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Optumrx pcn number. OptumRx NCPDP Version D.
Optumrx pcn number com | On the mail order form | By calling OptumRx 1-866-868-2372 Be sure to provide OptumRx with your preferred payment method. 0 NCPDP Data Dictionary Version Date: October 2016 NCPDP External Code List Version Date: October 2016 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER 610494 M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, OptumRx Provider Manual: 2016 4th edition 4 The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential to OptumRx. 0 NCPDP External Code List Version Date: October 2013 www. Incorrect or missing date of fill (example 3/10/2103 instead of 3/10/2013). 0 NCPDP Data Dictionary Version Date: October 2016 NCPDP External Code List Version Date: October 2016 2Ø1 -B1 SERVICE PROVIDER ID 10 digit NPI number M 4Ø1 -D1 DATE OF SERVICE M 11Ø -AK SOFTWARE Will my prescriptions be transferred to OptumRx home delivery? •The Rx BIN number on member ID cards is changing to 610011. UnitedHealthcare Group OptumRx BIN: 610127 PCN: 02330000 01960000 01990000 02330088 COSF GASF MASF PCN: NCCSI NCSF NWSF SCCSI SCSF OHSF 04000013 LDI / CastiaRx BIN: 020321 BIN: 800010 PCN: COM 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER (see above) M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER See OptumRx BIN: 610127 PCN: 02330000 01960000 01990000 02330088 COSF GASF MASF NCCSI NCSF NWSF SCCSI SCSF OHSF 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER (see above) M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER See above M Required for all claims 1Ø9-A9 Number Revision Date Revision Page Number(s) help desk: (855) 401-4262 Optum Rx Clinical Prior Authorization support: (855) 401-4262 Optum Rx Clinical Prior Authorization Fax Number: (800) 527-0531 Optum Rx 6Ø1574 PCN: Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: November 13, 2017 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: OptumRx BIN: 610127 PCN: 02330000 01960000 01990000 02330088 COSF GASF MASF PCN: NCCSI NCSF NWSF SCCSI SCSF OHSF 04000013 LDI / CastiaRx BIN: 020321 BIN: 800010 PCN: COM 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER (see above) M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER See IB-10-1189—PHARMACY Created Date: June 13, 2019 Page 2 of 2. DPL Utility Nav. AHCCCS FFS 001553 AZM OptumRx 855-577-6310 AHCCCS FFS – Secondary to Commercial 001553; AZM; OptumRx: 855-577-6310 AHCCCS FFS – Dual Eligibles for Covered OTC Prescriptions 001553; AZM OptumRx; 855-577-6310 United Healthcare Community Plan (Acute, CRS, DD, LTC) 610494; The Indiana Health Coverage Programs contracts with Optum Rx to be the pharmacy benefits manager for Traditional Medicaid and other fee-for-service benefits. 0 Payer Sheet ***WRAP COB Claims Processing for BIN 610127*** General Information Payer Name: OptumRx Date: 1/1/2025 Plan Name BIN PCN Plan Name/Group Name: Raytheon COB BIN: 610127 PCN: 04000001 04000002 04000004 Phone number and information – See ID Card Other versions supported: NONE The OptumRx pharmacy network includes over 67,000 retail pharmacies, including all large national chains, many local, community pharmacies and the OptumRx Mail Service Pharmacy. com 0HGLFDO3ODQ at F Rule Online at www. Specialty. Enter a medication name into the search field or select a medication from your current prescription list to find pricing. 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1- Claim B3 - Rebill M . do i need to register online with optumrx? 9. Change happens. 0 Contact/Information Source: Network Phone Number; www. Rx BIN and PCN numbers are used by new members to pick up a new prescription (or refill) Review Optum Rx Formulary changes effective 1/1/25 : New: Biosimilars strategies introduced. Effective Date: July 1, 2024 BIN: 610494 PCN: 4941 Group: ACUNM • All members of UnitedHeathcare Community • The pharmacy NPI number is listed United Healthcare Community Plan Maryland Medicaid BIN: 610084 PCN: RXSOLPRD Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: 12/1/2017 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D. Out of network. Order holds Sometimes, you need to provide updated or new information to resolve an order hold. USPS or FedEx) by entering your tracking number. 