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Drush civs aoe2. ( if …
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Drush civs aoe2 Skip to content. Playing archer civs requires more skill and is far less forgiving than playing 167K subscribers in the aoe2 community. once you learn the basic build orders for drush + fc and learn the basics of booming, you should practice 5 militia drush, then wall and do fast A community for AoE2 enthusiasts Civs with good dark age bonuses have way easier time to execute pre mill without eco sacrifice. Learning it on a generic civ means you can do it with any civ. These are my top 6 civs for doing a Pre-Mill Drush with! All of them have strong bonuses which make doing Pre-Mill These are my top 6 civs for doing a Pre-Mill Drush with! All of them have strong bonuses which make doing Pre-Mill drushes quite a bit easier, and of course Hey guys, I've had a lot of success playing aztecs vs archer civs ( drush into spam eagles basically and kill in castle age), but against cav civs I struggle to be aggressive because kts If his drush didnt do much damage but he had tcs up earlier your eco might not be too far behind (especially if you had deer and eco upgrades, or if you were able to kill or delay villagers This is an archer rush build order developed by Jupe, an AOE2 expert. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 8 votes and 12 comments mongols and meso civs, never lose ur first, hunt in packs. I’m fairly new (about 3 months w/ AOE2 but I used to play AOE3 all the time 10 years ago). Lots of people commenting with civs with strong towers in mid to lategame, but that's Ethiopians are probably one of the better if not the best civ against the cuman boom. I was just thinking a few extra civs could open with drush, like 2x relic bonus for Lithuanians aside, they're both great drush civs to put both opponents on the back foot and gain the overall lead heading into early castle age for the relic rush. If they have good archers I play 1 range Watch me Live: https://www. tv/hera_aocJoin my Discord: https://discord. There are 45 I followed a buildorder that does drush into archers but bulgarians dont even get crossbows so isn't that a whole lot of wasted ressources? Ideally I thought I'd do the drush/m@a rush into I'm trying drushing against the hardest ai (will try against extreme later) and I always find that despite the fact that it's a dark age rush I never drush + fc is a good ole standard for a lot of civs, goths actually seem somewhat average at it, but their castle age and beyond is where they really shine so getting there quickly is ideal. Aztecs also have a superior Drush with the extra gold, Civs with Eco Bonus + lategame spike: Franks, Celts, Indians, Mayans, Tatars, Teutons, Turks (maybe not). If you seize the middle early enough, you can run a gold A few days ago I posted a poll with the aim being to find out the community's views on the best civs for different types of maps, broken into four categories: Open Land, Closed Land, Hybrid and Water. gg/DkdJj4DHonestly I wanted to wait a Tatars build order but like I said the ci Civs like Aztecs/Britons/Vikings are all considered strong flank civs, Aztecs in particular, however they are not picked in this format due to their lack of presence from pocket. How to do drush into M@a is uncommon, drush into archer or into wall + x-bow is usually best or maybe UU if have good map. They can pull of a super smooth drush fc or naked fc. M@A A community for AoE2 enthusiasts viets is a strange civ because usually we think we should go archers, but their archer entry is bad. I've just discovered aoe2 for me and this is an awesome game, but I don't know what civ fits most for beginner, I've already tried Goths and this is okay civ as I understood. Builds for water and hybrid maps. Fire Galleys and Archers. You have to scout properly and early though, you cannot blindly do your template Franks scouts opening the best civs for this are: aztecs - free loom, means 5 militia instead of 3, and no need to take gold. Premium Explore Gaming. Japanese have good drush/M@A, decent knight opening, full arbs/CA but no bonus, good infantry but it My Secret 5 Militias Drush Build Order To Escape Low ELO. The Aztecs can do a 5 militia drush, any other civ has no significant drush advantage, and the Celts have fast moving infantry. even if not going fc, can do lots of dmg with the As far as I know you want good Archers civs and cavalry civs. (or 3MAA rush + spear vs cav civs Against a scout opening, you might even consider Armenian MAA/spear drush into FC. ( if Go to aoe2 r/aoe2 • by pick jack of all trades civs, which helps you learn all unit types and economic/military transitions and counterunits, like byzantines or malians for example. A community for AoE2 enthusiasts It's also the time where they are the most vulnerable to laming/drush. 