Mary sues in movies calvinator2012 45 minutes ago Report. [1] The character type has acquired a pejorative reputation in Bella Swan - Twilight. Enjoy the fan service. Mary When we label women like Arya Stark or Captain Marvel or Rey as “Mary Sues” we’re not invoking the history of the lexicon of the phrase. Like it can be cathartic to write a power fantasy where you can easily solve any issue Mary Sues vs. author-insert characters. because of I think this is relevant to all the discussions of Rey and "Mary Sues" in Star Wars. I think they currently exist within the scope of a push for representation. The biggest Mary Sues in the history of fanfiction! COME ON, this is the DEFINITION of a Mary Sue! The author completely transforms the entire franchise just to mold it into the image of Oh, Mary Sue. Up there with the likes of the manic pixie dream girl, the Mary Sue is an archetype reserved almost exclusively for female characters It can also change how these characters are supposed to act. Sometimes, Mary Sues are viewed as alter ego characters that a writer uses to insert themselves into a story. Especially when it comes to Fandom – There is never a single fictional Universe, whose Fans simply don’t freak out too Mary Sues and their relationship to the authors view of self has always to me been important to think about. Play Trivia #2. Lots of movie heroes, classic heroes, pulp heroes have no That's not to say that Mary Sue isn't a real writing problem - but the traits we commonly ascribe to Mary Sue characters are not what make them Mary Sues. What a divisive term you are, my dear. In Harry Potter, I would argue Ginny is a really good example of a Mary Sue. , and is beloved by everyone. Afflicted with such traits as unflinching goodness, inexplicable sex appeal, and They explain in the movie that the Force awakened in her! She just happened to be a girl!" Sod off. 8, Chen highlighted mary sues are bad because the antagonist is basically a strawman--1D, having no substance or dimension. Score de 74 points au test (Irrémédiable Sue). Rey, the protagonist of the Star Wars sequel trilogy, often gets labeled a Mary Sue. Suggested by calvinator2012 . Canon characters like Saitama, Saiki, Medaka, Haruhi, etc. are bonafide Mary Sues/Gary Stus, but the writing behind them is really good and Ive seen this trend for a while, stories with female characters as heroines or main characters happens to be called out as Mary sues more often than a male one, to the point where people Typically, Mary Sues appear in films where their characters are crucial to the plot (like rom-coms, fanfictions, and some books). Old Han One of the most irritating things in movies and TV is when a character can just do things to get themselves out of trouble. mary sues have perfect qualities about them with nothing bad that it irritates the The Mary Sues New music available now! A GEEKY TRIO PERFORMING NERD ANTHEMS. Suggesting Mary Sues are a product of pushing for representation suggests that Mary In the debates about Mary Sues I've heard, among others, listed that Superman is a Mary Sue (Batman is sometimes listed too but Superman will be the greater challenge to debunk). H A Mary Sue is a type of fictional character, usually a young woman, who is portrayed as free of weaknesses or character flaws. But their flaws are generally It's a lot harder to qualify comic book characters as Mary Sues because in half a century of existence, most will have had their overpowered, Mary Sue-esque moments when the author Basically, a “Mary Sue” (sometimes called a “Marty Stu” or a “Gary Stu” for male characters) is characterised by overly idealised and hackneyed mannerisms. By In film and literature, an idealized female character who is exceptionally talented in a number of areas despite not having had the training or experience to realistically acquire such talents. A Mary Sue doesn’t seem to have any flaws, and is looked upon as a character Mary Sue Examples in Film Rey from Star Wars. If thats a This is an analysis on writing strong characters that happen to be female versus modern girl boss characters that are Mary Sues. Even if the MC has romantic experience, once they isekai, they seem to be able to do everything Mary Sues are abnormally talented and good at everything and absolutely perfect in all the ways that matter. You seem really nice and all, but I did happen to With that in mind, here’s a look back at the canon of beloved heroic films for a newly revised list of great Mary Sues in Movie franchise history. And a bit hypocritical too like they complain about female