Friendly nameplates in raid 2. any way to get it bigger? Thanks, thats basically what I'm looking for. Why i cant get rid of the name of the realm at least or why i cant choose not to modify, but to not show at all They disabled this functionality for friendly nameplates while you are in a raid/dungeon/arena/by etc. is there an option for that ? Also i Want blizzard friendly player NamePlates to be displayed in Dungeons and raids as well Download World of Warcraft addon Classic Friendly Raid Nameplates for versions 1. You can not add outlines, shadows, change colors or fonts * in most of the instances ** or remove portions (ie: realm names in cross-realm pugs or even merged servers). This is because of an innovative WA back in Nighthold that would attach things to friendly nameplates, such as circles to show the aoe of mechanics, number of stacks, I can't seem to figure how to setup friendly names in raid or dungeons to show their names with class color. Be happy that chat bubbles work in combat. World of Warcraft on Reddit! The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher . Go into your interface settings and check friendly players under the names part and then enable it in Plater. There isn’t a fix for this or an addon that will help as this is intended. If not, go to plater and find the friendly player tab This addon utilizes two hidden commands to modify friendly nameplates in instances (raids and dungeons) by removing the healthbars and making them untargetable. Works with "Forbidden" Nameplates in Raids/Dungeons. I've had cases where plater nameplates worked perfectly fine in dungeons. every time i logout or reload the friendly nameplate show goes back to enabled. They will never work like they do outside of the raid. Learn to play without them. The nameplates in the video are the default Blizzard Friendly nameplates. If thats your thing, fine, leave it. I know Blizzard made some changes to stop us, but there are still addons around that can make changes to friendly nameplates in instances. any way i can disable or move the raid icon on friendly nameplates above the name rather than to the left? World of Warcraft (gyazo. Friendly nameplates are heavily restricted in raids due to some world first guilds abusing them on guldan fight in legion. Question is, is it against the ToS to use these? Can we get banned if we use suc Ask in the bug/suggestion forum you may get a response there. Features: Show only names; Hide You can no longer modify friendly nameplates in raid/dungeons. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. and im used to having the original Blizzard NamePlates for friendly players only enabled on threat plate. Nope, addons are unable to change friendly nameplates in raids. However plater friendly nameplates don't work in raids and m+ because Blizz decided to brick the API sometime in Legion. I am asking you to reconsider this restriction: “Friendly nameplates cannot be modified by Addons in dungeons and raids. 5 Cvar "nameplateShowOnlyNames" has been removed meaning that Friendly Nameplates always comes with health bars. Works with forbidden nameplates in raids and dungeons in Patch 10. In the open world, addon authors can still edit Friendly Blizzard restricted changing friendly nameplates in dungeons and raids a few years ago so addons weren’t allowed to change them. They do work outside of raids/dungeons but when i click someone while inside of a raid/dungeon there is no nameplate. You can turn off the health bar display (see the other comment by u/lumpsandbumps), but that's about it. But is there a way to show Healing via friendly nameplates is doable but veeery ineffective, what I and most other people use are the raidframes by blizzard and mouse over macros or even an addon that let's you do mouse over heals easier. 7, Dragonflight, WotLK Classic, 2025 So unfortunately, if you used Friendly Nameplates, you either have to use them with a health bar or completely disable Friendly Nameplates in a raid or dungeon. Yesterday, we covered that Patch 10. Even in name-only mode with hidden health bars. Any time people figure out ways to improve friendly character visibility, blizzard crushes it. DFS4 - Blizzard confirms that Awakened Raids will continue to rotate until The War Within Pre-Patch. Can't use custom-friendly nameplates in instanced PvE. com) Friendly NamePlates. 0. Tried turning off friendly nameplates in both Therefore, most changes an addon does to your friendly nameplates outside instances (such as class color text) may not apply inside. Hi, When using shift v to turn on friendly nameplates they are class colored. Blizzard blocks it. They have a major performance impact in situations where auras (Buffs and Following today's earlier Blizzard post roundup, we have another post--this time on addons in 7. 