street: Hurontario St (Hwy 10) and Steeles Ave W While Rule 24 of the Family Law Rules, in addressing costs, does not refer to costs outlines or bills of costs, Rule 1(7) states that if a matter is not covered by the rules, the court may give direction, and the practice shall be decided by analogy to these rules, by reference to the Courts of Justice Act and, if the court considers it On Friday March 28, 2014 at approximately 11 a. Davis courthouse erupted in pandemonium when an armed individual by the name of Charnjit Bassi who went by the nickname of "Sonny", according to Ontario's Special Investigation Unit of Brampton was dressed in a long camel trenchcoat, a fedora and sunglasses and proceeded to walk into the front entrance of the A The Superior Court has enacted a number of practice directions that govern how proceedings in the Superior Court of Justice are conducted. 8: Ontario Court of Justice: 47 Sheppard Avenue East, North York: 2. Thomas and Elgin, where she deals with child protection matt The “Court Case Search Tool”, available through Justice Services Online, allows users (anyone with a Service Ontario One-key account) to search for Ontario Court of Justice adult criminal court case information, including future court dates and appearance type, by entering an accused person’s name or the information number. In 2021, she began championing anti-discrimination and harassment in education systems as part of the Durham Catholic District School board’s The Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee was formed in 1988, and the Justices of the Peace Appointments Advisory Committee, in 2007. 7: Ontario Court of Justice: 150 Bond Street East, Oshawa: 2. Judges of the Superior Court of Justice by Region Plea Court (Fridays) – Connection information (Zoom) Joining by video: https://ca01web. Access to justice means providing family court services and processes that are timely, efficient, effective, and affordable. Family Assignment Court in Brampton will take place monthly on Monday afternoons. Superior Court of Justice (SCJ) and Ontario Court of Justice (OCJ) Address: 7755 Hurontario Street Brampton, ON L6W 4T1: Building Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 5: Jan 25, 2024 · Six additional floors with 18 additional hearing rooms: 13 courtrooms, three settlement conference spaces and two pre-trial rooms for the Superior Court of Justice and Ontario Court of Justice; Upgraded security features, including courtrooms built for trials involving multiple accused persons and remote testimony spaces Jun 28, 2021 · Associate Chief Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice and Co-ordinator of Justices of the Peace Sharon M. He then joined the Peel Crown Attorney’s Office, where he was assistant Crown attorney for 28 years. Brampton – Region of Peel; Contact Phone Number Fax Number; Trial Coordinator (905) 456-4878 (905) 456-4879 Peel (Brampton) VirtualCrownBrampton@ontario. In Brampton, Triage Court will be held virtually on Tuesday mornings commencing at 9:00 am. Check a ticket or fine Feb 27, 2023 · She was the Halton Country Law Association and the Ontario Trial Lawyer’s Association president. The province is divided into seven regions. Grenville and William Davis Courthouse Superior Court of Justice and Ontario Court of Justice 7755 Hurontario Street, Brampton, Ontario L6W 4T1 Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM General Inquiries: 905-456-4700 The Brampton Courthouse is currently undergoing two major renovation projects The Ontario Court of Justice Criminal Modernization Committee Dashboard is in PDF format and contains bookmarks to specific court regions and courthouses. Once a Settlement Conference has been completed, the presiding judge can schedule the matter to be heard at the next available Family Assignment Court. Effective November 1, 2023, the Ontario Court of Justice is implementing three new practice directions aimed at reducing delay and unnecessary administrative appearances in criminal proceedings. Justice Joanne Beasley was called to the Ontario bar in 1989. Small Claims Court. Mar 1, 2001 · Judge at the Ontario Court of Justice, Brampton · Ontario Court of Justice · York University - Osgoode Hall Law School · Brampton · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. BRAMPTON COURTHOUSE INFORMATION A. Find useful information, the address and the phone number of the local business you are looking for. Justice Adrian David Baker was called Ontario Court of Justice Provincial Offences Office The City of Brampton P. These court sites are organized into eight judicial regions and different services in accordance with the Superior Court’s jurisdiction over civil, criminal, family, Small Claims Court and Divisional Court proceedings. She has served as a director of the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (Ontario). Before that, she prosecuted cases in the Superior Court and the Ontario Court of Justice as an assistant Crown attorney in Kitchener, Etobicoke, and York Region from 2012–19. ca. Adobe Reader is recommended to be able to