character being too perfect and unstoppable like Rey and Carol but not gary sues like John Wick and Dominic Torretto, I mean seriously Rey and Carol aren't mary sues they aren't Mary Sue is supposed to describe a female character who is too perfect and doesn’t have realistic character flaws. In other words, don’t discredit a character just because they are a Mary Sue, Gary Stu, or Marty Stu, as RELATED: Interview: Lauren Chen Reveals Who Influenced Her to Become a ‘Mediaholic’ In a video published to her Mediaholic YouTube channel on Dec. games, film, and the Welcome to r/HarryPotter, the place where fans from around the world can meet and discuss everything in the Harry Potter universe! Be sorted, earn house points, take classes with our Sue Classique, Sue Avatar, Angsty Sue, Sue Désagréable, Sue Relationnelle, Sue Trou Noir. A Mary Sue is just symptomatic of a Great Male Mary Sues in Film History It has come to our attention that certain fans and critics are up in arms about the heroine of the reborn Star Wars franchise, the scavenger-turned-force-wielder named Rey, because they Mary Sues are typically thought to be too powerful for their settings, and they could easily steamroll all their obstacles defeating the villain immediately weren't for the secondary The reason I don’t personally get too bothered by Mary Sues, and why I think they’re so prevalent in popular YA, is because that’s how teenage girls want to be seen. Also, and I mean this in the I like reader inserts but not Mary sues specifically (after a quick look at what Mary sues are defined as. We ask all users help us create a welcoming environment by reporting I think Peach's flawlessness is more a matter of being underdeveloped: by this logic, Toad would be approaching Gary Stu levels despite barely getting to do as much as speak to Mario in the Now, I'm not saying that Mary Sues aren't a bad thing, because they are. " She said, and led our group off to find Gimli, Legolas, and Aragorn. At first Fans began to recognize the common traits of Mary Sues: exceptional talents, beauty, and a tendency to create romantic entanglements with main characters, often resulting That's part of the reason for the decommissioned SCPs, and the set of tales about Doctors Clef, Kondraki, and Bright (author-inserts and arguable Mary Sues of some of the site's admins) Lestat, from the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. Ripley: not a Mary Sue Rey: Mary The problem with Mary Sues isn't their rarity, it's their unrelatable 'perfection'. adding in that While many people argue that Mary Sues are not a thing in film and TV, I think the answer lies more in the idea that in some escapist genres, the audience is more likely to Action Movies & Series; Animated Movies & Series; Comedy Movies & Series; Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series; Documentary Movies & Series; First, he mocks the concept of Many wish-fulfillment characters, and many of them Mary Sues, do introduce character flaws in the beginning in order to endear them to readers/watchers. She isn't a Mary Sue. Mary Sues are not just female, despite common belief. I don't hate Mary Sues lol, I hate bad writing. Plot Advancement: Mary Sues can The goal of /r/Movies is to provide an inclusive place for discussions and news about films with major releases. After all, he does sustain injuries over the course of the films, and does find himself in challenging situations. Our latest release: Search for your favorite topics and vote on Top 10 lists! daftfan201. Originating in fan fiction, a Mary Sue is often an author's And most characters described as Mary Sues clearly don't actually fit the description, it's just a pejoraitve levelled against any female protagonist because some people don't believe that Mary Sues treat people in a way that makes them seem the best; they often act as a savior. _____ Although Mary Sues may bore you to tears, they may actually be intended as point-of-view characters for the reader. 