Eigen matrix to vector mat = 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 What is the best (simplest) way to accomplish this? Please note, that this is not a duplicate of How do you make a matrix out of vectors in eigen?. 5 How can i pass a column (or row) of a Matrix to a function as an l-value Vector reference? Here is an example for dynamically allocated matrices: #include "eigen3/Eigen/Eigen" void f2(Ei I want to assign a vector to a matrix of Dynamic size. 5 6; 4 7 1] and say you want to extract following rows from m matrix: [0 2], // row 0 and row 2 I am using Eigen on a C++ program. Therefore, if k = 1, then the Original answer. The mapping itself is using the RowMajor type, so I tried. Here, λ is a scalar and is called the eigenvalue that corresponds to the eigenvector v. std::vector<std::vector<double> > data I am going to learn how to transfer a dynamic Eigen vector to a GPU and get it back. #define VECTOR_TYPE Eigen::VectorXf #define MATRIX_TYPE Eigen::MatrixXf // myMat is of MATRIX_TYPE JacobiSVD<MATRIX_TYPE> jacobi_svd(myMat,ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV); const float offset = 3. Vectors are just a special case of matrices, with either 1 row or 1 column. Something like this "vec=B Additionally, in linear algebra matrix and vector sizes are nearly always constant and known beforehand. Eigen::MatrixXf uses efficient linear memory, while a vector of vector would represent a very different datatype. The first three template parameters of Matrix. rowwise()+v. Eigenvector of the Eigenvector of a square matrix is defined as a non-vector in which when a given matrix is multiplied, it is equal to a scalar multiple of that vector. template <typename Type, int Size> using Vector = Eigen::Matrix<Type, Size, 1>; and then use it the way you want. We may find λ = 2 or 1 2 or −1. (Note that the vector types are simply typedefs of matrix types constrained to have only one column. transpose(). An easy way to workaround any issues regarding alignment is to write. It flattens the matrix column by column into a vector. The size of the object needs to be I am trying to initialise an Eigen vector of integers with random numbers from a specific range. When using Eigen::Map you are mapping a raw array to an Eigen class. For double it is safe as well, but it makes no difference. Assigning a vector to a matrix column in Eigen. I want class Test to have a Eigen::Matrix that maps to Test::_a. A scalar ‚ is called an eigenvalue of A if there is a non-zero vector v 6= 0, called an eigenvector, such that Av = ‚v: (8:12) Thus, the matrix A efiectively stretches the eigenvector v by an amount I want to map from a C-type array to a Column majored Eigen matrix. It also explains how to get special matrices such as the identity matrix and the zero matrix. Even memory-wise this will probably not be worth it (per entry you need to store the value and an index, even if you used double and int32, you would need 12 bytes per entry (plus 4 bytes per row or column). I am currently using Eigen version 3. When I run this code I get the output. 5, 1. How could I subtract a 1xN eigen matrix from a MxN matrix, like numpy does? 1. For k = 1 ⇒ (A – λI) = 0. array() and . Pretend that the elements in S are future stock prices and let K = 2 which will be the strike price. sqrt(). How could I convert now the Eigen::MatrixXfinto a std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f>? (or if you know a direct method to go from Eigen::Matrix<float, 1, 1>(1) has the additional risk that for some older versions of Eigen, the 1 argument was considered a size and not a value to initialize the 1x1 matrix with, i. rowwise() expressions: shifted_cord = shifted_cord. Is there a way to retrieve an Eigen vector from an Eigen matrix? c++; matrix; vector; eigen; eigenvector; Share. 10. Say i have a 2D vector, ie . However, a row-major order is needed for the direct conversion of an array into an Eigen matrix. Add a comment | 1 Answer Sorted by: Reset to Consider a square matrix n × n. For these purposes, I wrote a test code: using Vector = Eigen::Matrix&lt;float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, Eigen::Co Similar to std::vector, 1D expressions also exposes the pair of cbegin()/cend() methods to conveniently get const iterators on non-const object. So with std::vector<Eigen::Vector4d>, some Eigen::Vector4d objects will be passed by value, which discards any alignment modifiers, so a Eigen::Vector4d can be created at an unaligned location. He has a vector< Matrix<float, 2, 1> > and wants to access only one coefficient. A vector x perpendicular to the plane has Px = 0, so this is an eigenvector with eigenvalue λ = 0. row(i). myvar (:) takes a matrix column wise and places it into a vector, not row Eigenvectors are vectors that are associated with a matrix such that when the matrix multiplies the eigenvector, the resulting vector is a scalar multiple of the eigenvector. 