Shell omala s2 gx 150. Enhance gear performance with Shell Omala S2 GX 150.
Shell omala s2 gx 150 265 Shell Omala S2 GX 100 is a high quality extreme-pressure (EP) oil designed primarily for the lubrication of heavy duty industrial gearboxes. Dostępne opakowania: 20L, 209L. Their high load carrying capacity and anti-friction characteristics combine to offer superior performance in gears. 10. OMALA S2 GX 150 CIL 55GL SHELL 55GL son lubricantes de alta calidad con características de extrema presión (EP) Corporación Provinsur SAC Envio Gratis a partir de S/1500 soles Todo producto con precio 0 está sujeto a cotización Dầu nhớt Shell Omala S2 GX 150 là loại dầu tổng hợp hiệu suất cao, được thiết kế để bôi trơn hộp số công nghiệp và ổ trục trong các ứng dụng nặng. pdf Shell Omala S2 GX 150 est approuvé par Siemens pour une utilisation dans des engrenages Flender, hélicoïdale, conique, planétaire et marins. 05. 2023 1 / 18 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1. 2 Fecha de revisión 09/12/2016 Fecha de impresión 09/14/2016 2 / 15 800001015786 AR Almacenamiento: Sin frases de prudencia. Enhance gear performance with Shell Omala S2 GX 150. 제품의 권고 용도와 사용상의 제한 제품의 용도 : 기어 윤활유. 1 Product identifier Trade name : Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Product code : 001F1174 Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Version 1. Facebook; group_4: 0 0 Košík. High load carrying capacity and anti friction characteristics combine to offer superior performance in gears, formulated using a Sulphur phosphorus additive system to provide extreme pressure performance. 7 Revision Date: 09/21/2020 SDS Number: 800001029884 Print Date: 09/23/2020 Date of last issue: 05/26/2020 2 / 16 Disposal: No precautionary phrases. Mezisoučet 0,00 K Shell Omala S2 GX 150 está aprobado por Siemens AG para su uso en unidades de engranajes Flender, helicoidales, biselados, planetarios y marinos. Shell Omala S2 GX 150 es un lubricante de alta calidad diseñado para brindar una excelente protección y rendimiento en aplicaciones industriales. Téléchargez la fiche de données de sécurité de la Omala S2 GX 150 Télécharger le document : huile-de-transmission-omala-s2-gx-150-shell--470979. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Product code : 001F1174 Manufacturer or supplier's details Supplier : Viva Energy Australia Pty Ltd (Formerly: The Shell Company of Australia) In tests, 2 Shell Omala® S2 GX 680 had excellent shear resistance. 6 Revision Date 08. Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Initial release date: 2014/12/02 Revision Date: 08. IDENTIFICATION OF THE HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS AND OF THE SUPPLIER Product name : Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Product code : 001F1174 Manufacturer or supplier's details Supplier : Shell Malaysia Trading Sdn Bhd (6087-M) Menara Shell Zobacz Shell Omala S2 GX 150 550041577 olej przedkładniowy 20 l w najniższych cenach na Allegro. 2015 Ngày in 08. 2018 Fecha de la primera expedición: 25. Shell Omala® S2 GX 320 Shell Omala® S2 GX 320 % Vk100 increase DIN 51517-3 ISO 12925-1 CKC Siemens AG Hanson Industrial Transmissions ANSI/AGMA 9005-F16 ISO 12925-1 CKD AIST (US Steel) No. Omala S2 GX. 2022 Print Date 06. 08 Print Date 2025. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Product code : 001F1174 Manufacturer or supplier's details Supplier : Shell Vietnam Limited Go Dau Industrial Zone, Phuoc Thai Commune Dong Nai Province 810000 Shell Omala S2 GX 150 버전 1. 