01/01/2024 Page 2 of 11 Processor: OptumRx 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER 610494 M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION The Rx BIN number on member ID cards is changing to 610011 as a result of the PBM transition to OptumRx. Buying your prescriptions. If not, you can contact OptumRx's Provider Helpdesk for contracting information at 1-888-546-5503. Locate in network pharmacies near you. Accountable Care Partnership Plans PBM BIN PCN Group Pharmacy Help Desk Be Healthy Partnership (HNE) OptumRx 610593 MHP HNEMH (800) 918-7545 (Optum Rx) Berkshire Fallon Health Collaborative OptumRx 610011 IRX FCHPMCD (844) 368-8734 (Optum Rx) BMC HealthNet Plan Community Alliance Express Rx PCN: 9999: Rx GRP: UHEALTH: Rx ID: 4597815942: Name: Member Demo: Dependents: Patdemo Demo, Madisondemo Demo: Print a temporary card. 02330088 SCCSI. This document outlines the unique processing instructions for OptumRx Wrap COB BIN 610127 business. Optum® Specialty Pharmacy. You can still fill your prescription at an out-of-network pharmacy, but Call 1-800-356-3477 for 24/7 customer support, including questions about Optum Home Delivery Pharmacy. 0 Payer Sheet UHC Community and State OptumRx Date: 01/01/2024 UHCGP BIN: 610494 PCN: 2222 Commercial and Medicaid BIN: 610494 PCN: 4141 (OH Medicaid Only) 4444 4242 . For a medical emergency, please call 911. How do I submit a VHA OCC claim to OptumRx? Bin Number: 610593 Processor Control Number: VA Group number: * If your ID card is lost or stolen, call Optum Rx right away at 1-866-288-5209. 610593 PCN: CTRXMEDD . gov or call 1-800-633-4227 , 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Incorrect or missing When your patients need medications that provide comfort and help manage symptoms, trust us to provide cost-effective solutions that offer: Pharmacy network access with local, delivery, infusion and inpatient unit solutions; Clinical programs that strengthen compliance and patient care; Analytics tools that drive new insights on performance and use Rx Assist allows for digital transformation, helping maximize prescription volume, adherence, loyalty and return. If you are a currently participating in the OptumRx Premier Network, you are eligible to provide services to VHA OCC beneficiaries. Order cards . com Optum Rx Drug Pricing. LDI / CastiaRx BIN: 020321 PCN: COM. Medication costs vary from pharmacy to pharmacy. Pharmacy Sign in DPL Main Nav. 0 Payer Sheet This Payer Sheet applies to BIN 610279 Only OptumRx Date: 01/01/2025 Plan Name BIN PCN United Healthcare Employer and Individual BIN: 610279 PCN: 9999 United Healthcare Employer and Individual – Contraceptive Services Only BIN: 610279 PCN: CONTRAC 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER (see above) M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION United Healthcare Employer and Individual BIN 610279 PCN: 9999 United Healthcare Employer and Individual – Contraceptive Services BIN 610279 PCN: CONTRAC Only Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: 01/01/2014 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D. 0 NCPDP Data Dictionary Version Date: October 2016 NCPDP External Code List Version Date: October 2016 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER (see above) M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE Part-D WRAP Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 8888 PCN: 8500 OptumRx (This represents former informedRx) BIN: 610593 PCN: HNEMEDD PHPMEDD PCN: SXCFLH OptumRx (This represents former informedRx) BIN: 610011 PCN: 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER See Above M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 Part-D WRAP Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 8888 PCN: 8500 OptumRx (This represents former informedRx) BIN: Ø1Ø868 61Ø593 PCN: CTRXMEDD PHPMEDD SXCFLH MPD 454 -EK SCHEDULED PRESCRIPTION ID NUMBER RW Required when required by state or local law/regulations 6ØØ -28 UNIT OF MEASURE O 418 -DI LEVEL OF SERVICE O UHC Government Programs BIN: 610494 PCN: 2222 OptumRx Part-D and MAPD Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 9999 7777 PCN: MPPP Part-D WRAP Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 8888 8500 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER See Above M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER See Above M The Rx BIN number on member ID cards is changing to 610011. Site Logo. com Certification Testing Window: Certification Welcome to Optum Rx. View Updates . g. Visit your plan’s website on your member ID card or log on to the Optum Rx app to: • Find a participating retail pharmacy by ZIP code. MPD OptumRx (This represents former informedRx) BIN: 610011 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER (see above) M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 Part-D WRAP Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 8888 PCN: 8500 OptumRx (This represents former informedRx) BIN: 610593 PCN: HNEMEDD PHPMEDD PCN: SXCFLH OptumRx (This represents former informedRx) BIN: 610011 PCN: 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER See Above M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 United Healthcare Community Plan Maryland Medicaid BIN: 610084 PCN: RXSOLPRD Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: 12/1/2017 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D. 0 NCPDP Data Dictionary Version Date: Date of Publication NCPDP External Code List Version Date: October 2009 Phone number Optum Rx® contracts with pharmacies across the country to lower your medication costs. UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of New Mexico . 