Exchange import wildcard certificate About Gareth Gudger. ; Le paramètre FileData accepte les chemins d’accès locaux si le fichier de certificat se trouve sur le serveur Exchange sur lequel vous exécutez la commande et qu’il s’agit du même On the Friendly name for this certificate page, enter a descriptive name for the certificate, and then select Next. com. Here you will have to provide a valid UNC In this article, we explore transferring a third-party SSL certificate from one Exchange server to another using PowerShell. I downloaded and installed OpenSSL for Windows (Latest version). For more information, see Get-ExchangeCertificate. In Exchange Admin Center, in the menu on the left, click Servers and then in the menu at the top of the Servers section, click Certificates. I have 3 . How to Assign Services to Your SSL Certificate in the Exchange Admin Center. (he internal exchange Import the PFX to the other Exchange Servers and Install. . Apache / OpenSSL. File]::ReadAllBytes(‚E:\Script\ExChange2022. , webmail. pfx‘)) -Password (ConvertTo 1) create a wildcard certificate: Wildcard certificate request These examples create certificate request files for wildcard certificates with the following properties: SubjectName: . Bir önceki makalemde Exchange Server 2019'da SSL Wildcard Sertifika Yapılandırma işlemlerinden bahsetmiştim. The value must be less than 64 characters. companyname. If you need to renew the certificate and have the ability to upload the renewal request to your CA, you can use the New-ExchangeCertificate -GenerateRequest provided under the “Renew an Exchange Server Certificate” link provided by @huia to generate a renewal request. It only accepts the . Renewing a wildcard SSL certificate for Exchange and IIS? Collaboration. local. I have one on-premise exchange 2019 server. 2. Remember to set the path to the . Import the certificate. False Accept wildcard characters: False-FriendlyName. IIS needs both the certificate and private key to act as a TLS server. I also have valid wildcard cert for my trusted domain. Exchange 2016 Certificate import problem. Wildcard Certificate Exchange 2016: The same goes with this one —the wildcard certificate you install on the Exchange Server 2016 is the same as other wildcard SSL certificates. 509 cert and a private key that corresponds to it. Adding an SSL certificate to Exchange Server 2013 is a three-step process. Renew Exchange Hybrid certificate Import (install) a certificate on an Exchange server. ; Параметр FileData принимает локальные пути The trust chain is important for another aspect. Yes, your certificate (the public key) needs to be signed by a public CA, GoDaddy in your case. req Send the file to for submitting to public CA Once a . p7b) but it’s not showing up in the ‘intermediate certification authority’ folder. We renewed the wildcard certificate from the same company and the same domain information. However we are migrating to Ex2016 as a stepping stone to Exchange online. In the Certificate Import Wizard window, click Next. The certificate needs to have the Status value Valid. I’m importing third party SSL (containing the private key). Then you don’t have to do all the steps again. I can generate Certificates and Keys with it (I tried it as template or as RootCA, but both doesn't work The keystore domains/<domname>/config has a keystore. But, the status on the Certificate ist "RevocationCheckFailure". com set-IMAPSettings -X509CertificateName mail. crt I've tried to install them using the instruction described here. All mailboxes are in the cloud. From here you need to change your server. PFX file with private key? Note: While you import the certificate through EMC, the new certificate will be imported in certificate store of the computer also automatically. To generate a CSR in Exchange 2019, you can run the following command from the dieses signierte Zertifikat importierst du per ems in deinen Exchange: Import-ExchangeCertificate -FileData ([System. To confirm the wildcard certificate has been imported and installed successfully, it can be viewed as the following: To apply the wildcard certificate to other FortiGate devices in the same Hi @Jasoncull365. When I go to import the signed cert it is asking for a PFK file but that is not included from my godaddy download. We dont use any Proxies. We have a wildcard certificate for our organization's external presence. I got the . Import-Certificate -FilePath "C:\TEMP\AventisLab. IO. I added the chain certificates and tried to reach the CRL, everything works without any problems. You can import the wildcard certificate to every Exchange Server and assign the Exchange services to the certificate. Learn more about Creating, Installing, Enabling and Configuring Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010 Certificates (**Updated for Wildcard and Exchange 2013) from the