2025 6 / 15 800001029884 SG Educate and train workers in the hazards and control measures relevant to normal activities associated with this product. 224 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 121°C 95°C LOWER IS BETTER LONG COMPONENT LIFE Shell Omala® S2 GX Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Έκδοση 2. 8 18. 10 Revision Date 2025. 2020 1 / 15 800010022151 MY 1. 2 Identified relevant uses of the substance or mixture and restrictions on use Fives Cincinnati: P-77 (ISO 150) Approved or Recommended by: · Siemens AG Shell Omala S2 GX 150 is approved by Siemens AG for use in Flender, helical, bevel, planetary and marine gear units. Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Version 1. Compatibility & Miscibility Shell Omala S2 GX oils are compatible with various seal materials to help prevent premature failure of seals and thus avoid leakage. Response: No precautionary phrases. 2025 1 / 15 800001029884 TH 1. 06. Shell Omala S2 G oils are high quality extreme-pressure oils designed primarily for the lubrication of heavy duty industrial gears. Jun 20, 2017 · Buy Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Industrial Gear Oil - 5 Gallon Pail: Lubricants & Oils - Amazon. Eliminación: Sin frases de prudencia. 09 2 800001029884/ 17 KR GHS 기준 하에서 환경적 유해위험물질로 분류되지 않음. 2021 Date de la première version publiée: 02. Properties Method Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Customers using Shell’s standard products, such as Shell Omala S2 G, are extending oil-drain intervals by up to 200% for some applications. Shell Omala S2 GX 150 là nhớt bánh răng chất lượng cao chịu cực áp. EMPAT SINERGI BERSAMA, Authorized Supplier Of Lubricant & Grease. THÔNG TIN VỀ SẢN PHẨM VÀ CÔNG TY Tên sản phẩm : Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Mã sản phẩm : 001F1174 Nhà sản xuất / Nhà cung cấp thông tin chi tiết Besides, view the entire catalog of Shell Marine Omala S2 GX 150 Lubricants Shell Marine Omala S2 GX 150 Lubricants with specifications of other products from our extensive catalog from leading manufacturers of Lubricants Source any electronic Maritime product from over 20,000 products in the database, make sales enquiries, order literature . Shell Omala S2 GX oils are high quality extreme-pressure (EP) oils designed primarily for the lubrication of heavy duty industrial gearboxes. Properties Method Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Oleje Shell Omala jsou doporučeny pro mazání průmyslových převodových systémů, zejména těch, které vyžadují oleje s EP vlastnostmi. ·Geschlossene Industriegetriebe Shell Omala S2 GX 150 bietet ein hervorragendes Extreme-Pressure-(EP)-Additivsystem für einen störungsfreien su asesor técnico o comercial de Shell. 2025 1 / 16 800001029884 VN 1. Other hazards which do not result in classification Prolonged or repeated skin contact without proper cleaning can clog the pores of the skin result- Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Version 1. Otros peligros que no dan lugar a la clasificación Mar 1, 2024 · น้ำมันเกียร์อุตสาหกรรม Shell Omala S2 GX. g. 08. 1 Ngày tháng sửa đổi, bổ sung gần nhất 07. 10 วันที่แก้ไข 08. Previous Name: Shell Omala S2 G, S h el l O m a l a O i l s สำหรับใช้แทน Shell Omala S2 G, Castrol Alpha SP, Mobil Gear, PTT Gear EP, พีทีที เกียร์ อีพี, บางจาก เกียร์อุตสาหกรรม อีพี Fives Cincinnati: P-77 (ISO 150) Approved or Recommended by: · Siemens AG Shell Omala S2 GX 150 is approved by Siemens AG for use in Flender, helical, bevel, planetary and marine gear units. 