City of berkeley records online All bids and proposals close at 2:00 pm on the date specified. View membership and vacancies on the commission Dec 18, 2024 · Use online portal to make renewing your business license simple. Each facility has a large dining room, a multi-purpose room, and several medium and small classrooms available for rent. Nov 20, 2023 · Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. May 15, 2024 · Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Reasonable accommodations regarding equal access to information will be provided upon request to the to the City of Berkeley ADA Officer at (510) 981-6418, TTY: (510) 981-6347, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board Dec 10, 2024 · Attend a City Council or commission meeting, apply for jobs, look up City holidays Jan 2, 2025 · The City of Berkeley’s CERT classes will help you learn about the City’s emergency response system and give you hands-on experience in creating an emergency plan to act quickly and effectively in the critical moments right after a disaster. It only takes a few simple steps and, once registered, you will be able to view a complete history of applications, including application materials, staff reports, the status of pending activities, and more. The SWMP will provide a comprehensive planning framework for managing stormwater runoff and improving the City’s drainage infrastructure. We welcome everyone to check out Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Employees and officials in designated roles are required to file public reports of their personal financial interests, such as investments, businesses, rental properties, and more. Use these services to keep yourself and others safe and healthy. 28, 2025, to avoid penalties. The goal of the forum is to broaden Jan 6, 2025 · Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. 6 hours ago · Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the public counter at the City Clerk Department located on the first floor of City Hall located at 2180 Milvia Street, and through the City's online records portal: https://records. 00 will apply for orders placed through VitalChek. The City of Berkeley Public Works Department will be rehabilitating the street pavement at several locations throughout the City. The Berkeley City Council appoints a wide variety of boards and commissions to advise them on key policy issues. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board Jul 10, 2024 · Companion Report to Berkeley Police Department Texting Allegations: An Independent Investigation by the Police Accountability Board : 08/29/2024: Berkeley Police Department Texting Offenses: An Independent Investigation by the Police Accountability Board: 07/10/2024 Report a Pothole Please fill out this form to report a pothole. Getting Started: Any member of the Public may make a payment, schedule an inspection, and view general permit history without registering for an account. Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Follow the steps below to request a new street light: Apr 25, 2023 · You can now submit a traffic safety concern directly to the BPD Traffic Bureau using the survey application on the Transparency Hub. Explore the budget to understand how the City plans to allocate resources over the next fiscal year. Sign In. The City has seven voter-approved taxes that help fund city services Prepare for rainstorms by clearing storm drains of debris and picking up sand bags from the City’s Corporation Yard. The building also includes a detention center, the City’s Public Safety Communications Center, staff locker rooms and gym, and a shooting range. By a joint-use agreement between the City of Berkeley and the Berkeley Unified School District (BUSD), King School offers public access to its play areas, tennis courts, running track, gym, and basketball courts when school is not in session and daytime access to its tot play area. In accordance with the authority in me vested, I do hereby call the Berkeley City Council in special session as follows: Tuesday, February 11, 2025. The plan recommended governance, infrastructure, services & data, software, and training & education tasks to implement over a five-year timeline. authorizing the allocation of $2 Million of Phase 1 Measure T1 funds for major renovations of the City of Berkeley’s Adult Mental Health Services Center located at 2640 Martin Luther King Jr. Access COVID-19 testing, vaccines, and information. The City of Berkeley is pleased to offer electronic submittal requests for permit applications, online payments and inspection scheduling 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Employee compensation. Mail the completed application and payment to: City of Berkeley - Vital Statistics 1947 Center Street Berkeley, CA 94704; Online. Gas Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Electric Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Water East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) Telecommunications AT&T Comcast Sonic Feb 13, 2025 · View open opportunities to work with the City of Berkeley in the list below. Follow workforce standards—including minimum wage, paid sick leave, and commuter benefits—as well If you are a new user you may register for a free Community Portal account. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) 12/10/2019: We want Berkeley to be ready for natural disasters. Berkeley candidates and campaign committees need to file reports of their contributions and expenses following both state and local laws. Berkeley has several green building requirements that need to be considered during the design phase for new buildings and major additions. Apply for your building permits through the City of Berkeley’s online portal. Sign up to receive information from Berkeley Police Department through Nixle. The Office of Vital Statistics maintains birth and death records for two years after the date of birth or death. Use online portal to also buy 1-day visitor passes. For building permits, please visit the Permit Service Center. Learn about recreation programs. The WMP builds on existing City activities by recommending policies and programs to meet the goals of: water quality protection, urban flooding reduction, natural waterways and habitat Apply for permits before beginning construction and development work. Local agencies are also Jun 27, 2023 · Apply for a business license, get business assistance, find bid & proposal opportunities Work at the City of Berkeley’s overnight and day camps, pools, fields, and parks. Property collected as evidence, recovered from any source, or turned over as found property or for safe-keeping, is stored in the Property and Evidence Room. We provide citywide oversight and administration for legislative proceedings of the City Council and its subcommittees. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board The City of Berkeley is committed to providing access to our electronic and information technology, including our web pages, for individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. It will identify existing issues such as flooding and facilities which are nearing or past the end of their useful life by analyzing data and modeling stormwater The Planning and Development Department's mission is to enhance safety, livability and resilience in the built environment and to work with the community to promote and protect Berkeley's distinctive neighborhoods, vibrant commercial areas, unique character and natural resources for current and future generations. Place an order on our partner site, VitalChek. Born at Alta Bates Hospital and raised on Keeler Ave, Shoshana attended Berkwood Hedge Elementary, King Middle, and Berkeley High before earning degrees from Smith College and the Guest boaters can tie up for free for up to four hours at the Berkeley Marina. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board Contact a City of Berkeley Department, visit a City office or facility, or contact a specific City service or program. City taxes will appear on the right side of your tax bill. Adopted plans set strategic priorities for various topics, such as what types of development the City will allow in certain neighborhoods, how the City will Berkeley Chief Fire Officers Assoc • IAFF • Local 1227 : Sworn managerial Fire employees: June 2026: Berkeley Fire Fighters Assoc • I. Schedule an appointment and get estimates of how long the permitting process takes. The plan recommended 101 initiatives and projects to implement over a five-year timeline. In order to make a request for a Search permit records online or in person to learn about a building's permit history. Reach out to a commercial district association to connect with other business-owners in your area. Apply for, access, or research permits online, or schedule an inspection. You can drop in to request incident reports, pick up Knox Box applications, and pay for Indoor Entertainment Event (IEE) permits. Benefits and compensation table. Way. Explore over 40 datasets available to the public through the City of Berkeley’s Open Data Portal. Visit a park or recreation facility. Call Animal Control or Police Call Animal Control at (510) 981- 6600 immediately. Ordinances Pending CodificationThe following Ordinances were recently adopted by the City Council (please consult the Council Annotated Agendas available from the City Jun 20, 2024 · Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Follow the Berkeley Police Department on Twitter to receive updates on police activity. Find funding to help you pay for seismic retrofits, including grants, tax Read reports, policies, and budgets that describe how the City of Berkeley spends public funds. An appointment may be needed for certain election-related services. A. Review salary ranges for non-benefited job classifications at the City of Berkeley. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board 2018 Health Status Report Berkeley: 01/01/2018: 2013 City of Berkeley Health Status Report : 01/01/2014: Child Health and Disability Program (CHDP): Berkeley: 2008-2009: 07/07/2010: Child Health and Disability Program (CHDP): Berkeley: 2008-2009 Summary: 07/07/2010: Influenza-Related Emergency Room Visits, Berkeley, 2005-2007 : 06/24/2009 Feb 11, 2025 · Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the public counter at the City Clerk Department located on the first floor of City Hall located at 2180 Milvia Street, and through the City's online records portal: https://records. City of Berkeley Senior Centers feature space that can be reserved and rented by private community members, organizations, and City departments and commissions. If you have been bitten by an animal, call Animal Control immediately. Your submission will be reviewed by the 311 Customer Service Team during business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm). Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board Attend a City Council or commission meeting, apply for jobs, or look up City holidays. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board Oct 10, 2024 · Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Current residents in Berkeley can request that the City install a new street light. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board 6 hours ago · Printer-friendly PDF agenda AGENDABERKELEY CITY COUNCIL MEETINGTuesday, March 11, 20256:00 PMSCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD ROOM - 1231 ADDISON STREET, BERKELEY, CA 94702Adena Ishii, MayorCouncilmembers: Nov 8, 2024 · City Council 2024-11-08 Date: Friday, November 8, 2024 - 3:30 pm Location: Redwood Room, 2180 Milvia Street, 6th Floor, Berkeley, CA 94704 & Virtual Laws protect housing seekers from discrimination based on protected characteristics (such as race or disability) and criminal history. This local ordinance provides additional regulations on top of the State of California’s Brown Act and Public Records Act. For media requests, contact the Berkeley Police Department’s Public Information Officer. As the Records Manager, the department administers the Citywide Records Management Program to maintain the integrity of documented actions of the legislative bodies and accessibility to public STAFF MEMBERS: Sign in with your City of Berkeley user name. Citizen's Guide to Obtaining Information and Records from the This is a Measure T1 Phase 1 project. Get engaged in local policy by attending a City Council or commission meeting, or applying to serve as a commissioner. Learn how to get tested and vaccinated. Access mental health and homeless services. gov (510) 981-5250: North Berkeley Senior Center: seniors@berkeleyca. This new office assumes the duties of the former Police Review Commission but Construction projects in the public right of way must follow the City of Berkeley standard details and specifications. Follow Berkeley Police Department on social media. Upon arrival, pull into the guest slip under your own power at K-102 or K-104 and If you are a new user you may register for a free Community Portal account. Access City of Berkeley records, including meeting agendas and minutes, conflict of interest reports, datasets, ordinances, and more. Find public records online through Records Online or submit a request through NextRequest. Get patient care reports and AmBULance billing records, INCLUDING DEPOSITIONSA patient care Enjoy Berkeley's parks, facilities, camps, and recreation programs. View data on our Open Data Portal. Submission Details: Bids must be submitted in accordance with the terms and conditions Oct 30, 2012 · The City of Berkeley has adopted the Watershed Management Plan (WMP). Boards and commissions advise the City Council on a wide variety of subjects by making recommendations on important policy matters. Follow the conversion process to convert your property to a condominium so that individual units can be sold to new owners. Find out what resources are available for your organization. 's BirthdayWednesday, February 12, 2025Lincoln's BirthdayFriday, February 14 The Berkeley Police Department publishes media releases about some criminal incidents. The purpose of this Green Infrastructure Plan is to guide the identification, implementation, tracking, and reporting of green infrastructure projects within the City of Berkeley. This webpage has been updated to include an overview of the Southside Zoning Ordinance Update Project and related documents. As the Elections Official and Filing Officer, the City Clerk administers municipal elections, campaign finan Search permit records online or in person to learn about a building's permit history. Read past media releases or subscribe to receive email updates when new releases are posted. By registering your system, you could help officers to quickly identify cameras that could aid in The 1947 Center Street is a multi-purpose facility that provides services and information to those who live, work and visit the City of Berkeley. If you own an unreinforced masonry or soft, weak, or open front building, you are required to retrofit your building. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board Feb 11, 2025 · BERKELEY CITY COUNCIL. These requirements let the public know what lobbying efforts Read the plans and policies that guide the City's work, and get involved with projects and plans that are being developed. Apply for a business license, get business assistance, find bid & proposal opportunities Mar 6, 2019 · Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Read financial policies that guide how the City manages its money, and examine reports that describe how money was spent. Ensure that your project plans follow Berkeley design parameters, including locally specific building codes, green building requirements, and more. List of salaries for non-benefited employees. Get assistance with your business, including advice, help navigating City regulations, funding, and more. Reserve time at a sports field or court, swimming pool, or Adventure Playground. Section 508 requires us to ensure that City employees with disabilities, and members of the public with disabilities seeking information or services from us, have access to and Sep 23, 2024 · September is National Preparedness Month! This year, Berkeley Ready is highlighting power shutoff as our emergency. Please call before visiting. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board For permits prior to 2014, search using only the last four digits of the Permit Number and "%" as a placeholder for the rest. On reduced service days, certain non-essential services are closed as a cost-savings measure. Gain valuable work experience when you apply for seasonal summer positions. You can also use the portal to search for and view all requests entered into the portal. As the Elections Official and Filing Officer, the City Clerk administers municipal elections, campaign finance, and conflict of interest regulations. Recover property or evidence held by the Berkeley Police Department at the Property and Evidence Room. Get paid to play – or help others to play. To report issues with an existing street light, fill out and submit a street light service request form. King School Park is owned by the Berkeley Unified School District (BUSD) and maintained by the City of Berkeley. Access the Berkeley Municipal Code online to learn about the City’s local laws. Your security video surveillance system can be used to identify and apprehend suspects who have been recorded during a crime. This project is in the design phase. The standards include guidance for streets, sidewalks, sewers, storm drains, and transportation projects. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board Learn the step-by-step process of applying for converting a residential unit to a condominium. All local agencies are required by the State of California to publish a catalog of enterprise systems, and to update it annually. Fraud alert: City of Berkeley Building and Safety staff will never call to ask for payment. Adena Ishii, Mayor. 68,290-N. These reports are accessible to the public online. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board Seismically retrofit your building to keep yourself and our community safer in case of an earthquake. A processing fee of $7. Prepare yourself and your community for wildfires, earthquakes, and other disasters. This plan is intended to guide City efforts to establish a healthier balance between the urban environment and natural ecosystems. Berkeley Rides for Seniors & the Disabled (BRSD) (510) 981-7269: Judge Henry Ramsey Jr. You can help shape City policy by weighing in on the topics posted. Example: For the Use Permit 13-10000023, enter %023. Sep 25, 2024 · Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Businesses can add outdoor seating in three ways—apply for an outdoor commerce permit for a designated parking space or spaces, get a permit for sidewalk seating, or turn street space into a public park May 21, 2024 · Renew online, in person, or by mail; existing permits expire June 30, 2024. Budget (Adopted) Budget (Proposed) The most recent Proposed Biennial Budget is available at the library. File Reviews: If you are a prospective business owner and would like to know more about a facility or site, you may submit a file review request form. If you’ve called for emergency medical services from the City and were assisted or transported by Berkeley paramedics, you can access available documents and resources. This document provides tips and instructions for effective searching. Jul 2, 2021 · Learn how to file a complaint or commendation Berkeley, California (Friday, July 02, 2021) - People seeking to file a complaint about Berkeley Police Officer misconduct or a commendation for good actions have a new body they can reach out to investigate complaints: the Office of the Director of Police Accountability. 4:00 PM. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board Sep 24, 2024 · Attend a City Council or commission meeting, apply for jobs, look up City holidays Jul 1, 2024 · Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Residents elect: Mayor and City Council; City Auditor; Rent Stabilization Board; School Board; The Mayor and City Council appoint: Berkeley Housing City of Berkeley Open Data. Serves as the citizens’ oversight committee for expenditure of the proceeds of the Special Tax to Fund Fire Protection and Emergency Response and Preparedness, as set forth in BMC Section 7. 81. Real property tax statements are payable in two equal payments, due without penalty December 10 and April 10. Schedule a rental appointment To rent Then you will obtain a vehicle release form from the Berkeley Police Department’s Records Bureau. Contractors and design consultants working on projects in the public right of way should follow the City standard details and specifications. Read the full text of the Berkeley Open Jan 1, 2025 · City offices and facilities are closed on holidays. Watershed Management Plan: 10/30/2012: The Watershed Management Plan was adopted by the City Council at its meeting on October 30, 2012. View a report of contributions made to candidate and ballot measure committees in the November 5, 2024 General Municipal Election. Web Policy| Contact PSC| Contact Building and Safety City of Berkeley - Permit Service Center, 1947 Center St. Please review the detailed instructions to facilitate searching in the Records Online G:\CLERK\WEB\2021-2022\New Records Online Instructions. Berkeley Resilience Strategy: 04/01/2016: The Berkeley Resilience Strategy is a plan to advance preparedness and equity in Berkeley, a community known for inclusiveness and innovation. Get information about construction projects and other key projects led The City is in the process of developing a comprehensive Stormwater Master Plan (SWMP). City Clerk Department Office | City of Berkeley For questions or issues regarding gas, electric, water, or telecommunications utilities, please contact the relevant agency below. An officer will arrive to help tend to your injury and to contain the animal if it is still in the area. They are designed to transition our community to carbon-free building materials and operation, with Oct 1, 2024 · Printer-friendly PDF Agenda AGENDABERKELEY CITY COUNCIL MEETINGTUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 20246:00 PMSCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD ROOM - 1231 ADDISON STREET, BERKELEY, CA 94702TELECONFERENCE LOCATION - 1404 LE ROY AVE, BERKELEY, CA 94708Jesse Arreguin, MayorCouncilmembers: We also have a public information room where you can view physical or electronic records. You can search for building or planning permits issued since 1993 on Building Eye. Help Information If you have already made a request using an email address but have not yet signed into NextRequest with that email/created a password, you will need to finish setting up your account. For records older than two years contact the Alameda County Recorder's Office at (510) 272-6362. Aug 7, 2024 · Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. For each of the measures listed below, the ballot question, impartial analysis, arguments, and full text is available for Obtain patient care reports, access ambulance billing records, file a complaint about Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and more. The Berkeley Police Department is launching a new Traffic Safety page on the BPD Transparency Hub! We aim to have informative, constructive, and relevant conversations about how we can improve traffic safety in the city we serve. Learn when the permit is needed, what materials you will need to submit with your application, and how to submit your application. Lobbyists also need to file regular reports. 