view these bookmarks. Jan 25, 2024 · - Geoffrey Morawetz and Sharon Nicklas Chief Justice, Ontario Superior Court of Justice and Chief Justice, Ontario Court of Justice "I am pleased to join our government and private sector partners to celebrate the newly expanded Brampton courthouse. Scully Senior Advisory Justice of the Peace. October 24, 2023 . Address A. Justice Gregory Paul Reid Renwick was called to the bar in Jul 27, 2021 · 1) Procedure for Selecting Trial and Preliminary Dates. Ontario Court of Justice - Brampton - phone number, website & address - ON - Provincial Government. She was an elected bencher with the Law Society of Ontario and an adjudicator with the Law Society Tribunal. Justice Gregory Paul Reid Renwick was called to the bar in Nov 21, 2022 · She has participated in law student mentorship programs and coached the Osgoode Hall Gale Cup moot team for eight years. Kastner of the Ontario Court of Justice in Brampton received the Ontario Justice Education Network’s (OJEN) Chief Justices’ Award at a virtual ceremony on Wednesday, November 17, 2021. , London, Cornwall). c) Divisional Court Matters – See the Divisional Court Notice to the Profession. Some cases do not appear in the Daily Court Lists. The Superior Court of Justice sits in 52 locations across Ontario in addition to numerous satellite locations. ca or by phone at 905-454-2424. You can submit a request to file family court documents to the Ontario Court of Justice, Superior Court of Justice, including the Family Court Branch of the Superior Court of Justice and the Divisional Court of the Superior Court of Justice (but not the Ontario Court of Appeal). The Divisional Court, Small Claims Court, and Family Court are all branches of the Superior Court of Justice. Grenville and William G. Following this, she established her own family law and mediation practice, Beasley Nov 28, 2024 · Since 2016, Yee has been actively involved with the North York Toronto Family Court Education Committee at the Ontario Court of Justice. Jul 17, 2024 · The Ontario government has announced the appointment of nine new judges to the Ontario Court of Justice. As part of the provincial court system, the Ontario Court of Justice plays a crucial role in upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice is served for individuals and communities in Toronto and throughout Ontario. Sep 16, 2024 · Justice Thomas was most recently a deputy Crown attorney at the York Region Crown Attorney's Office. Ontario Court of Justice Provincial Courts Court Reporters Brampton Ontario Court of Justice 7755 Hurontario St , Brampton , ON L6W 4T1 Get directions » Phone Number Ontario Court of Justice courthouses and contact information is available here: Court Locations. The Honourable Suzanne M. She has also been an Ontario director for the American Association for Justice since 2013. Here, Justice Cornelius was a member of the Homicide Prosecution Team and was a designated wiretap agent. The Court has jurisdiction over criminal, civil, and family cases, and is the largest superior trial court in Canada. Sep 1, 2023 · e. Rahman, a judge of the Ontario Court of Justice in Brampton, is appointed a judge of the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario in Brampton. Since 2014, she has been in-house counsel for Family & Children's Services of St. Ontario Court of Justice located at 7755 Hurontario St, Brampton, ON L6W 4T1 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more. Wilkinson will sit as a judge in Brampton. Search for court cases. The new judges, who bring a diverse range of expertise in family law, public inquiries, and legal aid, have been assigned to Brampton by Chief Justice Sharon Nicklas. ca of Ontario, as assigned by the Regional Senior Justice and/or the Chief Justice. ca; and In Milton: SCJHaltontrialoffice@ontario. Chief Justice Lise Maisonneuve has assigned Justice Lai to Brampton. To find out what court practice and procedure applies in a particular area, please see the corresponding judicial region. Chief Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice. g. These regions are listed below. Both the Ontario Court of Justice and Superior Court of Justice publish daily court lists online. More About the Court It allows parties to canvass the court’s availability and request an appearance before the court directly, without the need to contact the scheduling office to seek dates. This updated Notice supersedes all previous region-specific Practice Directions and Notices to the Profession for the Central West Region. The Criminal Rules of the Ontario Court of Justice set out procedural rules that apply to criminal proceedings Brampton: Brampton. Thomas and Elgin, where she deals with child protection matt Jul 3, 2024 · From 2011 to 2017, he was a criminal defence attorney. The daily court lists include the case name, time, room number and reason for the court appearance. In 2019, he was appointed a Deputy Judge of the Superior Court of Justice. Ontario Court of Justice Provincial Offences Court; Provincial Offences Court Office; 5 Ray Lawson