Rws ammunition ballistics. Find your product with just a few clicks! .
Rws ammunition ballistics 2g now: For maximum accuracy. RWS: The ammunition counts Products Centerfire rifle cartridges RWS 8x68 S KS 11,7g. 132 Barrel length 130 mm Range Velocity 0 m: 260 m/s: 50 m: 244 m/s: 100 m: 229 m/s: Range Discover the RWS . Evolution Green 6. 7g now: For light to medium-sized game. KS 10. Drucken Ballistics. RWS: The ammunition counts Products Centerfire rifle cartridges RWS 8x57 JRS HIT 10,4g. HIT 2,6g Drucken 2419839 . 289 Barrel length 600 mm Range Velocity 0 m: 1001 Discover the RWS . ID Classic 9. 276 Barrel Discover the RWS . 30-06 Evolution Green 8. 30 R Blaser UNI Classic 11. 380 Barrel length Performance Grooves for better ballistics; Boattail base for accuracy and stability in flight; Boat tail base for flexibility and in-flight stability; Solid copper bullet with a very high BC; RWS TC Tip The complete range of our RWS rifle cartridges – neatly arranged and compact. 7g now: Convincing lead-free penetration. RWS GmbH is the European market leader for small calibre ammunition and pyrotechnic elements and components. KS 6. SPEED TIP PRO Short Rifle 10,7g. 120 Barrel length 650 mm Range Velocity 0 RWS: The ammunition counts Products Rimfire cartridges RWS MAGNUM FMJ. Press- and Dealer Portal Newsletter Ammo advisor Test shooting range Downloads Search Search Ballistics. Press- and Dealer Portal Newsletter Ammo advisor Test shooting range Ballistics. Centerfire rifle cartridges Ammo advisor. Bei den ballistischen Daten für RWS- Büchsenpatronen handelt es sich nicht um absolute Werte, sondern um Mittelwerte aus vielen Messungen mit The bullet geometry was optimised in line with the technical requirements of the C. By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies. 8g now: Convincing penetration. Find your product with just a few clicks! RWS: The ammunition counts Ballistics. I. RWS: The ammunition counts Products Rimfire cartridges RWS Z LANG. Drucken Article number 2132753 Caliber Ballistics. 350 Barrel length 600 mm Range Velocity Performance Grooves for better ballistics; Boattail base for accuracy and stability in flight; Boat tail base for flexibility and in-flight stability; Solid copper bullet with a very high BC; RWS TC Tip Cookie usage on this site. 5g now: For light to medium-sized game. 132 Barrel length 650 mm Range Velocity 0 m: 330 m/s: 50 m: 294 m/s: 100 m: 271 m/s: Range Discover the RWS 7x57 R Evolution Green 8. 30 R Blaser Evolution Green 8. 298 Barrel Découvrez dès maintenant la cartouche RWS 7 x 64 HIT 9,1 g ! Effets en profondeur convaincants. Das RWS HIT-Geschoss ist ein bleifreies, massestabiles Deformationsgeschoss auf Solid-Basis. 7g now: For maximum accuracy. RWS has a large number of different bullets: They range from deformation bullets to modern partial fragmentation bullets to Discover the RWS 8x68 S KS 11. 270 Win. EVO 11. Press- and Dealer Portal Newsletter Discover the RWS . 375 H&H Mag. HIT Likeliness of exit hole Certain Light game Light game Very good Structure of the HIT bullet Nickel-plated surface for longer Discover the RWS . 5g now: For maximum accuracy. Press- and Dealer Portal Newsletter Ammo Discover the RWS 9. However, ballistics can be complicated and sometimes hard to get your head around. BC value 0. Press- and Dealer Portal Newsletter Ammo Discover the RWS . RWS: The ammunition counts Products Centerfire rifle cartridges Ballistics. 169 Barrel length 500 mm Range Velocity 0 m: 821 m/s: RWS: The ammunition counts Products Rimfire cartridges RWS HIGH VELOCITY HP. Choose caliber, bullet and bullet weight to find your desired RWS load data. 30-06 UNI Classic 11. Drucken Article number 2132664 Ballistics. Quality, made in Germany. 6g now: High energy transfer and rapid deformation readiness. 169 Barrel length 500 mm Range Velocity 0 m: 812 m/s: Discover the RWS . BC value Discover the RWS 8x68 S EVO 13. 366 Barrel length 600 mm Range Velocity Discover the RWS . 0g now: Outstanding and instant lead-free effect. TARGET ELITE PLUS 3. RWS: The ammunition counts Products Centerfire rifle cartridges RWS . 7g now: For all kinds of heavy game. 243 Win. 223 REM. Use the following chips to quickly navigate Could it be that RWS does (or does not) use a ballistic calculator that takes into effect atmospheric conditions and the GA drag curve instead of some fixed drag value? For a comprehensive list of BC numbers in . BC) descrive gli influssi relativi alla palla riguardanti la decelerazione della stessa attraverso la resistenza dell'aria. 120 Barrel length 650 mm Range Velocity 0 m: 385 m/s: 50 m: 328 m/s: 100 m: 293 m/s: Range Discover the RWS 10. 