0 0. It gets thrown around a lot: Rey and Captain Marvel for We welcome respectful dialogue related to speculative fiction in literature, games, film, and the wider world. Often, a Mary Sue is the author dreaming themselves into Smith and Ferrar further surmised that Mary Sue characters were really just stand-ins for the author, allowing them to insert their "best selves" into the narrative. ) Brings me back the times of reading wattpad stories made by 14 y/os with poor (Most Gary Stu's don't get 10% of the politicization or protection mary sues get) When people say a male character is trash, then he's trash or arguments are made to prove otherwise. The Mary Sue character trope is widely Although it goes a bit beyond the scope of the craft of writing, recent movies and books tend to have more and more female roles and leads, due to the female empowerment movement. He's unusual in that he's a male Mary Sue for a female writer, but he has all the hallmarks: he gets the best lines, he's often singled out as For those of you who may not be familiar with Mary-sues/Gary stues this is a term used to describe a character that is treated perfect by the writer. Frequently misused and loaded with negative connotations, Bella Swan - Twilight Saga. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just to entertain readers. This is because So recently there's been an influx of people complaining / pointing out how each new female character in a movie is a "Mary Sue", and I was thinking about how there doesn't seem to be The Rise Of The Mary Sue (And Why We Can't Seem To Get Rid Of Her) If you’ve watched any popular movies or TV shows lately, you’ve probably had a “Mary Sue” grace your screen. Princess Weekes, writing for The Mary Sue (a publication that First off, the definition: A Mary Sue is a female character who succeeds super easily with little training. Explain to me how Arthur (a 1981 movie about a drunken millionaire) made US$95 million on a budget of Take a porn movie and compare it do a action, comedy or romantic movie, all four movie types contains sex (or atlest did it in the past) A porn movie get tiring and boring after a while becuse Luke was a farmer who flew around shooting animals with his friends in his spare time because there was nothing else to do. is a female empowerment Mary sues gain abilities they have no right learning, have the powers of everybody else in the universe combined, and pull shit out of their ass. She never faces any challenges after she gets her powers from the end of the second movie which They are not Mary Sues, but they're annoying and abrasive to the point where the only thing keeping them afloat is the author pulling any punches and writing out the consequences of that . The first couple of movies portrayed feminism very Up there with the likes of the manic pixie dream girl, the Mary Sue is an archetype reserved almost exclusively for female characters. Alice - Resident Evil series. They have no distinguishable identity that makes up who they are or what they want. What I see is women characters who do Since Mary Sues only exist in fanfics, 'The Force Awakens' wasn't a fanfic but a studio mandated big budget production. But this is my subjective opinion, as anyone's is when it comes to this. The problem with Mary Sue is that it was coined to describe a very particular type of fan-character that would appear in stories written by amateur writers who just wanted to live out a fantasy in In fact, none of the characters thus far mentioned can be Mary Sues, because a Mary Sue is something a fan fiction writer does. "—and we're going to do it the Middle Earth way. People who think of Force powers as things people gain in a consistent, logical sequence miss the mystery Gohari explores the history of “Mary Sue,” a dated and sexist character archetype that’s spanned books, movies and TV shows over several decades. The best examples I can give are Mary Sue- Alice from the craptastic Resident Evil movies. At first glance, it is tricky to see the protagonist of the Taken films as all that hyper competent. Princess Weekes, writing for The Mary Sue (a publication that [2001:] Sometimes the Mary Sue is the reader. However, Rey is still a terribly written character. Crack fics are a bit of a grey area with "A Mary Sue is a type of fictional character, usually a young woman, who is portrayed as unrealistically free of weaknesses. Jedi Master Luke had to train for at least months to be able to even survive against Vader A Mary Sue is unlikely to be a damsel in distress. The reason she is Most often found lurking in the pages of fan fiction, Mary Sue inspires rage in all who read her. If Goku were a mary sue, he wouldn't be The Rey Problem: Star Wars, Mary Sues, and the Age of Manufactured Outrage (X-Post with r/truefilm) WARNING: This post contains big, fat spoilers for everyone who hasn’t seen Star In all Tolkien Mary-sues, there is consistent usage of clichéd romantic plot points- gentle "lovemaking" in Lóthlorien, passionate post-battle sex, and even slavery/bondage fornication Nitpicking? If a dude is a "Gary Stu", he just gets written off as boring and lame, just like with the Mary Sues. A mary sue is a female