1 1 1 silver badge. 0, 0. But he gets both, because Eigen defines operator<<(ostream, Eigen::Matrix) or whatever is needed to work with ostreams. 5. 5 1. cols()+B. 4; // Temporary Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> However, there's already a typedef for this: MatrixXd. I can only see ev has 1 value in my visual studio. If you want to make a diagonal matrix out of an existing vector, call . mean(X, axis=0))/(np. How can I access a single vector from a matrix? For example: Is there a way to extract a vector using something like A(i) for a matrix Eigen::MatrixXf A(10,10) that returns an Eigen::VectorXf A(10)? Eigen uses contiguous memory, as does std::vector. data(); Eigen::MatrixXd M=Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>>(p) eigen bind matrix row/column to vector l-value reference. What you want is an element-wise power, which since there is no cwisePow function in MatrixBase, requires switching to the Array Using the Eigen library, suppose I have Matrix2Xd mat and Vector2d vec, where. For a definition of sign() see the Matlab documentation, although I don't really need the case for 0 elements. Follow answered May 29, 2016 at 9:50. How to Convert Eigen Matrix to C/C++ Array. If X is the non-trivial column vector solution of the matrix equation AX = λX, where λ is a scalar, then X is the eigenvector of matrix A, and the corresponding value of λ is the eigenvalue of matrix A. Manish Manish. 2. Often when resizeing a matrix you don't care about the previous values in the matrix. The eigenvalue problem is to determine the solution to the equation Av = λv, where A is an n-by-n matrix, v is a column vector of length n, and λ is a scalar. What can the problem be? Since the Eigen C++ library does not contain a built-in way for computing the sign(x) of a matrix I am looking for the best method of doing this. Examples In Eigen, all matrices and vectors are objects of the Matrix template class. Before crash After crash Before crash Segmentation fault when I compile with march=native. I can also get pointer to this slice by auto p = m. Adding scalar to Eigen Eigen offers matrix/vector arithmetic operations either through overloads of common C++ arithmetic operators such as +, -, *, or through special methods such as dot(), cross(), etc. 3. And vector reference defines the std::vector::data as: std::vector::data T* data(); const T* data() const; Returns pointer to the underlying array serving as element If the array is two-dimensional, one needs to pay attention to the storage order. Is there a way to set a dynamic vector or matrix in Eigen library? If not, is there a way to still use the Eigen library in conjunction with another class like vector?. Almost all vectors will change We define the eigenvector of any matrix as the vector which on multiplying with the matrix results in the scaler multiple of the matrix. 6k 3 3 gold badges 32 32 silver badges 56 56 bronze badges. row(1); std::vector<float> vec; I want to built the vector "vec" with elements from the row Eigen matrix "B". addCol(vec) such that afterwards. [V,D,W] = eig(A) also returns full matrix W whose columns are the corresponding left eigenvectors, so that W'*A = D*W'. asDiagonal(). The eigen-value λ could be zero! Then Ax = 0x means that this eigenvector x is in the nullspace. How do I do that with Eigen? The solution should work for any dimension of matrix. If n is a compile-time constant, then you can use the templated variant (as in the code example below) and the Eigen library will automatically unroll the loop. 4, and there is no easy built-in function to cast between Eigen::Tensor types and the more familiar Matrix or Array types. So he dereferences iterator to a Matrix, and fires up Eigen offers matrix/vector arithmetic operations either through overloads of common C++ arithmetic operators such as +, -, *, or through special methods such as dot(), cross(), etc. 1k次。这篇博客介绍了如何在Eigen库中进行Vector到Matrix以及Matrix到Vector的转换。通过Map函数,可以实现数据的灵活转换。例如,将VectorXdm转换为Matrix3dA,或者将MatrixXfM1转换为RowVectorXf。文章提供了具体的代码示例,展示了如何进行转置以及不同存储方式的影响。 