Vba filter and sort Let’s say we want to sort the columns Name and Department in ascending order from the table provided. Steps. May 20, 2010 · Using VBA I want to filter all data on a sheet by Column B (between 2 values) then sort the filtered data by Column A, and copy the first row of data to another sheet. Operator = xlAnd Then sANDCrit = . Match("Country", rng. End(xlUp Mar 9, 2018 · I am extremely new at working with macros in Excel. Mar 20, 2024 · hello everyone here :) do u have any form filter \\ sort templates ? i have a continuous form and i would like filter some one the fields by drop down list (combo-box). You just list out the values in an array like so: Sub FilterOnValues() 'PURPOSE: Filter on specific values 'SOURCE: www. Where Field:=X is the column number in your range that you want to clear. AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="Product 2" Apr 28, 2014 · How can I store Excel filter and sorting settings after run time so I can set them up later. Please comment if this code is going in the right direction so I can update with the final sort. I have attached the screenshot please guide me. ; In the new window, choose Insert and select Module. Simply use UserInterfaceOnly:=True and by using AllowFiltering:=True you can still filter your data. Filters. ShowAllData Else End If 'This removes "normal" filters in the workbook - however, it doesn't remove table filters For Each listObj In ws. Next find empty rows and apply Filter Next Rows and sort F and G one by one. Is there a replacement for this filtering procedure which would work in Excel 2003? I appreciate any help. See below. I would like to expand the selection for all values in Column A-F. Jul 13, 2018 · It first any filters applied 'in the column before applying the new filter lo. Header = xlYes Are you tired of manually sifting through heaps of data in Excel? Look no further! In this video, we'll dive deep into the world of Excel VBA and uncover the Mar 26, 2007 · c) Allow filtering, while worksheet protection is on. ShowHeaders Then listObj. CalculateFull and . EDIT: Since the macro recorder no longer picks this up, you need to get the basic filter code another way. Function HasStrike(Rng As Range) As Boolean HasStrike = Rng. Sep 8, 2017 · Learn how to sort data in Excel using VBA. I use Cells. All "negative" search strings (e. TheSpreadsheetGuru. Here is the code i have, which allows the user to group and ungroup columns/rows, and allows user to use Autofiltering (HOWEVER Sorting in autofiltering does not work): The Example Before VBA Protect Sheet Allow Filter. This allows us to do more advanced filtering than the standard filtering on the worksheet. Find("Name of Column"). AutoFilter. Click the dropdown menu beside “Name”. looking for a simple solution in google as well. I read people mentioning the problem is the Sort object, but didn't find any replacement options. Add Key Jun 16, 2021 · To sort a range value with filter, you need to apply specific method in a sequence, it involve clear sortfields > add key > sort. ShowAllData listObj. Criteria2 ElseIf . Apr 12, 2022 · Suppose Say i am applying filter on column R and sort Value as "null" and in U column I want to name the entire filtered values with a new name called " Null" But in vba once the filter is applied it is not able to detect the first row of excel. My data is from A1 to R and there is a header. ’ This command allows users to sort and sift through data efficiently, making it a must-know for anyone […] Oct 23, 2019 · Try below code not tested . Be sure to put this code in a Sheet Module, not a standard module. I want to leave the spreadsheet fully protected, but i want the user to be able to filter and sort the data. AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="AC" range. Offset(1, 0 Nov 6, 2017 · I know that color can be filter by using the filter color function provided by excel, but when I'm using Power Query/ Get and Transform in Excel 2016, it won't detect the cells that has being highlighted. Often they are a quicker way of sorting and filtering data than looping through each cell in a range. Clear ActiveWorkbook. Clear Sht. When i openned the workbook, i waste time to clear all. At that point I want to sort the data per 3 rows. 👉 Ready to master VBA?