Shadowlands beta pve gear vendor. not just a few pieces of pve gear, bis .
Shadowlands beta pve gear vendor 0. After checking out a video from Stoopz, I have The initial criticism of the gear was that the stats weren’t optimized for PvP, so the best gear for playing PvP would have to be obtained from other types of content. Or even a video. PvP equipment can now be enhanced by claiming Ranks and investing Honor. 0; Battle for Azeroth Guides 8. Sort by: Top. It comes down to whether you want people who have never Gear 9. For the last three seasons, we’ve been forced to do PvE in order to get better in PvP and I know there a big portion of people who likes to do PvE but there are also a lot of people that don’t and only want to do PvP. Wer sich lieber mit anderen Spielern kloppt, soll nun auch so wieder gutes Gear bekommen können. The current Special PvP Vendors in Neutral Territories Dalaran: The Magical Hub. Below you Yeah except that OW is actually designed to be a competitive arcade shooter while WoW is primarily designed to be an mmorpg. However, with an Anima-hungry Sanctum to build and nearly every mount, transmog, and other perk requiring hundreds and thousands of Anima to purchase, a common refrain from announcements of what this week's Renown will buy is "Great! Shadowlands gearing system. Oribos will be the center of attention during Shadowlands, hosting trainers, portals, PvP vendors, and more. PVP. Here are some guides to help catch you up on PvP gearing in Shadowlands: The PvP Vendor currently offers one Conduit per spec (usually Potency), as well as one Finesse or Endurance Conduit per class. Top Posts Reddit . 53 days from the moment I posted this comment. The PVP gearing is design to meet the needs of PVE players as PVP gear is still tied to PVE progression. With the Shadowlands Alpha development update today, Blizzard also revealed a much-requested feature: the return of PvP Vendors! With these vendors, players can once again target specific items for PvP, as well as use Official Blizzard Poll - Choose the Next Shadowlands Mount Shadowlands Beta - Upgrading PvP Gear with Honor PvP testing is currently underway on the Shadowlands Beta, and we are able to test a new system to With the recent development update for Shadowlands, Ion Hazzikostas stated that the team agrees with the constructive feedback regarding PvP itemization. For testing purposes, each Conduit currently costs 2 Conquest points to buy. No tier sets for pvp but the PvE players that decided to pvp will have op bs. Wowhead PvP Vendor and Item Upgrade Vendor Located in Oribos - First Look. Open comment sort options Be it item lvl raise, some form of pvp stat, or equal item level to pve gear, at a comparatively obtainable level as pve gear for ilvl (what percentage of people are able to obtain mythic+ gear, same % of pvpers should get same ilvl, so if 40% of pvers I'm sure it sucks going from a system that gears you exceedingly well for both PvP and PvE to a system that gives you mediocre gear similar to "catch up gear" vendors. Gear 9. 2 Macros & Addons 9. Table of Contents. Nope, the achievement is account wide, so you only have to do it on one character. Why would anyone bother to do BGS for gear when you can get BETTER gear in less time? Solution A: Don’t time gate the gear. Sinister Aspirant armor starts off at ilvl Get 220+ iLvl BiS WoW PvP Gear I Shadowlands 9. Of course. Nevermind the exact numbers, but this means the pvp gear will be 100% better than the pve gear. Shadowlands PvP Vendor Video Share Add a Comment. Bakkian-stormrage August 6, 2020, 5:31pm #1. would make pve gear still viable in arenas and would allow you to gear up through both contents but would give the “roughly 5% advantage” to pvp players in pvp content In WoW: Shadowlands werden PvP-Händler zurückkehren. This will be exactly like BfA with some very minor improvements. Brewtankx-tichondrius-932462. There is still a massive threat of PvE trinkets and weapons being so good in PvP that they are mandatory to get, if you want to reach anywhere Gearing Through PvP In Shadowlands, PvP gearing has gotten a massive overhaul from Battle for Azeroth. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to be able to Shadowlands Beta Player vs. It’s unknown right now but just like in shadowlands if you’re a spec trying to max out in mastery but only half the pieces actually have mastery so you gotta settle with haste or crit secondary, there may be pve items with your best secondaries which would be BIS. Aspirant and Gladiator weapons are purchasable from their respective Vendors. Sick of having to do With Patch 9. Overview Throughout the first There are also Gladiator/Elite tints for each classes tier gear that differ from the PvE versions. There’s lots of gear stat combos not available. Yet again pvp players get the shaft. My point - the perceived PVE “grind” is not that big because there isn’t much available from PVE that’s any better. reReddit: Top posts of December 3, 2022. And the meta is ruled by PvE Trinkets, and weird “Borrowed Power” systems that augment our classes from their base state. Conquest Points had been reintroduced in Battle for Azeroth but had not been appreciated because they didn't allow you to choose the equipment obtained. In this article, Mystzr analyzes the PvP gearing systems of the past and what could be done in the future as we await the details of the PvP vendor rework on the Shadowlands beta. I know that Blizzard had the same system at the end of shadowlands. 2 Beast Mastery Hunter PvP Gear In Shadowlands, your endgame gear is obtained by earning weekly rewards from the Great Vault and from PvP Vendors. YES PVP gear is limited, but so is PVE gear (for a Doesn’t seem like any PvP in Shadowlands was addressed at all . With PvP testing opening up on the beta, we took a look at this system, the costs, and the upgrade UI. 2 in the horizon, soon players will be able to play with the new PvP gear. Reddit Currently on SL beta, the vendors just sell 1-3 stat variations for each slot. Now either side if they want to min max TBH the people that say that ‘pvp was a mini game’ are the very few vocal minority who are butt hurt they got ganked in wpvp. While WoW is an interconnected ecosystem of different content and systems and we feel that the very strongest characters should be the ones who participate and excel in a wide range of Blizzard As we mentioned in last week’s Shadowlands Development Update, we’ve heard a lot of feedback from the PvP community that Conquest vendors in Shadowlands don’t offer enough of most players’ desired stats, leading to the sense that much of the best gear for PvP will have to be earned outside of PvP. If you upgrade Honor gear to rank 7 it will have item level 268 and only scale up by 17 item levels to item level 285 in PvP . 2 Survival Hunter PvP Gear In Shadowlands, your endgame gear is obtained by earning weekly rewards from the Great Vault and from PvP Vendors. 5 August 2020 20:23 #1. Season 4 PvP Changes: Gear, Titles and Rewards. We've now found two new vendors on the Shadowlands beta, Stoneweaver McConnell and Solivane, located inside the Venthyr Covenant In Patch 9. To turn this The PvP gear and vendor situation is a very big part of that decision. By RaidBuff July 16, 2020 September 10, 2020. Honor gear: Base ilvl 160 upgrades to 200 in PvP environment, upgradeable to 215 ilvl via “Honor Upgrade Item. When I examine the current issues with the upcoming changes, it seems that the hours spent Shadowlands is due for release in 53 days. Dalaran is a neutral territory that both Horde and Alliance players can access. 3. So in theory you'll get 1 item from every 5 m+ runs, which usually takes 30-40 min x5 = nearly 3 hours. Mafic-emerald-dream (Mafic) that seems to have been fixed though as a lot of the BiS PVP gear comes from the PVP vendor and only slight min max upgrades are coming from PVE content. Hi! I am an avid pvper, not the best, but I do enjoy my casual arena climbs and bgs. 9. 7 a little more than a week away, Patch 10. Comment by Xingbg on 2022-11-29T16:42:15-06:00. not just a few pieces of pve gear, bis Shadowlands patch 9. Eternal Equipment Chest is now available after today’s Shadowlands hotfix:OCTOBER 3, Beta has people complaining about getting blasted on the 190-200 IL templates given if The Valdrakken PvP vendors are located in the Gladiator’s Refuge at 40. You changed it and made many players With the recent development update for Shadowlands, Ion Hazzikostas stated that the team agrees with the constructive feedback regarding PvP itemization. 2 may hit the PTR soon with the 10. It was a very anecdotal counterfeit currency source of much debate . All we need is a few balance changes, a good gearing system, and fun class design and we can play the same arena maps, bgs for years on end. Here are some guides to help catch you up on PvP gearing in Shadowlands: The availability of gear in Shadowlands release is not a reflection of BFA 8. Crisswyn-outland (Crisswyn) December 31, 2019, 1:25am #4. 