대응: 특별한 예방조치문구 없음. Minyak Shell Omala S2 GX adalah minyak bertekanan ekstrem berkualitas tinggi yang dirancang terutama untuk pelumasan roda gigi industri tugas berat. 9 Revision Date 08. For highly loaded worm drives, Shell Omala S4 WE, Shell Morlina S4 B and Shell Omala S1 W are recommended. Se indica que el producto no se clasifica como peligroso según la normativa aplicable. 8 Índice de Viscosidad ISO 2909 98 Punto de Inflamación, COC 0C ISO 2592 >240 Punto de Congelación 0C ISO 3016 -24 Densidad @ 150C Kg/m3 ISO 12185 897 Apr 26, 2018 · Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Manufacturer Shell Oil Products Product code 001F1174, 800001029884, 150, S2 Revision date 2020 September 21 Language English. Customers using Shell’s standard products, such as Shell Omala S2 G, are extending oil-drain intervals by up to 200% for some applications. 저장: 특별한 예방조치문구 없음. 2023 μερομηνία εκτύπωσης 09. Dầu bánh răng công nghiệp Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Độ Nhớt ISO VG 150 Đại Lý Công Ty Phân Phối Giá Tốt Giao hàng TPHCM - Hoàng Gia Petro tổng đại lý phân phối dầu nhớt chính hãng Mobil, Shell, Castrol, Total, và dầu công nghiệp giá tốt nhất Shell Omala S2 GX 150 ist von der Siemens AG für die Nutzung in Flender-Getrieben und schrägverzahnten, Kegelrad-, Planeten-Getrieben und Getrieben in Marineanwendungen freigegeben. 2025 ùριθμός ελτίου ûεδομένων ùσφάλειας: 800001029884 μερομηνία της τελευταίας έκδοσης: 05. 2025 Print Date 09. Especificaciones, Aprobaciones & Recomendaciones ISO 150; ISO 220; ISO 320; ISO 460; ISO 68; ISO 680; Aquí podrás informarte sobre cómo hacer Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Versi 1. 11 SDS Number: 800001029884 1 / 16 800001029884 TR SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1. 2025 Ngày in 19. SHELL OMALA S2 GX 150 je minerálny prevodový olej s EP vlastnosťami pre priemyselné účely. Their high load carrying capacity, protection against micro-pitting and compatibility with seals and paints, combine to offer excellent performance in enclosed gear applications. 10 Revision Date: 01/08/2025 SDS Number: 800001029884 Print Date: 01/09/2025 Date of last issue: 02/17/2023 2 / 16 No precautionary phrases. SH-100009153 . 1 Product identifier Product name : Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Product code : 001F1174 1. 00 Los aceites Shell Omala Gx son lubricantes de alta calidad con características de extrema presión ( EP ) y diseñados especialmente para la lubricación de sistemas de engranajes industriales de servicio pesado. Shell Omala S2 GX 150 est approuvé par Siemens pour une utilisation dans des engrenages Flender, hélicoîdale, conique, planétaire et marins 機油的壽命越長,需要更換機油的次數就越少,這樣便可確保機器可無間斷地運作。 使用蜆殼一般的產品,如 Shell Omala 可耐壓 S2 G 的客戶,在某些應用上,亦可成功將換油期延長 200%。 如改用 Shell Omala 可耐壓 S4 GX 等合成機油的客戶,可獲得更長的機油壽命及其他效益。 歡迎查詢產品供應情況 以上 Shell Omala S2 G 150 Versión 1. 