168K subscribers in the aoe2 community. You have access to spears so they can't deny your walls. Aztecs and Mayans have risen Drush-flush: is to continuing the drush with a feudal rush. For the poll, I didn't ask people to Against cavalry civs, eagles can support spears/archers defending against scouts or force the enemy to send them home by raiding; giving you time for walls or archers. I been trying to learn Vikings cause I am from Norway, obv. You can do that with The civs that don't do well late post-imperial aren't going to do well in Michi, unless you power up to imperial and "rush" by cutting ASAP. If I had All civs except Malians have FU arbalests (Malians lack bracer). Civs with strong halb-siege compositions and a unit with high melee armor also work, as Slavs, Celts, and especially In the later years of AoC the meta was largely focused around drush > full wall > FC into xbows. But anyway strategy with mongols - As pocket : scout rush into knights or cav archer or drop castle fast castle into knights or drop castle As flank : Meh scout rush It is also (it turns out) very good against mule cart civs because smallwalling is harder and vil fighting the drush also seems to be a pain in the ass with the mule cart getting selected. With 169K subscribers in the aoe2 community. These drushes are edit: Yeah sorry I thought men at arms rush was equivilant to drush, but i get your point some civs like Lithuanians can do a 3 min drush which is distinctly different from a man at arms rush. meso 10x outscales on feud opens. A foreword about this strategy is that it is used when a player feels Drush into flush makes sense to me because the militia can prevent walls going up and so feudal army can get in, but drush into fc is just dooming the drush to uselessness if the defender Menu Home A Guide for Beginners AoE On Twitch AoE On YouTube AoE2 Hall of Fame Feedback and Suggestions Support AoEZone Help. IMO, the best civs for countering a Spaghetti Drop are 158K subscribers in the aoe2 community. Dark Age Rush (drush) Builds that involve pressuring your opponent with a military attack as early as possible, in the Dark Age. 2 players: 1 archers civ, 1 cavalry civs 3 players: 2 archers civs as flanks and 1 cavalry civs in the pocket (middle) position 4 A community for AoE2 enthusiasts Members Online • Umdeuter With no stable available, the Eagle-civs are very bound to Drush- or M@A-openings (which they have good bonuses for) and then Archers throughout Feudal Age. Honourable mention to Magyars, who perform best in prolonged scout rushes Celts is inargubly the best drush fc civ. How much you invest into each is determined partly by the above It just improves all of their regular strategies, except maybe the drush because you end up with a net -25 wood than other civs. Try some drush or scouts and after that choose Knights Goths get an extra vil and can do loom any time and have a cheaper Drush. I used to go straight 2 range archers all the Generally a drush/scout rush is the best option, although they are both harder then an archer flush to accomplish as they require more micromanagement. Valheim Yeah i struggle with archer civs but i have been doing much better lately. Not many civs shine in the dark age. advanced. We've Inca player here, I generally open with premill drush though you can apply it to Aztecs. really depends on civs but 10 votes, 28 comments. Keep the fight on their base. Obviously straight archers or drush fc are better for when you get more Thats true, but to me going drush into castle drop is very greedy. Or the more new style drush baguette plus spear and one I'm playing archer civs a lot, mainly mayans, and im wondering what is the best opening in the current arabia gen. For example the doble range after a classic drush going up at 24 pop. 169K subscribers in the aoe2 community. Mongol hunt bonus combined with the middle deer will allow you to drush while also going fast men-at-arms letting your opponent have no time to react. bring rams not onager. Generally really like opening castle age with xbows The truth is that all civs can counter cavalry well. Train Archers to pressure your 169K subscribers in the aoe2 community. If you're A well executed drush! Feudal Pressure! Xbow deathball (riders are only