3 through . BIN 610279 PCN: CONTRAC Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: 01/01/2014 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D. OptumRx website by visiting the beneficiary FAQ’s page and selecting the appropriate program link. OptumRx manages our formulary, mail-order program and pharmacy network. aultcare. Optum Rx® is an independent company providing home delivery pharmacy and Part-D WRAP Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 8888 PCN: 8500 OptumRx (This represents former informedRx) BIN: 010868 . Office of Community Care Review Optum Rx Formulary changes effective 1/1/25 : New: Biosimilars strategies introduced. 610097 . " The chart below is the fifth page of the 2024 Medicare Part D pharmacy BIN and PCN list covering prescription drug plans from contracts H6846 through H8998. A care recipient is an individual who may require a caregiver to operate their Optum Rx account on their behalf. Find a network pharmacy. Rx Vendor: OPTUMRx Rx BIN: 610279 Rx PCN: 9999 Rx Grp: UHCNICE Service This document provides information on electronic claims processing, specific to NCPDP defined fields and requirements, for OptumRx (formerly Catamaran) Medicare Part D business. O. Network Phone Number; www. The PCN number helps health care providers and insurance providers effectively route claims. Rx BIN Number PCN Aetna Rx BIN: 610502 Rx Group: Aetna PCN: 00670000 Anthem Blue Cross Rx BIN: 020099 PCN: IS OPTUMRx Rx BIN: 610279 Rx PCN: 9999 Rx Grp: UHCNICE Service Number: 800-788-7871 United Healthcare PPO Rx Vendor: OPTUMRx Rx Bin: 610279 Rx PCN: 9999 Rx Grp: UHC Take the first steps towards impactful collaboration by joining the Optum Rx pharmacy network. 4 1 2-A2 Version /RELEASE NUMBER D M. 610097 : 9999 . These numbers are required for pharmacy claims processing. Optum Rx can help. 0 NCPDP Data Dictionary Version Date: October 2016 NCPDP External 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER See above M Required for All Claims 1Ø9-A9 OptumRx BIN: 610127 PCN: 02330000 01960000 01990000 02330088 COSF GASF MASF PCN: NCCSI NCSF NWSF SCCSI SCSF OHSF 04000013 LDI / CastiaRx BIN: 020321 BIN: 800010 PCN: COM 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER (see above) M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER See UHCGP BIN: 610494 PCN: 2222 Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: 01/01/2016 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D. Text. This unique number identifies you as a participant in the Michaels prescription drug program with OptumRx. Effective as of: May 24, 2013 . DPL Footer Navigation. This is a good way Log in to your secured online member account or the BCBSM mobile app. DPL Utility Nav Items. • Look up possible lower-cost medication alternatives. Turquoise Care . The PCN (Processor Control Number) identifies each health plan’s drug benefit processor or Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM). 0 Payer Sheet ***COMMERCIAL AND MEDICAID*** OptumRx Date: 1/01/2019 Commercial and Medicaid BIN: 610494 PCN: 9999 COMMUNITY HEALTH BIN 610613 PCN: 2417 ProAct BIN 017366 PCN: 9999 FlexScripts/ProAct BIN 018141 PCN: 9999 1Ø1 -A1 BIN NUMBER (see above) M 1Ø2 -A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMB ER DØ M 1Ø3 Plan Name BIN PCN United Healthcare Community Plan of Kansas (Dual Eligible Only) BIN: 610494 PCN: 4848 Contact/Information Source: Network Phone Number; www. 0 NCPDP Data Dictionary Version Date: October 2011 NCPDP External Code List Version Date: October 2013 Contact/Information Source: Network Phone Number; www. com. Search site Search. Veterans Health dministration. If a pharmacy does not contract with Optum Rx®, it is considered out of network. ⚠ Number of cards (Maximum 9) Number of Cards Please enter a number 1-9. PCN: Group Number PBM: Phone Number. 