expert community at Experts Exchange Step 3: Install the SSL Certificate on IIS Import the Certificate. pem When extracting them into the Windows Cert store, it extracts 3 certs, those being the ROOT CA, the Intermediate CA and the actual wildcard cert itself. Some server types will not allow certificates to be imported from one server to another. *. Now start a new certificate import. For wildcard domains the latter is the only option. Servers > Certificates > select the server > More options > Import Exchange Certificate: To see them, you need to specify the property name (exact name or wildcard match) with the Format-Table or Format-List cmdlets. Tasks for adding an SSL certificate. key or . Create a certificate request. I have tried to import the cert into fortinet but unable to do so. pfx extension) is accessible on the server. Import the SSL Certificate: Ensure your SSL certificate file (typically with a . Keep the Exchange Server secure with certificates. I use the PowerShell command to verify: “Import-ExchangeCertificate -FileData ([Byte[]]$(Get-Content -Path “C:\cert. First, I tried to install them this way: keytool -impo Open up the Exchange Management Console (EMC); Click on Server Configuration located in the left-hand menu; On the right side, select the server you wish to secure; Right-click on the blank area in the Exchange Certificate field and select Import Exchange Certificate. We're likely going to have to touch each machine that uses the wildcard cert. Open EMC ; Go to Server Configuration ; Select the server which has working certificate ; In the right lower pane you will see the odd. I can import X. Use the EMC (Exchange Management Console) or ECP (Exchange Admin Center) to verify that the services are assigned and the wildcard certificate is being used. If you have the private key in a separate . com in the United States, which requires If you have not yet created a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and ordered your certificate, see the CSR creation instructions for Microsoft servers. Open the EAC and go to Servers > Certificates; Choose the Exchange server from the Server list; Click on More Options ***, and choose Import Exchange certificate; An Import Exchange I have received the certificate and the intermediate certificate (from 1and1) and I figured out that the Root Certificate is issued by GeoTrust Global CA (I downloaded it). However since we are using a wildcard SSL cert the CSR has already been completed. microsoft-exchange, question. com Enter the UNC path to a location that the Exchange servers can write to Example: \\<server-name>E\c$\cert\<file-name>. , \\example\certificates\your_domain_name. I already have the exported PFX file containing the public and private keys of the SSL cert however I have not been able to find any info on how to actually import the SSL cert without first generating the CSR. ; Der Parameter FileData akzeptiert lokale Pfade, wenn sich die Zertifikatdatei auf dem Exchange-Server befindet, auf dem Sie den Befehl ausführen, Yes, like Andy suggest above, we need to export the certificate with the private key into a PFX file and import that into Exchange 2016. Here you will find all the Exchange certificate articles, how-to’s and more. Log in to the After you import a certificate on an Exchange server, you need to assign the certificate to one or more Exchange services by using the Enable-ExchangeCertificate cmdlet. Used Go Daddy’s SSL certificate guide to complete the import but all we get is errors. Hinweis. Import a certificate that was exported from another server. In the Select server list, select the Exchange server that holds the certificate that you want to Use the EAC to assign a certificate to Exchange services. net” we’re going to a “domain. Renew an Exchange self-signed certificate. Click OK. Use the following command to import the In this 10th part of the Exchange 2016 Installation series, we delve into the crucial aspect of configuring certificates. Enter the same UNC path and password you used earlier. as well as avoiding the administrative burden of importing root certificates on Importing an SSL Certificate in Exchange Server 2016. There is only one on-prem mailbox in this server. This process differs from the older cumulative updates (and Exchange 2013), where it was still possible Next run the following cmdlet to Import the Exchange Certificate and complete the CSR request that you Generated: If there are no errors, then you should see the certificate with the new thumbprint in the Exchange Certificate List as well as in the Personal Certificate Store of the Certificates MMC Snap-In: You can place the cert in the appropriate location, Run the below command. Step-2 Click on Servers in the menu on the left. In reality, however, this is a bit of a misnomer because all wildcard SSL certificates work on