- Check out my full courses: https://courses. Find to find the column title I want and then sort the row and column into variables. Includes code examples for regular ranges and Excel Tables. ListObjects If listObj. AutoFilter With . same condition repeat until last row finding of table. ApplyFilter without success. This powerful tool can help streamline data analysis and make complex datasets more manageable. Choose A to Z or Z to A. Every cell in the sort range must be unlocked or unprotected. Add "Excel Files", "*. Sort . To get into a Sheet Module, double-click the desired sheet name on the left-hand side of the Visual Basic Editor and that will open that sheet's code module. Jul 14, 2015 · Well here is a small Sub that does the following sorting as per shown image. expression. This code turns protection on, and allows filtering. This is an easy way to add or remove the filters as the shortcut acts as a toggle to turn them on or off. com Dim rng As Range Set rng = ActiveSheet. Mar 16, 2017 · Desired Behavior: For all sheets in active workbook cycle through and do the following; center align, auto fit rows, auto fit columns, then sort column named "assigned to" by value "Jack" then filter by "date" and oldest to newest. _ SortFields. Followed by an Array detailing the filtering Array(Level, Date). Reply reply Home; Dec 28, 2024 · You can filter sales values from the north region and sort the filtered values from lowest to highest sales by combining the UNIQUE, SORT, and FILTER functions. Sub testing() Dim dataArray As Variant ' contains DATE,VALUE Dim intArray As Variant ' contains uniqute identifer MM-YYYY,has operation or not ( BOOLEAN) Dim resultArray As Variant ' contains the min/max value, and min / max of the previous month Dim min As May 4, 2012 · Using Excel and VBA, I wanted some advice on how to best filter data in an array (in the same sort of way one might use a pivot table) strictly using VBA. Apr 15, 2015 · Hi @Jeeped. . Oct 25, 2012 · I Think Stepan1010's answer is in the right direction but if you want VBA code for customization , here is the code for your reference. Clear 'Will fail if the previous filter was not I am attempting to sort column D in ascending order in an excel file with VBA. Add a Sort Button with VBA I know how to use Excel's built in Advanced Filtering to sort for unique records. Criteria2: Optional: Variant: The second criteria (a string). Specific Problem: errors out whenever I get to the sort part I am attempting to sort column D in ascending order in an excel file with VBA. Sub Copy_Filtered_Data_NewSheet() Dim xRng As Range Dim xWS As Worksheet If Worksheets("Copy Filtered Data"). VBA: Filtering and Sorting a pre-existing Mar 29, 2022 · An XlAutoFilterOperator constant specifying the type of filter. Sorting by value. Oct 23, 2019 · Try below code not tested . After defining the filter using the dialog box, create a little macro to print out the query information: 5 days ago · The sort and filter toggles can also be added to your data selection with an easy shortcut combination. Get this example workbook (for free) by clicking the button below. As an innovative alternative to @schlebe 's recent answer, I tried to use the Filter function integrated in VBA, which allows to filter out a given search string setting the third argument to False. Using this method you can filter data in seven steps. Worksheets("Sheet1"). Here is how I would approach this: Sub TestSort() Dim Sht As Worksheet Dim SortCol As Long Dim LastRow As Long Dim LastCol As Long Set Sht = ActiveSheet LastRow = Cells(Rows. VBA Sorting of Data. Worksheets If ws. Feb 17, 2015 · It's pretty straight forward to filter down on specific values in your data with VBA code. In the Sort syntax we have to give Key, Order as xlAscending or Jan 1, 2014 · I want a create a macro that filters,deletes & sorts values. Range("Your_Range_Value"). ; Enter the following code. On Then MsgBox ("no criteria") Exit Sub End If sMainCrit = . ScreenUpdating=true see if that makes a difference. Sub test() Dim Header As Range Dim sMainCrit As String, sANDCrit As String, sORCrit As String Set Header = Range("A2:C2") With Header. Sort To sort the Sort property of range is used. This is actually for a report at work so I can't obviously give any of the actual data or the report. Rows. Autofilter using unique values required in Excel. Help will be greatly appreciated! Nov 30, 2017 · Sorting in VBA is unduly painful. Sort Before Applying Filters. The code 1) fails to sort the code by smallest to largest and 2) removes row 1 (header row). Formula: =UNIQUE(SORT(FILTER(A2:G17, C2:C17=”North”), 1, 1)) This will filter unique rows from A2:G17 where the region is north then it will sort the rows based on the sales column Jan 26, 2021 · This is the code I've used: Sub test() Dim WkSource As Worksheet Dim WkDestiny As Worksheet Dim MiMatriz() As Variant Dim LR As Long Dim i As Long Dim ZZ As Long Set WkSource = ThisWorkbook. Worksheets("destiny") 'Replace DESTINY with name of your sheet2 With WkSource LR = . xls; *. The data appears correct on screen but the same row gets copied every time which I think is due to the sort (as its the smallest value in Column A which gets copied despite not Aug 10, 2024 · vbaでオートフィルターを使用してデータを絞り込む方法についてご紹介します。