0 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER (see above) M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER See above M Required for All Claims OptumRx NCPDP Version D. 9999 . com NCPDP Data Dictionary Version Date: October 2011 Contact/Information Source: Network Phone Number; Call the number on your member ID card. A list of BIN/PCN/group number combinations for MassHealth managed care organizations (MCO), ACOs, and the Primary (Optum Rx) PCC Plan PBM BIN PCN Group Pharmacy Help Desk Primary Care Clinician (PCC) Plan Conduent 009555 MASSPROD MassHealth (866) 246 -8503 UHCGP BIN: 610494 PCN: 2222 Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: 01/01/2016 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D. » Visit OptumRx . BIN: 800010 PCN: LDI. This document provides information on electronic claims processing, specific to NCPDP defined fields and requirements, for OptumRx (formerly Catamaran) Medicare Part D business. See what your medication would cost at different pharmacies. Code indicating whether the prescriber’s instructions OptumRx BIN: 610127 PCN: 02330000 01960000 01990000 02330088 COSF GASF MASF PCN: NCCSI NCSF NWSF SCCSI SCSF OHSF SavaScript Value Services BIN: 023153 PCN: HT The Rx BIN number on member ID cards is changing to 610011. You can also contact Medicare or your State Health Insurace Program (SHIP). • This information identifies Michaels prescription drug program withOptumRx. DOWNLOAD PDF. when will phone numbers and fax lines cut over to optumrx? 6. DPL Global Search. OptumRx BIN 610279 Payer Sheet UHC Government Programs BIN: 610494 PCN: 2222 OptumRx Part-D and MAPD Plans BIN: 610097 . GASF OHSF. You’ll need to provide a payment method. OptumRx NCPDP Version D. 0 October 2013 Contact/Information Source: Network Phone Number; Certification UHCGP BIN: 610494 PCN: 2222 OptumRx Part-D and MAPD Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 9999 7777 Part-D WRAP Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 8888 8500 OptumRx (This represents former informedRx) BIN: 610593 PCN: 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER See Above M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 PCN . Your shipping address may differ from your primary address, which is usually the address on file with your insurance plan. will reversals straddling the transition be accepted? 10. M 2Ø2-B2 SERVICE PROVIDER ID QUALIFIER Ø1 (NPI) M 2Ø1-B1 SERVICE PROVIDER ID NPI M NPI of pharmacy Group delegated entity Contract number PBP Segment ID Group number OptumCare-NV H0609 028 000 90202 OptumCare-NV H0609 031 000 90205 OptumCare-NV H0609 032 000 90207 Rx Claims: OptumRx P. The PCN is changing to CTRXMEDD. Please try again later. ©2021 Optum, Inc. 0 NCPDP Data Dictionary Version Date: October 2016 NCPDP External Code List Version Date: October 2016 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER 610494 M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, OptumRx Pharmacy Provider Manual 2021 Third Edition 3. OptumRx is the pharmacy benefits manager for Peoples Health Medicare Advantage plans. For more recent information or if you have questions, please contact: Optum Rx Member Services Commercial, Medicaid and MA Only BIN: 610494 PCN: 9999 Community Health BIN: 610613 PCN: 2417 OptumRx BIN: 610127 PCN: 02330000 01960000 01990000 02330088 COSF GASF MASF NCCSI NCSF NWSF SCCSI SCSF OHSF 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER (see above) M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M considered proprietary to OptumRx and should not be reproduced without express written consent of OptumRx. We look forward to partnering with you to optimize healthcare for all. PCN: 9999 PCN: 8888 PCN: 8500 Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: 01/01/2014 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D. COSF SCSF. The following tables show the correct combinations, effective for calendar year 2023, for pharmacies for Accountable Care Partnership Plans (ACPPs), Primary Care For Transaction Code of “B1”, in the Claim Segment, the Prescription/Service Reference Number Qualifier (455-EM) is “1” (Rx Billing). optumrx. Pharmacy Benefit Manager Transition Commercial and Medicaid BIN: 610494 PCN: 4141 (OH Medicaid Only) PCN: 4444 PCN 4242 Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: 01/01/2016 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D. AARP MedicareRx Plans insured through UnitedHealthcare. Pharmacy Facts, Number 236 (Corrected) Page 5 of 7 Please direct any questions or comments (or requests to be removed from this fax distribution) to PharmFactsMA@Conduent. Call the Optum Home Delivery pharmacy at 1-855 The chart below is the fifth page of the 2025 Medicare Part D pharmacy BIN and PCN list covering prescription drug plans from contracts H6080 through H8019. 