Sprite variable game maker Mar 2, 2020 · I've searched for and tried different methods of trying to create a sprite that has no collision mask. I'm trying to join 2 string from 2 variable to make one variable that will represent a sprite name. Code: //Play Walking Sprite Oct 13, 2017 · you just arrange you sprites in the resourse tree from top to bottom as follows, first looks to the right and the rest cycles counter clockwise, so second looks at top right. Try this and it should work: sprite is set based on the hurt variable, and only taking damage and the alarm (which we use for the "a couple of frames" cooldown here) can affect the hurt variable. If "energy" is at 3, draw one sprEnergyFull and one sprEnergyHalf. sprite_exists sprite_add Nov 22, 2018 · set sprite_index and mask_index to -1 use the draw event to draw the sprite, like spr_Platform1, yourself. The name of the sprite is a variable. (--but it would be initialize as many time as the Jul 21, 2023 · The simplest way to draw a sprite is to assign it to an object: Then, put this object in a room, and run the game. Syntax: sprite_height; Returns: Real Example: Sep 27, 2018 · It looks good now, but the sprite that follows my mouse, I use the "draw" event for it, but now it wont show above the trees on the tiles. Just fine. I'm reading through the manual and it says i should delete the sprite to not get one, but if i do then i lose the sprite assumingly, which is not what i want because er. These variables are included by default with GameMaker objects and are all related to the sprite assigned to the instance in the room. with the same variable sprite_index= originalSprite . It references a location of data. When this instance is created you can see the white sprite at full size for frame 1 and then, the next frame, it scales and changes colour to Yellow. Nov 19, 2023 · GML Variable to Sprite. If "energy is at 1, draw one sprEnergyHalf. Just getting the game speed doesn't change a sprite in and of itself. x var p3y = global. have them as variable of object only in create script. Is there any way how to refer to a sprite by instance variable Jan 18, 2019 · And this is the code itself. So if you change the sprite on frame number 3, the new sprite will be drawn with that frame visible. So, for example, a sprite that is 32 x 32 pixels with these values set to (16,16) will have its origin in the center. x var p4y = global. If it's a sprite asset, make sure that the sprite asset has the same name, "sp_jump". (And since it could be corruption I think the obligatory “if you are not using source control right now, then you absolutely need to start using it if you don’t want to lose your project” is needed) Jul 17, 2024 · Hi, I'm using GM 8. Jun 3, 2019 · I'm trying to get my character to jump, but when I press space this happens: FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Key Press Event for Key for object objElyssa: Variable objElyssa. In the variable definitions I used these 4 sprite variables. You May 12, 2020 · And if it's undefined, how come I can check that same variable in-game via a button press and it shows the correct sprite index number? I can move around the inventory and the number is there-- the number I need to pass into the draw_sprite elsewhere-- but if I try to put this into any function, or store it into a variable, it's undefined. This width is returned in pixels and will be dependent on the image_xscale. They can be used inside a piece of code. To do that I need to 'link' the sprite name to my variable in the 'set sprite' action in order to get the correct sprite name. everybody Jul 9, 2019 · Now that I experience this, what happens if I wanted to add a new global variables when I am so far in testing the game. It is a built-in variable that exists for every object and it contains the current sprite id that that object is drawing. If you need the un-scaled width you should use sprite_get_width(). Hi everyone, I started using gamemaker:studio last month and all the great community tutorials on youtube are helping Observe que para que as mudanças nesta variável sejam visíveis, a instância não deve ter nenhum evento de sorteio (e assim, GameMaker irá, por padrão, sortear o sprite) ou ser desenhada usando uma das funções de desenho estendido como draw_self() ou draw_sprite_ext(). GameMaker is flexible: you can tell your object to draw more sprites, as many as you want, wherever you want. Piskel, free online sprite editor. Sep 26, 2017 · You can use the "Set Sprite" DnD just below the "If Variable" DnD you already got and then in the "other animation end event", you can use the "Set Variable" DnD to check if the variable sprite_index equals spr_magus_use_spell (without any quotation marks). This height is returned in pixels and will be dependent on the image_yscale. I tried making my life a little easier by switching to the global. A simple web-based tool for Spriting and Pixel art. The following are Built-In Vars: x, y - x and y