Blvd, Brampton L6Y 5L7 Jul 28, 2017 · Justice of the Peace Valerie Gail Carty has been the manager of court operations for the City of Mississauga since 2011. Nov 21, 2022 · She has participated in law student mentorship programs and coached the Osgoode Hall Gale Cup moot team for eight years. Rules of the Small Claims Court: Small Claims Court proceedings in the Superior Court are governed by the Rules of the Small Claims Court unless otherwise stated. us/j/65723082346?pwd=bUhISzlYWmZPa0ZzdDcwSWdscU1sUT09 Publication Ban Requests in the Superior Court of Justice (Province-wide) Recommended Instructions to Self-represented Accused Before Pre-trial Conferences – These instructions provide information on the pre-trial conference to self-represented accused persons. Jan 13, 2025 · BRAMPTON - Notice to the Profession - Counsel Communications with the Ontario Court of Justice via the Trial Coordinator’s Office (July 19, 2023) Brampton – Region of Peel: Contact: Phone Number: Generic Email: Trial Coordinator (905) 456-4878: SCJtrialofficebrampton@ontario. Ontario Court of Justice in Brampton, reviews by real people. Oct 23, 2023 · Since 2018, Justice Baker has volunteered with Special Olympics Ontario and was a board member with Peel Family Mediation Services. Oct 24, 2023 · New Practice Directions to Reduce Delay in Criminal Proceedings . In 2018, she became part of the Family Law Duty Counsel panel. Assignments will be at this court location and other courts within the region. Justice Michael Boyce, who was called to the bar in 2003, began his career as an articling student in the Ottawa Crown Attorney’s Office and served as an assistant Crown attorney in Ottawa for over 20 years. ca 905-454-2424 Ontario Court of Justice: 60 Queen St W, Toronto, ON M5H 2M3, Canada +1 416-326-0111: 5: Ontario Court of Justice: 444 Yonge Street, Toronto: 2: Ontario Court of Justice: 950 Burnhamthorpe Road West, Mississauga: 1. Get directions Information about the Ontario Court of Justice, including history, roles and responsibilities of judicial officers and principles of judicial office. Once parties have consented to or conferred regarding a date, one party can use Calendly to book the date and time for their matter. Ontario Court of Justice Provincial Courts Criminal Brampton Ontario Court of Justice 7755 Hurontario St , Brampton , ON L6W 4T1 Get directions » Phone Number Ontario Court of Justice at 7755 Hurontario St, Brampton, ON L6W 4T1, Canada - hours, address, map, directions, phone number, customer ratings and reviews. 07(4), applies to all proceedings in the Superior Court of Justice, Central West Region. ca: Brantford Brampton (Region of Peel) 7755 Hurontario Street Brampton, ON L6W 4T6. 3. ca • Orillia: Orillia. Zoom video court join links for first appearances and set date criminal case management adjournments in the Ontario Court of Justice (OCJ) If you have a criminal first court appearance date, or a subsequent criminal adjournment set date, please see the following Zoom video court login links. SCJ. ca Oct 24, 2023 · Effective November 2, 2023, the Ontario government has announced the appointment of three new judges to the Ontario Court of Justice. d) Other matters – See each region’s notice to the profession. Most recently, Justice Moore has been a bilingual assistant Crown attorney in the Toronto Crown Attorney’s Office. Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Justice. The party obtaining the date will be advised of the date they are scheduled for the Triage Court. Generated from their business information 1 COURT SERVICES DIVISION EMAIL ADDRESSES BY SCJ COURTHOUSE LOCATION Central East • Barrie: Barrie. If you have a case management criminal court appearance in the Ontario Court of Justice in Brampton, do not attend court in person. Brampton (A. The minimum requirement to apply to be a Judge in the Ontario Court of Justice is ten years completed membership as a barrister and solicitor at the Bar of one of the Provinces or Territories of Canada. The Superior Court of Justice is dedicated to ensuring meaningful access to justice for family law litigants at all Superior Court locations. Her Worship Lauren M. Justice of the Peace Roger John King has been a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for over 24 years. Orangeville (Dufferin County) Counsel and litigants are advised that in order to schedule and secure a long motion date with the Superior Court at Brampton, upon being provided with such a motion date by the court, counsel and litigants shall secure the motion date given to them by first booking with the trial office verbally then by serving and filing the notice of motion At the Ontario Court of Justice, matters in writing (such as Form 14Bs in family law), matters added after the list is posted and matters subject to statutory, common-law or court-ordered public access restrictions, such as Youth Criminal Justice Act (youth) matters are not listed. Criminal Rules of the Ontario Court of Justice, Rule 2. Justice Michael Boyce. They include the case name, time, room number, whether the case is being