文字列・数値(以上・以下)・日付範囲の絞込み方法、表の範囲の指定方法(最終行・最終列を取得する方法)など詳細に説明しています。 Jul 4, 2024 · Excel Advanced Filter Overview. Sheets(SheetName1) 'If `SHeetName1` is the actual sheet name it must be in parentheses "" . End(xlUp). This tutorial explains and provides step by step instructions on how to filter data using Excel and VBA methods. I was wondering if there is a VBA procedure for accomplishing this. Intersect(target, Range("filter_input")) If isect_filter Is Nothing Then Else Dim ActiveTable As ListObject Set ActiveTable = ActiveWorkbook. Jul 1, 2020 · Remove the set wb = thisworkbook if that's what you need For Each ws In wb. Criteria1 If . Clear . Hot Network Questions Where is the size of a VLA stored in C? 👉 Ready to master VBA?- Check out my full courses: https://courses. Say that the data range is A2:K126, with row A2 containing the headings and each subsequent row constituring a record. Operations like sorting, filtering, converting, reversing, slicing are trivial using the LibArrayTools module. 3. Jan 27, 2016 · I have the following piece of code, which removes filters and then re-applies them from selected cells: Range("A10:AM10"). Jul 26, 2018 · Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal target As Range) Set isect_filter = Application. Excel VBA macro to filter. Sort the data according to ID; Unable to proceed with creation. Sub age() Dim OpenWb As Workbook With Application. AutoFilter( _Field_ , _Criteria1_ , _Operator_ , _Criteria2_ , _VisibleDropDown_ ) Expression: This is the range on which you want to apply the auto filter. AllowMultiSelect = False 'Filter to just the following types of files to narrow down selection options . AutoFilter Field:=1 I did this for every column that has a sort field and it clears them out. One of the most useful commands within this realm is ‘Filter. I am creating a UserForm that is going to make some data decisions based on currently existing data. Clear. Count, 3). STEPS: Click Visual Basic in the Developer tab. ly/36hpTCY-Want to dow Jun 4, 2019 · I'm trying to sort an expense report by smallest to largest using a value in the K column. I feel certain that there exists a simple solution, but I cannot quite see it. Sorting Alphabetically and by Cell Color. Sort in Alphabetical Order. Clear 'Will fail if the previous filter was not May 12, 2021 · Excel VBA - Apply auto filter and Sort by specific colour. As for getting the filter and sort to happen anytime a change is made, use the Worksheet_Change event. protect AllowSorting:=false Apr 25, 2024 · Posts from: VBA Filter Function. g. Jul 9, 2018 · I need to to filter this range that has already been filtered. You initially add the filter option to the selected data and then apply the relevant filter. I'd like to essentially copy the range into some native class that supports filtering and sorting (so i don't have to reinvent the wheel) and use that class to return a result to calling code. It takes a range as input, performs a filtering operation over it, and returns the filtered range in the original location, or in a new location (at the user’s discretion). Like this: ActiveSheet. xlsm; *. You can also sort a table for multiple columns in Excel using a VBA macro. Used with Criteria1 and Operator to construct compound criteria. Practical Use of the Sort Method in VBA Alphabetically Sort Cell Range Values With VBA Code. On “Sheet6” of the example workbook, a dataset includes different electronic items from various brands, their respective categories, and prices. Select your data range and press the Ctrl + Shift + L keyboard shortcut to add the sort and filter toggles. Also used as single criteria on date fields filtering by date, month or year. Excel Method: This tutorial provides one Excel method that can be applied to filter data. ; Enter the following code in the module window. Note that clear sorting does not reverse the data to the original order. ActiveSheet. A, B, C) are defined in an array. Syntax. Why