coordinates of the object instance xstart, ystart and xprevious, yprevious - self-explaining direction - facing (0=right, 90=up, 180=left, 270=down) gravity and gravity_direction - set the strength and direction (0360) of the applied gravity image_ index alpha Apr 28, 2023 · I cannot for the life of me figure out if GML can or cannot do what I am hoping for. First, in the step event, I use a key press event to store the ids of all the oplayer instances currently in the room sprite_height. La vitesse que vous définissez ici affichera l'aperçu sprite tel qu'il sera exécuté dans le jeu avec un multiplicateur de vitesse d'image de 1, mais cela peut être défini dans le code à l'aide de la variable image_speed variable ce qui signifie que le site sprite peut fonctionner plus ou moins vite en fonction de ce qui est programmé. For example, var "frame" on object tree can equal 0-3, and 1-3 are animation frames. The problem is. Observe que você deve tentar limitar a mistura na plataforma HTML5 (a menos que utilize WebGL), pois cada mistura sprite tem de ser colocada em cache separadamente e, portanto, ter muitas misturas sprites pode afetar negativamente o desempenho (você também pode definir o tamanho cache utilizando a função sprite_set_cache_size()). However, if the new sprite does not contain a sub-image for the current frame, image_index will reset to 0, displaying the first frame of the sprite instead. I've used mask_index = -1; mask_index = noone; creating a blank sprite where I don't touch the mask; creating a sprite where I move the collision box outside of the sprite area. But her sprite remains the same when I use her default size (By taking the obj_sprite to the map without changing the size) her sprite doesn't look squashed or weird looking. This will check to see if the current sprite of te instance equals that sprite. Click new game and play all the way back to that point? lololololol Update: I got it! If so, just define the variable without using it. (my example) have all sprites saves like this as global for the game and loaded at start 2. Any help would be appreciated! :) I have an NPC in a top down-style game that moves in four directions: up, right, down, left. Summary. variable" is just another reference to that sprite. i need the sprite. Feb 10, 2021 · Hi guys, I was wondering how to link a sprite name to a variable. Mar 17, 2020 · Been trying to figure this one out for a while. For reference I was primarily following this tutorial: So if you change the sprite on frame number 3, the new sprite will be drawn with that frame visible. With "externally loaded sprite", the documentation means that on top of the sprites in the resource tree of your project, you can also load sprites from files at run time and sprite_index can refer to those as well (despite them not having a name in the resource tree). The variable sprite_index holds such references as values. Create sequences at runtime with the layer_sequence_create function or the Create Sequence Action. Jul 21, 2023 · The simplest way to draw a sprite is to assign it to an object: Then, put this object in a room, and run the game. at gml_Object_objElyssa_KeyPress_32 (line 26) - Oct 10, 2016 · asset_get_index lets you find the sprite by using a string. When using these variables, the sprite_width/height are calculated automatically. x var p3x = global. Sintaxe:. What is the variable I can put to get the currently defined xoffset value? edit: nevermind, was easier to do than I thought. Mar 7, 2024 · The colour of the sprite is white, but image_blend will make it something else (Yellow in this example). However, the NPC Sep 1, 2017 · If the sprite changed, then you have conflicting code somewhere, you have an improperly defined variable somewhere, or some other thing. You'll see your sprite in-game. This read only variable returns the height of the sprite that has been assigned to the instance. Syntax: sprite_index; Returns: Sprite Asset Example: Nov 18, 2018 · Step event: if hurt is true, set sprite to hurt sprite, otherwise set to normal sprite. sprElyssa_jumpRight(100005, -2147483648) not set before reading it. Mar 16, 2021 · To add to above, if you have a good number of sprites and want to call them by a descriptive reference instead of an index value to make them easier to find, you could use an enumerator (or macros). 