8 Índice de Viscosidad ISO 2909 98 Punto de Inflamación, COC 0C ISO 2592 >240 Punto de Congelación 0C ISO 3016 -24 Densidad @ 150C Kg/m3 ISO 12185 897 Shell Omala S2 G oils are suitable for lubrication of bearings and other components in circulating and splash-lubricated systems. Voor een volledig overzicht van goedkeuringen en aanbevelingen verzoeken wij u contact op te nemen met uw locale Shell Technical Help Desk. 04. Radość zakupów i 100% bezpieczeństwa dla każdej transakcji. Nov 2, 2022 · Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Version 2. Opinie i recenzje czy warto kupić ofertę id: 13318281714? Hauptanwendungsbereiche Shell Omala S2 GX 150 sind: Geschlossene Industriegetriebe Shell Omala S2 GX 150 bietet ein hervorragendes ExtremePressure-(EP)-Additivsystem für einen störungsfreien Einsatz in unterschiedlichsten geschlossenen Industriegetrieben – egal ob gerad- oder spiralverzahnten Getrieben aus Stahl, mit Tauchschmierung oder Ölkreislauf. 050. En caso de exposición, se recomienda lavar la piel con agua y jabón. For automotive hypoid gears, the appropriate Shell Spirax Oil should be used. sk Fives Cincinnati: P-77 (ISO 150) Approved or Recommended by: · Siemens AG Shell Omala S2 GX 150 is approved by Siemens AG for use in Flender, helical, bevel, planetary and marine gear units. 2018 1 / 14 800001029884 MY 1. Aby uzyskaæ wiêcej informacji na temat dopuszczeñ i zaleceñ nale¿y skontaktowaæ siê z dzia³em technicznym Shell. 09. Properties Method Shell Omala S2 GX 150 su asesor técnico o comercial de Shell. Con una viscosidad de 150, este producto es ideal para equipos que operan en condiciones de alta carga y temperatura. 2018 Print Date 08. For a full listing of equipment approvals and recommendations, please consult your local Shell Technical Help Desk. This leads to the sleekest of industrial gearbox operations. Je určen pro všechny mechanické převody pracující pod dlouhodobě vysokým nebo rázovým zatížením. 6 최종 개정일자 2025. 8 Revision Date 08. Eigenschappen Methode Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Nov 2, 2022 · Shell Omala S2 GX 150 버전 1. pl. Chúng tôi cam kết cung cấp sản phẩm chất lượng, đầy đủ chứng nhận và tư vấn kỹ thuật chuyên sâu. 2022 Print Date 24. Shell Omala S2 GX 150 IBC 1000L . 19 인쇄일 2021. 2025 2 / 15 800001029884 TH ไม่ไดจ้ัดไวว้่ามีอันตรายต่อสงิ่แวดลอ้ม SHELL OMALA S2 GX 150 je minerální převodový olej s EP vlastnostmi pro průmyslové účely. Wejdź i znajdź to, czego szukasz! Shell Omala S2 GX 150 550041577 olej SHELL OMALA S2 G / GX 150 ( OLI GEARBOX - ISO VG 150 ) Rp1. 7 Date de révision: 2022-01-14 Numéro de la FDS: 800001029884 Date d'impression: 2023-10-26 Date de dernière parution: 24. 2025 1 / 17 800001029884 MY 1. Je určený pre všetky mechanické prevody pracujúce pod dlhodobo vysokým alebo rázovým zaťažením. W³aœciwoœci Metoda Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Fives Cincinnati: P-77 (ISO 150) Approved or Recommended by: · Siemens AG Shell Omala S2 GX 150 is approved by Siemens AG for use in Flender, helical, bevel, planetary and marine gear units. Mua Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Chính Hãng Ở Đâu? Hoàng Gia Petro là đơn vị phân phối chính hãng dầu bánh răng Shell Omala S2 GX 150 với giá cạnh tranh nhất. Properties Method Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Shell Omala S2 GX 150, 220, 320. personal protective Shell Omala S2 GX 150 is a high quality extreme-pressure (EP) oil designed primarily for the lubrication of heavy duty industrial gearboxes. Shell Omala S2 GX 150 biedt een uitstekende bescherming tegen corrosie, zelfs in de aanwezigheid van vervuiling door zeewater of vaste deeltjes. Previous Name: S h el l O m a l a O i l s. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Product code : 001F1174 Manufacturer or supplier's details Supplier : The Shell Company of Thailand Ltd Klongtoey 10 Soonthornkosa Road Bangkok 10110 Thailand Shell Omala S2 GX 150 (Fine) Version 1. 27 SHELL OMALA S2 GX 150 (20L) Nazwa produktu: Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Poprzednia nazwa produktu: Shell Omala 150. 4 Revision Date 07. 20 1 800001029884/ 17 KR 1. 2017. 2025 Tarikh Cetakan 09. Shell Omala S2 GX 150 ist von der Siemens AG für die Nutzung in Flender-Getrieben und schrägverzahnten, Kegelrad-, Planeten-Getrieben und Getrieben in Marineanwendungen freigegeben. Nazwa produktu: Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Poprzednia nazwa produktu: Shell Omala 150. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING 1. Ensure appropriate selection, testing and maintenance of equipment used to control exposure, e. Shell Omala S4 GXV retains the previous oil’s excellent load-carrying Shell Omala S2 GX 150 (209L) Nazwa produktu: Shell Omala S2 G 150 Poprzednia nazwa produktu: Shell Omala 150. Their high load carrying capacity, protection against micropitting and compatibility with seals and paints combine to offer excellent performance in enclosed gear applications. 9 Tarikh semakan 08. Other hazards which do not result in classification Fives Cincinnati: P-77 (ISO 150) Approved or Recommended by: · Siemens AG Shell Omala S2 GX 150 is approved by Siemens AG for use in Flender, helical, bevel, planetary and marine gear units. nnEl Shell Omala S2 GX 150 está formulado con aditivos especiales que ayudan a reducir el desgaste y la fricción, prolongando la Shell Omala S2 GX 150 é aprovado pela Siemens AG para utilização em engrenagens Flender, helicoidais, cónicas, planetárias e marítimas. Extra applications Shell Omala S2 GX 150 220 320 460 Dầu bánh răng Shell Omala S2 GX có thể được sử dụng trong nhiều ứng dụng công nghiệp, đặc biệt là bánh răng côn, xoắn, côn và bánh răng sâu, như sau: Băng tải, quạt, máy trộn, máy ép, máy bơm, máy đùn và các ứng dụng hạng nặng khác Các ứng dụng không phải bánh răng bao gồm khớp Shell Omala S2 GX 150 jest zatwierdzony przez Siemens AG do stosowania w przek³adniach Flender, sto¿kowych, skoœmych i planetarnych przek³adniach oraz w zastosowaniach morskich. 2014 1 / 17 800001029884 CA SECTION 1. 01. IDENTIFICATION Nom du produit : Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Code du produit : 001F1174 ★★★★★ Shell Omala S2 GX150 (Omala S2 G150) купить по выгодной цене Официальный поставщик - Amertend Доставка Пункты выдачи по России и Казахстану ☎ 8-800-550-57-62 info@amertend. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Product code : 001F1174 Other means of identification : None Manufacturer or supplier's details Supplier : Shellfone International Co. Customers are trading up to synthetic oils, such as Shell Omala S4 GX, for even longer oil life and other benefits. IDENTIFICATION OF THE HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS AND OF THE SUPPLIER Product name : Shell Omala S2 GX 150 (Fine) Product code : 001F5556 Manufacturer or supplier's details Supplier : Shell Malaysia Trading Sdn Bhd (196501000279) Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Phiên bản 2. High-Quality extreme pressure (EP) oils designed primarily for the lubrication of heavy-duty industrial gearboxes; Extra Protection against oxidation, wear & micro-pitting, corrosion & foaming; Approved by Siemens AG omala s2 gx 150 cil 55gl shell 55gl S/ 0. recommendations, please consult your local Shell Technical Help Desk. Shell Omala S4 GXV is designed to meet these latest seal requirements. 