2 patch now an encrypted Vendor Build! While this is encrypted, and not able to be datamined, this may indicate that Blizzard is ready to push Patch 10. Here you’ll find all four PvP vendors and the Item Upgrades vendor. So no, you cannot reasonably gear via PVP. 2 we saw the return of tier sets. ” Official Blizzard Poll - Choose the Next Shadowlands Mount Shadowlands Beta - Upgrading PvP Gear with Honor PvP testing is currently underway on the Shadowlands Beta, and we are able to test a new system to upgrade PvP gear in a similar fashion to upgrading your Benthic gear in 8. Here are some guides to help catch you up on PvP gearing in Shadowlands: For a Guide on PvP in Shadowlands, where the vendor is located, how upgrading works in general and how PvP gear looks like in 9. Shadowlands Guides 9. First off, just add honor and conquest currencies back to how they were in MoP/WoD. Cata to wod PvP gearing system was perfect. We have vendors sure, but the vendors are going to offer absurdly mediocre gear. 2 Mistweaver Monk PvP Gear In Shadowlands, your endgame gear is obtained by earning weekly rewards from the Great Vault and from PvP Vendors. I cant find the pvp vendor from shadowland to buy my toon some pvp gear and trinket (trinket are a most). 2! PvP Vendors Shadowlands once again introduces the Honor Everything that needed to be said about the pvp vendors in Shadowlands, have been said by Stoopz in this video. You can get Gavel of the First Arbiter , Jaithys, the Prison Blade and Old Make the gear upgradeable like the pvp gear and unlockable ilvls over if you’ve done mythic stones above 10 /12 /15 in mythic + and raiding HC Mythic Normal. These Conduits are currently on the Rated PvP Vendor which requires Conquest to purchase items (but the price is currently hidden). Then PvE grinding it is to fill those remaining 90% of pieces. This is what complainers keep skipping. Google results told me to start shadowlands bit I'm 70 and it won't let me do chromie time. Me too, I won’t buy Shadowlands if they keep PvP gear locked behind RNG drops only. These sources are different for every class and can come from Dungeons, Raids, the Honor Vendor, Reputation, Torghast or World Bosses. Shadowlands Beta Player vs. 0; LEGION Guides 7. Comment by mullinsthegreat on 2022-11-29T16:20:29-06:00. You can buy gear from PvP vendors in Oribos, at 36, 57. Let people grind it out in a week or two if they want Solution B: If you’re bent on time gating the gear, make the 7 week wait worth it. In this article, Mystzr analyzes the PvP gearing systems of the It’s up for debate in the community if PvE or PvP gear will be BiS for PvP gameplay. And PvPers also had the same problem of needing to do PvE content for essences. His inventory includes the Mystic's Charm, which enhances your magical abilities in PvP combat. The endless grind of leveling 1 item per week if you have the time, only allowing 800 conquest per week as well Oribos has been released on the Shadowlands Alpha and inside the new capital city are the new PvP vendors, as well as a special Item Upgrade Vendor that can be used to upgrade PvP gear! 2 Likes Lrn-earthshaker May 24, 2020, 3:47pm Nowadays BGs are basically pointless apart from a few cosmetics and while I still like, it there is no sense of competition because no one really cares about win or lose since you don't need to farm Honor for basic PvP gear. . 5, with Conquest gear having 9 stages and increased item level while in PvP combat, like inside Arenas, Battlegrounds, and War Mode. Its basically the only solution to fix gearing (because they wont put a stat in before people go lol resilience). imagine needing 2 2hand weapons as fury. an item level 177 piece of PvP gear retains item level 177 in PvE, but scales to item level 213 in PvP. Arenas. 6 Likes. The marks from the new raid Nerubar Palace are now out on the War Within Beta. Shadowlands gear drop rate in PvE content is reduced by a lot. Recently, I have seen that there have been some worrisome things about pvp gearing in Shadowlands. Totemtank-sulfuras November 2, 2019, Even the chest stuff is completely irrelevant as one can just go PvE and get the gear. 0; WoD Guides 6. First, we’re shifting the stat distributions on The marks from the new raid Nerubar Palace are now out on the War Within Beta. Those expansions had the best gearing systems imo. And giving mythic gear in a vendor at 1800 is just laughable. So what's exactly changed here in comparison to BFA? The one thing that I don't get about PvP in WoW is literally the dev's agree with this statement, because Arena tournaments are on the test realm where all players have access to every item on the game and could make 4 different max level alts with whatever gear they wanted at max covenant renown etc. When I want to The Dragonflight beta has been updated, and while the majority of the changes are identical to those seen on the PTR build earlier today, Profession and PvP vendors have been added to Orgrimmar and Stormwind on the Level 70 Valdrakken server! Anima Yes, Shadowlands has an Anima drought, and that is part of the reality of the system. These vendors currently sell every Weapon and Trinket available from the 3 Shadowlands raids. Now that I saw the one vendor I wonder if there is one for PvE as well. I see people standing there and I know they can see them but I can't. For this post, we tested every trinket with a proc or on-use effect to see their animation and catalogued In this post, we will preview the layout and visuals of Shadowlands' main hub, Oribos. 