Microsoft Exchange servers. pfx" you will also need your keystorePass="mypassword" with that Import the SSL Certificate to Local Computer. Instead of “domain. On the Request a wildcard certificate page, make one of the following choices:. We’re in the process of expanding our “public name” and have decided to purchase a wildcard SSL Certificate, and we are adding an accepted domain to our business. the wizard says that the import is successful. Then click on ‘More options Hello, We have exchange 2016 running on Windows 2012 R2 (everything fully patched). it’s not listed in exchange admin center at . I have generated a wildcard certificate with IIS7. Bu süreçte sizlere rehberlik edeceğim. I have setup an Exchange 2010 server and I have a wildcard cert i would like to import. Step-1 Log in to your Exchange Admin Center (EAC). pfx file. contoso. When I attempt to install this on a Linux host it only appears to export out 1 certificate, with a completely different fingerprint ID than the one I see in Windows. Server name: MAIL01 FQDN: mail01. Klicken Sie im EAC auf Server>Zertifikate>Weitere Optionen, und klicken Sie dann auf Exchange-Zertifikat exportieren. Vous devez répéter cette procédure sur chaque serveur Exchange sur lequel vous souhaitez importer le certificat (exécutez la commande sur le serveur ou utilisez le paramètre Server). View existing certificates or certificate requests on an Exchange In the Exchange Control Panel (ECP), navigate to “Server > Certificates”. This means Import (install) a certificate on an Exchange server. g. Gareth previously contributed to the Office 365 for IT Pros book, which is updated monthly with new content. company. com obviously you need to change the mail. Say I have an X. 1. How to install your SSL certificate in Exchange. So to trust all certs of a CA you just have to trust the root CA's cert. I have run through the import cert wizard for the intermediate (. Эту процедуру необходимо повторить на каждом сервере Exchange Server, где требуется импортировать сертификат (выполните команду на сервере или используйте параметр Server). Navigate to Server Certificates: First, Log into the Server I have a wildcard cert from godaddy which I generate for my exchange 2010. Auch bei SAN-Zertifikaten kann dies nötig sein. When I attempt to log into ECP or OWA, it loops back to the login prompt page. When you renew an Exchange self-signed certificate, you're basically making a new certificate. 5 and exported it (with private key) to a . Upload the certificate file signed by MS CA under System -> Certificates -> Import Certificate and under 'Type', select 'Local Certificate' and select 'OK'. It means that you have to import the certificate’s private key to export the certificate. p12). Open the EAC, and navigate to Servers > Certificates. 6. 509 certificate, which has only the public key. cer) and then click OK The certificate should be successfully installed on your Exchange 2016 server, and the status of your certificate request should now be Valid You should use a SAN cert or a wildcard cert if you got the money. In Exchange 2019, you can generate a new CSR and then import the signed certificate from your registrar like Digicert or RapidSSL or Godaddy etc. 7. If that is the case for your server, there are two ways that you can Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, to import the Wildcard Cert into XCA and do the CSR requests against this Wildcard Cert. csr file from CA as it was a wildcard cert. Various additional plugins are available from https Can someone give me some insight on how to import an ssl certificate into Exchange 2016? We have imported the same certificate into several other servers without any issues. Exportieren eines Zertifikats mithilfe der Exchange-Verwaltungskonsole. On the Services tab, in the Specify the services you Import & Export a Certificate in Exchange 2013; Renew a Certificate in Exchange 2013; Filed Under: Exchange Tutorials. I have to install a new ssl cert on my exchange 2013 server but I’m running into an issue with the intermediate certificate step. What SSL Cert are you getting from Godaddy? is it a wildcard or an UCC SSLCert. File]::ReadAllBytes('C:\Certificates\dein-neues-zertifikat. I have two problem: When I want to add to Wildcard cert to POP and IMAP service, it is drop errors with FQDN problem. ) I understand the pros and cons of using wildcard certs, and this is the direction the IT Director has decided to go. jks keystore file with default password "changeit" (that is the *default* password, but can be changed with asadmin) with keytool IUI, I imported a pfx file (option Import -> Keystore's Entry -> Private Key -> From other keystore) as new alias "glassfish-2" (password as above) then I went to SSL123 Solid encryption (DV); Wildcard Secure multiple sub-domains (OV); SSL123 Wildcard Encrypt all sub-domains (DV); SSL Web Server Multi-Domain Wildcard End-to-end encryption for domains & sub domains; SSL Web Server Assure users & protect (OV); SSL Web Server w/EV Display the green address bar; SSL/TLS Installation Service Let a pro install your cert Installing SSL certificate on Exchange 2019. In the new Exchange certificate wizard, select Create Wer Exchange 2016 in Verbindung mit einem Wildcard Zertifikat benutzt, sollte auch die Empfangs- und Sendeconnectoren entsprechend konfigurieren. Select the ellipsis and choose “Import Exchange Certificate”. In the Exchange Management Console, in the center section, click Manage Databases. In the Select Certificate Store window, select Intermediate Certification Authorities, and then click OK. com”. Adding Root Certificate keytool -import -alias root -keystore . Die Wahl des richtigen SSL-Zertifikat Für Ihren Microsoft Exchange Server kann dies den Unterschied zwischen späten Abenden im Büro bedeuten, in denen versucht wird, die Dinge zum Laufen zu bringen, und der Fähigkeit, die Arbeit gleich beim ersten Mal richtig zu erledigen, ohne sich weiterhin darum kümmern zu müssen. EXAMPLE. Can I use this with my tomcat installation and if so how can I import it into my keystore. Hi Just wondering I want to renew SSL wildcard cer for our Exchange Server 2016, should I go: EMC, Server - Certificate and import . Select the certificate that you want to configure, and then click Edit. You can get a SAN cert for fairly cheap, the one I use in my home lab was 30 bucks for a year. , autodiscover. Open the Exchange Admin Center (navigate to https://localhost/ecp). I am using a wildcard certificate for the IIS service. Create a Exchange-Server-SSL-Handbuch. Open the EAC and navigate to Servers > Certificates. Reply Use the Import-ExchangeCertificate cmdlet to import certificates on Exchange servers. A CSR was never generated. After that, the “Import Exchange Certificate” Wizard will pop up. If you want a wildcard certificate: Select Request a wildcard certificate, and enter the wildcard character (*) and the domain in the Root domain box, for example, Now I tried to get it into the Exchange Server 2016, the import worked without any problems, I bound IIS, SMTP on the certificate and everything is working fine. keystore -trustcacerts -file root. It doesn’t matter at this step which of the servers or certificates you’ve selected in the EAC first. Click Finish. crt files usually contain an X. Exchange 2007. In the instructions below, modify the text in bold italics to match your configuration (filename, domain, or certificate thumbprint). Mac OS X Server Export. Note : You cannot do this via EAC ( Exchange Admin Center) You got to configure Imap and pop On the Certificates page, in the Select server drop-down list, select your Exchange 2016 server and then click the + symbol. crt __domain. In the case, this is ExchangeCertificate -GenerateRequest -RequestFile “\localhost\c$\Cert_Req_Wicard. Can anyone share how to do it correct? The reason is to secure my website for remote access. softcomet. Select one or more Exchange servers to import the SSL certificate to. Step-4 You’ll see a dropdown list next to the Select Server option. # Import des neues Zertifikates mit Befehl # Import-ExchangeCertificate -FileData ([System. I know it is possible to generate a CSR request on Exchange and import the certificate that way but is there a way to avoid this and just imp Hi, I have a Wild Card certificate with Godaddy which I purchased just now. Sie müssen dieses Verfahren auf jedem Exchange-Server wiederholen, auf dem Sie das Zertifikat importieren möchten (führen Sie den Befehl auf dem Server aus, oder verwenden Sie den Server-Parameter). If you have an existing wildcard cert (the csr was generated from another host) you will need to download or generate the wildcard cert in pfx format. Open the Exchange Management Console (Microsoft Exchange 2010 > Exchange Management Console). pfx file, set the Exchange Server you are installing on, and MAKE THE PRIVATE KEY EXPORTABLE, just in case you lose the . 509 certs easily enough into Windows but what about private keys? Is the only way I can do that by converting both the cert and the private key to a "Personal Information Exchange Unfortunately, there is no proper documentation available on this topic, but its possible to get your issuing CA signed by 3rd party public CA, the purpose is to automatically build global trust chain and to avoid maintaining offline root CA, certificate authority compromise etc, but option is costlier than putting own internal CA and not suitable only for 150 users, The real problem you have is that you need to get the HP iLO to issue a wildcard certificate request in the first place. pfx file format for importing & installing an SSL certificate for hosted applications. Ab Exchange Server 2019 CU12 und später