060. Choose Contact the Police Department’s Records Bureau to request police reports and other police records—including letters of good standing, collision reports, booking photos, and more. Those without The City of Berkeley invites qualified contractors to submit sealed bids for the Berkeley Marina Dredging Project. Rent a room at a Berkeley Senior Center for an upcoming meeting or event. Adopted Southside Plan documents and previous Nov 29, 2023 · People 55 or older should complete the survey by Dec. Tsukamoto Public Safety Building is the headquarters for the City of Berkeley’s Fire and Police Departments. Make sure you understand the local requirements and account for them in your project plans before submitting your permit applications. Report a crime, or submit a complaint or commendation for a police officer. These permits allow residents in those designated areas to park their cars close to home for more than two hours during the posted hours. Jun 30, 2017 · The GIS Master Plan identified the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) needs of the City of Berkeley and prioritized tasks to support the City’s goals. Councilmembers: Sep 24, 2024 · The Berkeley Municipal Code is a compilation of the City’s laws. , 3rd Floor, Berkeley, CA 94704 (510) 981-7500 TTY: (510) 981-6903 Get vaccinated for COVID-19, report a crime, or access homeless services. Our services support the people of Berkeley’s participation in their City government. Please review the detailed instructions to facilitate searching in the Records Online See full list on berkeleyca. You can access the code online to find detail about individual ordinances. The tax bill covers the period from July 1 through June 30. Stay updated by subscribing to mailing lists for opportunities for construction bids and all other bids and proposals, or to receive bid results. For Plan your project well by learning all about the permitting process, including how to research permits, file appeals, and get inspections. Submit by Feb. Aug 7, 2024 · Advises the City Council on all matters affecting fire safety and/or disaster resilience within Berkeley. Contractors, landlords, retailers, restaurateurs, and most merchants who have a business license in Berkeley can now renew using our online portal. An animal control officer will respond to the scene and take The City of Berkeley is pleased to offer electronic submittal requests for permit applications, online payments and inspection scheduling 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Report Graffiti Please fill out this form to report graffiti. The City has many commissions that discuss issues ranging from Civic Arts to Disaster and Fire Safety. The Department of Information Technology (IT) provides citywide strategic technology direction, infrastructure support for the City of Berkeley network, all Geographical Information Systems (GIS) data, sets Cyber Security protocols, and operational support of citywide enterprise software applications across a variety of technology platforms. Search Search Commissioners, employees, and elected officials in the City of Berkeley file public reports of their personal financial interests. The City undertakes capital projects to improve infrastructure, including roads, parks, City buildings, and more. Sep 27, 2011 · At the direction of the City Council, the Planning Department is considering amendments to the Southside Plan. By coordinating all the aspects of the records request process through one Apr 23, 2024 · Include a check or money order made payable to the City of Berkeley. The Residential Condominium Conversion Packet details the steps to ensure you are compliant with local laws and provides a checklist so you can check your application for May 16, 2022 · Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. In their calendar, you will see 30 Steps you can take to prepare in Berkeley! Challenge yourself and see if you can complete all 30 or pick one item Recover property collected as evidence or held for safe-keeping by the Berkeley Police Department from the Property and Evidence Room. All local government lobbyists in Berkeley must register before engaging in any lobbying activities. Read the full plan using the links below or download a PDF. Find information about the most common types of permits needed for construction and development projects. Email: bpdpio@berkeleyca. SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD ROOM - 1231 ADDISON STREET, BERKELEY, CA 94702. govPhone: (510) 981-5780On Fridays, weekends, holidays or in the event that the Public Information Officer is not available, please contact the 24-hour BPD Web Policy| Contact PSC| Contact Building and Safety City of Berkeley - Permit Service Center, 1947 Center St. cityofberkeley The Office of Vital Statistics registers births, deaths and fetal deaths occurring within the city limits of the City of Berkeley. Other