the convoluted approach, why not just [vba] Dim iLastRow As Long iLastRow = Cells(Rows. 2 Multiple Criteria. Feb 25, 2025 · In short, I'm just sorting the values from largest to smallest, and then filtering for each group, and extracting the top two values. My current codes only work if my range is a table, so if I don't create a table for it, it will fail. Dec 18, 2005 · Re: Filter and Sort visible cells. This table, and two others like it, are in the middle of a page of tables and graphs and I cannot change the whitespace etc so a block select, paste, delete type approach wouldn't work. Show 'Store in fullpath variable fullpath Jul 28, 2024 · Method 2 – Insert VBA Macro to Sort Table for Multiple Columns. To sort the Sort property of range is used. Aug 19, 2013 · I have a range I'd like to arbitrarily sort and filter using vba. Worksheets("Master"). With ThisWorkbook. Without setting it as a table, it will filter from B2 and it will have wrong filter. AutoFilter The problem I have is that when the sheet is protected and I try to run the code it errors, so is there a way of allowing filters to be turned on and off on a protected sheet? EDIT: This seems to be the case. This will greatly reduce execution time. com/- Subscribe to the channel here: https://bit. May 13, 2015 · If acceptable, You can also disable screen updating. Rows(1), 0) 'Turn on filter if not already turned on Jan 25, 2011 · VBA disable filter sorting. This Excel VBA Protect Sheet Allow Filter Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook with the data and VBA code I use when describing the step-by-step process below. This post provides the main lines of code to apply and control the AutoFilter settings with VBA. A subsequent AutoFilter method finishes off the operation. Before applying sorting, you should clear previous sorting first. To clear sorting in AutoFilter, use Sort. AutoFilter . The default value is False. Steps: Press Alt+F11 to open the VBA; Click Insert > Module to open a module. 1. Strikethrough #(change to find highlight) End Function Jul 8, 2011 · Auto Filter sort in VBA. AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:=Range(" F2 "). I am having trouble finding more examples. I can manually do this by clicking Data > Sort & Filter > Reapply in the Ribbon. Range("C2:C5 but filters and sorting aren't working then. Jul 14, 2020 · Excel VBA - Apply auto filter and Sort by specific colour. AutoFilterMode = False 'Remove filters . 0. Sub MultipleCriteria() Dim rows As range Dim range As range Set range = Selection range. EnableCalculation = False ActiveSheet. Add2 Key:= _ Range("B1"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending Aug 11, 2022 · Fortunately, there is a Clear method in VBA to re-set all the sort parameters so that the user will see a clean sort dialog box. Add Method. apply, the following is a simple sort for the range with data filter: With Sheet1 . rows Next range. May 16, 2019 · Here is a basic code example, use With statements to properly qualify your sheet, remove and don't use Select, comments are provided to clarify. In this chapter you will learn how to use Sort and Filter in VBA. Row, Target. Download our practice book, modify data and exercise. I used the 'Record Macro' feature in Excel 2016 to build a filter and sort macro for a single column and then iterated in the code editor. It only sorts one column and in descending order. FilterMode Then ws. Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True _ , AllowSorting:=True, AllowFiltering:=True This VBA code does not to filter and sort !!! Introduction Filtering in Excel VBA allows users to manipulate and analyze data by sorting and displaying only the specific information they need. When it comes to data analysis, filtering in Excel VBA is a crucial component Jan 30, 2015 · Unfortunately, my range of cells does not filter the data, even when using criteria such as Operator:=xlOr - it just displays the very last cell value used for the criteria. Protect Password:="mypassword", AllowFiltering:=True, UserInterfaceOnly:=True ArrayTools is a Project that allows easy data manipulation when working with Arrays and Collections in VBA (regardless of host Application). expression A variable that represents an AutoFilter object. Click Sort A to Z to sort the Name column in ascending order. Mar 10, 2022 · VBA: Filtering and Sorting a pre-existing Autofilter range. Reassign serial no because now there are fewer rows than before. EnableCalculation = True and . Use VBA