2 UHC Exchange BIN: 610279 PCN: 7777 Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: 01/01/2014 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D. Images used in the PM Friendly FYI for our valued Network Pharmacy Providers Part-D WRAP Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 8888 PCN: 8500 OptumRx (This represents former informedRx) BIN: 610593 PCN: HNEMEDD PCN: SXCFLH OptumRx (This represents former informedRx) BIN: 610011 PCN: 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER See Above M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 2020 OptumRx Wrap COB BIN 610127 Payer Sheet. The BIN number will be preceded by the letters “BIN. If you require additional plan benefit information, please call Customer Service at the phone number located on the back of your ID card. 1 3-A3 Once it has shipped, you can track your order on the carrier’s website (e. A GRP number identifies the employer health plan with which your insurance is associated. SavaScript Value Services BIN: 023153 PCN: HT. • The BIN number is 610011 and PCN number IRX. Ø. Prescriber approval Optum Rx Formulary Changes: Effective 1/1/23 : Body of the email: Rx number, fill date, and the NDC number. 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M . Note: The Submitted Group code and PCN varies. Find the lowest prices through home delivery or at PCN: Group Number PBM: Phone Number. AHCCCS Health Plans BIN PCN Group Number PBM Phone Number AHCCCS FFS 001553 AZM OptumRx 855-577-6310 AHCCCS FFS – Secondary to Commercial 001553 AZM OptumRx 855-577-6310 AHCCCS FFS – Dual Eligibles for Covered OTC Prescriptions 001553 AZM OptumRx 855-577-6310 United Healthcare Community Plan (Acute, CRS, DD, LTC) 610494 Information on this page identifies the requirements for prescribing medications to Veterans for prescription fulfillment services and pertains to medications prescribed under the Community Care Network (CCN). Drug Pricing Tool. . Medicare: Visit Medicare. Social Share. Group . 0 Payer Sheet ***COMMERCIAL AND MEDICAID*** Payer Name: OptumRx Date: 01/01/2014 Commercial and Medicaid BIN: 610494 PCN: 9999 PartnersRx BIN: 015243 BIN: 015251 PCN: PRX1000 PCN: PRX2000 COMMUNITY HEALTH BIN 610613 PCN: 2417 Network Phone Number; www. A caregiver can be a relative who isn't a member of the care recipient's household plan, a friend, or a health care professional. 0 1Ø1 -A1 BIN NUMBER 610494 M 1Ø2 -A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMB ER DØ M 1Ø3 -A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M UHC Government Programs BIN: 610494 PCN: 2222 OptumRx Part-D and MAPD Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 9999 7777 PCN: MPPP Part-D WRAP Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 8888 8500 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER See Above M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER See Above M OptumRx NCPDP Version D. PHPMEDD SXCFLH . PCN: 9999 . www. The RX BIN number is most often located in the lower left corner of the card along with your Medicare ID number, processor control number (PCN) and group ID number. Effective as of: Date that the Plan will begin accepting transactions using this payer sheet Ø1/Ø1/2Ø14 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER M BIN listed in General Information . Payer Sheets. •These numbers are required for pharmacy claims processing. 0 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER (see above) M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER See above M Required for All Claims Managed Care Organization Corresponding PBM processor BIN Number PCN Group Number; Fee for Service (Medicaid Direct) NCTracks: 610242: 781640064: N/A: AmeriHealth Caritas NC In the OptumRx Drug Pricing Tool, the “Plan Pays” column may not reflect the actual benefit amount included in your plan. •The PCN is changing to CTRXMEDD. S SCO Plan—Dual-Eligible PBM BIN PCN Group Pharmacy Help Desk UnitedHealthcare Optum Rx 610097 9999 MPDMACS P (877) 889-6510 Fallon 5. Commercial 001553 AZM OptumRx 855-577-6310; AHCCCS FFS – Dual Eligibles for Covered OTC Prescriptions 001553 AZM OptumRx 855-577-6310; United Healthcare Community Plan (Acute, CRS, DD, LTC) 610494 4100 ACUAZ OptumRx 877-305-8952; Order prescriptions, get drug pricing information, pay your bill, locate a pharmacy, manage your health information and more. Important: If you work for an employer who is in the pharmacy business, your network may be more limited than what is shown on this search. WRAPGR : PDPIND . © 2025 Optum Inc. All rights reserved. PCN: Group Number: PBM Phone Number: AHCCCS FFS; 001553. S. Health care professionals website. Mail Order / Home Delivery. There are sections that cover routine and maintenance prescriptions, formularies, immunizations including flu shots and COVID-19 vaccinations, and OptumRx NCPDP Version D. OptumRx (Formerly Catamaran) 1600 McConnor Parkway Schaumburg, IL 60173-6801 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER See above for PCN M 1Ø9-A9 TRANSACTION COUNT 1-4 (up to 4 transactions per B1 & B3 transmission) accepted. U. AARP MedicareRx Preferred PDP; AARP MedicareRx Saver Plus PDP . 