types of buildings may also benefit from retrofits to be better prepared for an earthquake. Property is released by appointment only, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, with the exception of Connect with resources to help you understand the business landscape of Berkeley. View or request records through NextRequest or Records OnlineYou may obtain a copy of a police crime/incident report or other police records through the Department's Records Unit. Berkeley residents are the highest level in the City’s organization chart. To sign up your seaworthy vessel, please contact the Marina Office to confirm availability. Adults 55 and older in Alameda County can share their perspective via a survey to help inform the services and programs offered to seniors across Berkeley and the county. Run for office or get a measure on the ballot for the next local election. Anyone can view reported comments. gov (510) 981-5190 : Senior and Disabled Home Rehabilitation Loan Program If you receive compensation to communicate with City officials or employees in order to influence decisions, you must register as a lobbyist so there is a public record of your activities. gov about it, and report the fraud attempt to the Berkeley Police at (510) 981-5900. Oct 29, 2024 · Attend a City Council or commission meeting, apply for jobs, look up City holidays The Open Government Ordinance ensures access to public meetings, agendas, recordings, and other key public records. South Berkeley Senior Center: seniors@berkeleyca. Read the full plan below or download a PDF. 31 to tell us what services you’d like to see in Berkeley and Alameda County as a whole. • Local 1227 : Sworn non-managerial Fire employees: June 2026: Berkeley Fire EMS Professionals Association : Non-managerial Fire employees : June 2026: Berkeley Police Association Call Animal Control at (510) 981- 6600 if you have been bitten by an animal. Berkeley has a number of specific requirements, in addition to State requirements for building and construction. Review salary ranges for benefited job classifications at the City of Berkeley. Bids will must be received by City of Berkeley/Finance Department/General Services Division, at 2180 Milvia Street, 3rd Floor, Berkeley, CA 94704 until 2:00 PM on Thursday, March 7, 2024. Report a crime by phone or online. The annual tax bill from Alameda County includes taxes, fixed charges, and/or special assessments. m. In some cases you will need to take additional steps to recover your vehicle: If your vehicle was impounded for driving with a suspended license, you will need to call the Berkeley Police Traffic Bureau at (510) 981-5980 to schedule a tow hearing. , 3rd Floor, Berkeley, CA 94704 (510) 981-7500 TTY: (510) 981-6903 Register your security camera to help the Berkeley Police Department know you have a security camera and are willing to share footage to support a criminal investigation. The survey asks about your needs for transportation, housing, healthcare The City of Berkeley is committed to upholding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Laws at the Federal, State, and City level protect people who are looking for housing (whether to rent or buy) from discrimination. Visit Berkeley ConsidersRegistered users on Berkeley Considers can post their comments online with or without their name. Associated documents may only be available at the city's website. Apply for or renew your business license, and pay special business taxes, if relevant to you. Through this study, the City of Berkeley will be collecting placemaking and street design ideas directly from the North Berkeley residents, businesses, employees, and other key stakeholders who frequent this unique and joyful corner of Berkeley. gov (510) 981-5170: Meals on Wheels Program: mealsonwheels@berkeleyca. - 5:00 p. Dec 6, 2021 · Request, track and get notified Berkeley, California (Monday, December 06, 2021) - Use an online portal to request public records from the City, track their progress, receive email updates and download the sought-after documents. Fire Administration is on the second floor of the Public Safety Building. During a storm, streets and property can quickly flood if water is not able to run off into a storm drain or other infrastructure. Enroll in a camp or register for a recreation program. The building will undergo window upgrades and HVAC system improvements to ensure proper indoor air quality. Construction in the immediate vicinity may not extend for this entire period. Gain an understanding of Berkeley's economy by reading economic dashboards. Raising and spending money in a Berkeley electionIf you raise or spend more Understand the process for getting the permits you need, from researching records, to submitting your application, to scheduling building inspections, and more. Download the full set of Residents and businesses in Berkeley can request that the City install a new street light. The Hopkins Corridor Traffic and Placemaking Study is a "conceptual design" study, with the primary focus centered around community outreach. Calculate the Download Berkeley’s Enterprise System Catalog to learn about the systems that the City utilizes. You can also Report a crime, access police records, sign up for police alerts, and access other police services and resources. All are online and can be accessed via the public terminals in the City Clerk's Department at 2180 Milvia Street. Create community connections For permits prior to 2014, search using only the last four digits of the Permit Number and "%" as a placeholder for the rest. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board Help our community stay healthy and safe from COVID-19 by using tools such as vaccination, masking, and testing. Jan 23, 2024 · Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. You can access this information as a transparency measure. Search by address, neighborhood, or zip; or use the filters on the left sidebar to filter by permit number, date received, or permit type. The Planning and Development Department's mission is to enhance safety, livability and resilience in the built environment and to work with the community to promote and protect Berkeley's distinctive neighborhoods, vibrant commercial areas, unique character and natural resources for current and future generations. Timeline Construction is expected to begin in July/August 2022 and will take approximately three months to complete depending on weather and unforeseen conditions. Guest boaters are welcome to tie up at the Berkeley Marina. If you receive such a call, please hang up, email Planning@berkeleyca. Learn about upcoming and past ballot measures. Visitors staying overnight will pay a fee, depending on the length of their stay. Review data on employee compensation from the State Controller’s Office. docx Welcome to the City of Berkeley's Records Online Records Online is the City’s online portal for public access to records related to the city’s legislative bodies, city contracts, and election information. Berkeley Ready is bringing to light what to do and have when your power goes out. Feb 25, 2025 · Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the public counter at the City Clerk Department located on the first floor of City Hall located at 2180 Milvia Street, and through the City's online records portal: https://records. Use the data catalog to search for public datasets on topics such as public safety, demographics, city budget, and more. Berkeley’s Open Government Ordinance ensures that community members can access public meetings and documents. gov View and download data from the City of Berkeley on our Open Data Portal. Oct 17, 2016 · The Digital Strategic Plan, developed in 2016, identified the City of Berkeley’s technology needs and prioritized initiatives and projects to support the City’s goals. Nov 5, 2024 · Berkeley registered voters can vote on ballot measures to change the city charter, add a new law, or prevent a new law from going into effect. The Ronald T. Berkeley’s green building requirements are helping reduce our community’s dependence on fossil-fuels and create healthier, more resilient buildings. DateReasonWednesday, January 1, 2025New Year's DayFriday, January 10, 2025Reduced Service DayMonday, January 20, 2025Martin Luther King Jr. Follow current Health Officer Orders. Visit the Permit Service Center once you've determined the types of permits you need. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board Contact the Berkeley Police Department’s Public Information Officer for media requests about crime and police activities. Learn more below about the laws around discrimination based on protected characteristics or on criminal history. For mail or in-person renewals, use the forms provided and instructions. cityofberkeley Apply for a business license, get business assistance, find bid & proposal opportunities Nov 1, 2024 · Shoshana O’Keefe is honored to serve as the Councilmember for District 5, representing the vibrant neighborhoods of North Berkeley and the Berkeley Hills. Please note: email addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board Find guidance and resources to help you run your business safely, legally, and successfully. Follow the City of Berkeley's design parameters when planning your construction and development projects. current electionTwelve City ballot measures appeared on the November 5, 2024 ballot. Announcements on opportunities for public input will be available on this site throughout the life of the project. Apply for a job with the City of Berkeley. Get help with your business, including advice, help navigating City requirements, financing, and Green Business Certification. Once you have submitted your application, you can track it online, upload additional documents, and schedule inspections. Report clogged drains to 311 or (510) 981-2489. On January 23, 2018, City Council adopted Resolution No. Renewing your business license online can reduce time for you and Feb 28, 2025 · Businesses seeking to add or keep outdoor seating can opt for three choices: install outdoor commerce in the street, utilize sidewalk for seating, or convert street space into a public park. Submit building permit applications onlineTo apply online:Login or register for an account at Permits OnlineUnder Building Permits, select “Generate Request” and agree to the terms. S. Contact the Records Bureau for police records, including letters Jun 19, 2024 · Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Berkeleyans who live in areas requiring residential permit parking can renew their permits or sign up for a new one. F. Standard work hours are Environmental Management Area (EMA): EMAs are areas in the City of Berkeley known or suspected to have groundwater contamination. Records Online contains the following documents: Ordinances; Resolutions; Meeting Minutes; Communications to the City Council; Berkeley Election Results and Voter Guides; Contracts; Review the date ranges of specific document types found in Records Online. Mar 12, 2024 · Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public record and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Read local laws in the Berkeley Municipal Code and City Charter. cityofberkeley Berkeley Considers is the official online forum for the City of Berkeley used to collect your comments and input on various issues. hnv jab qntn ckh lcgedoh vlfmgs ixpxyijq kvhdpx crtm tpuc vga vxdih rrhbz tdecmcn vufeop