hat Microsoft die Möglichkeit, Zertifikate über das Exchange Admin Center (EAC) zu verwalten, abgeschafft. I am running an Exchange 2010 box, that is currently in production using a SAN cert for our domain. Generating Key: keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA. Instead, you can export the certificate and import it to the other Exchange Servers by following the below articles: Export certificate in Exchange Server; Import certificate in Exchange Server; Step 9. pfx/. The last step is to restart IIS on every Exchange Server. How to Assign Services to Your SSL Certificate using the Exchange Management Console. Submit the request to certificate authority. You can find the thumbprint We have existing Exchange 2010 hybrid servers and we have a wildcard certificate that needs to be imported to these exchange servers to update the current wildcard. pfx” -Encoding byte -ReadCount 0)) |Enable-ExchangeCertificate -Services SMTP, IIS, POP, IMAP” The return was ok to my wildcard domain. It’s just that people sometimes call them (With the key and cert together, anyone could impersonate us. The real problem you have is that you need to get the HP iLO to issue a wildcard certificate request in the first place. crt" -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\My #Verify the SSL Certificate is imported to Exchange 2016 Get-ExchangeCertificate | ? Once you import your cert you will need to set the pop and imap settings in shell what you need to do is open exchange management shell and enter these commands set-POPSettings -X509CertificateName mail. I have downloaded the cert from our GoDaddy account and I would now like to import. , ect) is expiring in a few days, and we can’t renew it. Şimdi sıra, mevcut SSL Wildcard sertifikamızı Exchange Management Shell (EMS) üzerinden diğer Exchange Server Node'larına PFX Format'ında nasıl import edeceğimizi anlatmaya geldi. If you're going to buy a wildcard cert then there is no need to add additional FQDN's to the cert as the wildcard cert will enable authenticated communication to *. ; Geben Sie auf der Seite Exchange-Zertifikat exportieren im Feld Datei, in die exportiert wird den Namen der Zertifikatsdatei ein. What you realy need to make the wild card certificate work on you server is to import the private key part of it. Select the appropriate server from that list. From my quick searching of the HP IT Resource Center this doesn't appear possible. pem file, you should be able to use OpenSSL to combine them:. xml connector node to keystoreType="PKCS12" and point keystoreFile="myCert. NunoAriasSilva - We are using a wildcard certificate on our Exchange 2019 Hybrid server. In IIS, check, if the new certificate Learn about Exchange Server 2013 SSL certificate and the step by step processes for planning, installation and management. Additional resources The renewal process varies slightly depending on who your CA is. We're a 99% Windows shop; no configuration management setup. Both domains will work for this server, To import an Exchange Certificate, sign in to the Exchange Admin Center, navigate to the ‘servers’ in the feature pane, and select ‘certificates’ in the tabs. To Install an SSL Certificate in Microsoft Exchange Server 2016. In the complete pending request wizard, under *File to import, enter the UNC path to where your SSL certificate file is located (e. Close the Console1 window, and then click No to remove the console settings. crt files from a CA as follows ca1. au. However GoDaddy does not provide 2. Gareth is a former Microsoft MVP (2016-2024) specializing in Exchange and Office 365. Open IIS Manager: Click on the icon at the bottom of the windows to access IIS Manager. From GeoTrust I received a private key, a public key and an intermediate certificate all in PEM format. Disclaimer this is all for exchange 2013 but I can't imagine it has changed all that much. The new SSL is visible in the certificate console under Personal - Go to ECP -> Servers -> Certificates Select <certificate> to renew and click Renew Example: *. Often, you can export the cert and the private key together in PKCS#12 format (. What I did find however was a great post at The Lazy Admin - Using Certificates with Compaq/HP RILOE and ILO Hardware which step-by-step walks you through 2. What I did find however was a great post at The Lazy Admin - Using Certificates with Compaq/HP RILOE and ILO Hardware which step-by-step walks you through I am trying to install a Wildcard SSL Certificate in IIS on Windows Server. com part to your domain but Remarque. Use the EAC to renew an Exchange self-signed certificate. Примечание. Meta Stack Exchange site maintenance scheduled starting Monday, March 17, Updated Instructions for Installing an SSL Certificate on Exchange 2019 CU12 and Later: Open the Exchange Management Shell: Run it as an administrator on your