0 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER See above M Required for All Claims 1Ø9-A9 TRANSACTION COUNT Up to 4 M Payer Name: OptumRx Date: 05/18/2015 Commercial and Medicaid COMMUNITY HEALTH Maryland Medicaid ProAct FlexScripts/ProAct MedalistRx Legacy Innoviant Commercial BIN: 610494 BIN 610613 BIN: 610084 BIN 017366 BIN 018141 BIN 016580 BIN: 610127 PCN: 9999 PCN: 2417 PCN RXSOLPRD PCN: 9999 PCN: 9999 PCN: <N/A> OptumRx BIN: 610127 PCN: 02330000 01960000 01990000 02330088 COSF GASF MASF PCN: NCCSI NCSF NWSF SCCSI SCSF OHSF 04000013 LDI / CastiaRx BIN: 020321 BIN: 800010 PCN: COM 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER (see above) M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER See OptumRx BIN: 610127 PCN: 02330000 01960000 01990000 02330088 COSF GASF MASF PCN: NCCSI NCSF NWSF SCCSI SCSF OHSF 04000013 LDI / CastiaRx BIN: 020321 BIN: 800010 PCN: COM 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER (see above) M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER See United Healthcare Community & State of North Carolina Medicaid BIN:610494 PCN: 4949 Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: 12/1/2017 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D. You may print a temporary ID card from the Optum Rx website: optumrx. Click on My Coverage, Prescription, then Order Online or Mail Order. Nurseline: 1-877-512-9339 Health Plan of Nevada Medicaid BIN: 610494 PCN: 4700 United Healthcare Community Plan Maryland Medicaid BIN: 610084 PCN: RXSOLPRD . 0 Payer Sheet UHC Community and State General Information Payer Name: OptumRx Date: 01/01/2025 Plan Name BIN PCN UHC Government Programs BIN: 610494 PCN: 2222 Commercial and Medicaid BIN: 610494 PCN: 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER 610494 M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M VFMP Beneficiary Services 800-733-8387 OptumRx Beneficiary Services 888-546-5502 OptumRx Pharmacy Technical Helpdesk 888-546-5503 Meds by Mail Dublin, GA 866-229-7389 Cheyenne, WY 888-385-0235 Forms Benefits For eligibility questions contact ORS customer service at 1-800-381-5111 For questions regarding prescription drug benefits and home delivery call 1-855-577-6517 For specialty medications contact Optum Rx Specialty Pharmacy at 1-855-427-4682 OptumRx MAC Appeal Submission Guide and FAQ v05 11 16 1 PCN, or NDC (example NCPDP 412345 instead of 0412345). 01990000 NWSF. Getting your prescription drugs from an in-network pharmacy can save you time and money. Phone: 1-855-427-4682. Rx PCN and Rx Group details; Perform real-time refill too soon 2 AARP BIN: 610652 PCN: Varies refer to ID card OptumRx BIN: 610127 PCN: 02330000 01960000 01990000 02330088 COSF GASF MASF PCN: NCCSI NCSF NWSF SCCSI SCSF OHSF SavaScript Value Services BIN: Header Call the number on your member ID card for more information. Close. MASF. Top. A care recipient may be yourself or another registered member of your household. com Certification Testing Window: Certification not required Pharmacy Help Desk Medicaid: 888-306-3243 1Ø1-a1 bin number (see above) m 1Ø2-a2 version/release number dØ m 1Ø3-a3 transaction code b1, b3 m 1Ø4-a4 processor control number see above m 1Ø9-a9 transaction count up to 4 m 2Ø2-b2 service provider id qualifier 01 m npi only 2Ø1-b1 service provider id 10 digit npi number m 4Ø1-d1 date of service m - Rx Number (formatted to 12 digits) - Filled Date (formatted mm/dd/yyyy) If a Provider is using Optum Rx’s MAC Appeal Submission Template to submit an appeal, please complete the template and enter acquisition cost information into Column "K". Cards requested. Changing the format to custom Welcome to Optum Rx. • Your Pharmacy group number is MICHAELS. 01960000 NCSF. 7777 PCN: MPPP Part-D WRAP Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 8888 ; 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER See Above M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER See Above M Name of Processor Magellan OptumRx Overall Number of Lives 45,000 Bank Identification Number (BIN) 016820 001553 Plan Type State Assistance Program Processor Control Number (PCN) P086016820 CVRX New Member ID Yes Submitted Group (Group) TennCare N/A New Member ID Format 14 Digits Person Code Required No UHCGP BIN: 610494 PCN: 2222 Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: 01/01/2016 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D. Pharmaceutical manufacturers. B. 3 6 The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential to OptumRx. Access payer sheets for data requirements related to electronic claims processing for each line of business within Optum. You can also can give your local pharmacy the following information: RxBIN: 610593 | The Rx BIN number is a 6-digit number health plans use to process electronic pharmacy claims. does optumrx have provider educators for me to contact? 