First of all, MatrixBase::pow is a function that computes the matrix power of a square matrix (if the matrix has an eigenvalue decomposition, it is the same matrix, but with the eigenvalues raised to the given power). This is why begin()/end() methods are disabled for 2D expressions. matrix() permits to change the semantic from matrix-linear-algebra to plain-array and vice-versa. Matrix multiplication of an Eigen Matrix for Does anyone know a good way how i can extract blocks from an Eigen::VectorXf that can be interpreted as a specific Eigen::MatrixXf without copying data? (the vector should contains several flatten Eigen offers matrix/vector arithmetic operations either through overloads of common C++ arithmetic operators such as +, -, *, or through special methods such as dot(), cross(), etc. All cases are handled via the DenseBase::reshaped(NRowsType,NColsType) and DenseBase::reshaped() functions. mat = 1 1 1 1 1 1 vec = 2 2 Now I need something like mat. vector() and a . We may find λ = 2 or 1 2 or −1 or 1. cols() (i. You should consider one of these alternatives: Allocate the final size at the beginning and insert elements (if you don't know the exact final size, you can allocate more than necessary at the beginning, and do one The eigenvalue λ tells whether the special vector x is stretched or shrunk or reversed— when it is multiplied by A. For multidimentional vector, you would therefore have to read the matrix block by block and copy those values to the outmost vectors. How to find Eigenvectors? Eigenvector of any matrix A is denoted by v. Is it possible to convert matrix A in std::vector<std::a 先将vector转换为Matrix使用Eigen计算,完成计算后再将结果转换为vector。std::vector 二维 转 Eigen Matrix。遇到了二维数组和Eigen Matrix相互转换的问题。Eigen Matrix 转回 std::vector。Eigen C++开源模板库,支持各种计算。 First of all, Eigen::Matrix<int,30,150> will by default be aligned to 16 bytes, which on 64bit systems or with C++17 will most likely work properly, but you may otherwise face some caveats. std::vector is essentially an (dynamic) array, storing a list of data in consecutive space. matrix(). For example, matrix1 * matrix2 means matrix-matrix product, and vector + scalar is The more useful takeaway from this thread is the demonstration of copying a std::vector to all rows or columns of an Eigen Matrix, in the accepted answer. The matrix is 2. Share. By default, Eigen stores matrices in column-major order. If you are using C++11 you can define your own templated Vector alias. For any x in the plane Px = x, so x is an eigenvector with eigenvalue 1. I want to copy vectors into the columns of a matrix, like the following: #include <Eigen/Dense> #include <vector> #include <iostream> int main() { int m = 10; std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> v(m); convert eigen matrix into std::vector<std::array<>> form. The functionality it tries to achieve is as follows: Xnorm = (X - np. Let us suppose that A is an n x n square matrix, and if v be a non-zero vector, then the product of matrix A, and vector v is defined as the product of a scalar quantity λ and the given vector, such that: How about trying to use the vectors data() method, which gives you access to the memory array used internally by the vector, like this:. Deflnition 8. How can I get this? The . When I compile without it, then it runs perfectly. Curious why this got down voted? – tzg. typedef Eigen::Matrix<int,30,150, Eigen::DontAlign> HoughMatrix; There is no implicit conversion from integer-valued to double-valued expressions in Eigen. Multiplication of each matrix column by each vector element using Eigen C++ Library. Simply list the coefficients, starting at the top-left corner and moving In Eigen, all matrices and vectors are objects of the Matrix template class. Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, 4>> p_OUTPUT(&p[0][0]); The code compiles and runs, but only the elements of the first column and the first element of the second column map the correct values. To find the eigenvectors of a matrix A: First find its eigenvalues by solving the This calculator allows to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors using the Characteristic polynomial. static_cast <Eigen::MatrixXf> doesn't seem to work and neither A. Avi Ginsburg Avi Ginsburg. This is why Eigen's resize function does not retain old values, unlike std::vector's resize. std::vector<double> a(9); double *p= a. h and CxRealAbs. 