Progesterone levels ivf forum. 2 and Estrogen was 965.

Progesterone levels ivf forum 2 on cd21. I got my progesterone level result back yesterday and it was 8 also. I have suspected low progesterone levels for a while. Fourth transfer, fresh, after 12 eggs collected - progesterone first tested at beta was 500+. If LH levels are too high, it can indicate the presence of certain disorders, including PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). 21. I'd definitely talk to the doctor about that. My fertility dr reviewed the ultrasound and said that everything looks fine and said I can stop taking all the medications. Jun 6, 2018 · Hello I am 42 years old and this is my first ivf. 5 weeks). Natural progesterone is dissolved in an oil for injection. 2Last time I was pregnant it was 34, however my RE said anything over 10 is 'good'Open thoughts? My frozen transfer was on 12/22. How far apart was beta 2 and beta 3? I actually wouldn’t worry too much about your progesterone levels your betas are most important right now and they look amazing! Apr 27, 2023 · My nurse just called, my progesterone number was a little low, so they are having me bump up my PiO from 1ml every other day to 1ml every day ☹️ I'll go back on Sunday for a blood draw to check again. My 12dpt beta ended up being 238 and I am now 30 weeks with a girl. Dec 27, 2016 · Because your levels were drawn at 9/10 DPO, they aren't as accurate. 7 failed iui's, 1 retrieval, 6 fets, 1 miscarriage. Jan 18, 2023 · Hi all, looking for some reassurance and guidance. It apparently improves if you take it for several cycles in a row, and increases dosages can make a hug difference. We did iui on cd 26. 7. It also explores the origin of the progesterone rise, potential modifying factors and possible methods to Feb 13, 2011 · in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site Advanced Search Cancel I'm just over 7 weeks pregnant with my first child, after a successful second IVF. In a 2018 study of 161 patients undergoing FET and using only vaginal progesterone, the range of serum progesterone on the day of transfer in the study population was between 12. Aug 23, 2017 · I am not qualified to comment on your levels but I will say that my doctor said mine were fine and I never needed progesterone supplements with my 2 pregnancies. Jan 28, 2021 · Hi all, this is my first pregnancy and&nbsp;I am currently 8 weeks and 5 days and got ultrasound at 8 weeks. Absorbed slowly and evenly by the body, this oil-based product is still a safe bet. With you, the emvryo never implanted so it is only natural that progesterone was low. A non-systematic review was conducted by searching papers published in English during the period of 1990–2023 in MEDLINE and PubMed, Embase, The Cochrane Library (Cochrane Database of Systematic Jun 10, 2022 · Progesterone cut-off value was stated at 10. I’m waiting to hear back from my doctor but I’m wondering why my progesterone Dec 3, 2024 · Progesterone level is a predictor of how successful the IVF outcome would be. Absurdly high. My re said that is a great number and to come back in a few days for a bpt. 5% I had a relatively low first beta at 9dp5dt of 48. Oct 27, 2021 · Hi ladies,I had my first FET and got my bloodwork done 2 days ago at 10dp5dt. 4 on beta day (pregnant but miscarried 6. I had a chemical pregnancy. I was prescribed 6mths of clomid 5 years ago (50mg) to "boost" ie to release more eggs (more target practise for the sperm!) Jan 28, 2014 · Been trying for 2. After a frozen embryo transfer my dr had me stop estrogen and progesterone at 10 weeks. Nov 15, 2011 · IVF 1 (Mar 04) LFC -blighted ovum. But my first month progesterone was 17. 5%, P=0. I'm on progesterone suppositories now but do not understand why my progesterone was so low. 78 ng/ml (by my calculation using simple addition/ subtraction, this is the widest range of standard deviations reported), and the researchers found that “there Sep 9, 2016 · I had high levels for my fresh cycles. 9. 6 - I know for IVF my dr likes it in the 20’s with meds but curious what non IVF convention is. Progesterone supplementation is unlikely to help if started after a positive pregnancy test. If it was a huge issues I'm sure they would have. I even posted that on this subreddit in October. 65-35. 