8. For general information about your pharmacy benefits including coverage and cost questions, please contact Optum Rx Customer Service: 1-844-368-8713. Not including leading zeros in BIN, NCPDP, RX#, PCN, or NDC (example NCPDP 412345 instead of 0412345). This number is required for pharmacy claims processing. • Optum’s Customer Service Toll-Free Number is 855-540-5861. Maximus. 8888 . Searching medication. com Certification Testing Window: Certification not required OptumRx BIN: 610127 PCN: 02330000, 01960000, , COSF, GASF, MASF, NCCSI, NCSF, NWSF, SCCSI, SCSF, OHSF, 02330088 Processor: OptumRx 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER (see above) M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER See above M Required for All Claims UHC Exchange BIN: 610279 PCN: 7777 Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: 01/01/2014 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D. 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER INM M 1Ø9-A9 TRANSACTION COUNT 1 = One occurrence Commercial and Medicaid BIN: 610494 PCN: 9999 COMMUNITY HEALTH BIN 610613 PCN: 2417 Maryland Medicaid BIN: 610084 PCN RXSOLPRD ProAct BIN 017366 PCN: 9999 Contact/Information Source: Network Phone Number; www. Box 650287, Dallas, TX 75265-0287 For Pharmacists: 1-877-889-6510 Medicare limiting charges apply. com Certification Testing Window: Certification not required Pharmacy Help Part-D WRAP Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 8888 PCN: 8500 OptumRx (This represents former informedRx) BIN: 610593 PCN: HNEMEDD PHPMEDD PCN: SXCFLH OptumRx (This represents former informedRx) BIN: 610011 PCN: 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER See Above M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 Provides information including BIN, PCN, group number, cardholder ID, person code and processor helpdesk number; Options to send inquiries only to our Commercial Eligibility Partner or combined with our Medicare Part D Eligibility PCN: 4444 PCN 4242 Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: 01/01/2016 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D. The 90-Day Supply or the Mail Order option may not apply to your plan. Error: Your order could not be completed. when will the optumrx website be active? 11. Department of Veterans Affairs. Bring your insurance card to all Part-D WRAP Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 8888 PCN: 8500 Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: 01/01/2014 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D. Menu. will patient id cards change? 12. Your (1) Member ID number, (2) Rx BIN, (3) PCN, and (4) Group ID (or Rx Group) number are the four numbers that uniquely identify you and your Medicare Part D prescription drug plan - and these four numbers are usually found on your Medicare Part D Member ID card and on most of your Medicare plan's correspondences and printed information (such as your Optum Rx For people with pharmacy insurance benefits through Optum Rx Track orders Track your home delivery and specialty order Pharmacy support Find contact information and Commercial, Medicaid and MA Only BIN: 610494 PCN: 9999 Community Health BIN: 610613 PCN: 2417 OptumRx BIN: 610127 PCN: 02330000 01960000 01990000 02330088 COSF GASF MASF NCCSI NCSF NWSF SCCSI SCSF OHSF 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER (see above) M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M BIN: PCN: Processor: OptumRx Inc. Phone: 1-844-368-8713. 0 NCPDP Data Dictionary Version Date: October 2016 NCPDP External 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER See above M Required for All Claims 1Ø9-A9 You may also wish to read more at: "What is the BIN, PCN, and RxGROUP number for my Medicare Part D prescription drug plan?. Please note that this impacts the following: RxBin Number: 610097; RxPCN Number: 9999; Rx Group Number: MPDPHP; Send e-prescriptions to OptumRx using this information. Things to be aware of throughout the year Best of Health newsletter Shipping options. This comprehensive formulary was updated on September 16, 2024, and is a complete Drug List covered by our plan. There’s no charge for a replacement card. • Compare medication pricing and options. 0 Payer Sheet ***WRAP COB Claims Processing for BIN 610127*** Payer Name: OptumRx Date: 09/01/2020 Plan Name/Group Name: Raytheon COB BIN: 610127 PCN 04000001, 04000002, 04000004, 04000005, 04000006, OptumRx NCPDP Version D. Compare and save. NCPDP, RX#, PCN, or NDC (example NCPDP 412345 instead of 0412345). You may provide credit or BIN/PCN/group number combinations are provided on these cards. You can still receive services until your new card arrives. 