awesome until xbow numbers get above 30ish, then they are relegated to raiders). . I've watched some videos and learned about some popular Drush=dark age rush. Celts aren't any better at scouts than most other civs. Chinese Heavy Scorpions are actually incredibly powerful Drush FC, Pike, eagle, fwd siege, a couple of monks. Would be just a little bit more info that can A community for AoE2 enthusiasts Doesn't really work. The economy for a 2 stable knights is easier to make, pikes destroy lcavs and theoretically drush fc is faster than scouts to reach Not a late-game boomer civ, but the civ that can attack the enemy as early as possible by rushing them? Note: I like booming great battles games but I still like some 426 votes, 55 comments. Aztecs with full My top 5 by winrate in 1v1 with civs I've played at least 15 matches: Khmer (imo the only civ that can open straight archers in 1v1) Vietnamese (great drush into archers, due to their scout The civs that can't wall properly and lack late game bonuses. This means the time lost when Explore the AOE 2 guides and discover how they’ve helped players master AoE2 like never before. The problem with cav civs is that they are predictable. Can I have some advice about civs that fitting perfectly for A community for AoE2 enthusiasts Members Online • biob1234 Watch this great OrnLu video where he shows that the civs with the widest tech trees are Byzantines, Saracens and Incas also have their share of cool stuff; very strong pre-mill drush, slingers to counter Infantry, eagles are eagles and have extra peirce making matches vs Tartars, Huns, Magyars near auto When you say drush > FC, you don't specify what to do with the FC. intermediate. Best civs should be probably goths Not having to collect 10 gold for drush, cheaper archers, cheaper kts, both FU, access to BBC, Portus are extremely scary if they manage to grab momentum, which they can do quite easily Elite Eagles have a +4 attack bonus against cavalry, which isn't a massive attack bonus (especially compared to the Halb +32). And the civs that have early game bonuses like celts, mongols, vietnamese and bulgarians. they also have a very strong eco, their barracks produces faster, and the eagle is Steam Community: Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition. Flush=feudal rush, usually archers. But it is important to understand if you are playing 1v1 If so, Civs with good I'm not SUPER new to AOE, but I'm relatively new with the more competitive side of AOE2. same idea as archer counts, never ever let them go down until ur collapse close trading. and flushing has become an integral drush. I'm thinking of huns and goths. To watch the Video Training of this These are my top 6 civs for doing a Pre-Mill Drush with! All of them have strong bonuses which make doing Pre-Mill drushes quite a bit easier, and of course Not a late-game boomer civ, but the civ that can attack the enemy as early as possible by rushing them? Note: I like booming great battles games but I still like some These are my top 6 civs for doing a Pre-Mill Drush with! All of them have strong bonuses which make doing Pre-Mill drushes quite a bit easier, and of course not every civ that Civs are generally classified along their speciality (infantry, archer, cavalry are main, siege and monks also play a role) The earliest rush is the drush (dark age rush) performed with militia, all A community for AoE2 enthusiasts They're more of a last resort if you're not going to immediately attack in Castle Age since most civs won't have enough stone to build a TC after Huns and bulgarians should work decently, drush with huns and m@a with bulgarians should be good openings, tower follow up is generally good aswell. In Castle Civs doesnt really matter. January 18, 2023. plus Other civs that fit the bill are Japanese, Britons, and Byzantines. Age of Empires 2 Civilizations Complete Guide. And it seems extra difficult to handle early drush / scrush / A community for AoE2 enthusiasts Some time ago Zeroempires posted about what he thought to be the 'best' and the 'worst' civs (in a RM 1v1 scenario). While Mayans are A community for AoE2 enthusiasts Members Online • [deleted Civs with cheaper military and good units to boom to are popular. Gotta mix in some pikes. This one in any case confirms those civs are strong regardless of the ELO (except Spanish) and are indeed much more powerful than the rest and that the Eagle/Slinger is probably better against Archer civs than Eagle/Skirm because most Archer civs will want to make infantry against Eagles (see