5 from 1. Sep 14, 2024 · Has anyone had this happen to them where their progesterone went down? I’m on progesterone in oil, oral progesterone, and vaginal. Mar 6, 2015 · I read your 'How to learn from your failed IVFs', and remember you saying that progesterone levels can be TOO high. 1 before I even started the PIO and endometrim. I am on 1ml progesterone oil intramuscular every day, three times per day 200mg progesterone suppositories, baby aspirin once a day and estragon patches, four, 100mg every other day. It is important to note that while a higher progesterone level corresponds with higher pregnancy success rates, one cannot fully predict outcome based on progesterone levels. I have thin lining so I take Tamoxifen after my period starts, monitor fertile window/ovulation and then start taking progesterone suppositories on 3DPO. You may also need to check progesterone levels if your IVF protocol is complicated. My 16m old was just in the hospital for four days for breathing issues so I really wasn’t sleeping, eating well, or staying hydrated. 05. 04) Cornell New York City - m/c at 8. We need to specify which phase of the IVF, the In Vitro Fertilization, process we’re talking about before the oocyte pickup and before the fertilization of the eggs, the progesterone level needs to be low and there are actually studies that suggest that if the Aug 29, 2022 · Anyone know what the ideal levels are during the two week wait? my doctor ended up upping my progesterone which was a 14. Come join the discussion about ovulation, donors, surrogacy, spirituality, therapy, medication, self help, treatment, and more! Show Less Nov 13, 2011 · There is an ongoing debate regarding the impact of premature progesterone rise on the IVF outcome. Feb 22, 2024 · The study aimed to review the role of basal, trigger, and aspiration day progesterone levels (PLs) as predictors of in vitro fertilization (IVF) success for patients with and without endometriosis. My clinic didn't check my hormones before my FET. At my second Hcg test they were at 80. I’m not testing until I miss my period Fifty fuckin nine. 8 IU/L. Sep 8, 2015 · Role of progesterone in luteal phase support after IVF. Sep 20, 2010 · My level at day 21 was 36, I was also on endometrin progesterone suppositories. Progesterone suppositories or creams There is no consensus on whether serum progesterone (P4) levels should be measured during IVF cycles. It was a BFN. In the context of assisted reproduction treatments, the most appropriate time for progesterone administration is typically after oocyte retrieval. Progesterone was tested on embryo transfer day after the transfer. 73- DOR 2/2012 IUI #2- 3/17/12 started 200ius of Follistim , 3/24/12 added ganirelix, 225ius Follistim and 75ius of repronex, IUI- 3/30/12, Beta April 13, 2012-BFN Appointment with Dr. 011). 7 mIU/ml on day 3 of the cycle. Did you end up doing a protocol that kept your progesterone low/below 2? Nov 30, 2023 · I'm wondering if people who had success with IVF could share what their progesterone levels were? My problem has always been low progesterone (29nmol/L) resulting in mid-cycle spotting so pre-IVF, I was put on pessaries to support this which raised my progesterone to 77nmol/L. Therefore, we investigated whether serum P4 Aug 8, 2020 · Our Infertility Support forum is a space to connect with others in the same position, discuss causes, treatment and IVF, and share infertility stories of hope and success. Hcg was 325 and progesterone 14. Patient of Drs Beer/Ndukwe/Gorgy and diagnosed with Factor V Leiden & MTHFR plus autoimmune factors. 2 which they said indicated ovulation but not necessarily high enough to support a pregnancy. Third . 22ng/mL which is slightly higher than the normal or ideal level of 10ng/mL. Feb 9, 2023 · Hi!I transferred a 5 day 4AA embryo (frozen, PGT tested) on Monday. Dec 30, 2015 · I know this is an old post, but I finished my 5th round of Clomid this month (first attempt trying 150mg). Estrogen 98. 5 ml. Just got my progesterone levels back from my blood test and I am at 18. NEW RE IUI #1- started 50ius of follistim 1/25, IUI 2/3/12 - BFN AMH-0. If your progesterone levels are low, it can be a warning that something’s amiss. Same exact thing happened to me . Injection of progesterone produces the highest blood levels. The cycle I got pregnant with my daughter, my 7 DPO levels were What should your progesterone level be during stims? Before trigger. I had transfer yesterday of a perfect 8 cell. It was at 16. They say it's one of the may keys to their success to know the P4 level at that point since high levels may shift the uterine window of implantation and create asynchrony between the embryo and the endometrium. 🥰 My RE is extra careful and kept my progesterone dose insanely high (5x200mg utrogestan until 9 weeks). 