11. If you don't mind the collision mask, you can create custom size variables: Dec 25, 2017 · Quick issue. Sep 20, 2021 · 1. Exemplo: Oct 13, 2022 · And that's it! If we run the game and collect a coin, our new animation is there. . asset_get_index() docs 2. When I put my children object on the map, the object don't use my variable definition sprite. I expect that when you are trying to assign the string to the sprite_index, which is an integer, the string is evaluating to a value of 0. Apr 15, 2024 · I was just making my game's save/load system (on IDE v2023. So, in the create event for a controller object I created a variable for each sprite that needs to be created, like this: Mar 7, 2018 · So if you change the sprite while the game is running, this function will still return the original sprite you set within Game Maker. Feb 25, 2019 · Sprite_width and _height would be the raw sprite variables, and image_width and _height would be the instance specific image_scaled variables. Unlike now where sprite_width and sprite_height are also instance specific, and there isn't just an image variable that I can use instead of sprite_index to get the scaled version. I'm using the following code to change the sprite depending on the direction the NPC is walking. So I used the "variable definitions" of the object (that is right under the physics). It uses the sprites I seted on the parent object. Sprite Instance Variables. These variables can be accessed at any time within the code or actions for an instance and used to change what is drawn and how. If we copied the variable like so: var get_variable = apple then get_variable = "tasty" Oct 2, 2018 · Seguro que tienes muy claro que significa sprite_index, pero, ¿sabrías usar la variable sprite_xoffset? Así que vamos a ver cada una de estas variables y funciones del sistema que nos ofrece Game Maker Studio 2, y un pequeño ejemplo de cómo usarlas para tus videojuegos. You can change the variable in any step event but I used end step so the next frame it starts playing the animation. at gml_Object_oplayer_Step_0 (line 26) - } else sprite_index = sprite_Idle; Click to expand So if you change the sprite on frame number 3, the new sprite will be drawn with that frame visible. For example, lets say I have spr_act as one sprite resource. Sintaxe: image_angle; Devoluções: Real. I can explain anything else that doesn't make sense in like five minutes time probably. spr_idle(100005, -2147483648) not set before reading it. (This is the map object, and might be a bit confusing to you) What you are doing is taking a function that doesn't return anything, and assuming it's an object. So i also desided to change my player sprite then based my cursor position, but i bumped into issue. Nov 14, 2016 · sprite_index = [your sprite asset]; will not change any variable other than sprite_index. If you need the un-scaled height you should use sprite_get_height(). Out of curiosity I did test instance_change. There's no risk of memory leak here, but after executing "sprite_delete" you've deleted the asset and now "spr Sep 20, 2016 · I am creating sprites out of backgrounds and assigning them to objects. sprite_Idle(100018, -2147483648) not set before reading it. So like, I have sprites like "spr_char_idle_front" and "spr_char_run_back". /// DEFAULT SPRITE SCRIPT > If button that changes state is being pressed or held, set state variable contained in player object to new state and change the default sprite variables. I'm making a game with a lot of sprites, so, instead of adding each sprite manually I created a code that uses sprite_add to load them only when needed. an object instance with both sprite_index and mask_index set to -1 are should be non collidable in game maker unless you use the physics system Apr 7, 2021 · Im trying to code an rpg and I have ran into a small problem. You must make an empty sprite (create new sprite, go to file bar and select new sprite which makes an empty sprite 32x32 by default, leave it like that and name it sprite_empty or whatever) now use that sprite to load your new sprite into, and when you want to go back to the original sprite, your Sep 28, 2019 · I've been using the sprite_add_sprite() and sprite_delete() functions to do this, storing all the resources in global variables, only defining the ones I need for a given area, and deleting them when I go to a different area. I'd love to use: sprite_set_offset(ind, xoffset, yoffset); But only with to change the yoffset value. I created the sprite multiple times, I have put it in the code through auto-complete and tried doing it manually, I have saved the image in a folder named Assets, which is in the root of this project. Looking to change the sprite based on the direction its moving. May 31, 2022 · Is "sp_jump" a variable, or a sprite asset? If it's a variable (that holds a sprite asset), make sure that it is set in the object's create event, and not misspelled. Are all your inventory sprites just sub images of a single sprite? And, of course, that's assuming you're referencing the right location in your 2d array for the data you want to Nov 4, 2023 · font_delete(global. For example if you had the variable: apple = "tasty", apple is the variable name, "tasty" is the data string that it references. Syntax: sprite_index; Returns: Sprite Asset Example: You can set the sprite index of individual instances using the sprite_index variable and so have ten instances all with a different sprite to the object they are created from, and even if you change the sprite index of the object using this function, all instances that are currently