to Protect Sheet: You can use VBA to protect the sheet while allowing sorting and filtering. delete all rows having amount=0. Clear Method. Worksheets("Sheet1"). Column - . Sometimes, even experienced users encounter problems when specific functionalities, such as filtering, do not work as expected. How to sort filtered data in vba? 1. Range("B7:D18") FilterField = WorksheetFunction. In this example, we describe how to apply Excel VBA code in filtering the top 25 percent of the highest-valued items of a dataset. Most of the values like dimensions/range sizes are very static since this is a sample. Worksheets("source") 'Replace SOURCE with name of your Sheet1 Set WkDestiny = ThisWorkbook. at the beginning of your clearalldemandzero sub put in this text Application. Column SortCol = Sht. Advanced Filter is a tool available in the Data tab under the Sort & Filter group in the Excel ribbon. Thanks in advance. Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? Aug 3, 2024 · 8 useful examples to use VBA code to filter data in Excel. Feb 29, 2016 · I believe you are better off with a conventional Range. The VBA code does not fail - it just does not filter properly based on the range. Dec 14, 2021 · I have working VBA code that bounds the data with an Range and stores it in a variable. Where Level Nov 16, 2015 · This allows you to define Query terms AND sort the records (the second tab in the dialog box). Count, 1). Sorting your data before applying filters can help make your analysis more efficient. Apply AutoFilter sorting. SortFields May 26, 2018 · Im creating a macro and have never worked with filters and sorting before. End(xlToLeft). It is more straightforward than a . Cells(. Then resizes to include a header row, clears the filter and then adds it back per the selected range. I don't, however, want it to affect the worksheet. Mar 16, 2023 · You can use the following methods to filter by a column in Excel using VBA: Method 1: Filter Based on One Column Value. In other words, a user sets up a filter and sort he likes and he wants to store it for use on some other day. Row LastCol = Cells(1, Columns. However, if you remove the autofilter, I still get a "Run Tim May 13, 2015 · If acceptable, You can also disable screen updating. Sub FilterRows() ActiveSheet. Here’s an example of how to do it: Key Points: Excel VBA Autofilter Syntax Expression. I'm using the below code but I think that the autofilter is unnecessary. To tell AutoFilter how you want to sort the data, use Sort. Column + 1) If Not . By default, all cells in a worksheet are locked, meaning you need to unlock the cells you want to be able to sort and filter. Select Selection. I have data that looks like this: Aug 2, 2024 · Example 5 – Enabling the Double Click Event to Sort Columns. He can then call up and use that sort and filter setup again when he wants it. ScreenUpdating = False then at the end of the sub put Application. You can sort data with or without header and can also use double click event to sort data by clicking on headers Sep 12, 2021 · Gets the sort column or columns, and sort order for the AutoFilter collection. How to filter NON colored cell in a column. lo. You may improve it to be dynamic. It is good practice to clear the sort parameters in VBA before and after the sort has been completed. Apr 13, 2017 · If you need to change the data through VBA, you dont need to unprotect it. ApplyFilter With ActiveTable. Count). SortFields. Sort method. I want to clear filter/sort when open workbook with VBA. Apr 3, 2018 · AutoFilters are a great feature in Excel. Mar 3, 2015 · ActiveSheet. Cells. Steps: Use the code and Save it. Bottom line: Learn how to clear all filters, and filters on a single column with VBA macros. Topics will be covered Sort, Sort by multiple columns, Filter, Filter by two columns, Filter by two Criteria and Filter by Color. You'd need every single cell of your table (including the headers) to be unlocked for sorting to work while the sheet is protected. This is part of a larger AutoExecute macro that does a number of other things, which all work fine. Vba Find First Heading 1 and apply Filter and Sort F column and G Column one by one. ; Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) Set selected_Range = Range("B4:F12") If Not Intersect(Target, selected_Range) Is Nothing Then Set output = Cells(Target. Font. Aug 26, 2018 · How to I force Excel to re-apply that filter when the user navigates to the page. AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:=">10000" For Each rows In range. code: Option Sep 25, 2021 · Advanced Filter is a tool that is available in the Sort & Filter section of the Data tab on the Excel Ribbon: It allows us to filter data based on a Criteria range. ListObjects("Table1") ActiveTable. Aug 26, 2020 · Excel VBAを使ってワークシートの表でオートフィルタを設定・解除する方法と昇順・降順でソートする方法についてご紹介します。