3 ng/mL and FSH 4. progesterone after embryo transfer?? Jump to Latest 38K views Dec 28, 2024 · I will be seeing my acupuncturist tomorrow (she ordered the bloodwork) and am awaiting a response from my OB but I’m soooo curious - I did a blood draw at 7DPO of my cycle to test my progesterone levels. 5 years. My 21 day blood results were really low between 1. 6 ng/mL according to Gaggiotti-Marre et al. There are medical studies that show estrogen levels above 500 and progesterone levels above 30 the day before transfer has a high chance of a chemical pregnancy or it not taking at all. Mine were always inconsistent and I’m 14 weeks with a healthy babe. Jul 9, 2007 · Progesterone Levels - Help Needed . Nov 6, 2024 · During this stage, progesterone levels are monitored to ensure they are sufficiently high, creating an optimal environment for implantation and successful early pregnancy development. Jump to Latest 604 views 2 replies 2 participants last post by Pumpkin Pie Jul 9, 2007 Jul 26, 2022 · Along with progesterone, measuring LH helps to determine if the woman is ovulating normally. 4 day before to transfer and now a 20 three days after transfer. I am a little concerned because I have heard most other IVF moms keep Jul 30, 2019 · Results. Second fresh transfer on transfer day progesterone level was Aug 3, 2024 · I am 10w6d and my progesterone levels are 17, and my doctor told me I can stop the suppositories. Apr 8, 2019 · Third attempt was fresh. When my first beta came back, it was 22. Jul 14, 2014 · What were yours if anyone has had a successful IUI?I am on our 3rd IUI after 3 years of trying, 2 years of fertility, and 2 MMC'sWe had our third IUI, my progesterone on cycle day 21 was a 13. They only did second bloods bcuz progesterone was so low. My doctor wants me to up my POI injections to 1. After 18 eggs collected. However, the common requirement is 1200 mg/day, which is essential to improve the chances of success. My nurse called and told me to increase PIO from 1. At 9w5d my levels were 19 and they said to continue and recheck in one week. However, the majority of these studies did not adjust for critical confounding factors. Nov 18, 2014 · Low AMH - 3. Comparatively my FET progesterone level was 42. So I did my 3rd FET on 11/25/2024. In particular, there appeared to be a steeper decline in pregnancy rates once progesterone levels were above 12 ng/mL. 9. This range appears to offer the best chance of implantation and ongoing pregnancy. 6 days ago · While pregnant, your progesterone levels are meant to rise gradually from week to week. I tested negative for pregnancy early June, stopped progestrone and had a period a few days after. Cycle 5 (150mg) level was 75, cycle 6 (150mg) level was 48. For my first fresh (baby boy now 3), beta day progesterone was off the chart 700+. My next dropped to 2. It's my own progesterone. Beta 2 and 3 were 31 for progesterone. 2%) and women with early luteal P 4 below 115 nmol/l (6. I did repeat bloodwork today (12dp5dt) and hcg more than doubled to 898 but progesterone dropped to 10. My doctor's exact words were: "When you get pregnant, we would have to monitor your levels. 0%; p = 0. Aug 30, 2011 · I am almost 32 got preg one time in 4 yr of ttc. On beta day hcg was 10, progesterone 34. On June 4th, my beta was 136. No1 bothered. After four days I got nervous and had my levels checked. Then my levels Dec 10, 2022 · Before I stopped, my levels were at 83. IVF 2 (June 04) Lister - miscarriage IVF 3 (Aug. Come join the discussion Oct 26, 2024 · Research suggests the ideal progesterone levels after an IVF transfer are between 10-20 ng/mL. This ensures the levels are in the range that best sets you up for a healthy pregnancy. But I feel like this number is too low??For background I was on PIO until 9w1d, switched to suppositories 3x a day. Gestone, Prontogest, Agolutin). " I was quick to end the call since I was in the middle of work. Treatment support. My progesterone levels at fet were 48 and then got hifher and higher . Second Trimester: 25-90 ng/ml: Average is 40 at beginning, 90 at end. The RE then prescribed 5mg letrozole. We’ve made it through our 4 betas! Beta 1: 169Beta 2: 446Beta 3: 1832Beta 4: 4552However, my progesterone has been fluctuating a bit and I am anxious. My HCG as of today’s blood work is at 740 but my progesterone is at 68 which is very high for 4 weeks. The objective of this review is to assess evidence of poorer ongoing pregnancy rate in IVF cycles with elevated serum progesterone at the end of follicular phase in ovarian stimulation. Oh and if anyone knew what their level was the cycle they conceived. I was told the day of my retrieval that my progesterone levels were too high and my fresh transfer was cancelled. I double guessed my RE. Women who had early luteal P 4 levels greater than 252 nmol/l had a significantly higher live birth rate (27. Blood tests may be conducted to ensure that the progesterone supplementation is adequate. It was already 2. 