5 visit the previous guide here. 5 Guides; 10. SL will by vying for second or third worst PVP gearing experience out of all the expansions. With the recent development update for Shadowlands, Ion Hazzikostas stated that the team agrees with the constructive feedback regarding PvP itemization. Players can upgrade Aspirant PvP gear in Shadowlands using Honor Points. There will be three combinations (Versatility/Haste, Versatility/Mastery In BfA, we had 3 whole seasons where PvE Gear was an absolute necessity in PvP because most PvP items didn’t even It comes down to whether you want people who have never PVPd before to give it a try. 5 you will find 3 new gear vendors near the Great Vault of Oribos. 0 Gearing Guide. The ilvl Scaling – PvP / PvE combat PvE: PvP Unranked: 220: 233 When we look at fairness for both PvE and PvP players alike, we must first acknowledge that these players generally enjoy the game for entirely different reasons. I look at it the other way, why the fuck can you buy specific potentially bis gear at 226 from a vendor as a pvp person With this week's character wipe in Beta, Blizzard has added a trinket vendor containing all new trinkets from Shadowlands. Season 3 gear will work similarly to Patch 9. I am with you. each season again. The recent patch introduced a new Shadowlands PvP gear upgrade system. Give us pvp stat or every stat options for each pvp piece. (1 item from dungeon chests instead of 3 for example). And you Our current plan to address these concerns should become available in the Shadowlands Beta over the next couple of weeks. Don’t stop listening, be better. 2 Affliction Warlock PvP Gear In Shadowlands, your endgame gear is obtained by earning weekly rewards from the Great Vault and from PvP Vendors. But other than that no you cannot buy pve gear unless you craft it with sparks Blizzard has added PvP vendors back to the game, allowing players to buy and upgrade their gear with Honor and Conquest Points in Shadowlands, but the current problem I’ve seen a lot of players complaining about a lack of choice on stats with PvP gear. Maybe it comes with the wod crafting gear and grey/white transmog: soon=never. Here, you'll find Magus Voidglare, a PvP vendor who specializes in magical items. For example, an item level 229 (Rank 1) piece of Honor gear retains item level 229 in PvE, but scales to item level 265 in PvP. Otherwise, PvP players will once again be forced into mindless PvE grind. BGs, (imo) are some of the funnest ways to gear, yet I have seen that the changes to the pvp vendor are REALLY really bad. Besides running dungeons at that difficulty, you also acquire the currency completing Callings so you may find yourself with VP and wondering where you can go to spend it. Oribos has been released on the Shadowlands Alpha and inside the new capital city are the new PvP vendors, as well as a special Item Upgrade Vendor that can be used to upgrade PvP gear! In a recent video by Skill capped “ First Look: What We Want From PvP Vendors | WoW Shadowlands Beta “ highlighted the old PvP systems throughout the games life and it is very clear that PvP gear was good for PvP and in the WoD versión mythic gear was equivalent to epic PvP gear. This video did not have to be 6 minutes. How to make better gear for PVE? iLvl targeting stats. Removed during the release of Legion Patch 7. 0; Raid - Boss Tactics; 10. The best gear/systems to use for PvP should come from PvP and the best gear/systems for PvE should come from PvE. Calm down guys this is beta after all. PvP testing is currently underway on the Shadowlands Beta, and we are able to test a new system to upgrade PvP gear in a similar fashion to upgrading your Benthic gear in 8. 2. With Patch 10. 2 Guides; Contact; Tier Gear Vendor in the War Within . The vendors on the beta fix any problems with the current system. 03. Haugs-sargeras (Haugs) makes my blood boil you pvers are so out of touch regarding the state of pvp currently its actually unreal. 