in the room will remain as they were, and only instances Jun 15, 2021 · I had something similar twice in the past. Jul 14, 2022 · You cannot resize the sprite size this way, as indicated in the error, you cannot resize this built-in variable. I get that what you really need is beyond that, okay. dex=5; global. Dec 24, 2024 · Recently i decidet to add weapons to my game. 129 and runtime v2023 11. It was something like "switch pseudorandom_value" with pseudorandom_value being like in the OP and then each value assigning a different explosion sprite. my problem is my game won't execute when I set global variables, this is the objcontroller create code I am using: instance_create_depth(mouse_x,mouse_y,0,objcursor); global. So if you say sprite_index = 0, the object will switch its sprite to the first sprite in the resource tree. Let say that I have 5 sprites: spr_icon spr_car_1 spr_car_2 spr_car_3 spr_car_4 I have a scale that vary, used for other things myscale = Sep 15, 2016 · As the title says I'm trying to click a sprite and set that sprite to a variable so I can then set the location to the mouse x and y position and then do something else with it later. 1. Collision and sprite size. Mar 12, 2022 · I'm using 'sprite_add' and i am getting a memory leak, so i'm looking to try an understand what is going on that causes a memory leak. In fact it's not an object. Jan 13, 2023 · I'm still pretty new to GMS, so I'm following a tutorial that was using switch for the sprites. I want to implement a character customization system and my intuition is to use a naming convention to keep it all as lightweight as possible and reduce redundancies. For example if you had several enemy sprites in context like "top part," "middle part" and "bottom part" you could do it like: Assigning sprite ids to variables and those variables to sprite_index is common knowledge ! I get that beginners don't know about it, that's quite normal. I run into all kind of problems if I use the same array or a huge array to store all sprites (my last question on the forums go into this in detail). p2. Use curves to smooth out clunky animations. Aug 10, 2016 · Or, if the newly created instance needs to know the value of _sprite during its create event ,(for example, because it needs to make calculations based on the size of the sprite), you can assign the sprite index to a global variable prior to creating the instance, and then reference that variable from inside of the create event. As you can see, the highlighted box in this image is the sprite that I want above trees, but I can't seem to do it now that the trees have depth. Consistency++ Aug 9, 2024 · You can still pick default values that has no effect, for instance initializing all those sprite variables to sprite_index would make the object default to whatever it's default sprite set in the Object Editor is (which gives you more freedom than hardcoding it to a specific sprite, but still has "no change" if you never get an input that Once you change the sprite with sprite_add the original sprite is gone until you restart the game. p1. Cela signifie également que vous devez faire très attention à ce qu'un sprite existe avant de le référencer, ou à ce qu'il ne soit pas référencé avant de le modifier. Jan 11, 2025 · Hi! For an example, menu currently looks like this: Which is awesome that I managed to do, but I want this blank space to become more in theme to my game (think something more graphic, like the persona 5 menu art/options), so I was intending to make my own sprites for each option, which would Oct 15, 2019 · > Move player object using physics and the default sprite variables. Jun 22, 2016 · variable sprite size. So, I would say that you should use draw_sprite_ext() (or draw_self if you are setting the image_alpha variable). 160 because my game wouldn't open if I updated it) when I finally stumbled across a way to save sprites for my battle structs. Free and open-source. Unless you set it inthe create event of the new object and perform the create event in instance_change(); So the issue needs to be somewhere else. Feb 16, 2025 · // pardon PKB while he initializes all temp vars once at the top // (and fwiw, I prefix temp variables and postfix "container" variables with an underscore) var _spr_cards_ = asset_get_ids(asset_sprite), // the function you likely didn't know exists :thumbsup: $;^ J _i_spr = -1, // my var emphasizes it's just an iteration for each sprite instead of spr_idx hoping to find valid indices; I start Jul 11, 2018 · When I use an instance variables in draw_sprite(sprite, subimg, x, y) like this: item = "spr_wood" draw_sprite(item,image_index,100,325) It doesn't work and I don't know why. If you set the variable to a different sprite then the image that is drawn by that object will change. The "spr_player_walking_pistol" sprite is the animated walking sprite is the animated one that I'm trying to switch to while walking. If "energy" is at 2, draw one sprEnergyFull. /// PLAYER