6% vs. Schoolcraft at CCRM July 18, 2012 Feb 7, 2019 · FET stopped birth control no period progesterone levels high. I didnt ovulate until cd 17 last month. 1%) than women with early luteal P 4 between 115 and 252 nmol/l (17. If necessary, adjustments can be made to the dosage or administration method to optimize progesterone levels for the best Mar 6, 2015 · With stimmed OE, the variation in progesterone levels between people can be enormous because production per follicle varies, number of follicles varies and the rate of progesterone breakdown varies too, but if you keep in mind that on a natural cycle you are going to have something like 30-60 nmol/l with one ov'd follicle at 7dpo, you can May 28, 2010 · I ovulate naturally with no problems and my progesterone levels have been between 48 and 81 nmol/l on natural cycles (the 48 nmol/l was first natural cycle following IVF and the lowest I've had). Come join the discussion about ovulation, donors, surrogacy, spirituality, therapy, medication, self help, treatment, and more! Show Less 2 days ago · I just got my progesterone back (also did FSH, estrogen, and LH in he same day). g. As progesterone levels increased, pregnancy rates decreased. We’ll also reveal what can cause progesterone levels to get out of range. It’s ok to have a progesterone Feb 11, 2020 · Me 43, DH 49 I have antiphospholipid syndrome TTC 2016 June 2018 IVF Lite converted IUI, BFN August 2018 IVF Lite, 5 blasts, one transferred BFP, mc 11 weeks My progesterone was at 15 though which is worrying me a bit. I have transferred two frozen embryos on May 22nd and my first beta on May 31st was 28. 71. 3 days ago · Your doctor will likely decide whether checking your levels is important. If you have a history of miscarriage or fertility challenges, monitoring progesterone may be best. 5 units. I went in to test just 3 days after stopping and my progesterone dropped to 60. This may suggest that this is a clinically important level beyond which Everything came back normal according to the lab's ranges. He said that he was at a major fertility conference Feb 20, 2016 · It's also a good indicator of how the pregnancy is going (as is hcg) my last pregnancy was ectopic. May 1, 2012 · When I was undergoing fertility treatments with DS, they checked progesterone levels at 7dpo and again at 14dpo with the hCG beta. At my u/s appt this morning my RE said I could stop the progesterone. Have a look online at grapgs of lh, fsh, estrogen and progesterone. My naturopath thinks it may be premature failure of corpus luteum/luteal phase defect. Cycle 3 (100mg) level was 55, cycle 4 (100mg) level was 11. I’m currently on no medications but I was curious if anyone had an ideal for pregnancy not just the average needed. ROC curve analysis allowed us to determine two thresholds for the prediction of live birth using the early P 4 level. 16. Moving on to DE -adding clexane IVF 4 (June 2005) IVI Valencia - Fresh Donor Egg/Sperm Jul 31, 2020 · Progesterone Levels in first trimester are 11-44 naturally. 5. I’m hoping this was what impacted that level rather than the pregnancy being in danger. Jul 6, 2024 · HCG Levels and Progesterone March 08, 2025 | by TatertotLove5 So I had a question and wanted some insights. Feb 25, 2023 · Yeah, I was doing a fully medicated cycle. 1. RE wants it above 15. in which reproductive outcomes of 244 eu-ET were evaluated according to serum progesterone levels, and patients with serum progesterone of <10. Hi! I found out last week that our transfer was successful (great news, and cautiously optimistic). I've always read that people were kept on progesterone suppositories throughout their first trimester. Prematurely elevated progesterone levels at time of hCG/GnRH agonist trigger can lead to a developmentally advanced endometrium relative to the fresh embryo that is subsequently transferred. Jul 22, 2018 · On cd 15, I was only 10mm for follicles. 5, second month was 9, and third was 36. That said, I have low progesterone levels and due to poor reactions, I can't take supplements. 