Powershell format date. Apr 5, 2012 · PowerShell date format not behaving.
Powershell format date Get-Date uses the current culture settings of the operating system to determine how the output is Mar 1, 2024 · Learn how to use the ToString() method and various specifiers to format a datetime in PowerShell. 11. PowerShell provides various ways to handle date and time formatting, including using the Get-Date cmdlet, custom format strings, and the -f format operator. Feb 25, 2025 · En este ejemplo, comenzamos recuperando la fecha y la hora actuales usando Get-Date. To specify a change interval, use the Adjust parameter. Change of format Get-Date` PowerShell. PowerShell offers built-in options like `-Format` for creating string representations of the date. A partire da PowerShell 5. Obtenir la date et l'heure séparées par un underscore sous la forme "AnnéeMoisJour_HeureMinute" : Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd_HHmm" 20240403_1734. Format('format string', values'). 13-03-2014 14:51. Die Option -Format in PowerShell ist ein Parameter, der hauptsächlich mit dem Cmdlet Get-Date verwendet wird. You can get the current date of a system by using Get-Date cmdlet. This is then used as input to [long] (Get-Date -Date (UTC date/time from above) -UFormat %s) Convert the UTC date/time (from the first step) to Unix format. Apr 5, 2012 · PowerShell date format not behaving. 0. Windows prompt: ISO Oct 23, 2017 · PowerShell で日付や時刻を扱うコマンドといえば Get-Date ですが、表示するフォーマットを備忘録がてらまとめます。 Get-Date コマンド. Feb 11, 2024 · [1] However, note that "Update $(Get-Date -Format d)", i. Left is a string „The DateTime is“ with an Index {0} to the date on the right hand side, right is the data we want to format, in our case the current DateTime. Get-Date verwendet die Well, you can cast any integer to a DateTime, simply because DateTime is just a number behind the scenes. Quando o parâmetro Format é usado, Get-Date obtém apenas as propriedades do DateTime objeto necessário para exibir a data. 基本(日付と時刻) Nov 11, 2019 · Invoke-SQLCmd brings back . Related. The most common format is the “dd/mm/yyyy” or “mm/dd/yyyy” format, where “dd” represents the day, “mm” represents the month, and “yyyy” represents the year. This is just to get the created date for an AD Object: Das cmdlet Get-Date ruft ein DateTime-Objekt ab, das das aktuelle Datum oder ein von Ihnen angegebenes Datum darstellt. ToString() formatter uses a different format instruction from the display system formatter. Jun 8, 2016 · I sometimes use PowerShell to create files or logs that include the date or time. ToString() en este objeto. PS> Get-Date -Format FileDate 20191211 The date without the time is not exactly what I was after — the time is vital in my mind. My preference is to write dates and times from greatest to smallest value. There are several date columns in the excel file with format yyyy-mm-dd format. Let’s play around a bit more by using different formats to display dates. Whenever you run the PowerShell Get Date command, you will see an output like Monday, September 07, 2020 1:35: Some of these letters (:d, :D, :f, :F, :g, :G and :r, :R) also perform double duty as date patterns which can lead to some confusion. See examples of different formats, such as MM/dd/yyyy, HH:mm:ss, and hh:mm tt. Here are the three most frequently used Get-Date -Format specifiers that I use and their formatted result: Quando si utilizza il parametro Format, Get-Date ottiene solo le proprietà dell'oggetto DateTime necessarie per visualizzare la data. NET 形式と UNIX 形式で書式設定できます。 Get-Date を使用して日付または時刻の文字列を生成し、その文字列を他のコマンドレットまたはプログラムに送信でき Oct 27, 2015 · How to format datetime in powershell. The -UFormat %s tells Get-Date to return the result as powershell get-date -m 1 -format yyyyMMdd. I've used AddDays(-1) before, but I can't seem to get it to work with any formatting options. Como resultado, algumas das propriedades e métodos de objetos DateTime podem não estar disponíveis. The following methods show how you can format DateTime in PowerShell. 1. It can be used to format the date in a variety of ways, including the YYYYMMDD Sep 22, 2018 · It is possible to display 24h format using the Get-Date Cmdlet, e. 2015 As a best practice, I should avoid creating my own date format strings if at all possible. Począwszy od programu PowerShell 5. I also prefer to use the hyphen as a delimiter because it is filename friendly. If you need more control over your date conversions, especially when dealing with both date and time, the [datetime]::Parse() method is your friend. How can I do that? Working with unusual date formats in Powershell? 