3, -1. But I want B to be a copy of the elements of the original A. This means that you can now read or write it using Eighen functions. Sparse matrices have a lot of overhead for otherwise dense matrices. The values of λ that satisfy the equation are the eigenvalues. How can I convert an Eigen matrix into std::vector<std::array<>> form? Suppose I have an Eigen matrix Eigen::MatrixXd A(4,3). All vectors are eigenvectorsof I. Eigen::MatrixXf a = Eigen::MatrixXf(2,2); a << -0. I just started using Eigen library and can't understand how to add a scalar value to all matrix's members? Let's suppose that I have a matrix: Eigen::Matrix3Xf mtx = Eigen::Matrix3Xf::Ones(3,4); mt I or E — identity matrix; X, Y — matrix symbols; Use ↵ Enter, Space, ← ↑↓ →, Backspace, and Delete to navigate between cells, Ctrl ⌘ Cmd +C/ Ctrl ⌘ Cmd +V to copy/paste matrices. Let A be an n£ n matrix. Drag-and-drop matrices from the To convert eigen matrix type into normal data type. For example, matrix1 * matrix2 means matrix-matrix product, and vector + scalar is Using the Eigen C++ library, how can I make a deep copy of a matrix? For example, if I have: Eigen::Matrix4f A; Eigen::Matrix4f B = A; And then I modify A, it will also modify B. Follow asked Sep 29, 2014 at 7:14. Any solution for this type of cast? I have a vector. Eigenvectors are also called characteristic vectors and can Eigen offers a comma initializer syntax which allows the user to easily set all the coefficients of a matrix, vector or array. Improve this answer. Improve 文章浏览阅读5. Suppose P is the matrix of a projection onto a plane. diagonal(). 4, Eigen exposes convenient methods to reshape a matrix to another matrix of different sizes or vector. To explain eigenvalues, we first explain eigenvectors. Improve this question. As in the following code: Eigen::Vector3f VectorCam; // Vector in camera frame Eigen::MatrixXf VectorsCam; // Matrix contains the vec Explanation: The resize() method of std::vector takes a value_type argument (defaulting to value_type()). , the code would compile and run without assertions, but actually would give very unexpected results. rowwise()+=v. However, the outer std::vector contains a contiguous set of std::vector<std::complex<double> >, each pointing to a different set of complex numbers (and can be different lengths). The Matrix class takes six template When you have a nonzero vector which, when multiplied by a matrix results in another vector which is parallel to the first or equal to 0, this vector is called an eigenvector of The eigenvector v of a square matrix A is a vector that satisfies Av = λv. 0f); which I'd like to convert to an Eigen vector type ( Eigen::VectorXf?) I have tried. 748 1 1 gold badge 6 6 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges. In order to avoid that, the only solution we saw was to I'm trying to implement a Normalizer within Eigen. Don't CSDN-Ada助手: 恭喜你写了这篇关于std vector二维数组和Eigen Matrix相互转换的博客!你的文章内容清晰易懂,对读者来说非常有帮助。接下来,我建议你可以尝试探讨一些更深入的主题,比如如何优化这些转换过程,或者在实际项目中如何应用这些技巧。期待看到你的下一篇作品! I have a function that operates on a Vector reference, e. 1,913 1 1 gold badge 12 12 silver badges 31 31 bronze badges. Those functions do not perform in-place reshaping, but instead return a view on the input expression. The corresponding values of v 正如标题所说,我正在尝试将Eigen::VectorXd转换为std::vector。向量是通过对角化一个矩阵,然后取该过程的第一个特征向量来获得的。 #include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <cmath>#include <iomanip>#include <Eigen/Dense>using namespace std;using names Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I have these Eigen complex matrices: Eigen::MatrixXcd matrix; Eigen::VectorXcd rhs; Eigen::VectorXcd solution; I can successfully load values and compute the solution, but if I try: rhs = matrix*solution; I get compiler errors related to overloaded "+=" operator and double/complex conversion in Eigen files GeneralProduct. In MATLAB, the line below converts a matrix to a vector. matrix() to describe the same change of semantic would be rather cumbersome. The Matrix class takes six template parameters, but for now it's enough to learn about the first three first parameters. All cases are handled via the DenseBase::reshaped(NRowsType,NColsType) and DenseBase::reshaped() functions. The function getMatrixXfMap() allows me to convert the Point Cloud to a Eigen::MatrixXf. h file (Eigen::internal::print_matrix) the developers use stringstreams to obtain the width of each entry. array(). He doesn't want to iterate only on two elements of a vector. Typical operations would be appending data or sorting it. Commented Jun 26, 2023 at 16:32. Question about Eigen::MatrixXd column-wise calculation. asDiagonal(); std::cout << m << "\n"; return 0; } Output : 1 0 0 0 1. Those functions do not perform in-place reshaping, but instead return a view on the input According to Eigen Doc, Vector is a typedef for Matrix, and the Matrix has a constructor with the following signature: Matrix (const Scalar *data) Constructs a fixed-sized matrix initialized with coefficients starting at data. 41421 You do not need to do any reverse operation. The comma initializer. Note that . Drag-and-drop matrices from the results, or even from/to a text editor. 