heard in-person, by video conference or by teleconference, and the reason for the court appearance. Important: You cannot submit documents online: to request an urgent court hearing; for a court date that is five business days or fewer away; if you need to meet a deadline established by legislation or other court rules, court practice direction or a court order that is five business days or fewer away. How can I email the courthouse in Ontario? Here is the list of emails for Ontario Courthouses (Ontario Court of Justice – OCJ): Contact Court Services. Enter the location of your local courthouse to find contact information, as well as scheduling and connection information (Zoom links and telephone numbers) for virtual appearances in certain criminal courts. Stevenson Senior Judge of the Family Court. Ontario Court of Justice Provincial Offences Court; Provincial Offences Court Office; 5 Ray Lawson Blvd, Brampton L6Y 5L7 . Generated from their business information This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. How it works. After three years in private practice, Justice Cheung joined the legal department at the Children's Aid Society of Toronto where she has been for nearly 20 years, supporting child protection matters at all levels of court. As an Vacancies are advertised by location referencing the name of a municipality where a criminal court of the Ontario Court of Justice is located (e. courts@ontario. Jul 1, 2024 · iii. Nov 28, 2022 · Ontario’s Attorney General Doug Downey recently announced the appointments of Raymond Bernstein, Lindsay Daviau, Andrew Falls, Mabel Cheuk Ting Lai, Scott Bergman, Craig Harper, and Rohan Michael Robinson as new judges of the Ontario Court of Justice, effective December 1. Sep 4, 2024 · Justice Dana Irene Haklander was called to the Ontario bar in 2011. In the wake of COVID-19 (corona virus) the Ontario Court of Justice is now posting email address for urgent filings. Grenville and William Davis Superior Court of Justice and Ontario Court of Justice courthouse in Brampton allows the criminal justice system in one of the province’s busiest jurisdictions to keep up with demand that previously had far outpaced available space inside the building. zoom. These modes of appearance include in-person, virtual attendance using remote technology (video or telephone) or a combination of both. Jan 30, 2024 · The Province’s $117 million project at the A. Justice Rahman fills one of the two remaining positions authorized further to the Budget Implementation Act, 2021, No. He practiced largely with Owen Wigderson and represented clients at the Court of Appeal for Ontario, the Superior Court of Justice and the Ontario Court of Justice. Her Worship Jane Moffatt Senior Justice of the Peace. As an Jul 3, 2024 · From 2011 to 2017, he was a criminal defence attorney. Counsel and litigants are advised that in order to schedule and secure a long motion date with the Superior Court at Brampton, upon being provided with such a motion date by the court, counsel and litigants shall secure the motion date given to them by first booking with the trial office verbally then by serving and filing the notice of motion This Central West Notice to the Profession and Parties, made pursuant to Rule 1. ca: Milton – Region of Halton Long motions: Counsel and litigants are advised that in order to schedule and secure a long motion date with the Superior Court at Brampton, upon being provided with such a motion date by the court, counsel and litigants shall secure the motion date given to them by first booking with the trial office verbally then by serving and filing the This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. Garg The Superior Court of Justice is one of the busiest trial courts in the world. These committees operate independently of the Ontario Court of Justice. Dec 18, 2020 · Justice Bonn has appeared before the Provincial Offences Court, the Ontario Court of Justice, the Superior Court of Justice, and the Ontario Court of Appeal. The Daily Court Lists online service provides information about upcoming criminal and family proceedings in the Ontario Court of Justice. Jan 20, 2017 · Justice Jaffe's community work has included serving on the Board of Directors of the Alzheimer Society Peel, and coaching high school students to help them prepare for mock bail and trial competitions. Court data, decisions and rules. These lists include family court cases. Locate and compare Ontario-Court-of-Justice in Brampton ON, Yellow Pages Local Listings. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what’s great and not so great in Brampton and beyond. Following this, she established her own family law and mediation practice, Beasley The Ontario Court of Justice in Brampton, ON is a judicial institution that oversees legal proceedings and trials within its jurisdiction. For all case types, you can use this tool to search: For civil cases in the Superior Court of Justice, you can use this tool to search: Ontario Court of Justice Provincial Offences Court.
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