OBJECT // Create > Creates all variables Mar 26, 2018 · Look at your code again. I have several sprites with a number at the end of their names and I want my object to change image dynamically according to the value of a variable. Jun 9, 2022 · Hi, I'm trying to get the draw variables for an object (oplayer) to draw through a for loop, but GM isn't able to find the player objects' ids that are stored in the array. This read only variable returns the width of the sprite that has been assigned to the instance. But the simple "variable = spr_thingy; sprite_index = variable;" works perfectly fine. The manual makes it clear that this is the case, as it can be confusing sprite_width. Also I want them to wander in a small area and need them their images to flip depending on which way they are moving. Sprite's are assigned an id, starting from 0, based on their position in the resource tree. Game maker now just takes the first object in your object resource list. so 0 is right, 45 is top right etc. 0 would be the equivalent asset index of the first sprite in your resource tree. Oct 25, 2023 · After this I created my first enemy. How would I, if I theoretically could, use code to choose from all the "idle" sprites if the object's state variable was set to "idle", and choose from all the "front-facing" sprites if La vitesse que vous définissez ici affichera l'aperçu sprite tel qu'il sera exécuté dans le jeu avec un multiplicateur de vitesse d'image de 1, mais cela peut être défini dans le code à l'aide de la variable image_speed variable ce qui signifie que le site sprite peut fonctionner plus ou moins vite en fonction de ce qui est programmé. have them as global but initialize it as an singleton in object create event (maybe benefit it would be initialize only if I use that object) 3. Save the game, modify the code and run again. s_actA=spr_act s_actB=spr_act Now say I have: Mar 15, 2019 · I decided to shrink her sprite down (Picture above) on the room editor, but when I start the game and her sprite started moving, Flygito's sprite size goes wrong. "global. However, you can use image_xscale and image_yscale. Syntax: sprite_width; Returns: Real Example: Finally you can also specify the x and y origin for the sprite. This is done through the Draw event, where you can tell it to draw any sprite you want. lol. str = 5; global. May 12, 2019 · I have a variable "energy" and a two sprites, "sprEnergyHalf" and "sprEnergyFull". But when I run the game, ##### ERROR in action number 1 of Create Event for object <undefined>: Variable <unknown_object>. Apr 8, 2020 · Variable oplayer. Syntax: sprite_index Returns: Sprite Asset Example: Jan 13, 2020 · Hi, I haven't used game maker since GM7, so I have a lot to catch up on. How do I draw a sort of bar with these sprites? i. then calculate the direction of the movement Jun 28, 2023 · I'm making a player inventory, but I cannot figure out how to give each item in the inventory the correct frame from the item sprite when they get added to the inventory. Aug 25, 2024 · Have you tried deleting and recreating the sprite asset itself? It could be a touch of corruption in the project. y var px = 0 var py Por favor, tenga en cuenta que para que los cambios en esta variable sean visibles, la instancia no debe tener ningún evento de dibujo (y así GameMaker dibujará por defecto el sprite) o ser dibujado usando una de las funciones de dibujo como draw_self() o draw_sprite_ext() (suministrando el image_index en el argumento apropiado). Apr 2, 2018 · 1. Then you use that sprite variable as the image_index for draw_sprite(). If you don't try it, you can't say it doesn't work ! In the end step event I then used sprite_index = nameNewSprite, put an alarm so after the animation plays in couple of frames to go back to the original sprite. Create pixel art, game sprites and animated GIFs. Comme sprites fait partie intégrante de tout jeu, GameMaker dispose d'un grand nombre de fonctions et de variables qui peuvent être utilisées pour obtenir des informations sur des sprites spécifiques, pour modifier celles qui sont présentes dans votre jeu, ou même pour charger des sprites personnalisés sur runtime à partir d'un fichier Jul 12, 2018 · Depending on how you structure your sprite resources, you could also use irandom_range() to pick a sprite. game maker`s directions start from the right. The only way to fix it was duplicating the sprite (ctrl + d), deleting the old sprite, clean cache and maybe save+restart GameMaker Studio, then rename the duplicate back to the original name (should be easy with a sprite). I'd like to know if there is a workaround to referencing same sprite indexes without having to duplicate them, for different variables. Dec 7, 2021 · Check whether any instances of this object that are placed in a room override the default value. y var p4x = global. > Else set default sprite variables. Then I have two variables which store the same sprite, call them s_actA and s_actB. Feb 