Exchange server. it” Import-ExchangeCertificate -FileName I just installed Microsoft Exchange 2019 for the first time. Can I use your tip to import my wildcard ssl certificate in PFX format? Thanks a lot. The certificate is only assigned IIS and SMTP. openssl When using a wildcard certificate, even if it has been activated on the server, exchange cannot use it for SMTP, POP3 and IMAP as the SAN name isn't present in the certificate, and the server will therefore revert back to the internal certificate automatically. In the Select server list, select the Exchange server that holds the certificate. Bei PKCS #7 handelt es sich um einen Syntaxstandard Securing an Exchange Server is a must! A certificate is important for the Exchange Server. Learn how to import SSL certificate Exchange 2016: Install SSL Certificate. I am attempting to import the SSL certificate from GoDaddy When researching using PowerShell to import the certificate, I learn that a password is required. Alle Aufgaben der Zertifikatsverwaltung, einschließlich des Imports und der Zuweisung von SSL-Zertifikaten, müssen nun über die Exchange Management Shell (PowerShell) durchgeführt werden. A simple guide to request and generate a wilcard cert to your Exchange Server trough power shell. it Wildcard Cert” -SubjectName “C=IT,CN=*. It’s recommended to secure the Exchange Server with an SSL certificate. If you trust one 'certificate' of the chain, you trust the following 'certificates' of the chain too. To export the certificate from Exchange 2010 follow the below steps . crt ca2. hu. 5: 289 You should use a SAN cert or a wildcard cert if you got the money. Copy the file to the other Exchange Server and run the import procedure. Is there a process to import the new wildcard onto the Exchange servers and get the right services activated under the new certificate? Hello all, Calling on any and all Exchange 2010 experts here. How to install FREE Let's Encrypt certificate in Exchange Server? Learn more on how to install Let's Encrypt certificate on Exchange Server. domain. You use this cmdlet to install certificates that were exported from other servers, and to complete How to install Exchange certificate with PowerShell? You already have a certificate and you want to install it in Exchange Server. req” -FriendlyName “Softcomet. ; Geben Sie im Feld Kennwort das Kennwort Dear Sir/Madame, I have a question regarding importing an existing SSL wildcard certificate into my tomcat keystore. cer file obtained, in ECP select the certificate that has the 10 Steps for Generating a CSR on Exchange 2025 for a Wildcard Certificate. In the navigation tree on the left, expand Microsoft Exchange On-Premises and then select In order to add certificates, you need to be assigned the Organization Management role group on the Exchange Server 2013. The FriendlyName parameter specifies a friendly name for the certificate. Here’s the situation: Server Exchange 2010 – all exchange roles & services are installed on a single VM Outlook anywhere is enabled Currently the SAN SSL cert for all exchange services (mail. the pfx should contain all but the root, and be imported into the jks as "tomcat" - you can confirm that with the keytool iui the ca should be present in the root store of the tomcat server, but shouldn't need you to import it - again, you can check that with keytool iui (the password for the root store is either changeit or changeme, depending on which version of Wer Exchange 2016 / 2019 in Verbindung mit einem Wildcard Zertifikat benutzt, sollte auch die Empfangs- und Sendeconnectoren entsprechend konfigurieren. Step-3 Click on Certificates from the top menu bar. You can use the Exchange Admin Center (EAC) or the Exchange Management Shell to generate a certificate signing request to obtain your Exchange 2025 Sie können das Cmdlet Import-ExchangeCertificate verwenden, um die folgenden Arten von Zertifikatdateien auf einem Exchange-Server zu importieren: Eine PKCS #7-Zertifikats- oder Zertifikatskettendatei (P7B oder P7C), die durch eine Zertifizierungsstelle (Certification Authority, CA) ausgestellt wurde. Hi everyone. It works with our older Exchange 2010 servers and we had no problem importing and using it on those platforms. In the Certificates section, select your newly imported certificate (listed by its Now I tried to get it into the Exchange Server 2016, the import worked without any problems, I bound IIS, SMTP on the certificate and everything is working fine. In DNS Manager, make sure the DNS records are correctly pointing to I've followed this thread for importing my GeoTrust Wildcard certificate for my company domain. Suppose you have more than one Exchange Server. crt')) danach weist du dieses Zertifikat mittels enable-exchangecertificate noch den entsprechenden Diensten zu. gbtlaawukaosczatdgexxfuwwijujmscsxvjtemmvafyidxvsfithywfexdwroclbamqislw