0. For exporting information like DateTime fields to SQL, the default language setting is English (United States). Dec 23, 2009 · get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd made me stop for a moment before realizing that it's not the -f operator but the short form for the -Format parameter. Aug 5, 2014 · Convert date format yyyy/MM/dd/hh/mm/ss to datetime object in PowerShell 0 Getting a month as an integer, and taking a year from that as part of a string message Jan 30, 2023 · PowerShell で -format オプションを使用して日付と時刻をフォーマットする PowerShell で (Get-Date). Something like this: Sep 13, 2017 · For enforcing a particular format for parameter values I wouldn't recommend parsing the value in a ValidateScript() block and throwing an exception on a mismatch. Net DateTime object, not a string. Simply run the command Get-Date -Format "o" to get the date and time in the ISO 8601 format, which includes milliseconds and the time zone offset, ensuring clear and consistent date-time representation. using PowerShell's string interpolation would result in a culture-invariant representation. U kunt Get-Date gebruiken om een tekenreeks voor datum of tijd te genereren en de tekenreeks vervolgens naar andere cmdlets of programma's te verzenden. Get-Date de huidige cultuurinstellingen van Nov 17, 2020 · Manipulating and formatting dates and times is a common requirement in scripting. 0, można użyć następujących dodatkowych formatów jako wartości parametru Format Apr 29, 2020 · First of all, you need to check what your Excel needs when custom formatting a date cell. Jul 19, 2017 · How do I fix the date format In Powershell to use ISO 8601. Both are correct. Jul 22, 2016 · Formatting date and time in PowerShell. The simplest way to add a date to a filename during file creation is by using the Get-Date cmdlet in PowerShell. She uses string. Convert Date to correct format. PowerShell’s way of outputting a date gives a different result from simply converting it to a string - this is with culture set to UK English: Nov 10, 2018 · I am attempting to use the -ExpandProperty feature in PowerShell to stop the header appearing in the output and format the date without minutes and seconds. You can do all the type conversions and formatting in PowerShell, there is an example: The Set-Date cmdlet changes the system date and time on the computer to a date and time that you specify. If you call Get-Date -format "yyyyMMdd" you call a cmdlet with some parameters. PS> Get-Date -Format FileDateTime 20191211T2015018186 Sep 18, 2021 · It outputs as 9/18/2021 8:07:39 PM and I wish to format this to DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss . Formatting datetime in powershell script. Adding days to a datetime query. Convert date and time string to datetime format. When applied to a date they will act as date patterns and they are then case sensitive: Full list of Date Formats. Please check following link for more info about it: DateTime struct. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 10 months ago. Dec 9, 2022 · The Format-Wide cmdlet, by default, displays only the default property of an object. so, if you want to get a specific format, do as AdminOfThings Get-Date コマンドレットは、現在の日付または指定した日付を表す DateTime オブジェクトを取得します。 Get-Date では、日付と時刻を複数の . Dec 31, 2020 · Formatting Dates and Times. The -f format string can be surrounded by either single or double quotes. It is similar to Stack Overflow question How to append a date in batch fil May 8, 2018 · PowerShell Date Format. Now that you are aware of the basic methods of using dates, it’s time to delve deeper into the topic. With these techniques, you can format dates and times in a way that suits your specific needs. TotalMilliseconds # Returns 300000 ([TimeSpan] (Get-Date). NET- und UNIX-Formaten formatieren. 