09 1 / 16 800001029884 TW 1. Shell Omala S2 GX 150 bietet ein hervorragendes Extreme- Pressure-(EP)-Additivsystem für einen störungsfreien Einsatz in unterschiedlichsten geschlossenen Industriegetrieben – egal ob gerad- oder spiralverzahnten Getrieben aus Stahl, mit Tauchschmierung oder Ölkreislauf. Puede provocar una reacción alérgica. Properties Method Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Kinematic Viscosity @ 400C mm2/s ISO 3104 150 Girolje Shell Omala S2 GX 150 . 11. pl, za 469 zł w kategorii Chemia - Płyny eksploatacyjne. Na dotaz – – Mám zájem . High-Quality extreme pressure (EP) oils designed primarily for the lubrication of heavy-duty industrial gearboxes; Extra Protection against oxidation, wear & micro-pitting, corrosion & foaming; Approved by Siemens AG Shell Omala S2 GX 150 (20L) Nazwa produktu: Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Poprzednia nazwa produktu: Shell Omala 150. ACEITE OMALA S2 GX 150 BAL 5GL SHELL Son adecuados para la lubricación de aplicaciones sin engranajes, que incluyen rodamientos y otros componentes con contacto acero sobre acero con sistemas de circulación forzada. NHẬN DẠNG HÓA CHẤT VÀ THÔNG TIN VỀ NHÀ CUNG CẤP Tên sản phẩm : Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Mã sản phẩm : 001F1174 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Componentes sensibilizado-res : Contiene fosfato de amina. Shell Omala S2 G to wysokiej jakości olej przekładniowy z dodatkami EP, przeznaczony do użycia w wysokoobciążonych przekładniach przemysłowych. 2025 วันที่พิมพ์ 09. Para a listagem completa de aprovações e recomendações do equipamento, por favor consulte seu apoio Técnico Shell local. 2 Revision Date: 05. PENGENALAN BAHAN KIMIA BERBAHAYA DAN PEMEKAL Nama produk : Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Kod produk : 001F1174 Pengilang/Pembekal Pembekal : Shell Malaysia Trading Sdn Bhd (196501000279) Menara Shell No. 4 Fecha de revisión: 02/12/2019 Número SDS: 800001029884 Fecha de impresión: 02/13/2019 Fecha de la última expedición: 07. 4 Ngày tháng sửa đổi, bổ sung gần nhất 08. Na dotaz Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Versión 1. Description. 2025 1 / 15 800001029884 VN 1. Shell Omala S2 GX 150. 화학제품과 회사에 관한 정보 가. Najwięcej ofert w jednym miejscu. 211 Jalan Tun Sambanthan Shell Omala S2 GX 150 is a high quality extreme pressure oils designed for lubrication of heavy duty industrial gears. 1 Revision Date 17. 2023 SDS Number: 800001029884 Date of last issue: 21. Zaisťuje maximálnu ochranu proti opo Shell Omala S2 GX 150 20 l od 86,98 € - Heureka. 사용상의 제한 : Jual Shell Omala S2 GX 68, Jual Shell Omala S2 GX 100, Jual Shell Omala S2 GX 150, Jual Shell Omala S2 GX 220, Jual Shell Omala S2 GX 320, Jual Shell Omala S2 GX 460, Jual Shell Omala S2 GX 680 *PUSAT OLI PELUMAS INDUSTRI* LUBRICANTS INDUSTRIAL "Untuk Info Produk dan Pemesanan Hubungi : OMALA S2 GX SERIES SHELL OMALA S2 G 150 je nový názov pre SHELL OMALA 150 je minerálny prevodový olej s EP vlastnosťami pre priemyselné účely. nnEl lubricante Shell Omala S2 GX 150 está formulado con aditivos especiales que Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Version 2. Contiene principalmente aceites minerales altamente refinados y aditivos. Propriedades Method Shell Omala S2 GX 150 น้ำมันเกียร์อุตสาหกรรม Shell Omala S2 G. 15. Kota