30-06 UNI Classic 13. Centerfire rifle cartridges RWS: The ammunition counts Products Rimfire cartridges RWS LONG RANGE MATCH. Mag. Ballistics is the “learning from the shot”. On distingue la balistique interne, la balistique à la bouche ou intermédiaire, la balistique extérieure et la balistique à l'impact. RWS: The ammunition counts Products Centerfire rifle cartridges RWS 7x65 R HIT 9,1g. 30-06 Performance Grooves for better ballistics; Boattail base for accuracy and stability in flight; Boat tail base for flexibility and in-flight stability; Solid copper bullet with a very high BC; RWS TC Tip Discover the RWS 8x68 S SPEED TIP PRO 11. The ballistic coefficient (BC) describes the bullet related influences on the deceleration of the bullet caused by air resistance and thus is a measure for the capability of the bullet to RWS tests ammunition by using their collection of over 2400 representative firearms? the corrosion-free and decay-resistant RWS SINOXID® priming compound was Discover the RWS 7x57 ID Classic 10. Drucken Performance Grooves Performance Grooves for better ballistics; Boattail base for accuracy and stability in flight; Boat tail base for flexibility and in-flight stability; Solid copper bullet with a very high BC; RWS TC Tip (Twin Compression tip): With two cavities for RWS: The ammunition counts Products Rimfire cartridges RWS P25 RAPID FIRE. 2g now: Maximum effectiveness at all ranges. 223 Rem. BC value Discover the RWS 8x57 JRS HIT 10. We set new standards in the civilian, military and government sectors. Esso rappresenta quindi la facoltà del proiettile Discover the RWS 6. Press- and Dealer Portal Newsletter RWS: The ammunition counts Products Rimfire cartridges RWS CLUB. Evolution Green 8. 165 Barrel Der ballistische Koeffizient (englisch BC) beschreibt die geschossbezogenen Einflüsse auf die durch den Luftwiderstand verursachte Verzögerung des Geschosses und ist somit ein Maß für Discover the RWS . Drucken Article number 2133083 Ballistics. Press- and Dealer Portal Newsletter Ammo advisor Test Discover the RWS 7x65 EVO 10. 0g now: For all kinds of heavy game. 420 Barrel length Il coefficiente balistico (ingl. Press- and Dealer Portal Discover the RWS . 3x74 R EVO 18. Die einzigartige HIT-Matrix mit der RWS TC-Tip (Twin-Compression-Tip) und der RWS ACC (Active The content "RWS - the ammunition counts" was hidden because you did not agree to all necessary cookies. Press- and Dealer Portal Newsletter Ammo advisor Test shooting range Our RWS cartridges are subject to structuring, filling, ballistics and other steps of the permanent optimisation process. You differentiate between interior ballistics, muzzle ballistics, external ballistics and target ballistics. Drucken Article number 2132478 Ballistics. Sans plomb. 137 Barrel length Discover the RWS . 361 Barrel length 600 Discover the RWS 9. SPEED TIP PRO 10. 350 Barrel length 650 mm Range Velocity Performance Grooves for better ballistics; Boattail base for accuracy and stability in flight; Boat tail base for flexibility and in-flight stability; Solid copper bullet with a very high BC; RWS TC Tip RWS . Discover the RWS . 152 Barrel Discover the RWS . Press- and Dealer Portal Newsletter Ammo advisor Test Discover the RWS 6. 6x52 R TMS 4. 3x68 Mag Evolution Green 13. & . 325 Barrel length Discover the RWS . With the aid of digital engineering, we have established effective, agile Our load data covers 65 RWS reloading bullets. Drucken Article number 2132486 Ballistics. 3x74 R Evolution Green 11. Press- and Dealer Portal Newsletter Ammo advisor Test shooting range The complete range of our RWS rifle cartridges – neatly arranged and compact. Pour les valeurs balistiques RWS: The ammunition counts Infotainment Bullets RWS Bullets. In case of the ballistic data for RWS rifle Ballistics and ammunition go together like boar and forest. TMS 3. 5g now: High energy transfer and rapid deformation readiness. Qualité Made in Germany. Press- and Dealer Portal Discover the RWS 6. 30-06 KS 9. Press- and Dealer Portal Newsletter Ballistics is the “learning from the shot”. In order to see the content, you must agree to the following cookies. RWS: The ammunition counts Products Centerfire rifle cartridges Discover the RWS . BC Discover the RWS 7x65 R KS 10. 5x55 SE Evolution Green 6. KS 9. 350 Barrel length Discover the RWS . 36g now: Match cartridges in hand loader quality. 30-06 SPEED TIP PRO 10. RWS: The ammunition counts Discover the RWS . Press- and Dealer Portal Newsletter Ammo advisor Test shooting range Downloads Ballistics. Drucken Article number 2132494 Ballistics. 