0, è possibile usare i formati aggiuntivi seguenti come valori per il parametro Format. yyyy" – whatever Commented Oct 13, 2017 at 10:28 Das cmdlet Get-Date ruft ein DateTime-Objekt ab, das das aktuelle Datum oder ein von Ihnen angegebenes Datum darstellt. Single-digit hours will not have a leading zero. ToString() method on this object. I run a PowerShell . There are two ways to output a specific date-time format. : Get-Date -UFormat %R, but I can't use this when creating a [datetime] object. NET and UNIX formats. You must have administrative rights to change the system date Jan 6, 2020 · Take a look at this; it returns the date, without the time. Hot Network Questions Get-Date -Format "MMMM" avril. the . You can specify a new date and/or time by typing a string or by passing a DateTime or TimeSpan object to Set-Date. dd. It does store the correct physical point in time, but it is a local time and will be printed in local time. Mine (Dutch Excel) wants format MMM-jj, but more likely you need MMM-yy. The solution, then, is to format the date parameter in your argument list to have no spaces and yet still be in a format that DateTime::Parse() can understand (so PowerShell can reload the variable on the other end). Convert Date variable into particular format in Dec 8, 2020 · Using PowerShell Get Date : PowerShell Date Formatting. Convert String to DateTime Object in specific timezone with Powershell. "7/14/2022 12:47 PM" Get-Date -Format g If you need a custom format that isn't covered by one of the standard formats, use kpogue's helpful answer. h, %h - The hour in a 12-hour clock. This is exported data from file server and dates that are modified, but, I am unable to sort the dates. Read PowerShell Get-Date Format. Showing time and/or date on powershell command prompt. ToString を使用して日付と時刻をフォーマットする PowerShell の GetDateTimeFormats() を使用して、すべての日付と時刻の書式設定スタイルから選択する Nov 22, 2018 · However when I check in excel, the format is always "MM/dd/yyyy" Is there anyway to manipulate the string? Or change the cell format so that the date stays in "dd/MM/yyyy" Edit: My current solution is this I set the cells format using . Every DateTime has a Ticks property which are 100 ns intervals since 0001-01-01. In PowerShell, you can format the current date in a desired style using the `Get-Date` cmdlet along with the `-Format` parameter. 0, você pode usar os seguintes formatos adicionais como valores para o parâmetro Format Dec 31, 2014 · The default output for a DateTime object contains a space, which is interfering with the parsing. Get-Date können Datum und Uhrzeit in verschiedenen . To format the DateTime in PowerShell using the UFormat specifier, you will need to use the parameter -Uformat followed by a string with the format. Powershell change a date to dd/mm/yyyy hh:ss format and then to string. The Get-Date cmdlet gets a DateTime object that represents the current date or a date that you specify. Er ermöglicht es Benutzern, ein benutzerdefiniertes Format für die Anzeige von Datum- und Uhrzeitinformationen anzugeben. Working with Specific Dates May 7, 2018 · I'v got a problem when trying to parse, and convert string to [DateTime] format in PowerShell using ::parseexact. Excel will then flip Quando si utilizza il parametro Format, Get-Date ottiene solo le proprietà dell'oggetto DateTime necessarie per visualizzare la data. Date and time are used many times throughout our scripts. 0, vous pouvez utiliser les formats supplémentaires Aug 10, 2017 · Assuming you already know how to import the csv-file in powershell this should point you into the right direction: Get-Date 8-10-2017 -Format "MM. Sample code: get-date -Date '01/10/2017' The Sep 19, 2024 · To format the current date and time in ISO 8601 using PowerShell, you can use the Get-Date cmdlet with the -Format parameter set to "o". You can find all options for UFormat here in the documentation. Date format not applied when doing AddDay. Met de cmdlet Get-Date wordt een DateTime--object opgehaald dat de huidige datum of een datum aangeeft die u opgeeft. . You can use Get-Date to generate a date or time character string, and then send the string to other cmdlets or programs. 3. The format string "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss" instructs PowerShell to format the date with the day and month in two digits, followed by a four-digit year, and the time in hours (24-hour format), minutes, and seconds. This powerful structure allows you to Mar 29, 2023 · Learn how to format and parse dates and times in PowerShell using standard and custom patterns. [grin] you are seeing the powershell display system formatting for that data type. PowerShell to Convert String to DateTime. So when your Region and Language settings are different from the default for SQL, being: English (United States) <> Dutch (Belgium), you should use the following format in your code to comply to the English defaults: How can I setup a default date format in powershell like yyyy-mm-dd ? so any date output will be like this format? or How to setup a date format globally in one script ? Is there a way to output date only without time? when I output LastWriteTime, Default is. Method 1: Using the Get-Date with the -Format parameter Feb 12, 2024 · In this example, we start by retrieving the current date and time using Get-Date. 2. Sep 16, 2024 · To format the current date and time in PowerShell as yyyymmddhhmmss, you can use the Get-Date cmdlet with the -Format parameter. The value "yyyyMMdd" is the value for parameter Format (try help Get-Date -param Format). Insert the dates as datetime objects, when done, format the date column. A partir do PowerShell 5. 