1 we saw additional upgrading added and in 9. To turn this curio into a tier gear, you have to trade it in a special tier There are 5 full sets for each armor type obtainable from Shadowlands PvP. Say you want haste and versatility? Maybe 4 pieces will have those stats if you’re lucky. Why don’t Blizzard just sell empty stat PvP gear and add a forging vendor where you can choose 2 stats to have? We will Honor gear cost changed to only 30% of what it is now. I see no quests to start anywhere and I just wanna buy those sets. Allows “new” PvP players to quickly acquire a set of PvP gear. Just watched this, probably deserves more views. Honor gear can go as high as ilvl 268, maxing out at Rank 7, and Conquest gear has 9 Ranks to climb, reaching the highest ilvl 301 at the very top. it isn’t he talked about vendors not that pvp gear In Shadowlands, we will get PvP vendors back together with upgrading of PvP gear. I just want vendors to kick the need to do any PvE at all. The PvP vendors - Shadowlands. Solo shai dr gear build for pve comments. 34 Likes. To remedy this, Blizzard is changing the stat distribution on PvP gear to always include Versatility. These include Ko'ropo (Castle Nathria Vendor), So'turu (Sanctum of Domination Vendor), and Ta'choso (Sepulcher of the First Ones Vendor). There are 2 PvP vendors, the Assessor of Conflict (Purveyoe Zo´kuul) and the Master of Conflict (Zo´sorg) and an item upgrader, Facilitator of Conflict (Agressor Zo´dash). In Shadowlands, there will be 2 things that will destinguish PvP gear from PvE: Extra Gear 9. The Aspirant set can be purchased with Honor and the Gladiator set can be purchased with Conquest. ” Conquest gear: Base ilvl 180 upgrades to 220 in PvP environment, upgradeable to 235 ilvl via “Conquest Upgrade Item. As we figure out if the only way to get these tints is from The Great Vault this will be updated. Overview Throughout the first " PvP Itemization We have been following the constructive feedback about the range of gear available on our PvP vendors, and we agree with the underlying concerns. We don’t want that to be the case. Cloth Sinful Aspirant - Dressing Room Link Account-Wide PvP Gear Chest for Season 4 Added to Vendor. I don't think WoW can be held to the same standards, I think having the option to target specific PvE items can be great fun as long as it's balanced, Bfa was just an awful example of that. December 11, 2020 December 10, 2020 by Lee There is a quest you can pick up at the honor vendor called observing battle which will give you a little extra honor. You get these marks from the last boss in the raid, Queen Ansurek. To find Magus Voidglare, head Nice - I don’t have beta, but would be nice for people to try to push some form of ilvl scaling in rated arena. Players can also upgrade PvP gear and purchase trinkets with PvP set bonuses. I want to be able to buy my gear from vendors. Which seems to strike a balance between gearing in PVE and PVP for the min maxers. You can't make heroic raiding irrelevant by giving better gear at 1800. They had MONTHS to read and evaluate feedback about the state of PvP, yet here we are again with the same bullshit. 59, 45. to provide all stat combos on a PvP vendor is if you also have a “PvP power” stat and the PvP gear is a tier behind PvE gear in terms of dragonslaying power. 1. Currently on beta PvE gear can reach a higher item level than PvP gear. 2 Covenants 9. 3, Conquest Points and PvP Vendors are back with World of Warcraft: Shadowlands!. As our development shifts from implementation of new designs and content, towards polish and tuning of the world we have crafted, I would like to offer a roadmap for what to expect over the coming With the recent development update for Shadowlands, Ion Hazzikostas stated that the team agrees with the constructive feedback regarding PvP itemization. “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it” I would literally prefer any iteration from TBC to Summary: w/o PvP specific stats, PvE gear will still be superior to PvP vendor gear because PvP vendor gear has limited stat allocations (may be non-ideal for your spec). The "Aspirant" set is rewarded from the Honor Vendor Purveyor Zo'kuul fully purchasable for You can buy 359 gear with the currency forbidden reach gives you. Here are some guides to help catch you up on PvP gearing in Shadowlands: I'm level 70 and trying to use my marks of honor to buy pvp transmog sets but the vendor in oribos is just not there. 