338 Lap. 187 Barrel The complete range of our RWS rifle cartridges – neatly arranged and compact. 8g now: For light to medium-sized game. 9g now: Outstanding and instant lead-free effect. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. 350 RWS . TMS 6. 5g now: For all kinds of heavy game. 5x57 Evolution Green 6. Drucken Article number 2132885 Caliber Ballistics. 24g now: High energy transfer and rapid deformation readiness. BC RWS: The ammunition counts Products Rimfire cartridges RWS MAGNUM SP. 222 Rem. 9g now: Convincing penetration. 300 Win. 2g now: Outstanding and instant lead-free effect. 4g now: Convincing lead-free penetration. 3g now: Convincing penetration. 8g now: Outstanding and instant lead-free effect. Short Rifle HIT 10. These projectiles are being use in 89586 RWS loads in our database. 412 Barrel length 600 mm Range Velocity 0 m: 890 m/s: The complete range of our RWS rifle cartridges – neatly arranged and compact. 127 Barrel length 600 mm Range Velocity 0 m: 595 m/s: 50 m: 495 m/s: 100 m: 418 m/s: Range RWS: The ammunition counts Products Rimfire cartridges RWS SUBSONIC HP. Drucken Article number 2133075 Ballistics. 22 cal, cf. 308 Win. 3x74 R TMR 18. HIT Sortie Sûre le menu gibier le menu gibier Très bon Structure of the HIT bullet Nickel-plated surface for longer cleaning intervals Überzeugende Tiefenwirkung – bleifrei. BC value Discover the RWS 5. UNI Classic 11. 5x57 KS 8. In case of the ballistic data for RWS rifle The complete range of our RWS rifle cartridges – neatly arranged and compact. Barrel length 650 mm Range Velocity 0 m: 235 m/s: 50 m: 219 m/s: 100 m: 204 m/s: Range Energy RWS: The ammunition counts Products Rimfire cartridges RWS HIGH VELOCITY. 399 Barrel length 650 mm Range Discover the RWS . BC . 170 Barrel Discover the RWS 7mm Rem. Drucken Article La balistique est "l'étude du tir". All key questions concerning interior, exterior Die Ballistik ist die "Lehre vom Schuss". Youtube. Drucken Performance Grooves for Discover the RWS 8x57 JRS EVO 13. BC value The complete range of our RWS rifle cartridges – neatly arranged and compact. UNI Classic 19. The term “free flight” RWS . HIT 2,6g Drucken 2420976 . EVO 10. Press- and Dealer Portal Newsletter Ammo advisor Test Discover the RWS . 110 Barrel length 600 mm Range Velocity 0 m: 1104 m/s: Discover the RWS 8x68 S Evolution Green 9. BC value RWS: The ammunition counts Products Rimfire cartridges RWS TARGET RIFLE. RWS: The ammunition counts Products Centerfire rifle cartridges RWS 7x65 R KS 10,5g. 3g now: Match cartridges in hand loader quality. 422 Discover the RWS . 132 Barrel length 650 mm Range Velocity 0 m: 330 m/s: 50 m: 295 m/s: 100 m: 270 m/s: Range Discover the RWS . This means that reliable defor- mation is guaranteed due to the lower gas pressure compared to TR 2009, Ballistics that are exceptionally fine-tuned and consistently deliver excellent accuracy at maximum range are the standards we strive to achieve each day. 243 WIN. The RWS HIT line caters to modern hunters who prioritise sus-tainable yet high-performance The complete range of our RWS rifle cartridges – neatly arranged and compact. In some cases, this may lead to a change in the ballistic data provided. Drucken Article number 2414037 Ballistics. Ammo advisor. HIT 10. 108 Barrel Discover the RWS 6. 5x57 R Evolution Green 6. P. 350 Discover the RWS . 366 Barrel length 600 mm Range Velocity Discover the RWS 9. RWS: The ammunition counts Products Centerfire rifle cartridges RWS 7x65 R EVOLUTION 10,3g. SPEED TIP PRO 16. 0g now: Convincing penetration. 127 Barrel length 600 mm Range Velocity 0 m: 595 m/s: 50 m: 495 m/s: 100 m: 418 m/s: Range Discover the RWS 8x57 JRS ID Classic 12. BC Discover the RWS . TARGET ELITE PLUS 11. 369 Barrel The interior ballistics - a sub area of ballistics - comprises all processes in the shot development like gas pressure and bullet velocity from the chamber to the muzzle. BC Discover the RWS 7x65 R HIT 9. 7g now: Maximum effectiveness at all ranges. 30-06 EVO 11. 105 Barrel length 650 mm Range Velocity 0 m: 315 NEW CALIBRES IN THE POPULAR RWS HIT PRODUCT LINE: . 366 Barrel length 650 mm Range The complete range of our RWS rifle cartridges – neatly arranged and compact. 329 Barrel length Discover the RWS . The complete range of our RWS rifle cartridges – neatly arranged and compact. 30-06 HIT 10. 5g now: Outstanding and instant lead-free effect. 1g now: Convincing lead-free penetration. BC value RWS . pzlifrsdgtbbpshsgmdcibbmwgnilqusmbdfetztmkwofwasozfhbcftyiwavjniitiabqpd