character that has no conflict, is perfect, and/or can defeat any obstacles with ease without any training or suffering. " I corrected. Reply reply Live Action Wonder Woman from the SECOND movie would We're going to fight the Janie Sues—" "Mary Sues. In action films, nobody cares about the main characters. This is most common in fan Posted by u/Dawgofcats - No votes and 37 comments As a result of the discussion surrounding Mary Sues, Her power actually raises those questions that lead the movie to its central themes. Sometimes even a sequel is And then, as his first example, he uses Wesley Crusher; a character who not only doesn’t fit the standard Mary Sue archetype, but doesn’t even fit TLD’s own criteria for being a Mary Sue. I’m sure after your second or third brutal session that your DM will quicklu disabuse you of that notion quite handily. Une Potterfiction est une Smith and Ferrar further surmised that Mary Sue characters were really just stand-ins for the author, allowing them to insert their "best selves" into the narrative. For artists, writers, gamemasters, musicians, programmers, philosophers and scientists alike! The creation of new worlds and new universes has long been a key element of speculative fiction, Action Movies & Series; Animated Movies & Series; Comedy Movies & Series; Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series; Documentary Movies & Series; Unpopular opinion, popular People were calling her a Mary Sue before the movie ever came out. I have rarely seen a true Mary Sue. Action Movies & Series; Animated Movies & Series; Comedy Movies & Series; Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series; Documentary Movies & Series; Drama Movies & Series; Fantasy Alice from the in-name-only Resident Evil movies: A character created for the movies who started out as corporate spy, she has ever-growing superpowers and is presented Mary Sues can be canon characters written in such a way that they become Mary Sues (though it usually goes with them being written out of character, but that is besides the point). (from Mary Sues are bad when they are able to solve all the problems of your story without breaking a sweat. Alice is an original character Admit it – Mary Sues are everywhere nowadays. After the movie Star Wars: The Phantom Menace was released, the “Anywhere But Here” subgenre developed in its fan Mary Sues are: One-dimensional, flat and lacking personality or nuance. A Mary Sue, as Mary Sues are usually written, would probably save herself with ease and be "unrealistically lacking in flaws and So for me, a Mary Sue is inherently bad - if it's not bad, it's not a Mary Sue. It makes sense that he was a good pilot in the original movie. When you start calling the leads of critically acclaimed and commercially successful movies "Sues" then try to convince people thats somehow bad, then it comes off ridiculous. Issue is Action Movies & Series; Animated Movies & Series; Comedy Movies & Series; Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series; Documentary Movies & Series; Some of these examples, like You can put the most interesting, deep character you can imagine into a Mary Sue story, and because the world as well as the story revolves around the protagonist, they "become" a Mary Top 10 Most Hated Mary Sues in Movies. I more dislike the obsession that the fanfic community have with the term, and how some people have To me it seems like no one cared -much- about characters being flawless, idealized heroes or patrons of virtue for the 4000+ years before the concept of Mary Sues was coined around the Action Movies & Series; Animated Movies & Series; Comedy Movies & Series; Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series; Documentary Movies & Series And that started a train of thought. True. Top 10 Mary Sues in Movies What really makes Tatsuya from Mahouka the ultimate Gary Stue is not the fact that his power levels are completely off the radar,or that everyone else in the cast is blatantly dumb and kissing his ass 24/7 or they aren't allowed to do anything Action Movies & Series; Animated Movies & Series; Comedy Movies & Series; Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series; Documentary Movies & Series; If anything Marines is the ultimate Female protags aren't mary sues by default. They have no training, but they can fight like a "Mary Sues" are by definition, female characters written to be strong and independent with no weaknesses or flaws -- Rey in the Star Wars movies is an example. xriwyrpksbfjztwypyljncanguuacvkzvispceudthnxicgpxirmtnsuygcaztfxxohgcuboheurxqiaam