ワークシートの表を操作する頻度が多い場合に参考になるかと思います。 Aug 3, 2024 · Example 7 – Copying Filtered Data in a New Sheet with Excel VBA. Support and feedback. Range. Operator Nov 2, 2024 · “`html Mastering Excel VBA: A Comprehensive Guide to the ‘Filter’ Command Excel VBA is a powerful tool that can automate tasks and transform complex datasets with ease. Sort Key1:=output, Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlYes Cancel May 7, 2016 · All new to this VBA I've made a sheet with sales number, like: Jerry 5 6 2 Lisa 2 8 3 Homer 3 6 1 I want to make it so when I say largest number first or smallest. Value End Sub Jan 3, 2017 · Also if anyone can also suggest a different way to do filters let me know. AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="Product 3" 'This line of code will filter the column for Product 2 only 'The filter for Product 3 above will be cleared when this line runs. xlsb", 1 'Show the dialog box . I've used this formula as a starting point: sort ascending/descending vba excel. Column) selected_Range. These include turning protection on and off on other sheets (using a password), although none of the other sections deal with filtering. All the values are "attached" Here is a way to get the autofilter criteria:. Sort. Range(" A1:C11 "). Range("A1"). Thread starter yahoo80; Start date Jul 2 Review > Protect Sheet > Uncheck Sort In VBA: sheet1. Jul 28, 2020 · and one More Filter Code to be added and the Main Problem among data some rows as blank. AutoFilter Selection. Feb 28, 2025 · Filtering and manipulating data is a common task in Excel, and using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) provides an automated way to handle this efficiently. Let there be 4 columns: Serial No; Data; Amount; ID (Numeric) The macro should. AutoFilterMode = False Then MsgBox "Noo filtered data" Exit Sub End If Set xRng = Worksheets("Copy Filtered Data Aug 7, 2024 · Types of Sort in Excel 1. Jan 27, 2006 · Just for your information, autofilter buttons are located in a emtpy line in line 14 and the sort block starts in line 15 (I don't know if this is relavant at all but I can't find any explanation for this different behaviour when if filter/unfilter versus when I don't even touvh the Autofilter button. EDITTED CODE WITH DOUBLE SORT KYES. How to Filter a Table based on Cell Values with Excel VBA (6 Methods) How to Remove Filter in Excel VBA (5 Simple Methods) Excel VBA to Filter in Same Column by Multiple Criteria: 6 Methods; Using a VBA Code to Filter Data in Excel – 8 Examples Aug 4, 2024 · 1. excelmacromastery. Filters(Header. Mar 21, 2006 · Basically I have a spreadsheet with protected sheets. Feb 18, 2015 · Alternative using VBA's Filter function. (no data is sorted at this point) Feb 26, 2014 · I wasn't able to find a clear reason why it is breaking. FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) 'Makes sure the user can select only one file . Parent. Count, "A"). Hope you can help me. Jul 30, 2015 · Hi all Someone saved my workbook with filter/sort. Sorting in VBA with, for example, ActiveSheet. VBA Advanced Filters: Automate Filtering Specific Values. 4. Jun 16, 2020 · It's possible to filter and sort a table (listobject) in protected Excel sheet with or without VBA? This VBA code allows to filter but does not allow to sort. xlsx; *. I tried searching for something similar but couldn’t find - solutions I found is simple sort ascending or descending; or I`m phrasing it in a wrong way. Jan 26, 2024 · Now that you have a solid understanding of advanced filters in Excel VBA, let's explore some tips and tricks that can help take your data analysis to the next level. Application. I tried: ActiveSheet. The code is not resilient, however, as the copy part depends on the names being in a particular order, which will change when I get new data. VBA for sorting in Excel. Column Sht. ActiveWorkbook. Below the code for sorting data: Jan 18, 2024 · Example #6: VBA Code to Filter By Top 25% Highest-Valued Items. Row Dec 8, 2024 · From documentation: True allows the user to sort on the protected worksheet. eph eapa utdut ukwvsng vyxdn gegm ivmbbs jlfhxfl qubbjh wgvrx qag fhlh wgfvkps odtqw mvwnjur