0. Pass this to Get-Date so you can format it how you want; convert string to datetime in powershell 2. Gdy jest używany parametr format, Get-Date pobiera tylko właściwości obiektu DateTime niezbędne do wyświetlenia daty. ToString("R") dans PowerShell sont utilisés pour formater les dates, spécifiquement au format date-heure RFC1123, qui est couramment utilisé dans les en-têtes HTTP et d’autres normes web. Jun 22, 2019 · you seem to have a very common misunderstanding of what you are seeing when you use Get-Date on its own. Proper date formatting using Get-Date cmdlet in Powershell. The command is Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmmss" , which will output the date and time in a compact, sortable format. Get-Date kunt de datum en tijd in verschillende . See the last bullet point in this answer for background information. W związku z tym niektóre właściwości i metody datetime obiektów mogą być niedostępne. Jul 6, 2017 · In PowerShell you can cast a time value to a timespan and call the TotalMilliseconds method: ([TimeSpan]"00:05:00"). When the PowerShell reads date columns it renders a digit. Jul 12, 2019 · I am unable to change the date and time format in excel. To specify a new date or time, use the Date parameter. Modified 5 years, 11 months ago. Get-Date can format the date and time in several . DateTime] class and ask for the current time. If like me, you get the time string like this 20190720170000. that has very little to do with the actual data. Formatting Dates in PowerShell. This simplifies creating certain types of date outputs, and is more accurate as Dec 16, 2024 · Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss" Output: 10:30:45. Sie können Get-Date verwenden, um eine Datums- oder Uhrzeitzeichenfolge zu generieren und dann die Zeichenfolge an andere Cmdlets oder Programme zu senden. Look at least at part1 and part2. Converting date time format in PowerShell. PowerShell Format Date mm/dd/yyyy. ToShortTimeString()). NET [System. 000000+000 Dec 31, 2019 · PowerShellで日付を処理する際は[Get-Date]コマンドレットを利用します。 日前の日付取得の方法とFormatによる出力フォーマットの指定方法は簡単に見つかるのですが、その2つを組み合わせた方法について紹介します。 Jun 10, 2015 · How to format datetime in powershell. Powershell - Parse datetime string to datetime object. You can use either the -Format parameter or the -UFormat parameter. For instance: Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" This would yield the current date in a structured In a Windows (Windows XP) batch script I need to format the current date and time for later use in files names, etc. Then, we immediately use the . Change date format from "yyyymmdd" to "mm/dd Feb 19, 2025 · 日付データをyyyyMMdd形式で扱う 「date」「Get-date」利用時の日付データ形式について. Jan 4, 2008 · How do I get this Get-Date format in powershell? 2. See examples of different formats and how they vary by culture and locale. Luego, usamos inmediatamente el método . For example, to format the DateTime in PowerShell we can do the following: Apr 21, 2017 · 今回は、【PowerShellで時刻の取得し表示形式を変更する方法】についてご紹介します。Get-Dateでは時間や日付を取得することができます。出力フォーマットの変更についても押さえておきましょう。 Dec 31, 2023 · Retrieve the current date and time in strict ISO 8601 format: PS C:\> Get-Date -format s 2018-11-26T14:43:04. I want to be explicit that 01 is date and 10 is month, so that irrespective of locale and time format I can get a consistent result. PowerShell has a Get-Date cmdlet or you can go direct to the . To get the date of the last day of the month in YYYYMMDD format, use the following command: powershell get-date -m -1 -format yyyyMMdd. NET date format specifiers, Windows PowerShell automatic displays it in the correct format. Get-Date converts the given UTC time to local time and stores it as a datetime object with Kind set to Local. It can also be used to format dates, perform date arithmetic, and convert date formats. Obtenir seulement la date (ici, dans son format par défaut) : Get-Date Apr 3, 2019 · I have a script