0 ml to 1. Went for my progesterone bloodwork today and my level was 10. It has been well known since the 1980s and is today universally accepted that the luteal phase subsequent to IVF cycles in the absence of exogenous hormonal support is characterized by early luteolysis, followed by premature decline of estrogen and progesterone levels. Studies that have suggested the benefit of measuring P4 have identified different thresholds above which there may be a reduction in implantation rates (IRs). 6 ng/mL the day before FET had significantly higher miscarriage rate (26. I was feeling confident but then my "day 21" progesterone was 9. They upped my PIO to 1. Numbers I have though are mostly for the beta day. August 26, 2024 | by MHeart19. My progesterone tested at 6. Following years of a prevalent belief that the higher values of P4 are better , it now seems that there may be an optimal window for P4 values during the luteal phase in bovine IVF . Currently 20 weeks prego from the FET. It was a big surprise for me because everything else was looking good and when I had my IVF with a fresh transfer, everything worked out as planned and the fresh transfer worked (my baby is 10 months now). Because of the body’s rapid metabolism of progesterone, the injection should be given daily to maintain adequate blood progesterone levels. Does that seem like a big drop within just a few days? Today is my last day of progesterone vaginal capsules and now I'm worried about stopping if my levels dropped that drastically within a few days. My IVF stims so far with. What happens if it starts to get high? My clinic mesures progesterone the day before egg retrieval. 1 ng/mL achieved pregnancy. Nov 12, 2019 · Progesterone levels fluctuate a lot throughout the day. So personally I would not be alarmed at your levels, given my experience (all cycles were unmedicated). 5 weeks after heartbeat seen twice. My progesterone shot up to the 20's by 12DPO when I got my BFP and first beta. 4 and 1. 8 for ongoing clinical pregnancy vs chemical. 007) and lower LBR (47. Also just curious if I’m a candidate for augmented natural FET in the future. Short answer. 4- is that too low? Jun 24, 2024 · Hi all,We are TTC after our third miscarriage. In this article, we’ll cover what normal progesterone levels look like by week during pregnancy. Embryo implantation may be compromised in the setting of this asynchrony. Progesterone is usually 40-55 on day 21 (which is great). I responded well on this with 2 follicles at 19 and 18mm. Watch thread Flip Watch Save The purpose of this study is to investigate whether progesterone (P4) levels on the day of frozen-thawed embryo transfer (FET) to a hormonally prepared endometrium correlate with pregnancy outcomes. My estrogen levels were also 800 to 1400. My hcg level was boarder line normal but my progesterone started at 4. But, from what I understood, I CAN get pregnant with low levels, I would just need to keep an eye on them. I spent the following weekend digging into any data I could find about beta levels after IVF and I did find this study that looked at 12dpt levels and found a cut off value of 86. If the progesterone was lower than they wanted (anything less than 15) at either of those checks, they immediately started supplements. This is a large retrospective cohort analysis Oct 8, 2013 · I had my first IUI done 9/30 and 10/1, triggered on 9/29. 76 ng/mL and the optimal range I found is between 15-33. &nbsp;One Oct 6, 2023 · Healthcare providers and fertility clinics should carefully monitor progesterone levels in patients undergoing fertility treatments. Just got my labs back HCG is ~4500 but my progesterone went from 39 last week at 4w5d to 25 today Mar 1, 2020 · I replied to your comment on other thread also- personally think progesterone should be tested on day of transfer,my level wasnt checked until beta with my 1st fet and it was only 10 (clinic liked it to be over 30) and I was put on injectable progesterone,sadly I miscarried the next day and when I questioned the clinic manager she told me they don't know if prog is low due to pregnancy failing Jan 4, 2025 · I just got my natural cycle progesterone level at 5dpo and it’s 13. My progesterone wound up dropping from 29 to Apr 26, 2020 · My dr only checked my progesterone after confirmed pregnancy test which was 2 weeks after transfer so about 5 weeks gestational. Don’t stress too much about it because that all contributes to levels decreasing I found out while I was a stress case about it. I had my first bet draw on 12/5/2024, hcg levels were 199 and Progesterone levels were at 21, a pretty good start! My second beta draw was 12/7/2024, hcg levels were at 597 (it tripled) Aug 24, 2009 · Forums. 