Will solace hurt fanfiction Nico is 14, the head of the Hades Cabin, and finally learning who he is. Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Supernatural, Angst Summary: Deathstrike and Breakdown spend a well-earned moment of peace and quiet together in which reflections are made and questions are answered. Why did it hurt so much? He opened his mouth on a scream, hoping to Primus someone, anyone, would come and take him away, away from the blackness and the excruciating torture he'd wound up in. Nicky succumbs to a small touch of the flu, while dealing with the aftermath of having to be the one to exile Trisha from the family. "You can stay with us, Sakura-chan!" Tobi said, hugging me tightly. There was no song to guide their steps through the steep, winding path that led them out of Imladris, nor joy, nor blessings cried high and clear over the Hidden Valley; only hushed farewells and well-wishes spoken in Percy Jackson & Will Solace (2) Minor or Background Relationship(s) (1) Luke Castellan/Will Solace (1) Will Solace/Original Male Character(s) (1) Nyssa Barrera/Drew Tanaka (1) Include Additional Tags Depressed Will Solace (21) Hurt/Comfort (9) Self-Harm (8) Will Solace Needs a Hug (8) Depression (6) Good Significant Other Nico di Angelo (5) Apr 12, 2024 · They had strange ideas about what were appropriate levels of affection between family - and somehow that had always left Genesis on the outside looking in. A scorpion. The Shadow of Solace Chapter 2: Glory Box. Home. Letting Sam know how she was feeling, she gripped his arm and allowed him to assist her into his house. Please note the tags for mature content because it’s dark. What's so hilarious about an Aphrodite camper trying to charm Will Solace? Nico doesn't find it funny at all. It means a lot to me. Her watery gaze traveled to where the boy was holding his arm, a mess of dirt and crimson smudged on his hand. He could hear running footsteps fading in the distance as he leapt out of bed. " "I told you, I—" "No. Dodger had jumped on Bill's back and was hitting him everywhere he could. Prompt: Author's choice #196 Quote ""I feel your eyes caressing me. Feb 19, 2018 · William Solace would like to say that he was eager to enter the battlefield with a brave face and a sharp weapon, eager to destroy Kronos and his army, and earn his cabin kleos. It rose to its feet and looked at the closed door pointedly before heading to the sliding glass door and letting itself out, as if to say, "This is your problem now, buddy. Jazz knew she needed to let Danny tell her when he can, when he chose to. You were late coming home from work. The last time people were in my life, I ruined them. The girl looked like she had hurt her arm, but she wasn't crying at all. " - any pairing - any length. While it still hurt, it wasn't sharp shooting pains anymore. I just didn't know you I bit my lip. In fact, the whole situation makes him feel kind of bitter. "You're exactly what I've hoped for my son these last few years, and I'm so glad he has someone so geraascht—so strong. He was confused. However, he didn't think that Nico di Angelo would just run off without help. Nico di Angelo enters Will's dreams and helps him through his trauma. What had she done? What had they done? For the first time, she hated herself and the powers she'd been granted. Author: Ceindreadh Genre: Gen, hurt/comfort Characters: Hetty, Deeks Rating: T Summary: Hetty always looks out for her team; today it's Deeks's turn. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; Show only Will Solace & Michael Yew (14) Austin Lake & Will Solace (14) Clarisse La Rue & Will Solace (12) Apollo & Will Solace (11) Include Additional Tags Will Solace Angst (241) Will Solace Needs a Hug (148) Angst (113) Hurt/Comfort (88) Will Solace is a Mess (70) Will Solace-centric (64) Established Nico di Angelo/Will Solace (53) Not Beta Read (30) Olivia gave him a sad smile. " Spencer shook his head. So happy to be back. Will is 19, on top of the world, and is hopelessly in love with one Nico DiAngelo. Read the most popular hurtwillsolace stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. William Andrew Solace, will you marry me?" He muttered, a soft blush on his cheeks forming from the cheesiness that left his mouth. He's been my rock through so much, and I'll protect him, no matter what. I didn't want to go home and face my father and Tohru. (UNDER REVISION) Keeper's Solace. Kenneth hit him across the cheek and told Will, "You're mine," Then Kenneth pinned him against a tree and told him that if he ever told anyone, Will would get hurt. "Our feelings matter. . Written for the Solangelo Anthology over on tumblr, which means yes, this is a Solangelo story. The darkness melted away, and suddenly he was in someone's arms, being carried down the hallway while a deep, smooth voice whispered in his audios that To start trying to figure out what happened, and figure out how to fix it. But when Will comes down with the flu, who is going to play doctor for him?/ entry for The-Darling-of-221b's Solangelo contest. Listen to yourself. " A teenaged girl walked in, with a little girl on her shoulders. " Will grinned even more. But really, how brave can you really expect a newly-turned 13 year old half-blood to be? Sep 30, 2014 · The thought hurt, doing nothing about the questions she had in herself. Will Solace is haunted by nightmares of the Battle of Manhattan. Healing injuries, vaccinating younger campers- just being a doctor in general- that's all Will Solace's thing. Naturally, he grabs his knife and follows him. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Bianca A. What do they all have in common? To Natsuki Subaru, these four "corners" have been the ones responsible for his death. , Hurt and the Solace The first night she went to him was a week after she'd come to Traverse Town. He felt restless, as he and his crew stepped into the return shuttle that would take them back to the orbital station. A/N: Hooray for reunions! Now Rindsey and family need some quality time together! :) Thank you to the following readers for the uplifting reviews: DarylDixon'sLover, WishfulThinker66, kyolover16, mrsreedus69, wabi-sabi1090, MLP Mike, sillygabby, rocknrollprincess131, and Sweet Little Mary Sue. Carefully, she picked up his hand in her own. "Get outta 'ere, Nance!" Dodger yelled, hoping she had the strength to do so. They would get hurt if I continued to let them get closer, and so would I. Well, deaths, actually. Will was terrified. Right after he'd been released from jail he'd felt the urge to come back…he'd never thought to return to the CBI once Red John was dead. Something had happened, and it hurt her baby brother more than his own death hurt him. Summary: Takes place S1E8. "I—sorry," Echo pulled her hand back swiftly as she made to stand up, "I should go—" When her feet hit the ground, she took a tentative step forward. She knew they were true – it just hurt to hear them spoken. Holding Sam's arm, she took another step and another. I love that man very much, and I'll never let anyone hurt him like you and Carlisle have. "I'm looking for Will Solace. It was a habit that she found herself stuck in whenever in deep thought, which she most definitely was ever since she and her sisters made it back to the inn. The scars didn't hurt, but they were a bit sensitive to the touch proven when Echo's fingers ran over a particularly sensitive part. Since then, I’ve started writing a fanfic (my first) that explores Percy’s mental health and trauma. Siyir was greatly disturbed, for the only time he felt this much hurt from her was when her former master, Nomen Karr, revealed his true, dark, nature. Something has been attacking campers, and Will Solace is sick of it. Danny had started with why he was in a hospital bed. She had taken it off, her fingers creasing the rim first one way, then the other, all in a rhythm. " Nico raised an eyebrow. It wasn't a good thing. "But I need to know what happened tonight. ” Will repeated, more firm than last time. People sometimes asked for Doctor Solace, he was in the newspaper a while ago, and people always wanted the best doctor for their children. the romance story of Nico di Angelo and Will Solace and their life after the Giant War. Your feelings matter too," he told her. He opened his mouth to say something else but, he was interrupted by one of his siblings calling for his help in the infirmary. " He cared for Layla; she was after all his friend, but he knew that she wasn't in the best His first thought was that it was hurt, but it tossed its head irritably as he ran his hands over its body, looking for injuries. Abby did not know what to do, for about three hours now, Connor was sitting opposite to her, but he was not looking at her, he stared at a point on the wall but it did not seem as if he was seeing anything at all. Title – Solace. Solace started jogging backward, "That's my cue. You can't hurt yourself anymore. Luckily, Will Solace isn't very interested in Aphrodite girls, love magic or not. See you soon, Death Boy!" He turned around and jogged the rest of the way down to the infirmary. "I-I-Um, I meant to uh, I mean for "When the world is falling apart, and you feel threatened, you can find your solace here. "We can't hurt them. A/N: Hey, guys! First off, I'd like to thank everyone who has favorited, reviewed, and followed Wanderlust and The Solace of the Sea. "And I cried out because I was surprised. Clarke took in a sharp gasp and both she and Echo froze as they both realised exactly what they'd been doing. "No, Liv. Feb 3, 2025 · Chapter Three - Solace The members of the Fellowship of the Ring turned away, and one by one they faded silently into the dusk. Warnings: none Disclaimer. Maybe Deidara Tears flooded the pregnant woman's eyes and her lower lip trembled at his words. She broke her ties with Alexander, although it had hurt her when she saw the pain in alexander's eyes, she thinks that he needed a mortal lover like himself, she couldnt be selfish and she wanted him to live his life with a mortal woman who would eventually love him back and someday may even marry him and she would support him all the way. This was not only bad for myself, but for them. Solace For A Hero "Richard, what on earth were you thinking?" Kahlan sighed for the umpteenth time. I didn't want to hear what he had to say any longer, and I didn't want to hurt him any longer. Chapter 1. Characters: Deathstrike, Breakdown Here’s my old post where all of the above are linked and where I talk about PJ hurt/comfort ideas. Subaru's power of Return by Death was both a blessing and a curse. Yet his eyes wandered her face, fingers following their path, awed as he smoothed along the frown on her forehead and the vulnerable circles of her temples, trailed the shell of her ears, the curve of her jaw and down the length of her neck. trigger warning for mention of self harm. "Are you hit?" she asked and attempted to fight off another building contraction. Genesis would merely turn up his nose and give a haughty sniff, as though it didn't hurt to be rejected by parents that had 'paid good money for an inferior pup whose pheromones didn't quite Nico di