5, 2017 · Hi GM people, having lot of fun, but I'm stucked here. at gml_GlobalScript_HandleSprites (line 16) - sprite_index = spr_idle; Sep 12, 2023 · It was a simple function to quickly assign a different explosion sprite for each enemy in the game, but assuring the same enemy would always get the same explosion sprite. Feb 11, 2025 · Here's where I am stumped: The draw_sprite_ext function can't see the variable and fails, BUT the draw_text in the If statement (of the same Event) sees the variable and writes it to the screen perfectly. Variables are bound to each instance, rather than the object itself. Mar 19, 2017 · The "spr_player_standing_pistol" sprite is the standard sprite. font_main); is in settings for the title menu Local variables belong to an instance. I want to have the game use a variable like Feb 2, 2024 · I am completely new to programming, and I am following an Action RPG Tutorial by Shaun Spalding in order to learn the software Apr 19, 2020 · We have been recommending going against using the image_speed variable since the sprite editor now has a nice preview for setting the speed, and the sprite as used in game will respect that speed as well as long as you leave image_speed variable alone. You retrieve a value from the array into a variable named sprite. As a placeholder, the frame VAR that I want to collect the frame data is directed at the knife item's frame. mag=5 Apr 17, 2018 · #region //setting variables for roomvar p3x = global. Just renaming the sprite to "spr_gun_blaaa" and back to "spr_gun" didn't work. The draw angle for the sprite (from 0 to 360, rotating anticlockwise where 0 is to the right - use the built in variable image_angle for the current rotation) Colour: The colour to blend with the sprite (default is white, and you can use the built in variable image_blend for the current colour) Jul 1, 2020 · Can't tell you how many times I've read this over and over again but for some reason it wont work; It's rather straight forward. Code is actually working, player turns to my cursor direction, but when my cursor gets from 335 to 360 degrees this happends: When my cursor The sprite built in sprite variables for alpha, etc exist regardless of whether you use them or not, and you have the overhead of using an extra function (draw_set_alpha) all the time. e. The variable is actually carried over there as well. I hope this makes sense. Nothing seems to work perfectly. Nov 19, 2023 #1 Jan 20, 2025 · This is more of a general question: I had the idea of creating a local variable for each object/instance that is linked to the sprite and or frame of sprite, to allow for an instance to keep track of what frame it is on, whether it is visibly drawn or not. May 5, 2020 · I'm basically trying to select a sprite made up of different variable descriptions. Aug 19, 2020 · On the line spr = sprite_add (working_directory + "pngImage",1,0,0,0,0); you're assigning "spr" to a reference of the sprite you're adding, not the sprite resource itself. Sep 22, 2020 · Hello I'm doing a top down rpg and while the characters' collisions are 16x16, the sprites are 16x24 Basically this means that characters or objects should appear layered in front of the ones above and behind the ones below at all times, but I don't know how to do that because objects seem to be Apr 7, 2018 · Hi, i have a sprite (spr_Billboard) used to display messages my problem is how do I get the messages to appear inside the sprite no matter where in the room it appears/ I tried messageX = sprite_get_bbox_left(spr_Billboard) messageY = sprite_get_bbox_top(spr_Billboard) which gave me 0,0 and Jul 21, 2023 · The simplest way to draw a sprite is to assign it to an object: Then, put this object in a room, and run the game. I cant get the mob's sprites to flip left or right when following the player, currently they just face right. Tada! Nov 13, 2017 · The variable "dest" is not set to an object, but instead it's set to just 0. This is the point where the sprite is "fixed" onto the instance that uses it, and is always calculated as relative to the (0,0) top left corner of one sprite sub-image. 0 and I have a problem adding sprites. Thread starter snarly; Start date Nov 19, 2023; snarly New Member. I've tried making a local variable to the Draw Event that equals to the same general variable (same error, different line). Yes its possible, you just need the functions asset_get_index() to turn your string into an integer asset id. I'm having trouble setting the sprite to a variable so it can be accessed later. Here are some key takeaways from this tutorial: You can animate objects and sprites using Sequences. It's in the create event of obj_inventory and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I use 2d arrays to hold the sprites. Jan 3, 2018 · Just to further explain the important piece of BubbleMage's code; sprite_index is what you want. dbcf xarzetyd epnti rbi vpqre zeg nyzw ovlzax pmaaoiue qbcml udndi pplauu khtjwyf bctadg nworug