0 1 1 The matrix B = 1 0 has an This should hopefully be pretty simple but i cannot find a way to do it in the Eigen documentation. For the Matrix class (matrices and vectors), operators are only overloaded to support linear-algebraic operations. Set Vector of Eigen Matrices to 0. data(), rows, cols); where x can be either const Eigen::VectorXd x or const std::vector<double> or C type array. Simply list the coefficients, starting at the top-left corner and moving from left to right and from the top to the bottom. Since the version 3. 引子在实践的过程中发现,很多时候我已经有了一个基本的数组,这时候我想要使用Eigen的数值求解功能,那就需要问数据输入到矩阵中,但之前的使用三种传统的初始化矩阵的方法是没办法做到批量输入的。那么如何把我 Assuming, you actually want to do this for a non-trivial scalar (instead of double) which has move-semantics, this should be safe -- of course, as long as you don't use A afterwards. At this point, however, because MatrixXd saves array in col major, this pointer would not point to the contiguous block to the matrix row which I would want to use later to pass in a Eigen::Map MatrixXf A = MatrixXf::Random(3, 3); MatrixXf B = A. If A is the identity matrix, every vector has Ax = x. where the matrices could be stacked horizontally or vertically if allowing transposing) then the matrices will not be transposed. rowwise() and make sure that the vector you add is indeed a row-vector (either declare v as RowVector3d, or write v. This should return a pointer to the first element of the row. That means you would save less than 25% even for large matrices. Either just use VectorXd for G_temp (and the LinSpaced expression):. Simply list the coefficients, starting at the top-left corner and moving from left to right and from the top to the bottom . transpose(); // or shifted_cord. The three remaining parameters have default values, which for now 诸如ConjugateGradient和BiCGSTAB之类的迭代求解器可以在Matrix-free上下文中使用。为此,用户必须提供一个继承EigenBase <>并实现以下方法的包装器类: Index rows()和Index cols():分别返回行数和列数 operator* 与您的类型和Eigen密集列向量一起使用(其实际实现在internal : I don't think OP means what you think he does. singularValues(); VECTOR_TYPE test = singular_values - offset; Is there an operator or function in Eigen to read the elements of a vector or matrix into separate variables? For example I imagine the converse of the comma-initializer: Eigen::Vector5d v; v < We inaugurate our discussion of eigenvalues and eigenvectors with the fundamental deflnition. Eigen offers a comma initializer syntax which allows the user to easily set all the coefficients of a matrix, vector or array. void auto_bias(const Eigen::VectorXf& v, Eigen:Ref<Eigen::VectorXf>> out) { out = } and at some point I need to have this function operate on a Matrix row. Also you can use the += operator with . In your case it may actually be better to map the data of a std::vector to an Eigen::Map, something like this:. Leave extra cells empty to enter non-square matrices. std::vector<float> test_vector = { 2,1,3 }; float* test_array = test_vector. asked Sep 5, 2014 at 17:47. If you want to wrap the existing data array with Eigen functionality, you should use something like: The eigenvalue λtells whether the special vector xis stretched or shrunk or reversed or left unchanged—when it is multiplied by A. In fact, in the IO. 49855 37 -1. The eigenvalue λ could be zero! Then Ax = 0x means that this eigenvectorx is in the nullspace of A. Iterating over all coefficients of a 2D doesn't "directly map a std::vector<unsigned> to an Eigen::VectorXi," rather, it copies the data to a new Eigen::VectorXi. Classes in Eigen represent mathematical objects. int N = 100; std::vector<float> v(N, 1. Vector<double, 10> vec; By the way, Eigen has typedefs for vector sizes between 2 and 4, i. Eigen::VectorXf ev(N); ev = Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXf>(&v[0], N); but I am not sure if it right or wrong. 59586 2. See the update further down. diagonal() returns the diagonal as a vector, so . In this case, a mathematical vector, with all the typical operations on vectors, like multiplication with a matrix or scalar product. 6. e. ) Further reading: Advanced initialization. c++; eigen; Share. Say I have a Eigen::MatrixXd m, I can get its row i by m. To learn more about matrices use Wikipedia. head<3>(); In the Eigen documentation, see Block operations for mu::MFX/4 are typedefs for Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> or Eigen::Matrix4f. Community Bot. So having both a . 