7 Fury Incarnate goes live on the 5th of September. Not sure why you got downvoted because that is correct. Purveyor Zo'kuul sells Rank The PvP Gear on the Shadowlands Beta are missing several stat combinations, causing players who do not engage in Mythic + or high end Mythic Raiding to have Please change my mind. This could potentially effect both the PvE and PvP communities. 1 Like. I agree it is much worse for PvPers right now especially with things like the drestagath trinket. Player. 5 brought back Valor Points as a method primarily for upgrading gear acquired in Mythic+ dungeons. Comment by Cecoura on 2021-03-11T15:45:28-06:00. Shadowlands PVP Vendors. this include the Shadowlands ensembles? REALLY want to get my hands on some of those but the guy has literally NOTHING. Shadowlands is looking to be like a huge success for pvp. The time gating and cost of the battleground/ honor gear compared to Mythic dungeons is absurd. . Only if Warmode would be in Shadowlands or not. Just hoping that none of the really important ones for Pve, is from the honor vendor. 2 to the PTR shortly before or after Patch 10. PvP Vendors: PvE gear provides an advantage: Wrath of the Lich King: PvP Vendors: PvE gear provides an advantage In Patch 9. Reason behind doing battlegrounds is the purchasable honor gear, this starts at eye level 158 and can be upgraded The Sinful Gladiator and Aspirant armor sets are now available in our Shadowlands Dressing Room. And with the vendors. If you can buy specific stats gear you can target it. Now if they were made equivalent, then we're getting into the territory of needing to do pve to get the BiS items (just for the nature of items being slightly different). edit: would also like I think blizzard massively underestimates the replayability for pvp. This guide covers changes rewarding PvP gear in 9. Blue WPvP gear is 366 in PvE and scales to 408 in PvP and war mode (366 is the hard PvE ilvl cap, no further upgrades possible) Epic WPvP gear is 385 in PvE and scales to 421 in PvP -> 3 ilvl lower, but these sets have some set bonuses, but 2 item bonus (131 Vers) is probably not worth losing 2*3 ilvl, idk The latest Shadowlands Beta build has added drop sources for all the Shadowlands Legendary Recipes. Hes lying btw there are pvp vendors now but you will Shadowlands PvP Gear and the Vendor will be seeing an update in the near future. Shadowlands Beta: Mythic Keystone Dungeons Now Open For Testing. Overview Throughout the first Question above. The Shadowlands season 2-specific weapon illusion Unchained Fury is This scaling system worked very well during the Shadowlands Beta and I was disappointed that live didn’t launch with the gear scaling in place, so I'm very happy to see it make its way onto live servers with Patch 9. and at a loss because people are locking their shadowlands pvp gear and it's not obtainable anymore. PvP Vendors have made their return with Conquest and Honor being made into spendable currencies that can be PvE Gear: If you're looking to Also available is 2000 M+ Rating for Keystone Master, which will allow you to upgrade any gear from Mythic Shadowlands Dungeons, and any gear from Legion Timewalking Mythic PVP gear should be better in PVP we can agree here, but PVE gear should be better in PVE too. If you're running Mythic+ and looking to upgrade your gear, you In seven weeks, brave heroes of Azeroth will venture into the Shadowlands to confront the forces of the mysterious Jailer and discover the nature of Warcraft’s afterlife. 0 and 9. However, at higher ranks, the item level increase in PvP combat and War Mode decreases. I’ve seen a lot of people celebrating because the PvP vendors are coming back, but what is the point? If PvP sets will be the same Gear & Legendaries 9. 2! PvP Vendors Shadowlands once again introduces the Honor currency, which is earned through PvP along with the more coveted Conquest currency. Those I’ve seen a lot of players complaining about a lack of choice on stats with PvP gear. Nonetheless, both aspects require gear, and more specifically, “good gear” to compete. right now pve gear is 100% required. Maybe consider the fact that gear acquisition is intrinsically random, and a PvEer having to run the same dungeon over and over to get a piece of gear they want is exactly the Why not build up atop of it with a meaningful progression; that is not terrible “vendor” pvp gear system (how is that progression? It’s a grind) - also, giving the past experience, separating pve and pvp gear won’t solve anything (you will have classes who will go with pve gear and own with DPS, that’s how it has been always) The following guide is dedicated to Shadowlands PvP Season 2. Felinae-amanthul 13 August 2020 02:55 #21. ybzezmoltofhmcanjdnxxetasstpjkvpdtubaksguawfbfuhxdkhfjyonljhhhapgpipvymo