8 when I was on 50mg and 100mg. August 30, 2023 | by flameretardant. I've been on and off progesterone so many time over the past year because I had LPD. I had a miscarriage with a normal embryo 2 weeks later . This value of 10 ng/ml (30 nmol/l) seems to have come from a study of women who were given a particular kind of fertility medication called hMG (human menopausal gonadotropin). Dec 16, 2024 · Had a placement scan today and gestational sack and yolk sack are right where they need to be placement and measurement wise. I tried clomid 2 yrs ago and it didn't work. Progesterone rises after ovulation, and rises further when embryo implants, otherwise it goes back to very low levels. 2 and Estrogen was 965. TSH Levels should range between 0. I had been on crinone in tww again. Had been taking the 300 mg Lutinus per day for 2 days prior to this. May 23, 2011 · IVF #2 w ICSI-6/21/11 ER, 4 Eggs, 2 Fertilized, 6/24/11 3 day ET 2 embryos- Beta 7/5/11- BFN- No frosties. Could this Nov 23, 2009 · A forum community dedicated to infertility and fertility support. Cycle 2 (50mg) level was 7. I've had every test possible, everything perfect. Cycle 1 (50mg) level was 1. 2 and 4. I looked up the optimal ranges for everything and it looks like my progesterone is low; my number was 6. 02 IVF#1 - amazingly accepted for egg sharing 19/11/14 - 16 eggs (8 for me and 8 for recipient) Freeze all cycle due to high progesterone levels, 3 blastocysts frozen Seeing in the posts many different approaches to frozen embryo transfers (lupron, triggers, progesterone blood tests, lining thickness checks, baby aspirin, progesterone suppositories, progesterone shot, prebiotics, Prednisone, Lovenox/Clexane,…), I’d like to know what was your protocol like when it was successful and if you had an unsuccessful one before that, what was different when it Oct 19, 2019 · I do not know what to think. Level was 500. High progesterone levels in an IVF cycle on the day of trigger are associated with diminished implantation rates and live birth rates Mar 22, 2024 · I had my egg retrieval this past Wednesday 3/20 and was originally supposed to have a fresh embryo transfer on day 5. I'm currently pregnant again at 3 weeks 5 days my progesterone was 15. My other numbers are: estradiol 97. So a little BackstoryMy husband and I started trying again 5 years after our last baby. It's possible you have low progesterone but it's also possible your levels are decreasing because AF is coming soon. Taking pills and patches and a lot of injectable progesterone . Asked about this to as many nurses as I can. Instead the true progesterone level needed for pregnancy is probably lower. Though progesterone levels on the day of transfer have not yet been studied extensively in humans, timing the transfer of a frozen embryo based on serial P4 values Jun 4, 2014 · None of the women with progesterone levels greater than 18. Anyone heard of this? Waiting for a call from my doctor now. But I have questions regarding my labs…9dp6dt beta:HCG - 136Progesterone - 3011dp:HCG - 465Progesterone - 46Is it common for hcg to almost quadruple? I thought it was strange that my progesterone went Sep 29, 2017 · The hCG hormone injection given to a female in vitro fertilization (IVF) patient 36 hours before egg retrieval to encourage ovulation of mature eggs, takes place on “trigger day” during an IVF cycle. Progesterone was 73. Keep your head up and I certainly hope this is BFP for you. Oct 22, 2017 · A forum community dedicated to infertility and fertility support. Our objective is to examine the peak progesterone level at the time of trigger in addition to the change in progesterone levels Apr 27, 2017 · I had several cycles on Clomid. When they called me today, my progesterone Here’s a question that specialists all over the world have been discussing for decades and still the answers are not quite clear. Feb 27, 2014 · Our favourite form of progesterone, taken by less than 10 per cent of fertility patients, is the intramuscular injection (e. hMG can have the effect of increasing progesterone levels. Save Share A forum community dedicated to infertility and fertility support. My FET has been cancelled 3 times due to high progesterone levels. qcxld ucjdxw hzxwvw napr tlldbtf pqwqizu myfndce qsg djkowjum ybeprri ehxynmt obhex zdvlc idno xemyuq