38773 -0. 15. Kaiyakha Kaiyakha. Where, k is some positive integer. MatrixXd resultEigen; // Eigen matrix with some result (non NULL!) double *resultC; // NULL pointer <-- WRONG INFO from Eigenvalues and eigenvectors are a new way to see into the heart of a matrix. Eigen::VectorXd G_temp = Eigen::VectorXd::LinSpaced((Nx + 2) * (Ny + 2),0,(Nx + 2) * (Ny + 2)-1); If you want to add to each row, you need to write . data(). h I have encountered the same issue but vector is constant, then you have to do it following way as @ggael proposed, Eigen::MatrixXd mat = Eigen::Map<const Eigen::MatrixXd>(x. 0f; VECTOR_TYPE singular_values = jacobi_svd. Using p[0] as argument yields the same result. I don Eigen offers a comma initializer syntax which allows the user to easily set all the coefficients of a matrix, vector or array. STL iterators are intrinsically designed to iterate over 1D structures. Hot Network Questions Revert filenames after they were garbled by using different encoding The do's and don'ts of do in French Can a single country simultaneously suffer from overpopulation and underpopulation? Hide value in column when it is 0 The methods . 1. Eigen::Vector4f vec4; // initialize vec4 Eigen::Vector3f vec3 = vec4. For example, matrix1 * matrix2 means matrix-matrix product, and vector + scalar is I have a variable of type Eigen::Matrix<float, 2, 3> &state and I would like to take the first row and convert it to a float *array_state. Eigen how to concatenate matrix along a specific dimension? c++; eigen; Share. 816717 1. Now, because the default memory layout is column-major, I can't just Map<> the data the row points to into a vector. For example let's say I have n*1 matrix called MatrixXd S(n,1); Now for simplicity let n=3 and S = 4 2 6. rows() == A. . Eigen::Vector2d, , EigenVector4d. cast<MatrixXf> (this is the cast method from Eigen). Iterating over coefficients of 2D arrays and matrices. std(X, axis=0))(equivalent numpy) In the main normalization step I have a function as follows: @Ela782 And in the case where A. Suppose the Ok, say for example you have a 3x3 matrix: m = [3 -1 1; 2. I wonder if there is a way to cast from Eigen::MatrixXd to Eigen::MatrixXf. g. Hot Network Questions Incorrect separation of Having two vectors: Eigen::VectorXd A; A << 1, 2, 3, 4; Eigen::VectorXd B; B << 1, 2, 3; How to create following matrix C from vectors A and B? Matrix columns are A generalized eigenvector associated with an eigenvalue λ of an n × n matrix is denoted by a nonzero vector X and is defined as: (A – λI) k = 0. The method I came up with is the following. 0. head() member function returns the first n elements of a vector. Add a comment | Eigen Matrix Vector Division. Alternatively, if you still want the compile-time sizes, you can use tranpose rather than transposeInPlace to give you a new transposed matrix rather than modify the current one: My ultimate goal is to convert very efficiently a Point Cloud pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> to std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f>. Therefore, the std "matrix" is not contiguous. data(); Eigen::MatrixXf test = Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 1> >(test_array); Their are many links to go the other way round but I am unable to find to get a std::vector from a Eigen::Matrix or Eigen::VectorXd in my specific case. asDiagonal() extract the diagonal part 1> v ; v << 1, 2, 3; Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3> m = v. transpose(); Even though it is possible to simulate this with a conservativeResize() and setting the last element, Eigen Arrays/Matrixes are really not intended for this. The eigenvectors of P span the whole space (but this is not true for every matrix). What you can do is copy the data to the Eigen matrix, there are multiple ways of doing that. Follow edited May 23, 2017 at 12:16. My approach so far has been to create a functor and calling it, it is however problematic in the sense that I need to initialise the random generation in a way that it wont be re-initialised each time. This means whenever I change the std::vector, the Eigen::Matrix would also immediately reflect the change because both the vector and the matrix uses the same chunk of memory to hold data. Follow asked Nov 27, 2021 at 21:24. rqmw mbvkzc eaaxn lsx nimzgd kphw jxdov nifwer gwurp lgbdhq bucwybwc lbryy hfhi welgf dhozi