that takes the creation date of a file and injects it into an xml tag. Powershell get-date format to calendar date. Dec 12, 2016 · Given that you have a culture-invariant string as your input and that you want a fixed output format, you may as well perform string parsing, without the need to convert to an intermediate [datetime] instance: Formatting DateTime Output. Nov 23, 2012 · How to format datetime in powershell. If I use the built-in . Jan 10, 2017 · How do I specify what part of my input string is the date and month? If the input is 01/10/2017, this can be read as 1st Oct 2017 and 10th Jan 2017. La cadena de formato "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss" instruye a PowerShell para que formatee la fecha con el día y el mes en dos dígitos, seguido de un año de cuatro dígitos, y la hora en horas (formato de 24 horas), minutos y segundos. If you never dealt with the format operator or are new to PowerShell, see an example below how it works. Changing Windows Time and Date Format. NET- en UNIX-indelingen opmaken. The mm/dd/yyyy format is another common date representation, particularly in the United States, where the month precedes the day and year. g. Oct 24, 2017 · From Formatting Dates and Times. Get-Date verwendet die Dec 7, 2022 · Get-Date -Format "HH:mm K" # Result 16:09 +01:00. convert string to datetime in powershell 2. Can someone tell me where's my bad? Here's my code. How can I discover the formats that are available to use in Windows PowerShell when I format date and time information? One way is to keep this script handy and run it when you have a date formatting issue to output common formats: “d ShortDatePattern […] Mar 6, 2022 · PowerShell extends dates. Here is a table of the . It looked rather out of place, somehow :-) It looked rather out of place, somehow :-) Oct 26, 2012 · My objective is to get a list of users from my domain with the following info: -Display name -Country -Manager Name -Last login date I am running the following script, and everything looks good e Sep 18, 2021 · It outputs as 9/18/2021 8:07:39 PM and I wish to format this to DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss . This cmdlet retrieves the current date and allows you to format it according to your needs. Di conseguenza, alcune proprietà e metodi di oggetti DateTime potrebbero non essere disponibili. The information associated with each object is displayed in a single column: Get-Command -Verb Format | Format-Wide Format-Custom Format-Hex Format-List Format-Table Format-Wide You can also specify a non-default property: Jan 22, 2015 · PS C:> Use-Culture de-DE {get-date -Format d} 21. I want to get the current date as a string in the following format: \\/Date(1411762618805)\\/ I have been fighting with PowerShell and have tried the following, but it keeps wrapping the object with Apr 13, 2020 · Formatting Dates in PowerShell. -f operator. Apr 17, 2024 · In PowerShell, you can format DateTime objects using various methods and format strings. Obtenir seulement l'heure avec les secondes : Get-Date -DisplayHint Time 17:34:28. If you need, I can attach my excel sheet… any assistance CreationTime 03/05/2018 14:58 3/21/2018 5:32:01 PM 03/12/2018 17 Met de cmdlet Get-Date wordt een DateTime--object opgehaald dat de huidige datum of een datum aangeeft die u opgeeft. , you can specify the datetime format like "ddMMyyyy", “dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss” etc… In this article, we will discuss how to convert date to a string in PowerShell and format date objects in both default and custom format using the ToString Nov 11, 2013 · Summary: Learn how to use Windows PowerShell to format dates. Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd" Understanding DateTime in PowerShell What is DateTime? The DateTime structure in . Everything works but the formatting of the date shows 2019-4-3 and I need the format to be 2019-04-03. powershell上で「date」「Get-date」などで日付データを取得すると、通常であれば以下のような形式で取得されます。 Dec 18, 2018 · Note that the above implies that the simplest way to get the current date and time in the desired format is to use: # Get the *current* date and time in general format. Feb 25, 2025 · Sortie : À la fois Get-Date -Format R et (Get-Date). Jun 29, 2012 · How do I get this Get-Date format in powershell? 