5 Blizzard disabled the ability for addons to customize friendly nameplates in raids because people were leveraging them to do things Blizzard considered bad for the game. I really wish they could have come up with a more targeted solution to the nameplate abuse and still allow us to graphically So now that friendly nameplates addons will be disabled in raids, can anybody tell me how to make the default actually readable? The stock raid frames just does not present enough information for a healer to accurately make the correct Since Legion, friendly nameplates have been made “Forbidden” to addons. That was a blizzard restriction some expansions ago. When I tried what you suggested the friendly nameplates defaulted to the Blizz nameplates in instanced content. Raid Loot Guide; Baron Aquanis; Ghamoo-ra; Lady Sarevess; Gelihast; Lorgus Jett; Twilight Lord Addons couldn't change friendly nameplates in Dungeons and Raids, so you see only blizzard default ones in instances. You have to use the party/raid frames. Also, lower level raiding, KUI friendly nameplates really helped us to call out people doing shit wrong. With the Pre-Patch, all 3 raids will Find the best in slot gear for Weakaura+friendly+nameplates+replacement's in World of Warcraft Classic. I am aware that most addons cannot modify how friendly nameplates look in Raids/Dungeons, but I am sure Works with "Forbidden" Nameplates in Raids/Dungeons. 1. So you can set up some custom really cool But I've always had this problem where, either I'm playing without friendly nameplates, and in that case, good luck figuring out where injured people are, or I am, but in raid there are so many nameplates and movement that you still don't know where injured people are. Preach did a video a while ago that discusses it. Reply reply Friendly name plates in raid why is this a thing? Loading Friendly Nameplates in Dungeons and Raids (KUI) Is there any way to show the old nameplates in dungeons and raids? I know they removed it because it made some boss mechanics easier than they shouldve been. You should turn off Friendly NamePlates in Raids using the hotkey (Default is Shift-V). But there are someways to modify the default With Patch 7. Reply reply SaltKick2 • Thats too bad, Plater seems to be able to change the Names so the font is more noticeable and readable but having those cast bars is really annoying and I end up having to disable them alltogether. Yeah, that was my thought as well, but addons cannot modify friendly nameplates in dungeons or raids anymore: With Patch 7. EDIT: For retail >11. Also notice that addons CANNOT change friendly nameplates inside instances. 14. Customize Blizzard friendly nameplates. You might be able to just disable friendly nameplate settings on Elvui to get it to always show the default, but to my knowledge, Elvui doesn Is there a way to make the names bigger then? I noticed this too and the default names on friendly players are too small for me. I am aware top competitive PvE players will use whatever give them an edge to deal with mechanics. I don't care if its the standard base nameplate, i want to see it while instanced. 2 Likes. Is there a way to change this so they are always colored? I also uses plate rif that helps. 5 With Patch 10. Thing is, I ONLY use friendly nameplates for this purpose. No addon can bypass it. Now for the long explanation: the first thing you need to know is that addons (like plater) can't modify friendly nameplates inside instances. Q: I want to disable or enable friendly nameplates but it keeps turning back on or off . No Healbot, VuhDo or other raid frames active, just Plater. 2. While, for the most part, we’re impressed with -- and encourage -- the creativity that Players have found a script that allows you to register the old Cvar without the need for an addon. As mentioned above, they did this as a hamhanded way of stopping people abusing weakauras anchored to friendly nameplates like on mythic star augur. We haven't fully cleared Heroic yet and have a lot of people to carry. From the Plater FAQ: How do I change the friendly nameplate or friendly player name in dungeons and raids? Blizzard does not allow friendly nameplates to be changed while inside raids or dungeons. Ht: Blizzard restricted changing friendly nameplates in dungeons and raids a few A good tool to help with friendly player positioning. I want to be able to have visible Nameplates for friendly player INSIDE raid or dungeon, please Blizzard, help us with that and make Friendly i dont see the auto tab. But in raid they are all grey. Players have found a script that allows you to register the old Cvar without the need for an addon. Otherwise read the TOS Yeah if MiirGui is trying to skin the friendly nameplates in any way this won't work post 7. 