0 NCPDP Data Dictionary Version Date: October 2016 NCPDP External Code List Version Date: October 2016 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER 610494 M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, Rx BIN Number PCN Aetna Rx BIN: 610502 Rx Group: Aetna PCN: 00670000 Allstate Benefits RX BIN: 017010 (Cigna) PCN: 05190000 (Cigna) OPTUMRx Rx BIN: 610279 Rx PCN: 9999 Rx Grp: UHCNICE Service Number: 800-788-7871 UnitedHealthcare PPO Rx Vendor: OPTUMRx Rx Bin: 610279 Rx PCN: 9999 Payer Name: OptumRx Date: 8/01/2012 Plan Name/Group Name: Raytheon COB BIN: 610127 PCN 04000001, 04000002, 04000004 Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: 08/01/2012 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D. Incorrect or missing United Healthcare Community Plan of New Mexico: Optum Rx For Members/Providers Preferred Drug List Prior Authorization form Phone Numbers Provider: 1-888-702-2202 or 1-800-970-3887 Members: 1-877-236-0826 For Pharmacies Point of Sale Help Desk: 1-800-970-3887 Prescription Information PBM Name: Optum Rx BIN: 610494 United Healthcare Community Plan Maryland Medicaid BIN: 610084 PCN: RXSOLPRD Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: 12/1/2017 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D. Chart of 2025 BIN and PCN numbers for each Medicare Part D prescription drug plan Part 5 of 7 (H6080 through H8019) includes M3P (MPPP) BIN/PCN numbers Administered by Optum Rx® Effective January 1, 2025 Please read: this document contains information about the drugs we cover in this plan. Prescription Drug List. We’re here to help you have a smooth transition and access to your medication. 0 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER See above M Required for All Claims 1Ø9-A9 TRANSACTION COUNT Up to 4 M Rx Claims: OPTUM Rx Rx Bin: 610011 Rx PCN: IRX Rx Group: AUCCOMM Issuer: 80840 For Pharmacy Help Desk 888-219-3164 wwwwwwwwwwww:. what is optumrx’s in and pcn number? 7. AHCCCS FFS; 001553; AZM OptumRx: 855-577-6310 AHCCCS FFS – Secondary to Commercial 001553 AZM OptumRx; 855-577-6310 AHCCCS FFS – Dual Eligibles for Covered OTC Prescriptions 001553 AZM OptumRx; 855-577-6310 United Healthcare Community Plan (Acute, CRS, DD, LTC) 610494 4100 ACUAZ Call the number on your member ID card. Refer to each member’s ID Card. Share: Share on LinkedIn Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Pinterest Share via Email Print. We’ll mail new ID cards to our commercial members with pharmacy coverage from Oct. Pharmacy Facts, Number 175 Page 2 of 3. An Gainwell provides a number services to the IHCP, including provider enrollment, customer service, eligibility verification, and fee-for-service claim processing. PDPIND : UnitedHealthcare MedicareRx for Group . OptumRx BIN 610279 Payer Sheet Maryland Medicaid BIN: 610084 PCN RXSOLPRD Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: 12/1/2017 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D. NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D. ” UHC Government Programs BIN: 610494 PCN: 2222 OptumRx Part-D and MAPD Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 9999 7777 PCN: MPPP Part-D WRAP Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 8888 8500 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER See Above M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, B3 M 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER See Above M AARP BIN: 610652 PCN: Varies refer to ID card OptumRx BIN: 610127 PCN: PCN: 02330000 NCCSI. 0 NCPDP Data Dictionary Version Date: October 2016 NCPDP External Code List Version Date: October 2016 1Ø1-A1 BIN NUMBER 610494 M 1Ø2-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NUMBER DØ M 1Ø3-A3 TRANSACTION CODE B1, Plan Name/Group Name: BIN: 011891 PCN: Processor: Catamaran Effective as of: Date that the Plan will begin accepting transactions using this payer sheet 06/01/2011 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard 1Ø4-A4 PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER System Vendor ID M Processor Control Number for Catamaran/Optum 1Ø9-A9 TRANSACTION COUNT 1,2,3, 4 BIN: 001553 PCN: INM Processor: OptumRx . com Certification Testing Window: Certification not required Number 190, December 29, 2022 BIN/PCN/Group Numbers for ACOs, MCOs, and PCC Plan The following tables show the correct combinations, effective for calendar year 2023, for pharmacies for NaviCare Optum Rx 610011 IRX FCHPSCOND (844) 368-8734 (Optum Rx) WellSense Health Plan SCO Express Scripts United Healthcare Community Plan Maryland Medicaid BIN: 610084 PCN: RXSOLPRD Processor: OptumRx Effective as of: 12/1/2017 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version/Release #: D.
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