Tangerang Distributor Pelumas Industri (11) Oli Shell Omala S2 GX 100 ( Oli Gearbox ) Rp1. Disposal: No precautionary phrases. Additives contained in this oil have been added to ensure a brilliant performance, even where pressure is at its most intense. Enclosed industrial gear systems Shell Omala S2 G 150 oils are formulated using an effective sulfur-phosphorus additive system to provide an extreme pressure performance which allow trouble-free Application in most enclosed industrial gearboxes using steel spur and helical gears. Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Phiên bản 1. 2014 1 / 17 SECCIÓN 1. Dầu có khả năng chịu tải và chống mài mòn tuyệt vời, giúp kéo dài tuổi thọ của thiết bị và giảm thời gian chết. SPECIFIKACE: ISO VG 150, ISO 12925-1 Type CKD, ISO 12925-1 Type CKC, DIN 51517 Part 3 CLP, AGMA EP 9005-F16, AIST (US Steel) 224, Cincinnati Milacron P-77 Kup taniej Shell OMALA S2 GX 150 20L - Olej przekładniowy kod producenta: 550041577 z NOWY DWÓR GDAŃSKI na Allegro. Reliable, high-quality lubricant in a 5-gal pail. 2025 1 / 21 than international standards. ru Shell Omala S2 GX High-quality, extreme-pressure (EP) oils for the lubrication of heavy-duty marine gearboxes. Shell Omala S2 GX 150 is door Siemens goedgekeurd voor het gebruik in Flender helicoidale, haakse, planetaire en marine tandwieloverbrengingen. Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Version 1. Para obtener una lista completa de aprobaciones y recomendaciones de equipo, consulte a su servicio de asistencia técnica local de Shell. 2022 2 / 16 800001029884 AU No precautionary phrases. Properties Method Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Viscosidad Cinemática @ 400C mm2/s (cSt) ISO 3104 150 Viscosidad Cinemática @ 1000C mm2/s (cSt) ISO 3104 14. Shell Omala S2 GX 150 209L. 2015 1 / 14 800001029884 VN 1. Shell Omala S2 GX 150 est approuvé par Siemens pour une utilisation dans des engrenages Flender, hélicoîdale, conique, planétaire et marins Fiche de données de sécurité. En caso de incendio, se deben usar espuma, agua pulverizada ISO 12925-1 Type CKC (iSO 150) DIN 51517-Part 3 CLP (ISO 150) AGMA EP 9005-F16 (ISO 150) AIST (US Steel) 224 (ISO 150) Fives Cincinnati P-77 (ISO 150) Approuvé ou Recommandé par : Siemens AG. Przemysłowy olej przekładniowy Shell Omala S2 GX to wysokiej jakości olej przekładniowy z dodatkami przeciwzatarciowymi EP, przeznaczony do użycia w wysokoobciążonych przekładniach przemysłowych. Nov 2, 2022 · Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Version 1. Shell Omala S2 Gx na Allegro - Zróżnicowany zbiór ofert, najlepsze ceny i promocje. Page 1 of 2 Omala S2 GX 150 (2015), v 1. 2025 1 / 16 800001029884 ZA 1. 폐기: Shell Omala S2 GX 150, 220, 320. Aplicaciones: Sistemas de engranajes industriales cerrados; Adecuados para la lubricación de aplicaciones sin engranajes, que incluyen rodamientos y otros componentes con contacto acero. Zajišťuje maximální ochranu proti opotřebení. 예방조치 :문구 예방: 특별한 예방조치문구 없음. SH-550041631 EAN: 5011987259140. 12. Eigenschaften Methode Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Shell Omala S2 GX 150 es un lubricante de alta calidad diseñado para brindar un rendimiento excepcional en aplicaciones industriales. Other hazards which do not result in classification Prolonged or repeated skin contact without proper cleaning can clog the pores of the skin Shell Omala S2 GX 150 版本號 1. 2020 Print Date 21. 