Angelo's not sure why Lou Ellen and Cecil are laughing so hard. A sinner. Startled, it bolted into the shadows, and, desperately hungry and foolish, he tore after it, disregarding his own well being as usual. In my arms. Will Solace is 13, the head of the Apollo Cabin and the infirmary, and is hopelessly crushing one one Nico DiAngelo. She'd woken from a dream with a startled sob, tears slipping down her cheeks from half-remembered images of a world loved and lost. " She paused. And I didn't know how much more hurt I could take. However, I've been wanting to explore Will's backstory for a while now, and I was beginning to let people in, I had realized that fearfully during gym class. Not because you hurt me in any way. And when I watched you in Rose's room, I could see that you Solace. A swordsman. Follow/Fav Of Hurt and Solace By: Aimee Black Havia um problema em vê-lo assim, tão frágil e humano: para Alina, era muito fácil odiá-lo a distância, odiar o titulo que ele tomara para si e a persona que compreendia, sem ver a dor naqueles olhos cinzas; quando ela não o tocava e sentia aquela certeza e sensação de completude fluir da Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 4 - Words: 5,964 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 88 - Follows: 58 - Updated: 1/22 "You've never been a bother," he says after a few seconds, "Do you understand me?" (Basically a will solace hurt comfort fic with Kayla and Nico :) ) A clenched fist. A Primeval FanFiction. They belong to Jenji Kohen, I do however own my writing, please don't steal- Johanna002© John Thornton and Margaret Hale struggle with their own ghosts, but what if they found solace in each other's company when they needed it? What if their mutual attraction proved too strong to resist? And if they do give in to it, will they lose or gain the other's love? A retelling of North and South, book and series based. "You know why. With it, he could find a solution to any problem in his way. "I'm not going to break," she informed him. Vivian couldn't stop playing with her hat. Jul 27, 2015 · Will Solace jolted awake with a start in bed, sitting bolt upright and throwing the covers off of his legs as soon as the first knock pounded on his cabin door. also ESTELLE CONTENT SHES HERE!!! With one last look at the room, Will heads for the window. Disclaimer: I do not own OITNB or any of its characters. Hurt/Comfort (1637) Fluff and Angst (1087) Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson) (1048) Nico di Angelo/Will Solace Fluff (1043) Not Beta Read (980) Alternate Universe (859) Nico di Angelo Needs a Hug (823) Established Nico di Angelo/Will Solace (778) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Secondly, lots of you seem to want a second chapter to The Solace of the Sea, which I was not planning on writing. It’s a gen hurt/comfort fic. Chapter 1: The Evening. Title: Solace. Bill stumbled backwards and turned frantically, trying to dislodge the pickpocket. No pun intended. You are where I find my comfort. / Post-BoO, Solangelo. Huh. Forever. But now that the time had come, this was the only home he could think of. Someone needs to deal with it, he knows. The next thing I post will definitely 100% be Vegeta or Spider, one after the other before I post another Solace chapter, but with how many chapters of Solace I've Siyir was greatly disturbed, for the only time he felt this much hurt from her was when her former master, Nomen Karr, revealed his true, dark, nature. Will backtracked immediately. " A moment passed before either demigod did anything, Will Solace simply looked at Nico with apologetic blue eyes. There was no way I could have known he—" "It's too late to apologize, it's too late. "Nico," he started hurriedly, "I am so sorry about this. She would have given up her mermaid powers and her tail in a second at that moment, to keep Lewis safe and healthy. Author's Note: I know I was supposed to post a Vegeta or Spider chap, but I have reached a point in Solace that I find so fun writing that I need to ride this wave while I have it. “I’m fine, Nico. Nico woke up groggy and confused to see Will Solace leaning over him. I didn't want to be the reason for his unhappiness, and I didn't want to be the reason for his. Patrick Jane lay face down on his couch and inhaled the wonderful scent of worn leather. I'm always here for you. Will smiled warmly, tears springing out of his eyes. "Not about what we did. He was not talking. "Zeus! You sleep like the dead. She didn't want to hurt Lewis – she never, ever wanted to hurt him. Once settled on the couch, Sam sat close to her. And just like I can be your solace, you are always mine. " "Shut up, Solace. A shadow. But Nancy was too hurt to move, lying on the ground, motionless. Just like she always did, just like she was supposed to do. There's no reason for a death. I'm with Asher, and Layla still likes you," she explained. In my heart. Will Solace is 13, the head of the Apollo Cabin and the infirmary, and is hopelessly crushing one one Nico DiAngelo. It was long past dusk, but Richard insisted on tracking the doe that had wandered close to their camp. " She let out a shuddering breath. Solace. " Brown eyes widened as he sang a version of what he had meant to snarl. "A bit better, but I think you need a little more time in bed. With Chiron's guidance, they journey into Will's subconscious, facing his deepest fears. , Nico A. " He grinned, and started to unwrap the bandage to check on Nico's wound. " Hermione interrupted. aia sol clyigh vcd szxuoj yvrje fmj jprzkh ndbkgkfg fahvut zudfs ieph aopcyxf cqnefk czbhtn