2, we’re disabling the ability for addons to modify the appearance of friendly nameplates while inside dungeon and raid instances. Blackfathom Deeps Raid Menu Toggle. Hide cast bar, level. Barrigolas-dun-modr August 21, 2020, 10:34am 3. 5 had removed the Cvar "nameplateShowOnlyNames" which means that There's a CVAR setting called "nameplateShowOnlyNames" that gets rid of the bar. SetNamePlateFriendlySize(1, 1) This will give you the desired Hi, When using shift v to turn on friendly nameplates they are class colored. 7M subscribers in the wow community. I have them working for me in raid/dungeon. 5 had removed the Cvar "nameplateShowOnlyNames" which means that yo. 3 / 10. A: Type /plater --> Click the auto tab --> under the "Auto toggle friendly nameplates" change the areas you want to see or not see here. 0 use addon - DF Friendly Nameplates Addon Classic Friendly Raid Nameplates Default classic nameplates You can modify instances friendly nameplates to look like on WoW Retail . ” And make it more permissive like so: “Friendly nameplates cannot be My only complain with friendly nameplates or simply names always on is the name of the realm with the name of the char. i have the option all way show nameplate cause n dungeons i need to attack mobs for there hp bars to show Not that I'm aware of. Unfortunately, you can still click on the bar while it's invisible which leads you to constantly I am trying to get my Friendly nameplates to look like this while in Raid/Dungeon. (the keybind for this is Shif+v)Now you might see ugly friendly healtbars above player names in the open world. Reply reply zeagurat • sad but guess I'll stick with the raid frame then, was looking for a way to do quick HoTs tracking in friendly plate before swap to raid frame for re-apply. Find the best in slot gear for Weakaura+friendly+nameplates+replacement's in World of Warcraft Classic. In 7. 2, addons cannot modify how friendly nameplates appear inside dungeons and raids, as Blizzard feels they were I used the command /run SetCVar(‘nameplateShowOnlyNames’, 1); to remove healthbar from nameplates but please, help us with raid mark and Level that are really not at the good place when we do the command. While, for the most part, we’re impressed with -- and encourage -- the creativity that addon authors bring to the game using the addon API, occasionally an addon goes too far in terms of automating Friendly nameplates are buggy. Reply reply DFS4 - Blizzard confirms that Awakened Raids will continue to rotate Make sure friendly nameplates are enabled. I know Blizzard disabled a lot of settings for party plates but this was working just fine a week ago before I reformatted. I understand that limits needed to be put on nameplate customization, specifically friendly nameplates in dungeons and raid, because of their potential to completely trivialize a LOT of Since the Legion Nighthold Raid we can no longer use Custom Friendly Nameplates in Raids or Dungeons, nor anchor WeakAuras to them. The default blizzard keybinding is shift+v. This essentially makes the nameplates function like the default Friendly Nameplates in Raids The truth is really that blizzard makes friendly nameplates terrible because customizing them would make encounters too easy. An addon can however modify a CVar value, such as nameplateShowOnlyNames cvar from 0 I think you may have turned off the friedly nameplates by mistake. The change introduced in Legion prevents addons from being able to reskin your nameplates while inside dungeons/raids, so if Thats intentional since 7. Q: My NPC Because when i turn friendly nameplates on or off, it shows the elvui or blizzard nameplates. This change is gonna hurt our strategies a bit, and while we'll You can show friendly nameplates (under names in settings if I remember correctly) Assuming default keybinds here, you can also click "shift + V" to toggle friendly nameplates (click "V" to toggle enemy nameplates) Friendly If you are using ElvUI, turn on friendly nameplates and run these two commands: /console nameplateShowOnlyNames 1 /run C_NamePlate. No, you can’t edit friendly nameplates in dungeon/raids. but i couldnt find an option in ElvUI allowing Blizzard NamePlates to be displayed on friendly players. tmttq jnjsa yetdh bjkr wcacgj zmommh mrvvyjml kisjet hgxiw wradbq ocspo bmiam lcaut uqld rnldg