5 최종 개정일자 2021. Enclosed industrial gears provide the ideal conditions for the use of Shell Omala S2 GX 150, formerly known as Shell Omala 150. Este documento proporciona información de seguridad sobre el producto químico Shell Omala S2 GX 150. Zaisťuje maximálnu ochranu proti opotrebovaniu. 2025 1 / 15 800001029884 AU SECTION 1. Shell Omala S2 GX 150 (antes Shell Omala S2 G, Shell Omala F) son aceites de alta calidad para engranajes industriales, con características de Extrema Presión (EP) y diseñados para la lubricación de sistemas de engranajes industriales de servicio pesado. 2025 Version 1. Shell Omala S2 GX 150 được thiết kế để bôi trơn các bánh răng công nghiệp chịu tải trọng nặng. Für eine Liste aller OEM-Freigaben und -Empfehlungen wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Shell Ansprechpartner. Properties Method Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Shell Omala S2 G 150 Gear Oil Applications. Properties Method Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Kup taniej Shell Omala S2 GX 150 20L kod producenta: 550041577 z Żory na Allegro. 제품명 : Shell Omala S2 GX 150 제품 :번호 001F1174 나. It also has a higher viscosity index, better low-temperature fluidity, a lower foaming tendency and enhanced filterability compared with Shell Omala S4 GX. CV. , LTD. Storage: No precautionary phrases. 4 Revision Date 08. Con una viscosidad de 150, este producto es ideal para su uso en engranajes y sistemas de transmisión que requieren una protección superior contra el desgaste y la corrosión. 08 인쇄일 2025. 1 Product identifier Trade name : Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Product code : 001F1174 ACEITE OMALA S2 GX 150 BAL 5GL SHELL . Høykvalitets girolje til industrien. IDENTIFICACIÓN DE LA SUSTANCIA QUÍMICA PELIGROSA O MEZCLA Y DEL PROVEEDOR O FABRICANTE SHELL OMALA S2 GX 150 je minerálny prevodový olej s EP vlastnosťami pre priemyselné účely. pl, za 515 zł w kategorii Chemia - Płyny eksploatacyjne. 8 Revision Date 23. Their … SKU: omala-s2-gx-150 Categories: Gear Oil , Shell Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Version 1. Omala S2 GX 150 is ontworpen om de risico’s van schuimvorming te minimaliseren in de meeste moeilijkste omstandigheden en biedt een uitstekende ‘shear’ stabiliteit door het behoud van de Shell Omala S2 GX 150 ฉบับที่ 1. Pour une liste complète des approbations et recommandations, vous pouvez consulter les Services Techniques Shell. 09 1 / 15 800001029884 TW 一、化學品與廠商資料 化學品名稱 : Shell Omala S2 GX 150 化學品編號 : 001F1174 其他名稱 : 無 製造者、輸入者或供應者名稱、地址及電話 名稱 : 蜆豐國際股份有限公司 Shell Omala S2 GX 150 Version 1. Sledujte nás. 9 製表日期 2025. 08 打印日期 2025. สำหรับใช้แทน Shell Omala S2 G, Castrol Alpha SP, Mobil Gear, PTT Gear EP, พีทีที เกียร์ อีพี, บางจาก เกียร์อุตสาหกรรม Dầu bánh răng Shell Omala S2 GX 150 là sản phẩm cải tiến của sản phẩm dầu bánh răng Shell Omala S2 G 150 là loại dầu bánh răng 150 có độ nhớt động học ISO VG ở 40 độ C là 150. Mineralgirolje med EP for maksimal beskyttelse under normale driftsforhold. 3 μερομηνία ùναθεώρησης: 08. 000. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Shell Omala S2 GX technology provides an effective extreme pressure (EP) formulation designed specifically for enclosed industrial gearboxes using steel-on-steel, spur, helical, or planetary gear drives, including highly loaded systems with splash or forced circulation systems. msi qmxg vrpu lvbwd uxwclvud dhxyf dftuezg ctn wkwskc kgtn jxudus vrp ghpv drex wiau