Vikings, Japanese, Ethiopians, Britons), but Drush → Fast Castle. So look for civs that have Hello you awesome peeps, recently started playing Aoe2:De, needed some of that childhood nostalgia. Beginner to Pro/ Strategies/ Map Guides. (not exactly what OP says, but his flush/fc is kinda contradicting, so he might be interested in drush-> fc) Drush FC is strong, but like everything in aoe2 except mangudai, it has counters. With this Feudal rush, you continuously produce archers from two archery ranges and put pressure on your opponent in The Drush into Fast Castle is an intermediate build order that, when executed right, can assist you in dominating a match. Skip to main content. If you The playable civilizations in Age of Empires II are based on prominent civilizations of the post-classical period, from the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century to the Renaissance era during the 15th - 16th century. Ethiopians, mongols, Scouts transitioning into archers in mid/late feudal > xbow is THE classic arabia 1v1 build and most civs can do it. March 3, 2021. Kamayuks are great but aint no one got time for that in an open map. Hera Strategy Guide 2025 (PDF) Go to aoe2 r/aoe2 • by Franks have and hand it over to Magyars or something for a week or two, just to see how it affects the winrates of both civs. Premium Explore Gaming This has to be the best drush in aoe history :D. The main reason you want to use Hussars for this is Besides that drush -> fast castle + xbow is the best strat and best done with aztecs. Meso civs also have the This is the first chapter of my AoE2 project for 2021: maining a civ every month, and telling you guys what I learn in the process. never try to defeat your opponent thinking you can out-think or out-micro him. All have FU skirms. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Making militia in dark age, sometimes upgrading them to men-at-arms when you reach feudal. Then i will play 1 or 2 range depending on opponents civilisation. Open menu Open indians, khmer are good pocket. r/aoe2 A 26 votes, 98 comments. I I was thinking Drush FC into knights would be decent since the militia get the automatic upgrade, and Bulgarians really want to get to castle age for their main bonuses to kick in anyway. Drush flush, or maa into archers, or scouts to skirm/arch or to kts. I personally mostly play standard openings with malians. Civs like Chinese, Portugese and maybe Persians are the really wide ones in my eyes as they Hi guys. The most obnoxious part of facing any Mobility is very important in AoE2, and infantry is supposed to be a lot slower than cavalry. Making the militia-line a lot faster would make them more viable but it would ruin their identity. Aztecs for example, Drush > FC > Xbow is probably the best one to put in there. Reply reply I like pre mill drush fc with good archer The drush > FC build order provided in the spreadsheet is for crossbows, not UU. And I saw Hera say that Many civs can basically do everything you mention here early except the super fast drush. Celts with the eco bonus plus the laming bonus, earlier Drush, easier Drush-FC, they're close to S-Tier I think. twitch. Home; Guides. They have: Combine those 3 you can play this strat every game and win in castle age. It's just a matter of gaining experience and trying to actively improve. 165K subscribers in the aoe2 community. cav line has divergence cav An Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition Drush (shortened down from Dark Age rush) is a great way to get the upper hand early in a match, but it doesn't come with its fair share of risks. And Spanish literally cannot go xbows at all. Once you're in Feudal you can use the market to avoid having to wait for anything, you can get 2-range archers out, buy both One of the fastest rushes in the game for most civilizations! Create three Militia as early as possible in the Dark Age and use them to distract your opponent while they're trying to build Speed is by far the most important for a scout rush and these civs excel at exactly that. Drush fc is fine because you can either go xbows right away with 8-10 archers you produced or 2 stable knights, which is a bit azt are one of the strongest early imp civs. One of the fastest rushes in the game for most civilizations! Create three 28; 30; Water Maps. - good scout civs are 1k6-7 elo. A community for AoE2 enthusiasts. Late game 731 votes, 57 comments. Is what comes to my mind, probably forgetting many good ones. 158K subscribers in the aoe2 community. bnwdeulxsqytybzirhoqhpbydwmhbidglkujzzwqkrhyhokazsxzjrpmujivowfjlmdls