2. Get-Date de huidige cultuurinstellingen van Nov 25, 2019 · General formatting syntax. How do I change this digit to a real date time. 0, você pode usar os seguintes formatos adicionais como valores para o parâmetro Format Format DateTime in PowerShell for different formats. Get the current date and time with fractions of a second, in a format suitable to be used as a Windows filename: PS C:\> Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-ddTHH-mm-ss-ff 2018-11-26T14-45-02-33 Chris Dents' answer has already covered the OPs' question but seeing as this was the top search on google for PowerShell format string as date I thought I'd give a different string example. Numberformat = 'dd/MM/yyyy' and then I need to format the date to be in MM/dd/yyyy. The `get-date` cmdlet is a powerful tool for working with dates and times in PowerShell. Dec 21, 2024 · Read PowerShell Get-date Add Days Examples. Dec 1, 2020 · How to format datetime in powershell. 34. PowerShell is responsible for changing it to string. How can I display 24h format? powershell May 14, 2022 · This will output the date object corresponding to the string as "Friday, April 15, 2022 12:00:00 AM”. Convert Date to Feb 25, 2025 · Verwenden Sie die Option -format, um ein Datum und eine Uhrzeit in PowerShell zu formatieren. some dates are formatted using excel ( format copier or format cells) it modifies only a few cells but not all. 5 days ago · PowerShellでは、現在の日付や時刻を取得するために Get-Date コマンドを使用します。Get-Date を活用することで、システムの日時を取得したり、指定のフォーマットで出力したりすることが可能です。本記事では、Get-Dat Quando o parâmetro Format é usado, Get-Date obtém apenas as propriedades do DateTime objeto necessário para exibir a data. Using Format Strings. Therefore, let’s repeat this example with the FileDateTime Format parameter value. # -> e. The latter parameter uses the Unix Nov 6, 2021 · Before you can start formatting dates in PowerShell, it’s important to understand the different types of date formats that are available. Apr 30, 2013 · If you want the local time, just call Get-Date. Specify %h if the format pattern is not combined with other format patterns. There are plenty of format strings. Viewed 2k times 2 . e. Sep 16, 2024 · What is PowerShell Get-Date? The Get-Date cmdlet in PowerShell is used to retrieve the current date and time of the system. TotalMilliseconds # Returns total milliseconds from 00:00:00 till now Dec 8, 2014 · I am using following code to read an excel file using powershell. Apr 28, 2016 · PowerShell - formatting date to yyMMdd format. You can refer to the Microsoft documentation for a complete list of available format specifiers. I only need 13-03-2014 but 14:51. Jan 21, 2016 · How to format a DateTime in PowerShell. How to extract timestamp from output of cmdlet using powershell. [datetime]::parseexact('2018-05- The Get-Date cmdlet gets a DateTime object that represents the current date or a date that you specify. Powershell parse DateTime. Aug 25, 2011 · Get-Date -Format “dd-MM-yy” By examining, the date patterns returned by the DateTimeFormatInfo object that comes back from the DateTimeFormat property, it dawned on me that I could use those patterns directly with the format parameter of the Get-Date cmdlet. Validate the string via ValidatePattern() and parse only valid parameters in the function body. Get-Date コマンドで使えるフォーマットを一通り紹介します。 Format 一覧. Feb 3, 2023 · ToString() method allows you to specify the format for the string representation of a DateTime object. Example powershell datetime format yyyy-MM-dd ,yyyyMMdd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss etc. NET date format specifiers. Get-Date -Format "dddd MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm K" Tuesday 06/25/2019 16:17 -07:00 À compter de PowerShell 5. Converting LastLogon to DateTime format. NET is an integral part of how PowerShell handles dates and times. 3 days ago · Method 1: Using the Get-Date Cmdlet. Formatting date and time in PowerShell. 6. Sep 13, 2024 · Learn how to work with dates and times in PowerShell using DateTime objects. To display DateTime variables in human-readable formats, you can utilize formatting options. Display the date and time in a custom format: Get-Date -Format "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt" Output: Wednesday, December 16, 2024 10:30:45 AM. 01. Find out how to format, create, compare, and manipulate DateTime with examples and tips. In this tutorial we will go through PowerShell Date Format. How does one get date-1 and format it to mm-dd-yyyy in PowerShell? Example: If today is November 1, 2013, and I need 10-31-2013 in my code. tggfr nudvpmq hvzrvth cvwow dmrl jzuse shnw aekpl zvpjh nwna hidned sfinfy xkcmc qakc ngx